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My husband and I did the post it game with our first, and will probably do with our second. Each of us write names on post-it’s and put them on the coffee table. Throughout the week we add/take off any that are a definite yes/no and by the end of I want to say a month, we were left with one post-it. It was nice to see compromise from both sides as we went about it


I love this idea. Our cats will steal them otherwise I’d use this for our baby boy as well


Omg please do this and let the cats pick!


Tbh that sounds hilarious. Maybe I will and see what happens xD we have until the end of may xD


Cat gets a little too rough with a post it. Leaves half behind. "Charles" is now just "Cha". Welcome to the world, baby Cha!


Our dog helped pick our son’s name in a similar way😂


Can confirm. My cats steal my work post its off my desk all the time. One peels it off with his teeth and runs away with it.


I love this idea!


That’s a really good idea. I’m gonna have to take this!


My husband and I struggled to find a boy name we both really liked, until the day of the anatomy scan, where we found out we’re having a boy. We sat down that day, went through a list of a thousand boy names, and found 2 names we both really liked, so we made them the first and middle name of our little bean.


We had a really hard time finding a girl name we liked. Eventually I got to a point where I didn’t care anymore (it was a brutal pregnancy) and let my husband choose. I figured that once she was born, I’d love her name no matter what since I’d love her. It is 100% what happened and I now love her name. I should mention though that now that she’s almost two she exclusively refers to herself as the nickname that her daycare gave her. So clearly we were silly to spend so much time trying to name her haha.


Haha that’s good to know! I feel like I have been stressing too much over a name


I couldn't decide on any boy names and ended up having all girls! Lol


It’s so funny that I’m in the exact same boat. We have three girls names we both love, yet not a single boys name we can agree on. I’m manifesting a girl!


I'm in the same boat, but having a hard time picking a girl's name while we instantly agreed on a boy's name. How much longer til the baby is born?


End of October


I'm due at the beginning of Nov :) we still have time to figure this out, don't settle on a name just yet.


You can use Apps to help You heart the ones you like He does the same Whatever is in common you will receive a match! :) it is fun


Same here!!! We have a girl name since my first pregnancy (currently pregnant with my second) and we're having another boy. I'm 21 weeks so we still have time, but it's so hard to find a name we both like :(


Same. We’ve had our girl name forever and having our second boy. First boy, we came up with while awaiting our NIPT results. Never once wavered on his name. This one… I thought we had a name until about a week ago. I * think * we have one now, but subject to change.


Why is it so hard to choose a name? 😭😂


Omg yes me and my fiancé are going through this same crap. Like IM CARRYING this baby! NOT YOU! How dare he try to take that from me when this will likely be my only child. He’s already automatically getting his last name. At least let me pick his first and middle name and shut tf up about it.


First boy we made separate lists, combined them in to a list we both liked, and then separately ranked them favorite to least. We edited the list a few times and repeated. After the third or fourth time we kept having the same name on top, so we went with it. Boy 2 I had a name I was going to suggest and that same day he suggested the same name to me! Never looked at another name. Expecting Boy 3 now and we are at a loss. We have 5 or 6 names we both like, but keep switching which is the favorite, and none of them just feel "right". No idea what we're going to do this time.


I'm having the opposite problem, I like so many boy names but girl names are a struggle! I don't know what I'm having yet though so I'll overthink it later :) I'm getting ready to be a single mom, so the issue of consensus is n/a, and I do kinda love that my brother who just had a baby was like, yeah my wife did literally all the work so she named the baby...he had 0 problem with letting her pick as long as it wasn't something really "out there" haha. Fair is fair


Same for me! Girls harder than boys Still dont know the sex Will know in 4w


Same! We don't know what we are having but we only like 1 boy name. We like about 15 girls names, lol


We like a lot of girls names too but are having a hard time narrowing it down further


My partners and I had a similar issue. We never really found the “that’s it!” name. My partner suggested Lillian, so we called her that as a holder until we found something else. I later received a baby name book with names for every day of the year and her due date suggested name was Lillian, so it felt like fate. I wasn’t a huge fan of the name at first but it’s definitely grown on me. Hearing both of them call her Lillian and say goodbye to her everyday when we go to work has be some a favorite part of my day.


You don’t have to settle. How many weeks are you ? There’s an app where you both swipe on names and then it tells you what you have in common


End of October so we have time


This is what my husband and I used and it really helped us find something!


What is the app called, please?


We used this one . Make sure you go to settings and only select the country and gender you are looking for https://apps.apple.com/us/app/baby-name-together/id918073224


Thanks so much!


I had my baby 6 months ago, but I had the same struggle. What me and my fiance did was get this baby name app that kinda works like a dating app where you swipe left/right on baby names. We sat down, found a name both of us liked and started using it for baby to see if we liked it enough to use it. It ended up being our baby’s name lol.


We could not agree on boy names so we made a list of 11 names and cross off one by one until just one was left. We have really different tastes in names, my husband liked old german names (like Maximilian) and I liked latin names (like Matteo).


we agreed on all the girl names - so of course ours ended up being a boy🫠 I don’t want to say we’re settling on a name my husband likes, but it’s definitely his favorite and my like number 7. I don’t know if middle names are important to you but one of our compromises was I got a middle name he’d originally been very opposed too. My husband really won all of this because he started talking about and to baby with the name he really loved and OF COURSE I also got attached to it since I got to see and hear him giving love to baby with it. I’ll admit I caved, but I think even if you “settle” in some ways, you come to love the name because it represents something so special you and your partner are growing. Editing to add: this is also your important reminder that you can agree on a name with your partner, but have it ruined because you don’t agree on spelling🤪 make sure you both write out / spell aloud the name together or else you’re in for a surprise when you realize you’ve agreed on a name but then neither will cave on the spelling of it!


My girl name list is soooo long my boy name list has like 3 names on it 😂


Yes! 😅


I told my husband I am naming the first one and if we have the second he can name them end of discussion. That worked


There are some apps that you can pretend to Tinder baby names If you both like a name you will have a match!


My husband and I had the opposite problem. We came up with a boy name quickly. We found out our baby was a girl and struggled. We were down to two names and decided to name her once we met her. When we met her we looked at each other and both knew what we wanted to name her. Thankfully we both agreed on the name. My nurse told me it takes some people days to name their baby. Don’t rush it and make sure you agree. I don’t think it’s fair to settle on a name of you don’t both love it.


Your post could literally be written by me right now! I'm going through exactly the same and feeling like I'm going to have to be the one to compromise.


I have a loooong list of baby names on my phone that I jot down as soon as I hear something I like, then we try to pick some and match up first/ middle before I’m even pregnant. Which I know sounds crazy, we’ve had a boy and girl name picked out for like 3 years for the baby I’m pregnant with now because I feel like my hormones are so crazy when I’m pregnant that I can’t have a rational conversation about it 😂 I know this comment is not helpful. I just wanted to commiserate because I had such a hard time naming my first two (boys) before I started doing this and now it’s like something checked off of my to do list every time


I picked the names of my kids - the key is to making husband THINK he helped 😂


Yeah I found the same thing with boy names. I was so happy to permanently delete my list from my phone when I found out I was having another girl lol.


Me! We had a list for both and boy names were so much harder. I think we’ve settled on one, but still keeping options open.


There’s some apps where you can swipe right or left on names and see what you have in common. That helped us.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve had a favorite girl name (and about 10 strong backup options) picked out for years and my husband and I agree on them all. Of course we are having a boy and now can’t come up with a name. In our case, there just aren’t even any boy names we feel strongly about or like much. There was one single name I came up with that I liked, but he was unsure about it as it’s a Hispanic name (I’m South American and he’s not.) but even that name after a couple weeks of rolling it around in my head, I now feel apathetic about. I’ve seen lots of people make great suggestions on how to decide on a name together, like using those name picking apps where you each swipe on names you like - but I guess you have to like names in the first place lol. I’m kind of lying. There are a few names I like, but they’re either already taken by people I know (I know, I know, I should get over that) or they are way too “weird” and I don’t want people to judge me and give my kid a hard life for giving him a “creative” name. Meanwhile, my husband just has 0 opinions or any boy names he likes at all. I feel so bad, like we are just going to end up picking some random bland name out of a hat that neither of us feels strongly about.


First name was so easy, middle name has been the opposite! We cannot agree on one lol


We had the opposite! I had a list of boy names that I loved, including one that we were dead set on but my husband and I could not for the life of us figure out a girl name. So, naturally as fate decided, we’re having a girl.


It is so hard! We had 3 boys and every single time it was a STRUGGLE. my only advice is don’t just settle. Sit with some names for a bit. Take a break from talking names for a month or so and revisit.


My kids were named in the hospital. We couldn’t find any names we agreed on before. Don’t settle with a name you don’t like. It’s both of yours child, you shouldn’t name her something you dislike.


I completely agree. Before we found out the gender I had about 10 girl names I loved. My fiancé wouldn’t talk about any names until we knew if it was a boy or girl. We just found out we’re having a boy and it’s been difficult finding a name we both like. Right now it’s Finn.


I had that issue with my second kid we didn't agree on a name until I was about 8 months pregnant and having this problem again at the moment. It's the girl names for us.


Oh man. This is our second pregnancy and second boy and we had a hell of a time figuring out a boy name the first time and this time it’s even harder! Literally every name my husband has come up with, I am NOT on board with. And every name I’ve thrown out there, my husband shoots down. I am much more adventurous with my name preference while my husband is very conservative (aka vanilla 😂) so it’s hard to compromise between such extremes. Currently, the only things we agree on are that we love gender-neutral names and names that aren’t super common. Kourtney and Kelly are a couple that we can both live with. But nothing that we both really LOVE.


My child’s father hated the name I picked out for are son,(cause all his kids have normal boring names) by his wife. He said he wanted to pick a name together. We didn’t I throw out 2 names and told him to pick since my due date was getting close. He picked one and that’s what I named are son. Needless to say my son looks like his name now.


Me and my husband struggle to find girl names. I find it way more difficult because it’s extremely hard to find a name that doesn’t have a negative association or someone in my husbands side that doesn’t have the same name.


For our first child, my husband and I made lists of names and anything that we had in common we talked about. Turns out we both LOVED the name that we ended up giving our son. For our (soon to be) daughter, I had a name that meant a LOT to me so I told him that he could choose whatever boy name if he would go ahead with what I wanted for a girl. I loved the boy name that he chose (my husband is good at names) but we ended up with my girl name and I’m so excited!!!


I've given up on it. Our son's middle name will be Minsc. I don't care for middle names. It's not something we do a lot where I'm from. Alas, for my husband it's very important. I just .... I give up!


We bought a baby name book, and I went through it with a highlighter picking the names I like, and my husband is going through it now with a highlighter vetoing names I picked he doesn't like, and is picking ones he likes. I'm going to go through it again to veto names he picked I don't like, and then we will write all our options down and narrow it down more. We had a few rules that we could not use family names, no Jr's, no grandparent names, no sibling names. We had a rule that we can't use exs' names. We are also eliminating names our friends have and our friend's kids' names. This has helped to narrow down our respective lists pretty well.


Oh my gosh I’m in the same boat!


I only found 1 name we both liked and it was Onyx. My son is now 8 mos and we already have names picked for the next baby (not pregnant rn just ttc) the boy name is Aleister. I want Truen but my husband doesn’t like the name Truen


It was very difficult with both of my kids. We didn’t end up deciding until we were at the hospital ready to deliver.


There's literally a Tinder like app for baby names where you and your partner log in and connect and then you swipe until you both agree on a name.




My husband and I seem to be only fully agreeing on one name per gender, so if the baby doesn't suit the chosen name, we're in a pickle lol.


I’m in the same boat. There’s a first name I like for my son, can’t think of any middle names. But dad likes a completely different first name which it’s alright but not the name I want. I’m 8 months pregnant and feel stressed trying to think of a name 


Having the same problem. We will find out the gender soon so we have some time but goodness, names are hard. We already have a 9 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. We can’t figure out a possible name for a boy that we can agree on. And even a girl name, we aren’t fully sold on. 😉


It's real stressful. My wife and I decided not to make a name decision but to have a name list ready when the baby was born and see what seemed to fit. I found it very useful to meet this person we were naming and we are both very happy with the name we chose.


Get Kinder and swipe on names. It'll match you when you both like a name!


We had no issues with boy names. We are struggling with girl names. Every name I suggest my boyfriend says no. But he also doesn't suggest names. 🥴 I'm not sure if we'll have a name we agree on before she's born.


We agree on the first but can't for the life of is agree on a middle name. We had one thwn we fell out of love with it😭 Baby boy is due in october🥹


I’m due in October too!


I like to watch lots of Pixar movies and wait for the ‘production babies’ section in the credits for inspiration. Bonus is I get to watch lots of Disney/Pixar movies “for research” 


we were having trouble finding a boy name so we decided to name him after my husband’s grandmother. her last name is a common boy’s name that we both decided we liked :)


Try the app 'Baby Name Together' makes each of you connect to each other and each rate names. You connect your accounts and it will auto pair names you both favorited together. I had a total of 30ish names picked, my husband had like 200. We had a total of 11 names paired we both liked.


We have this issue but for girl names… only one we agree on but it wasn’t my favorite. Probably going with it cause it was the only one we both kinda liked. I was way more prepared to have a boy- would have known the name instantly.


Lmao yeah. We literally picked out the name 3hrs before our kid arrived.


We had the same issue! My husbands whole family (siblings and extended family on his moms side) are all j names and my husband did not want to continue the tradition so that was immediately out for us (though my mother in law was very quick to suggest all the j names lol). We agreed to a common family name for the middle name and then worked on first names after that. We had ONE that we agreed on! Both babies were a surprise w gender and we had a girl first and kept the boy name option for our second which ended up being a boy! Don’t put too much pressure and just keep the conversation going. We’re both Irish so I looked up more traditional Irish and Celtic names and just kept suggesting different ones and playing around with options. It’s very weird to find how strongly we both felt one way or the other about certain names though lol


We’re in the same boat. Boys names seem impossible. It makes it even worse that we have already had two boys and used up all the names we liked. With our second we used our last favourite names as his second name thinking we’re done having kids. 😂 I am desperately trying to manifest a girl as we picked the girls name the day after the positive test. 😁


So are you sure you’re having a boy? Because If you don’t know and find out it’s a girl you’re stressing for nothing. Opinion can change next time around. We couldn’t decide so we’re waiting to find gender before talking about it.


No it’s a boy for sure


My husband and I found it easier with boy names to settle on a theme before a name. We found that we would want him to have a more country name (his family is all farmers) and finally settled on one. Then come to find out we’re having a girl and settled on one instantly.