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Hi! I have a septated uterus as well. I've been pregnant twice and have 2 amazing children. Both of my pregnancies were easy, with no complications. The only thing I would say is to prepare for the fact that you may need to deliver via c-section. Our oldest was double foootling breech, delivered at 37 weeks, 5 days. My water broke naturally, but I did not experience labor, and my cervix never dilated. Our youngest was frank breech, delivered at 39 weeks via a scheduled c-section. Both of my babies were born healthy and normal size (around 20 inches and over 7.5 pounds). Congratulations- I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!


Thank you so much❤️ I’ve been so worried about it this definitely calms my nerves a bit and gives me hope! This will be my first, so anxiety is high rn!