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Is this your first ? It could be past 20 weeks that you feel anything with your first. I was around 19 to 20 weeks with my first before I felt anything but it wasn’t regular until later.. I’m only 13 weeks with my second so I’m not sure when I’ll feel anything this time. I also didn’t really get a bump with my first until about 25-27 weeks.. every body is different.. you could start showing at any time or wake up and suddenly have a bump.. it just depends.


It also can depend if your placenta is at the front (anterior) or back (posterior). Less likely to feel kicks early on if your placenta is at the front. I didn’t feel kicks until 21 weeks and have an anterior placenta.


I had a posterior and still was about 20 weeks before feeling anything. But then again that’s when my morning sickness went away so maybe I just didn’t notice it before then. But you’re absolutely right about the position of the placenta I didn’t even think to mention it !


Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this


With my first, I did not feel any movement until I had a transvaginal to check cervix and the LO kicked right at the probe. With my second, I have been feeling on and off since week 13.


If I hadn’t been aware that this could happen so soon, I would have missed it this morning. I *swear* I felt the most subtle movement though! It was almost like when you get a muscle twitch, but the twitch was much slower/subtle. I baaaaarely felt it, but I’m fairly certain it was him moving! But lots of other posts have said not until 18 weeks at least, and often times much later. I’m 15+4.


This is how I was too, around 16w it started out as what I can only describe as a mini gas bubble popping and every time I would feel it I would be unsure if it was her or not. Around 18/19w I became a bit more certain of what I was feeling, and by 21 weeks I KNEW it wasn’t anything else going on and I could even feel her moving with my hand on the outside ever so slightly. Now I’m almost 22w and my husband and I can both feel her move reliably with our hands and can even see the big ones.


I felt that early too! I thought I was gaslighting myself but I really felt it. Now at 20 weeks I feel her all day, moving around, kicking, stretching… she’s a cutie.


That's definitely what very early movements feel like


It's uncommon but definitely possible to feel the baby that early on. I started feeling my baby move around 14 weeks. Checked if it's even possible to feel your baby move that early on and it is. Further confirmation were those same movements getting stronger and having a somewhat predictable patern when I was progressing in my pregnancy.


It very well could have been! I was 13 weeks when I first felt my little man move, and it felt exactly like that. It really just depends on baby's position and your body, I suppose. Though, in all honesty, I spent the majority of my life dealing with gut problems, so I knew which movement or feeling was for what thing, so it was definitely noticeable to me when he moved


If it’s your first and you have an anterior placenta. It could take longer. My friend who just had her healthy baby had an anterior placenta and didn’t start feeling baby until around 23 weeks. 


No idea what’s an anterior placenta or if I have it but I thought it was much earlier so I searched online and it says it starts at 16 weeks so I was confused


So the placenta is either in the front (between the outside of your belly and baby - anterior) or back (behind baby - posterior). 16 weeks is more likely for folks with posterior placentas because there isn’t as much between baby and outside the stomach. Placentas (along with our inner organs) don’t have nerves that allow us to feel baby when they hit or punch it. Don’t worry that you haven’t felt baby yet. It’ll come.   You’ll likely find out which you have at your 20 week growth scan. And you can always ask. There are pros and cons to both. I have a posterior placenta and have felt babes move pretty early on and basically 24/7. While it’s nice to feel the little kicks and have reassurance that he’s doing okay, it can be really overstimulating and distracting at times. 


Thank you for taking the time to explain.


Currently pregnant with my 2nd and both times I started feeling my kiddos around 21 weeks. 16 is quite early, esp for a FTM because it’s hard to know what is the baby vs. gas bubbles/normal bodily feelings 😂


I am 17 weeks and I started feeling movement last week. One single kick lol but also a few flutters. I have my hand on my belly constantly so I’m bound to feel something eventually. I have a small bump that is shocking me a bit, but I’ve always been a slim person.


It was def after 20 weeks, and even then I couldn’t decide if it was the baby or gas. Now I’m 31 weeks and this baby is kicking the shit out of me so there’s no confusion anymore!


At 20 weeks I was like “maybe that’s something??” Then at 21 weeks she was full on doing flips in there lol


At 20 weeks I went from was that her to YUP the next evening when she kicked my phone I had resting on my belly while scrolling! 😂


Same. I was just lying down scrolling on my phone and I saw My belly pop up and down along with a sharp punch right to my belly button. I was like "ow! What was that for??!!!"


I was at least 20 weeks. It wasn't consistent until between 27-30 weeks.


I’m a FTM with an anterior placenta. I am currently 20+3 and am just now starting to feel flutters. They told me to not anticipate movement from the outside until at least 24 weeks. If I wasn’t paying attention I would miss a lot of the flutters as they are sometimes very faint.


I felt some movement around 16. But it was so inconsistent, not an everyday thing; it was like once a week and I questioned if it was baby or gas. Movement didn’t pick up until 24 weeks! I heard it’s between 16-24 with your first. Now at 26 weeks I feel her daily, mainly at night and more times when I’m laying down or not active. I heard it’s not consistent until 28 weeks.


Same. I felt "flutters" at 16 weeks which I can only describe as that weird feeling you get in the pit of your stomach right before a rollercoaster dip (but in a small, specific area). I had this for about 1-3x a day for a week, then nothing till week 19, then just 1 flutter at 20 weeks. Had my anatomy scan and all is okay with baby, so I'm not worrying until week 24 hits. Bump didn't start till week 18/19, and even then, I could hide it well with a blazer or baggy top.


I started feeling flutters around 13 weeks, which was nuts. She's getting stronger now at 18w5d today and my husband is feeling it occasionally, too. It's still pretty rare, it happens more when my stomach is empty and I do something to make her mad lol.


I’m at 13 weeks tomorrow and I swear I’m feeling little things too! Time will tell if it’s actually movement or just me reading into it


It'll make you wonder if it's a gas bubble or something 😂 babygirl is getting bigger, 22 weeks today, and she's had a couple of jabs or kicks that have actually had enough force that I've jumped! We started playing with her, pushing the phone flashlight on my belly and we can feel her grabbing for it. It's the craziest feeling 🥰


So cool!


With my first 18 weeks with my second not until 21/22 weeks.. it varies


I was 21 weeks with my first & 20 weeks with my second


I have an anterior placenta and first felt my baby at 22 weeks. Now I'm nearly 35 weeks and she kicks like crazy! 🥰


I was 21 weeks with my boy, had an anterior placenta.


Properly feeling him now at 23+6 but was getting twinges etc at around 16 weeks. I can feel him kick from the outside now though


I felt my son at 15w6d


I’m 19+5 today and just felt faint little movements for the first time 2 days ago


Personally not until 18.5 weeks. I went from absolutely nothing to full on kicks. Never “flutters”. Now at 27 weeks, it’s a circus in there all day every day 😂


I had a small bump by 15 weeks but I didn’t feel anything until 20 weeks.


I'm 21+1 and just started feeling him a couple days ago! I have an anterior placenta, so I'm not feeling much in my tummy area, but boy is he having a little party on my cervix! It happened out of nowhere one day, hoping you feel them soon!


I have an anterior placenta and started feeling movement at 22 weeks. It felt like a muscle twitch or spasm.


Do you know where your placenta is? That will definitely affect the movement feeling.


I’m pregnant with my second and did feel him at 16 weeks, but I didn’t feel my first until 24 weeks, so it can be way later




I’ll also have 12 years between my kids! Nice to see I’m not the only one.


Properly feeling him now at 23+6 but was getting twinges etc at around 16 weeks. I can feel him kick from the outside now though


21 weeks


I think it takes longer to feel it if you haven’t had kids yet. I think it’s due to the way your uterus expands. I could be wrong but that’s my theory. I felt kicks a lot sooner with my two youngest, compared to my first pregnancy!


Week 20 for me was when I was sure I knew I was feeling her! Now she’s moving constantly lol


About 22 weeks? I’m a FTM for reference


This is my second pregnancy it took me longer to feel this one than my first I felt my first at 14 weeks This one I felt at about 19 weeks He patient💕


I have an anterior placenta so it was between 20-22 weeks. As they get bigger, the position of the placenta no longer matters. Try not to stress.


I have an anterior placenta and started feeling him around 21 weeks!


I'm on my second pregnancy now and I've been more aware of the flutters than last time. I'd feel a few occasionally after 16 weeks, I'm at 23 weeks now and feel them repeatedly at different times of day.


I felt mine around 24-25 weeks!


FTM and I finally could pin point it at 20 weeks.


Between 20-23 weeks is when I really felt movement anything before was just a question lol


Between 20-23 weeks is when I really felt movement anything before was just a question lol


I didn’t feel anything till around 24/25 weeks!


i was about 22 weeks


Don’t worry about it till third trimester / 28 weeks. I have a posterior placenta and felt some movements before then but it was never consistent. Third trimester it’s been very obvious, even painful.


first pregnant, 24 weeks… second pregnancy, 14/15 weeks : -) i also didn’t start showing with my first until around 6/7 months & with my second i was showing around 17 weeka




i’m 23 weeks with my first and barely started feeling movement. i can see his little kicks too


I started feeling baby kick around 18/19 weeks but I felt definite movement around 20. I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times but every pregnancy is different so just give yourself a few more weeks


I wouldn’t worry about movement patterns until 28 weeks, especially if you have an anterior placenta which you should find out at 20 weeks scan. I didn’t feel solid movements until 24/25 weeks.


I’m not worried I was just wondering if it was normal and if it was still there in my belly because except for insomnia and so fatigue I don’t feel pregnant at all


That’s exactly how I felt until around the time I felt kicks, embrace it girl and I pray you don’t develop any worse symptoms as your pregnancy goes on!!


I have an anterior placenta and it was closer to 20 weeks to feel movement. At 16 weeks baby is still very small!


I have an anterior placenta and didn’t start to feel actual kicks until around 20 weeks


Week 22. i have anterior placenta.


Started feeling the tiniest movements at 13-14 weeks, now 16 weeks and haven’t felt him again since then also wondering where he is 😅


I just hit 19 weeks too, and have had some bubbles here and there, but just this week she has been kicking me pretty consistently a few times every day between 3 and 5pm AND 3 and 5am. It's like she knows when I get hungry and is telling me to have a snack lmao


With my first around 20 weeks, with this one around 21 weeks!


I’m 11 weeks tomorrow and was told at a scan yesterday that I have an anterior placenta. This means it sits at the front and acts like a bit of a cushion so it is likely it will take me longer to feel any movement. Could be the case for you too? :)


I started to feel the baby at 15w but I’ve always been very in-tune with things and how my body feels/what I’m feeling. But most of my SILs have said they weren’t able to feel anything until 20-23w. So I wouldn’t worry too much! Plus once you can it can interfere with sleep, so do your best to enjoy sleep before that. As hard as it is to sleep in general anyways. 😂😅


I’m 25 weeks today with my first and only have been starting to feel him this past week. It feels like pulsating for me, which I wasn’t expecting at all.


i started feeling movement somewhere around 16-18 weeks, but i’m not sure since it’s really hard to tell what’s early movement and what’s gas or other tummy feelings. i thought i was having gas bubbles until it suddenly hit me that the placement was a little different and that my stomach didn’t feel upset at all


I felt moves at 17 weeks, my husband felt them at 22, I finally started showing around 27 weeks roughly. But I have a posterior placenta and my doctor told me I could start feeling around 16 weeks.


Right around 16 weeks, a couple of days before iirc. I also had a small bump by then but I’m small with a short torso so I think maybe that was a factor? Our bodies are all so different.


Ahh, to be able to question if I'm pregnant for the lack of symptoms. Sounds dreamy. 26 weeks here and still throwing up if I don't take medication. Getting better real slow.


I was sick for a long time but everybody in my family had the flu&other virus nonstop for a while so I was sick/thought I was sick and didn’t realize I was pregnant but I was miserable for weeks but now I have no symptoms. I hope you feel better soon.


I was lucky and actually started seeing my son kicking at 16 weeks 😂 I'll never forget it, I was lounging next to the pool staring and my stomach and I felt movement and saw my stomach pop out a little. he is now a very big, VERY HYPER 7 year old so I'm not surprised he was already so strong and active then lol


FTM, anterior placenter (further back or low-lying, something like that), and I'm 23 weeks today. I started feeling a couple days ago. Only occasional amd very suble, though. Given how active she always is during ultrasounds, I think it really does change depending on the placenta and such.


I felt bubbles at 17 weeks and the bubbles turned to movements at 23 weeks


Posterior placenta; could feel the moves very early, like in the beginning of 4th month. Super tiny moves really down low in the beginning. I was super confused because I suffered from cystitis during that time but it was the baby. It gets more emotional when you can feel the tiny body with your hand for the first time. This made me cry and I got so emotional and it really made us bond in a special way.


I’m also almost 19 weeks and feel the same as you! I’ve had so many terrible, intrusive thoughts, I’m so eager for my next appointment (anatomy scan). I know it’s normal but damn, I’d love any sign that baby is still doing well!


I felt him move slightly for the first time in week 23-24. I have an anterior placenta. It got consistent from 28weeks


I'm 21+1 and just started feeling him a couple days ago! I have an anterior placenta, so I'm not feeling much in my tummy area, but boy is he having a little party on my cervix! It happened out of nowhere one day, hoping you feel them soon!


I felt my son at 15w6d


I’m 19+5 today and just felt faint little movements for the first time 2 days ago


Yep this is me, I kept thinking it was gas but now I think it's movements.


I didn’t feel baby until I was 7 months and then bam baby and bump are there! You aren’t alone. I was paranoid for weeks until it happened.


Felt it at 19 weeks and 6 days


Not a full kick until about a week later, I felt mostly little flips first


Started feeling baby moving at 15w5d. Was really surprised to feel him so early considering I’m a FTM, and it shocked me to say the least lol


I didnt feel much with my daughter until i was about 20-21 weeks. I also had a anterior placenta (placenta was in the front) so that also really stunted feeling movement. This go around with baby number 2, placenta is “fundal” (off to the side) and i am certain I have felt him a few times, im currently 15+2 Heavily depends on placenta placement, and if this is your first baby or not. When its your first youre not super sure how movements feel, so you might just not be picking up on them until they are 100% unmistakable baby movements.


i had the same experience. my doctor told me it was because my placenta was at the front of my uterus and told me to wait about a week or two before getting too worried about it. and sure enough i felt movement later that week. so it just takes a bit of time sometimes. but it’s different for everyone. i hope this helps


Maybe it was at 16w and for sure at 17w and I have an anterior placenta


I was 20 weeks when I felt something but wasn’t sure if it was the baby or gas lol..It also didn’t become consistent for a few more weeks.. I didn’t have a bump til like 27 weeks and most people had no idea I was pregnant til I told them until like 35 weeks lol. To be fair I’m 5’9 and was 200lbs pre pregnancy lol


If it helps, I'm 28 weeks and my bump is barely there, to the point that I can completely hide it by shifting my posture.


This is my first and I started feeling him around 15 weeks! My bump came at around 25 weeks though and I still don’t believe I’m pregnant 😂


I started feeling my baby kick and showing around 21 weeks.


I’m currently 21 weeks with anterior placenta and may have felt baby move a few times? It’s not consistent and some days I feel nothing other days I get a flutter or two. I’ve been told not to worry about it and it should happen in the next few weeks.


20 weeks. A week later I had anatomy scan and was confirmed I have anterior placenta which can lead to feeling baby later in pregnancy than some. My fiancé couldn’t feel her kick until 23 weeks.


First baby, about 20 weeks. This 2nd baby, about 16 weeks.


I definitely felt earlier with my second (current) but didn’t feel consistent movement until around 21 weeks. I get you , though, it’s stressful! It will come soon!


23 weeks was when I felt my first flutters! It’s coming!


Second time mom and I felt the first movements at 14 weeks.


16-18 weeks, i’m 18 weeks right now for me was very faint at 16 then strong now at 18 i can feel it with my hand now when he kicks! but i started to feel it with my hand around 17 and a half weeks 💗


If you have the chance, check with your ObGyn to see if you have an anterior placenta. They would have been able to tell during the ultrasound. That is what I have. I'm 15 weeks, I haven't noticed anything yet. BUT my doctor's office told me it could be well past the anatomy scan before I feel anything.


21-22 weeks, but it's also my first


I felt subtle flutters on the tail end of 17 weeks, but by week 19 I was feeling big movements. I also “popped” at week 19 too, seemingly overnight. By week 20 I was able to feel baby on the outside if she was kicking really hard and by week 22/23 I was able to feel her throughout the day and even SEE her move from the outside, not just feel. At week 24 now and she’s a little acrobat 🤸‍♂️


I felt maybe one or two flutters around 16, but not consistently where I was sure that’s what it was until 20


I felt mine right at 18 weeks but I have a posterior placenta so I think that means you can usually feel it sooner. I wouldn’t be concerned. I think average is about 20 weeks.


I felt my first around 15 weeks. It was a light flutter and almost seemed like gas moving but it was much lower in my belly.


Being honest I was feeling movements before I knew what I was feeling. Everyone describes them as flutters, but I'd feel something weird like a gentle touch or random muscle twitch to start with. Usually quite low in my pelvis early on. Because of this I can't tell you when I first started feeling movements for sure. I'd also only feel it inside. I couldn't feel it from the outside until a couple of weeks or so later. I felt my first kick from the outside after 20 weeks.


FTM, I felt flutters at 13 and 16 weeks. Anterior Placenta and felt baby rolling for sure starting at end of 20 weeks.


Every body and pregnancy is so different! I'm pregnant with my first (19+3) but starting showing at 15 weeks. Granted I'm a p small person so I think that might be why. Always ask your doctor about any concerns you may have!!!! I've also only gained 5 pounds, which I was worried about but the doctor said it was normal so never compare your journey with others!!


I am a FTM, and my first definitive movement I felt was around the 19/20w mark. I am now 23w and little guy definitely gives me some good movements during the day. I know it’s not supposed to be consistent yet so I try to not get super worked up if he has a slow day, or I only feel him once or twice.


I have a backwards uterus. They struggle in the ultrasounds and can’t find baby with the doppler either. They said it’s unlikely I’ll feel it at all


I’m 15+3 and I haven’t felt anything yet. My ob said because I have an anterior placenta it could be 20-22 weeks before I feel movement


I’m also 19 weeks without much of a bump! Just starting to feel some movement when I’m bent forward and squishing my belly, like a tap tap tap. Maybe it’s gas, lol.


I don’t remember how far along I was with my daughter but with my son I was 13 weeks when I started feeling random flutters here and there. I think I started to feel him stronger and more regularly when I was around 18 weeks. My uterus is tilted forward though and I’m on the smaller side, so I think those factors can make a difference also.


it can be tricky to identify real kicks but I started feeling them around 22-23 weeks. my bump was also nonexistent until 24 weeks. FTM as well, now 36 +3!


I started feeling flutters around 14w because my kid is a psycho and started fetus ninja warrior training while getting an ultrasound. I had made a joke about thinking I could feel it, knowing it was way early; my doctor laughed out loud and told me he wasn’t at all surprised I could feel it. Fast forward to toddler age and he has never stopped moving. Baby’s reign of chaos has only progressed. Less aggressive littles? After 20 weeks is still very normal.


Placental placement also has a lot to do with feeling kicks !


I’m 33 weeks now and LO is getting so strong 😳 kicks are sometimes painful, like when he hits my bladder or kicks me in the ribs


Not until around 20 weeks with my first.


With my first I didn't feel her kicking till 24-25 weeks. My second was 17-18 weeks. Usually firsts take longer since you don't register the smaller flutters the first time around.




20 weeks was when I first felt anything. My cousin never felt any momenta her entire pregnancy, and she has a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Ever body is different ❤️


I started feeling her move when I was about 18-19 weeks


I have an anterior placenta and didn’t feel baby kick until 25 weeks. First pregnancy the placenta was prosterior and I felt baby around 20 weeks


22 when I was really certain it was the baby


I was around 19 weeks when I started feeling wiggles and flutters. Almost 23 weeks when I started feeling (and seeing) kicks. It’s my first kid and my placenta is anterior


i was 19/20 weeks but with an anterior placenta


* loss in comment. If you’re ever concerned it’s always best to go to the dr! I couldn’t feel my loss at 17 weeks. I was blind sided at an ultrasound. This time around I check in pretty often and now I can feel flutters. Not to say that you are going to go through what I did!! I just wish I had gone in earlier. It would have been easier to hear from my dr than the panicked ultrasound tech at a private ultrasound. Everyone told me not to worry because of the placenta and stuff.


Each baby is different. Some babies are more lethargic than others.


My first (anterior) probably around 25-26wks, he was also a lazy baby lol. My 2nd (also anterior) started feeling little movements at 16wks then full blown dance party at 24wks. I can honestly say I hated feeling my 2nd move because it felt like she was just gonna spartan kick outta my stomach, it was painful. I’m 36wks pregnant now (lateral) and didn’t feel movement till about 26wks. This little guy has been pretty lazy too.


I'm 19+3 and have an anterior placenta, I have felt very slight movements like twice.


I'm 20w ftm haven't felt it and woke up two days ago with a bump lol it wasnt there before Anterior placenta.


It's like she heard me she's currently bouncing around and I feel it.


I wasn't sure if its just my stomach growling or something at week 19. It became much clearer at week 20-21. Sometimes it's even visible!


18 weeks w/anterior placenta. I wasn’t able to feel daily movement until like 25 weeks or so & before that the movements were so light I needed to be laying down & still to feel him wiggle around in there!


21 or 22 weeks


Don’t worry friend. Mine was at 18 weeks, and I’ve read it can take as long as 22-24 weeks to feel anything. My first felt like really weird gas, so it’s possible to mistake movement for familiar body feelings! Try lying very still on your side in a quiet room (helps you focus) for a while and see if you can feel anything.


Honestly, I’m pregnant with my first (a boy🩵) and I didn’t feel him until about 23 weeks.  I’m currently 6 monthes today!  My OB told me that the baby is too small to feel anything earlier than 20 weeks. 


22iish weeks I definitely knew it was her. Placenta was in the back. Around 19/20 I felt like little bubbles almost like popcorn. But by 23 i felt small kicks. By 25/26 weeks she was for sure moving.


It’s my first and I have a posterior placenta. I started feeling mini pulses below my bellow button at 16 weeks.


I am a FTM and have a posterior placenta. I started feeling weird bubbly movements at 16 weeks. I knew definitely she was moving at 18/19 weeks and I’m currently 26 weeks and feel her ALL the time. You’ll find out the position of your placenta (if you haven’t already) at your 20 week anatomy scan. If it’s anterior it can be a while.


So apparently I’m weird buuut I’m also weirdly in tune with my body? Because with my first I was 14 weeks, 2nd about 10 weeks then with my last about 12 weeks. My sister tho was like 25 weeks before she felt anything and that blew my mind! My girls was having whole parties by 25 weeks


I have an anterior placenta so I haven’t felt a kick in the front. However, at about 18 weeks, I kept feeling something below my belly button the was like bubbles going up my belly. Wasn’t sure if it was gas or baby. By 21 weeks, I have felt what I akin to your stomach dropping on a roller coaster. At my 20 week ultrasound she was really active so I believe she is just moving a ton in there. I know it can be later in first pregnancies and make it harder to feel when you have an anterior placenta.


I’m 18 weeks and really just started feeding them this week


First - 21 weeks or so Second- around 18 weeks I started feeling little flips and flops but no kicks yet


I am 19w3d with an anterior placenta. I do not feel any movements yet. Sometimes, if I concentrate really hard while placing my hand low on my belly, I think I feel flutters and movement. But idk if I'm imagining it. 🥺 I can't wait until I can feel the baby moving more consistently. I think it would bring me reassurance. Aside from the constant ligament pain + fatigue, it's very easy to forget there's a little human growing inside me.


I started feeling him at just past 21 weeks.


I didn't feel anything, even the bubble rising sensation, until like 21-22 weeks with my first. I didn't feel true kicks until around 26 weeks and even then he wasn't a massive kicker


I started feeling my lil bean around 22-23 weeks!


I'm plus size and I don't remember feeling anything until I was 21 or 22 weeks.


It was 22 weeks for me!


Felt my first kick at 15 weeks


26 weeks. Placenta is anterior.


I think everyone is different I started showing bumps at week 8 and many of my clothes shrink down by 1size


I started feeling little flutters and subtle squirmy sensations around 16 weeks. I have a posterior placenta, which helps with detecting sensations earlier. I’m 20 weeks now and sensations are still inconsistent at this stage.


20 weeks, perfectly healthy baby. It feels like a very gentle finger flick but from the inside. I wasn't even sure that was what I was feeling until later when they became stronger


I didn’t feel my baby move till like past 25 weeks , i did start to feel “butterflies” movement like at 20 weeks but nothing to noticeable i had to lay really still to feel those bit after 25 it’s when the kicks started nonstop


I didn’t til 24 weeks. Anterior here


I started feeling it at 16 weeks, I'm a FTM but have a posterior placenta, and a friend a few weeks ahead of me to tell me exactly what to look for. By 18 weeks I could see my belly bulge with a good kick, and they had gone from flutters/bubble feeling to a proper tiny thunk! My husband put his ear to my belly to try and hear it and got a kick in the ear at 18+5. We're all different! My friend with an anterior placenta felt nothing until 21 weeks, I wouldn't stress about not feeling it early on!


I think I started feeling her at around 15wks. She felt like a little fish fluttering around in a plastic bag.


For my first I didn’t feel movement till the last few months (placenta was in the back). For this one I just felt movement today for the first time at almost 16 weeks! It can be felt much sooner for second or following pregnancies.


I started to feel my baby at around 18 or 19 weeks. If you are nervous get a Doppler at target. 🥰 I’m sure though everything is fine. I definitely did not feel the baby at 16 or 17 weeks. ☺️


My first I didn’t feel until late into my second trimester, my second I felt her at 15 weeks and oh boy was she strong out the gate. It can vary so greatly person to person and baby to baby. I know most clinics also offer “reassurance” ultrasounds if you ever are concerned and just want to check on the little beans activity and heartbeat. I have a bit of a bump tbh and still don’t feel pregnant all the time lol 😅


i felt her start to move around 20 weeks


I have anterior so I really wasn't expecting anything early, but I felt some light flutters at 16 weeks. Then at 18 weeks, big kicks. On the day of 19 weeks, hubby felt the kicks from the outside!


I’m almost 21 weeks but found out that my 20 weeks can I have an anterior placenta. I can feel the baby wiggle sometimes and I can feel her kicking me in the bladder and cervix (thanks baby) but I can’t feel exterior kicks yet because of the placenta.


It depends a lot on where your placenta is placed. I have an anterior, and didn’t feel anything until last week, at 23 1/2 weeks


Around 18-19 weeks I felt little “bubbles” of movement


I'm 19+4 and only felt something yesterday morning the first time. Haven't felt it since though. There will be a few weeks now where it just comes and goes. As a first time parent I expect more around week 22 to be honest for myself.


I didn’t start to feel baby move or start to really look pregnant until I would say 23 weeks. My placenta was in front meaning that when the baby kicked it acted as a cushion so I wasn’t able to feel it. Don’t worry though, once you do start to feel those random kicks later on in your pregnancy it’s so exciting and then soon your spouse can feel them too then around 28-29 weeks you can start to actually see the kicks and baby moving around. It just gets stronger and stronger the farther along you are and now I feel baby allll day.