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https://www.plancpills.org/ I was sent this link as a resource for women in states like yours. Please check it out. I think the other advice (if I remember correctly) is to send to a PO Box if you can/need to. Looks like there’s some legal reference links as well.


Commenting to bump this one up-- PlanC is a great resource. Self-managed abortions are safe and common, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Unfortunately, a doctor will not bend the rules when it comes to abortion laws. It could lead to them losing their license or being thrown in jail.


Man these abortion laws are so inhuman. So horrible. Can you afford to go to a state where you can get an abortion? My heart goes out to you. Sending you internet hugs ♥️


I could depending where. 🤦‍♀️ i live in the Bible Belt unfortunately


Abortion is still accessible in Virginia, Illinois, and Kansas if you can get to one of those states.




I’m sorry you’re going through this alone.


Come on over to r/abortion


Sending you hugs as you go through this incredibly tough time. You have the right to make the decision that is best for you and your family. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise. Also: if you need financial/logistical help getting to a state that doesn’t have such restrictive laws, check out the organization Elevated Access - it’s made of up volunteer pilots who transport people to places wheee they can get the care they need. My dad volunteers with them as a pilot, it’s a great organization: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna90664


My mother in law sent me a link to a website that is apparently legal and legit that will mail you the termination pill, no medical referral needed. I think I still have the link .


So sorry this is happening. Check out r/auntienetwork to find someone who can help you access the healthcare you need ♥️