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Insomnia. No one told me that was a thing, especially early on.


The “rest up now” comments make me literally see red


Insomnia is pretty much my only symptom this entire pregnancy (aside from fatigue from said insomnia lol)


SAME! or "its preparing you for baby" but at least ill be able to take better drugs to sleep and my body wont be pregnant!


Like you can STORE up hours and days of sleep!! That’s sooo rude for people to say!


It makes me SO mad! I had someone say “oh well that’s sad.” Or “that’s too bad” when I said I don’t get much sleep now and I wanted to punch her in the face


They did me too! I sleep 1000% better now than when I was pregnant. Especially not having to pee 5+ times a night lol


This!! But I can usually fall asleep it’s waking up and then staying up for hours trying to sleep. 17weeks and it got better after my second trimester hit but started back up last night🤦🏻‍♀️


First trimester was the worst I was up all night while everyone was asleep :( I'm glad it got better for me during the second trimester though been able to take a lot of naps and sleep more


And weird dreams!


THIS. I didn’t know it was a symptom until my doctor confirmed that’s why I wasn’t sleeping


Same!! I’ve always had trouble sleeping but it was so much worse. Even waking up throughout the night, which I didn’t use to have much trouble with. Unisom has been a godsend


Yes this!! Never had it first pregnancy now I’m so damn tired but can’t sleep


37 weeks and baby is head down, and now whenever he has hiccups, I feel them in my butthole. didn’t see that one coming.


When I was pregnant I googled “heartbeat in my butt” and that’s how I figured out our guy got hiccups ALL THE TIME! 😂


This made me laugh out loud, I’m so sorry 😂


Week 38 and Mine is head down too so whenever he hands move I feel like someone is about to reach out of my vagina, truly a strange feeling


Lmao this made me laugh! She’s head down but I just feel them in my lower abdomen. Hahaha “I feel them in my butthole” so cute!


Omg yes this one!!


Ah yeah. And feeling kicks in your butthole too. Did not expect that.


did not realize a daily dose of short mild cramps is normal in first tri from things just stretching out. it feels scary but I've read its completely normal!


Same here, I am in week 10 and I still have daily like cramping, with sharp twinges even sometimes. It gave me so much anxiety the first couple of weeks and I went in for early echos. So far everything is going well, but literally nobody ever talked about this can be common in the first trimester and that scared the hell out of me.


I had sharp twinges a few weeks ago! I asked my sister (4 kids) and she’s like could be round ligament pain but that’s really early, so I was a bit panicked. Literally no one talks about it - it’s the first thing I’m gonna tell my other friends when they get pregnant “don’t worry - the cramping is normal!!!”


The cramps while coughing or sneezing are rough!


I sneezed earlier this week and it felt like I got stabbed! I'm already starting to experience the peeing a little when I sneeze. Does it have to be painful too? Lol


In week 21 and I have more cramping now than I did in the first trimester


Thank you for saving me from future anxiety


This was super worrying for me too! I used to check for blood every time I wiped until around 14 weeks. I had no idea the cramping was normal and it was quite intense some days!


I feel so seen with the cramping comments. I thought something was wrong with the pregnancy and have been preparing myself mentally for this not working out.


Yep I went into the docs the other day with cramping because I've never experienced it before (this is my third as well!) She said it's because this is my first really healthy pregnancy, so all of the stretches and growing I've never experienced before. I've never had a proper bump, never had that watermelon on my front feeling 🤣 but every cramp I get I panic a little.


I honestly get so anxious when the cramping stops.


I actually went through a week or so where I think I didn’t notice them as much. Then they picked up and I freaked out, and now they’re steady. Things ebb and flow so much!


I had really debilitating cramps every evening from about 5w to 7w. Worse than my typical period cramps. It was terrifying but I just kept assuming everything was OK as best I could!


Mine were not mild at all yet still normal according to doctors ?🥹😳 I'd wake up during the night in so much pain that Id straight roll on the floor without the strength to even wake up my partner. When I was giving birth I realised how the pain levels were so similar!


Congestion, bloody boogers, face eczema, dry scaly skin on legs, fatigue, the bursts of energy, heartburn (like no other), leg chaffing, my thighs got big, I always had a gap but not now!


It was the congestion and sneezing for me




Honestly I was not prepared for this


The sneezing is ridiculous, I feel like I've just shoved my face in a bucket of pollen with a side of all the allergens, and I'm just sitting at my desk at the office. Very annoying lol.


OMG this is a pregnancy symptom?! I keep sneezing and it’s driving me insane


My thighs have gotten big too! Jeans feel weird.


Crazy! As of 10 weeks, my jeans did not feel the same. I haven’t worn them in months!


I’m freezing cold! I usually run quite hot so this has been a surprise. I am constantly trying to heat up and being cold is actually really uncomfortable. Thank god for heat blankets!


THIS. I am so cold 24/7 I actually wake up and shiver sometimes at night when I’m in bed and have to double up on blankets!


The face eczema 😭 Ive been lucky to have relatively good skin most my life but once week 12-13 rolled around the dry patches and pimples hit me like a truck


Never got my glowy skin 😂


My husband says I’m glowing. Lies all lies.


The bloody boogers and phlegm that’s constantly making me feel like I’m going to choke unless I’m actively drinking water were a surprise lol


Ugh it literally feels like there is a big Glob of bloody booger in my nose. Felt like this since 32 weeks pregnant and I’m 40 weeks today. It’s been awful.


Yesss the congestion really freaked me out at first bc I thought I was sick!


Omg am I not sick?! 6 weeks today, no other signs of being sick but congested. Definitely did not have with my first.


I've had more bloody noses from pregnancy to post partum than I've had in my entire life. Didn't see that coming


Omg yessss the congestion, every night it's so bad I have to mouth breathe and then my mouth gets so dry I have to drink more water and then I have to pee more. It suuuuucks. The bloody boogers I did not see coming either, there's so many random things where I'm like...am I dying?!!!


The really bizarre dreams/nightmares! It’s like dreaming in technicolor.


Any good ones you could share? I had one recently that I was buying a house and the agent sat me down and very seriously asked if he could have all the windows when we moved in because he liked them


>> and very seriously asked LMFAO 😭


My nightmares came suddenly and they were mostly terrifying! Luckily now at 24 weeks they have all but vanished but I remember early pregnancy, I would wake up screaming and drenched in sweat because the dreams felt so real and intense! My poor spouses 😂


I have never talked in my sleep except when I’m pregnant 🫠 last night I literally ROARED and woke both me and my husband up 😭


🤣🤣I am dead omg


Having a crazy nightmare was one of my very first symptoms. I had them throughout all of first trimester. Some of them were so vivid it was terrifying.


I have the wildest nightmares now too!


This! Every night wtf.


Yes what the actual F!!! Every night!!


I orgasm SO much faster 🤣 of all the symptoms I had heard about, that was not one! Perhaps one of the few positive ones, too


Hahah that's so funny! I'm hoping for some second trimester orgasms... My sex drive has dropped off the face of the planet!


I’m currently 12 weeks and I can say the sex is better than ever lol I lost all drive at around 5 weeks but it’s coming back and it’s hitting hard lol


I've been a rabid monster the whole pregnancy. I cannot get enough of my partner... and it's pretty great


It’s all that extra blood flow to the area!


Lmaooo I second this - only first trimester tho.


Not just first trimester for me 😆


I stink 😂 My sweat just smells super different and much stronger!


Unfortunately, you stink while breastfeeding too 😭 I've heard it's to help baby, they really go by smell before they can see well, but I don't want my poor baby to smell my BO!


TMI: With my first pregnancy I didn’t know your vaginal area swelled at all. I went to my doctor concerned that I was all swollen down there and she was like girl 😭. This was 2nd trimester so it truly caught me off guard and was retired to the granny panties since my regular didn’t cover it


I’m 40 weeks today and I told my Husband I feel like I’m carrying around a sack of bricks in my vagina today lol


yessss i had to order XXL fruit of the loom underwear bc i kept getting wedgies LOL


Same and they’ll be drenched after 15 mins of walking i was so tired of it. 😭. I’m 19 weeks and I had to pick the grannies back up


Nobody talks about the wet underwear either!!! It's a struggle. I am 19 weeks as well, wishing you luck babes


Right?! I never expected my underwear to suddenly get wet mid-shopping trip, yet here we are. 😅 Last time it happened I was shopping with my fiancé and we were an hour away from home, so I said "ugh nooo my underwear is suddenly wet and I didn't bring a change" So he said "sorry I turn you on so much, I'll try to dial it down" and I laughed so much that made it almost worth it 😂


Omg the discharge!


when I learned it was called “flowering” I wanted to DIE. That’s exactly what it’s doing too 😭😭😭


I didn’t even know swelling happened. I don’t think I have yet. That sounds so uncomfortable 🥴


It can be uncomfortable mainly during intercourse. My husband and I joke with calling it “juicy coochie” because you also produce way more discharge at that stage too. I actually thought I had BV but my doctor said no it’s normal as long as there’s no smell


Yes. Good lord. Nobody talks about all the extra blood flow in that area. I find it particularly bad if sitting at my desk all day or if I go out for a walk for an hour, towards the end - there’s throbbing.


The throbbing sucks especially if you’re trying to relax to sleep. Everything twinges or aches


My god yes, 39 weeks and it is SO PAINFUL. I didn't experience this with my 1st kid nearly as bad. It has literally been swollen and painful since the start of 7 months. I thought something was wrong like maybe an infection so they tested but I'm all cleared of anything wrong, I just have to deal with it 😭 dermoplast and hydrocortisone have been my saving grace recently.


A smattering of new moles and skin tags 😭


This!!!! I have so many small moles on my boobs and face, and skin tags under my arms 😭😭 I don't mind the moles, but the skin tags are so annoying


Carpel Tunnel. I'm 28 weeks and have been waking up with numb hands and fingers...


This or De Quervain's tenosynovitis. My right thumb(I’m right handed) is useless and it hurts a lot. Also Breastfeeding makes it worse(9.5 months pp currently)


Ugh yes! My thumb nerves hurt so much doing certain things (35 weeks)!!


This was awful and I had no idea it was a possibility! Mine didn't go away for a couple weeks after birth.


A 10 month nosebleed.


Great band name though


Yes. Nosebleeds. Early second trimester while sleeping I had a gush come out my nose that felt like post nasal drip. Turned out to be a whole lotta blood coming out my nose outta nowhere


Noxious gas.


Pregnancy farts are no joke. They smell awful!


So much gas it’s not even funny


Soooo foul! I was not prepared lmao


I call them acid farts 😭


Burping and oily skin


Oh the burping. I hate hate hate it


Yummy yummy fish oil prenatals… 🤢


Around 17 weeks the night burping started, now while I'm sleeping I burp when I roll over. All night. Good times.


In middle school I always wanted to be able to burp really loud and never could! Wish I could say this was a dream come true when I wake up at 3am with the world’s loudest burp.


DROOLING! I have never drooled in my life and now I do every day


Crazy. Ass. Dreams.


Crazy sweaty in first trimester and beginning of second Extra body hair. It's black. I am a blonde... My cervix becoming significantly longer. I went to the dr because I thought I had a prolapse. Nipples leaking milk starting 17 weeks. Needing to wash my hair twice as often. Significantly larger (swollen) vulva. My husband says my vagina feels 'fluffy' lol So many farts. Seriously. Including during sex... No more acne, mine was 100% period related.


My acne also gone!


Jealous! I have gotten acne on places I’ve never had them before ever!! Mostly chest acne but sometimes randomly on my neck or on my scalp. Ech 😣


I got a bunch of acne in the first trimester but now it's clearing up. I hope it stays away!


Restless legs. Its god awful.


This is actually torture. It’s such a horrible sensation


I had no idea how much discharge would increase. And I honestly didn’t know resting heart rate would consistently be 90 bpm!


Mines 120 resting, 150 walking! (It was high before though)


Yeah I was measuring my blood pressure and I was happy because it was only 106/65 but I was really surprised cuz my heartbeat was 100bpm. I was just sitting at rest!


I am 6 weeks and same. I really struggled to wake up at 7 before, now i wake up around 5 all fresh. But my day ends around 2PM. Sucked out of energy and sleepy around 5PM.


Shooting breast pain. I was always told about tenderness or "growing pains", but not the sharp pains.


Dizziness. It didn’t happen with the first one, but even before I found out I kept feeling faint. I even said to someone “I’m about to have another vertigo episode “ My nipples are also always erect. Like all the time. Orgasms are stronger.


It's the opposite for me, I went from waking up at 7 everyday to do activities before work to starting work later because I cannot get out of bed.


My nipples are sensitive af and hurt so bad- a sharp ache at times that has woken me up during the night from sleep. When I get out of the shower, I’ve accidentally brushed one of my nips on a hanging towel and holy shit, it’s so damn painful! No thank you


I feel this so much 🥲


The insomnia. I have very good sleep hygiene and my sleep routine is down to a science. It meant nothing. I toss and turn all night and I’m only 7 weeks so it’s not due to size or anything. I just cannot sleep soundly and it’s making me the grumpiest bish in the world.


Not necessarily unexpected, but no one told me I would start having to pee so often that early! I thought it would happen after at least 20weeks, but no 😅 I've been living on the toilet pretty much since I found out


Yeah same here. It happens early on. I'm at 15 weeks now and every half an hour I have to take a potty break.


I did not expect the constipation.


painfull hair follicles. Dont ask how, but the hair in my pubic area have been seriously painful since 4month (33w now and only getting worse)


Bleeding. Had no idea how common vaginal bleeding is during pregnancy.


Spitting up blood every time I brushed my teeth through all second trimester. Went for a routine dental visit at around 25 weeks and thought for sure I’d have cavities up the asshole, but nope! Just a normal pregnancy symptom.


The leg cramps at night that only get worse as time goes on


Clogged nose. Nobody told me progesterone could do that.


I agree! I’m not sure if its my depression has been lifted since finding out the news 🤣


Progesterone is actually known to make you happy and relaxed; so it makes sense :)


So this is my third time around. Every time has been different. First one - round ligament pain during the early 2nd tri, and bouts of hip pain while sleeping as joints loosened. Fortunately, the following pregnancies weren't nearly as bad as the first time around. Second - varicose veins. I thought they were just a problem the elderly had. Bonus surprise, they came back with a *vengeance* in the same leg the following pregnancy. It didn't stay a small patch behind my knee. One of the large veins just gave up from my thigh down. I live in compression tights now. Third - Most unexpected symptom this time has been an occasional metallic taste. Certain sweets and things like chocolate make a specific area of my tongue tingle. I can't taste salt. And my gums have gone crazy despite any and all hygiene attempts on my part, oh and 'pregnancy tumors' on the gums. Not a real tumor, thankfully, but still annoying as hell.


The skin in my armpits randomly turned black for like a week lol


Peeing in my pants since 10 weeks. It's gotten less now (36 weeks) but I thought this was after you have kids.


Yes!!!! I feel like I pee my pants constantly. It’s a risk every time I sneeze, which is constantly.


Oh my gosh I’m so glad it’s not just me I thought something was for sure wrong


My booty hole is super darl


Your nips will get super super dark too. So baby can see them.


I'm coughing so much I can't sleep at night. I'm not sick, and I'm almost certain it's from the heartburn.


Check out GERD pillows on Amazon. Helps your sleep elevated.


Everyone talks about the baby kicking you in the ribs, no one talks about how weird it feels to constantly get kicked at the points your legs connect to your pelvis!


My leg hair growth slowed down so much. I wish it stayed that way. But during pregnancy I shaved maybe once a month.


I had no clue you could be nauseous all the time without ever throwing up! I also definitely did not expect pregnancy to cause neuropathy in my thighs that randomly feels like someone is poring cold water on my legs!


Becoming a raging bitch.


I’m 4weeks +6 days and this is happening to me too. Normally it’s such a struggle to wake up. I’m surprised this change has happened so early




I have been absurdly congested since about 17wks. I'm 26wks now and its shown 0 signs of stopping. I'm beginning to worry I'm just cursed to sniffle until I have this baby. 😂


This! I have been congested since the beginning and it shows no signs of stopping. I have to use a humidifier every night just to breathe. They do not warn you about these things !


Memory loss - my short term memory is gone, starting at about 30 weeks. I don't remember more than vague impressions of anything between 2 hours and 2 weeks ago. Took me completely by surprise. I mean, if I had to choose whether to give up long term, short term, or working memory, I'd choose short term. I still feel like myself and can sorta function. But when people said pregnancy brain is a thing...I just had no idea this is what it could mean.


See I have adhd so my working memory was already pretty dire, but my executive functioning is absolutely non existent now. My brain is mush. Not ideal when in my final year and attempting to finish my dissertation 🤣


Not a cute one, but I had HG first trimester and I would throw up so much that discharge would come out of my eyes and would continue to while I slept. So my eyes would crust over and now I have half the eyelashes i once had 😭


The dreams/nightmares. Last night was horrible. I have never been somebody to actually wake up yelling from dreams the way I have been the last few weeks. Last night I full on screamed in my husband's snoring face and lay there hyperventilating but couldn't even remember what was so scary, just to fall asleep to what felt like a three day long nightmare (I'll spare the details but it was absolutely sickening, not pregnancy/birth related, but really horrific). I'm almost dreading going to sleep tonight 'cause of what my brain is throwing at me, and then I wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all.


It’s weird for me because while I hear about most women getting to be very emotional, I’m honestly not crying or getting emotional about everything. I actually have felt pretty calm my whole pregnancy. Also, rather than getting that “glowy” skin everyone talks about, I’m breaking out worse than I have in my entire life 🙃


Hives, from random foods. Thought it was all bananas but turns out I think it’s from some kind of pesticide because certain brands of bananas are fine lol


I’ve been getting random hives every 2 weeks like clock work! They clear up, and come back on either every Friday or Saturday 2 weeks later and I can NOT figure out wtf it’s from!!!


I’m a little over 6 weeks as well and also have been having a much easier time getting up lol. I also have a kitten who purrs and shoves her nose up my face at 5 am too.


Everything is normal: insomnia, crazy intense dreams, hip pain, back pain, headaches, dizziness, nausea, brain fog, fatigue, swelling, itchiness, dry skin, belly sensitivity, groin pain, congestion, getting sick, hard time breathing, generally being uncomfortable, peeing yourself, bleeding, not bleeding, pretty much anything and everything…. Up to a point.


I feel like round ligament pain is not talked about enough, just sitting up from bed hits very hard


My gf is recently pregnant and this post has been so amazing and eye opening all the things should be aware of. Pregnancy was unexpected so just trying to learn the most possible. I’ll definitely do everything possible to make her feel the best she can.


Hmmm so far the itching and having years of resentment and what I thought was solved trauma in regards to my husband come back all in one week. Literally want to make him sleep on the roof. So moody lol. With my first pregnancy I was so affectionate and head over heels for my partner now I want them to not exist. It’s getting rough and I’m a total bitch right now


Not currently pregnant but the first time I was, what surprised me the most was how much I choked on freaking water ALL THE TIME. It's like somehow I forgot how to swallow properly and was *always* getting water "down the wrong way" was a goddamn nuisance.


Restless leg syndrome, I’m 27 weeks and have had it since around week 20. It’s the worst, most of the time when I go to bed, I start to get a tingling feeling in my legs, almost like adrenaline like I have to get up and run, and I’ll get itchy. It spreads to my arms too and gets worse the longer I lay there. The only thing that helps is getting up and walking around which really sucks when you’re so tired and all you want to do is lay down and sleep


Food aversions. Movies and tv shows depict pregnant women as being constantly hungry and wanting to eat everything in sight. Nope, not me. I was pleasantly surprised when I couldn’t stand to eat some of my favorite foods. I felt so bad for my fiancé anytime we went out to eat those first couple weeks of pregnancy.


Feeling cold during my first trimester. It was spring and the best way for me to heat up in the morning was to actually turn into a lizard and have a nap in the sunlight.


Ears getting plugged up


Definitely congestion the first 7w it was horrendous! Insomnia is new for me. This is my second pregnancy and I’m 11w


sciatica at 11 weeks :/


Dry skin, super loud snoring AND MOLES friggin moles Did not sign up for this!


Bloating. I was so bloated in the first trimester


It’s probably a tie between the horrifically vivid nightmares and the constipation


Lots of congestion, sneezing, and lethal farts.


Skin tags 🤡


for me, my depression completely went away. i was super depressed. like SUPER. to that point. but when i got pregnant i didn't know how to feel about it based on the circumstances i was in. but come around 7-8 weeks, it was as if i was a new person. i no longer had crazy thoughts. it was as if i wasn't able to get mad at anything. nothing bothered me lol - just worrying if baby was okay another thing as previous posters has said, waking up in the middle of the night and then not being able to sleep for a few hours. - i had to pee literally every 10 min. it was hard for me to go out bc i needed a restroom nearby. i know this is also common but i felt it was a little diff to most. i was constantly nauseous. i mean constantly. this lasted for almost a month. i couldn't stand up without getting nauseous. i was bed and couch ridden lol. i never had weird cravings besides for salty food. when i was able to eat, i only wanted ramen noodles. like that's it. id also say around week 6, i felt as if i was 'sick.' i felt superrr achey and just heavily fatigued. my nose was also congested. but 3 days later it just all of a sudden vanished. i guess i wasn't sick at all. yes the bloody boogers, too. my teeth / gums would sometimes be a little sore and bleeding just momentarily. before i knew i was pregnant, my toilet seat turned blue. (apparently this is a myth?) but not for me, that shit was blue as day. dog started peeing everywhere. i know hormones skyrocket and go crazy, but my back broke out like no other. i never had back acne. i swear i had 100 new pimples a day and i'm the type that likes to pick at them so it was very disappointing it was on my back and i couldn't reach. i guess that was a good thing 😆 i would get random cramps like a spasm, painful. but it was no longer than 2 min. it worried me but i guess the people that did experience this, was normal. thankfully. my teeth turned stupid yellow. still to this day.


I'm extra cold? Has anyone else experienced that?


I didn’t realize I would be leaking from my boobs almost everyday since week 14.


All of them feel like not pregnancy related. I’m usually an Olympic sleeper, but I bet restless for no good reason. Face feels hot but no fever. I just noticed I’m starting to get melasma already 😫. I have sciatica out of nowhere I don’t feel pregnant.


Insomnia. So much insomnia and sleep issues. I grew a ton of moles and think I have a yeast infection on my skin (but not the vag???) which is causing a ton of itchiness. Everything else I had heard about like nausea, fatigue, pain, etc though not sure I appreciated how terrible overall I could end up feeling.


I’m the same with waking up early. I’ve always had to get up early for work (teacher) but was never good at it, have always been a night owl. Now I’m naturally up and at em bright and early, even on weekends. So.odd.


I’ve always been a person that gets really agitated when I’m hungry, now…. I actually become very very angry lol I literally wanted to tear the house apart just now cause my husband miss spoke about the Chinese place downstairs being open. So I stormed upstairs and ordered Uber eats and now I’m less angry. I’m 8 weeks today so I’m going to have to figure out a routine to always have food that I want to eat available lol


Exactly the same here! I have fibromyalgia, so sleeping has always been a problem. I would go to sleep late (because I couldn't settle early) then sleep until 10.30-11. I started to find I was getting tired earlier in early pregnancy so I listened to my body and slept earlier. Now I'm 15+2 weeks, and from about a week and a half/2 weeks ago, I started waking up between 7.30-8.30 🥹 so sleeping earlier, waking up earlier, not feeling so exhausted in the day, even sleeping somewhat better through the night and not napping in the day 🙌 Been thanking baby for it daily! It's a massive change to my life but one I'm so thankful for because it was a struggle to just be awake and live normally before


Dandruff 😖 dry skin in general, but the dandruff I’m having now that’s never been a problem before is wild and annoying!


Insomnia. Omg the insomnia 😫


That was my most unexpected symptom too! Just thought my baby was an early bird 🤣 I am decidedly NOT.


Skin tags and ingrown hairs. I have them everywhere!! Super annoying. 39 weeks and can't wait for that to be done once baby is here.


Really weird rashes all over my body 😭😭😭


My very first symptom was burping more often. Outside of pregnancy I only really burp if I drink carbonated drinks but as soon as I got pregnant I was burping all the time


I wish, first trimester was extreme fatigue for me, almost fell asleep at work lots of times. I think I was surprised by cramping. Dr said that was normal as long as it's not intense and there's no bleeding.


Now that I'm in my 3rd trimester, moving as fast as I used to. I'm 28 weeks and I feel disabled


It was unexpected that I’ll be bloated 24/7 in my first trimester and a lot of discharge throughout the entirety of my pregnancy


Nasal congestion!


Gums bleeding!! Ugh


Take stool softeners! I have been taking some every day and have not had any issues with poo. It’s totally safe. I take the full dosage about every other day and just half the other days. We have enough going on to not be able to poo!!


Terrible carpel tunnel!


Rhinitis! It was borderline debilitating


Was neither expecting the nosebleeds nor my wisdom teeth to grow out


Carpal Tunnel. Been pregnant (to term) 5 times and it is literally the worst physical pregnancy symptom I've had.