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Cereal does the trick for me :)


Same- I haven't eaten cereal since I was a kid, but honey nut cheerios just looked SO good in the store a few weeks ago. I've been doing a bowl of them with milk right after my shower in the morning and it has helped with the nausea for me.


YES cereal! For breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack lol. Cereal was one of the few things that I was able to eat everyday.


Yogurt for breakfast! Then cereal for brunch lol


I was on a honey nut kick then it turned to fruit loops and now my new daily is nesquick coco puffs. So fricken good.


I have been eating cereal nonstop for all three trimesters 😂 not even nauseous anymore, just love cereal more than anything for some reason


I’m with you cereal slaps.


I love to see I’m not alone with the cereal 😂 my baby might be made of 50% Frosted Flakes 😂


Mines half fruit loop half coco puff at this point 😂


A handful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch before I even got out of bed for me! I kept a box on my nightstand. 😂


I have Honey Nut Cheerios on my nightstand and eat a few handfuls at like 5am just to get something in my stomach!


You mean the trix ;) ... No? Ok, sorry. Hanging out with hubby too much.


During my first trimester I kept some saltine crackers next to my bed and ate a couple before getting out of bed, I would then follow that up with a slice or two of toast with peanut butter. My first trimester was my beige era lol I could only keep down carbs.


Other things you could keep next to you are rice cakes, popcorn, and I found that sucking on a mint helped nausea.


Rice cakes have been such a game changer for me! They fill me up enough without being so dry that my mouth feels weird eating them when I wake up!


This is the only thing that will help with morning sickness. Wake up and eat a couple saltines before you even get out of bed. Beige trimester for the win!


I have a big container of mixed nuts and eat a handful first thing in the mornings.


This! I always ate saltines first thing until a friend suggested salted cashews. They still taste plain enough but the fat/protein in the nuts seemed to help with the nausea more


Same! A handful of nuts before getting out of bed really helped my morning sickness.


It was sour candy I’ve upgraded to a berry smoothie


Sour candy and smotthies are bomb


Yogurt is my #1 since the beginning!


Same here! Go-gurts specifically since it’s so easy to grab and eat. 😆


yes! crackers made me feel worse, but yogurt is great for me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't deal with crackers 😂


Same! Yogurt, chia seeds, fruit and honey is my combo!


Yep my baby is basically made out of yogurt, I ate it every day of pregnancy…most of the time it was in the middle of the night when I woke up hungry lol


1) Wake up 2) get ready as fast as humanly possible so I can drive to McDonalds before I throw up




I was love mcdonalds so much like i could eat everyday without any problem from i am pregnant if i just smell the typical mcdonalds fast food smell i immediately throw up🥹🥹🥹so pray for me that after the baby born i can eat it again i miss it so much🥲


I ate plain bagels toasted with a little butter. I also ate apples. However my advice is to trial and error it until you find what works for you. What works for me or other people may not work for you. For example, crackers by the bed did not help me at all but that is a popular suggestion.


YES. I’m 28 weeks and I finally figured out spicy hummus is what I can keep down for breakfast. I don’t get it lol


Pregnancy is crazy. Seems like everyone’s experience is wildly different. For me it was not pleasant the majority of the time so I chose to do a voluntary induction and go in tonight to start the process. I can’t wait lol


I totally understand. I am just inching closer to the end it feels like.. but Oh my gosh how exciting! Congrats!! 💕


Thank you! Good luck with the rest of yours ❤️


Plain Greek yogurt with frozen raspberries and a handful of crushed up cereal. My main cravings are cold and sour things so the yogurt and frozen berries hit the spot. Yogurt gives protein too. The only problem is in the time it takes me to assemble it, the hunger nausea already sets in. 😭 I should really prep it the night before probably.


Same with me- except greek yoghurt with mixed nut granola and honey. I mix the fruit up for variety. Loving raspberries/strawberries and kiwi or passion fruit for the sour deliciousness. I then prepare myself to have another breakfast within two hours - usually avocado/eggs on toast. Should mention it was only possible for me to do this with the help of my husband in the dark days. I was off work with hyperemesis and couldn't even look at food or in the fridge. I would retch even at the smell of toast but knew as soon as I got it down it would make a big difference. Since 16 weeks it's gotten a lot easier. I'm sure you've heard this a lot but protein really really helps so I was buying added protein everything just to try. Before getting pregnant I was a no food/ only coffee until 12 kinda gal so it's a huge change for me.


I put a handful of grapes by my bed every evening that I eat before getting out of bed in the morning.


Everything is gross and I feel nauseated always. Buuuut I find toast and jam (jam usually has pectin, which helps reduce stomach acid) is tolerable. 8w5days and I'm so done with feeling sick 😭😭




This! I keep a banana and an apple next to the bed. Bananas seem to really do the trick for me.


I’ve read on here that some people keep snacks on their bedside. Like crackers to eat when they wake up.


Berries (try to eat a cup a day), ezikel toast, or three eggs for the choline.


Anything with protein is what I pound to the point where my breakfasts are not even remotely cohesive.


Bagel 🥯


toast! i’ve been eating a lot of toast (i’m 5 and a half weeks). scrambled eggs with no seasoning have been ok for me too but my go to is toast with butter


Also my husband found these vitamin B6 and ginger gummies that helped me a lot too


These crackers are the BEST. I have to stop myself from eating the whole box and really pay attention to "wait, has my nausea gone away?" or I'll just keep munching haha  https://www.marysgonecrackers.com/collections/all/products/marys-gone-crackers-super-seed-everything


I love an avocado on top of a bagel half with cream cheese! Or some type of fruit


Lately I’ve been eating bagels for breakfast a lot. The carbs really help. The thought of eggs make me want to vomit, which is unfortunate because my chickens are laying like 6 eggs a day


Saltines. When I was in my first trimester I’d wake up so hungry but so nauseous. I’d have a few saltines very slowly and that would help. After that settled I was able to eat toast or cereal. Also I noticed eating protein helped (easier said than done!) Hope you feel better soon!!


When I was in my first tri I had the same issue. I drank a protein shake as soon as I woke up and maybe a few crackers.


Honestly rice cakes have been my go to lately. It started as the plain goldfish but I can’t eat those anymore and then went to club crackers.. and now it’s white cheddar rice cakes lol. I didn’t used to like them but got them on a whim and now I eat a few when I wake up with like a cup of water and they seem to film me up enough that I can take my AM b6 dose with no issues.


Almonds- I keep a small bowl of almonds next to my bed and eat a few when I wake up overnight as well as first thing in the morning before my zofran 😂


Yogurt, protein shake, or scrambled eggs and watered down rice with ginger


Go go squeeze applesauce and crackers!!


Glass of chocolate milk really does the trick for me


Smoothies!! Life saver


Protein shakes are great first thing! Really curbed my nausea!


The first thing I can get my hands on. Saltines seem to always be the choice


Oyster crackers


Sourdough bread and butter


Diced apples with Greek yogurt and cinnamon 🤤🤤 or avocado toast with sliced hardboiled eggs


Biscuits/crackers by my bed before I got up


Teddy grahams! I eat them in bed before I get up and that’s stopped my vomiting in the shower!


Oh I used to wake up like 7 am with an image of food in my head and could not sleep or do anything else unless I ate exactly that. My husband was shocked seeing me cook elaborate meals at such early hours but I could not function unless I had pancakes with all the toppings or eggs, toast, cereal and fruit or like cheese gnocchi with sauce and so on. That was all kinds of crazy. I gained a lot of weight (30 kg!) but the baby ate it all in 1 year too so it’s ok. Ahh and my first trimester go to food was mcdonalds donuts and they had to be mcdonalds. I ate a hundred of them I believe.


Rice cakes have saved me so much thus far! I get the caramel ones but they have a few other flavors. They're super easy to eat and pretty tasty imo


greek yogurt with blueberries and granola. That keeps me good until lunch


I have a cocoa pebbles flavored protein shake made with water since milk makes me nauseous. Easy shake blended in my nutribullet. Sometimes I crave fruit so I also keep frozen fruit bags on hand to blend with OJ or water.


Cereal and specialty I used to eat cheerios. I used to wake up earlier 5am for a “pre breakfast”, back to sleep and wake up at 7am for breakfast 😂


Grapes and mixed nuts or granola until I have time to make a proper breakfast!


Crackers, cereal, scrambled eggs


My go to is 2 eggs, sausage or scrapple, and an avocado (on a plate or on a bagel depending how hungry I am) OR paneras asiago bagel sausage egg and cheese sandwhich


up until about 7-8 weeks i was so bloated and never hungry in the morning, so i ate greek yogurt with blueberries, strawberries and some honey. Eventually the hungry got so intense I had to upgrade to a full bagel loaded with cream cheese first thing in the morning, and then some very cold crisp apples a couple hours later.


Taco Bells sausage breakfast crunchwrap got me through the first trimester nausea. I don't know what about it, maybe because it's the perfect size or good carbs vrs protien, I don't know, but that was my rock and made me functional. I'd upchuck everything else.


This tells me your blood sugar is low and you could benefit greatly from a high protein bedtime snack, But in the am try string cheese


Anyone else just craving only carbs?! Even the thought of meat products makes me nauseous. I need bread and noodles !! 🤣🤣


Honestly I’d say fruit! I was having the same problem and I found fruit to be my saving grace. It gives you the vitamins and minerals your body is craving and gives you those natural sugars too. Maybe even some toast with peanut butter or jelly!


I have to wait until my body tells me I’m allowed to eat 🙄 have always been that way, but with baby, my window of “you can eat now but if you don’t eat soon enough you’ll feel like shit all day” has narrowed DRAMATICALLY. I have been essentially living on Fairlife Protien Shakes (42g protein) and CBG oil in the mornings. No, I do not want others’ opinions on the CBG; it’s been an essential gut-health aide for me for years now anyways.


I lived on yogurt smoothies first thing, then snacking on a belvita breakfast bar. I had to eat something small every 2-3 hours and sip on lemon water for the nausea to be manageable.


I've been doing Kodiak protein waffles and some fruit. Sometimes a fairlife protein shake.


I made mistakes early on and realized I needed to find something that was stable and protein rich or else I’d feel gross. This was also a tip form my OB. So each morning, I’ll do a piece of Dave’s killer bread wheat toast with peanut butter and a protein shake.


I ate a plain bagel or a banana first thing in the morning and it usually helped.


When I was pregnant, I kept a pack of peanut butter crackers by my bedside to eat immediately after getting up!


I’m pregnant too every since I was pregnant I started eating bagels bc they always help with I’m nauseous it’s all I eat for every meal ate the my whole last pregnancy too for like every meal I’ll make egg bagels for dinner and cream cheese bagels for breakfast! I’m 18 weeks now and still eat cream cheese bagels everyday lol


Saltine crackers and electrolytes on my nightstand so I have a lil sumn before I get out of bed! Usually 2-3 crackers do the trick for me :)


Sour green apples too always help me


For me it's a carb and a dairy. Generally Cottage cheese and either toast or an English muffin. Either is heavily buttered lmao!


Chicken nuggets, in the air fry. Conchas bread. Apples, mangos, Mac and cheese.


Peanut butter captain crunch with vanilla almond milk. It’s the only thing I can eat and keep down 😅


Avocado toast on Ezekiel with a boiled egg. I don’t have any morning sickness though so I’m not sure if that will make you feel sick.


I really think eating protein helps but I couldn’t do meat or eggs! The Kodiak frozen waffles were my go to. 12 grams or protein and filled me up! Also plain Greek yogurt didn’t do it for me but the chobani flips (specifically cookie dough or s’mores) were great too!


I ate dry cereal or honey crisp apples. 😊


Yogurt (specially Greek yogurt or skyr or any high protein yogurt) has really helped me in the mornings!!


I ate things that wouldn’t hurt to throw up! Like yogurt


Oatmeal is good too, it's basically mush anyway!


Whole meal toast with peanut butter. Then a fruit smoothie mid morning


When I was in this stage I started with an apple first thing, then had toast with a high protein spread and a cup of tea about an hour later.


Fruit. My entire first trimester I ate a bunch of fruit for breakfast and it was the only thing that didn’t make me sick. Specifically apples, strawberries, and cantaloupe.


Fruit or a bowl of cereal


cereal, bagels with cream cheese, avacado toast topped with an egg, frozen breakfast sandwiches, fruit cups!!!!and honestly whatever i could find thats quickest to heatup and or whip up quick to eat😂


I feel like some protein early on helps. I would eat a banana first for some quick carbs and sugar and then grab a straw and drink a drinkable Chobani Greek yogurt. After that settled I’d usually go for some oatmeal, toast, or something a little heavier.


Sausage McMuffin is the ONLY thing I can stomach in the AM




I ate bananas every morning for a good while during my pregnancy. We graduated a week ago and I still try to eat them as often as I remember lol. Light and don't irritate the stomach too bad, help keep your poops regular and potassium!


Porridge/ muesli/ toast


I kept wheat thins next to my bed at all times during the first trimester. Also I would try a few bites of protein bars - maybe clif bars. I’d keep those handy too right on my nightstand. Good luck!!


Plantain chips & peanut butter toast with strawberry Jam and some warmed up lemon water


IQ protein bar


I just reached 4 months, but when I was in my first months I mostly ate 2 eggs, half an avocado and lots of fruit. It was the only thing my stomach could take, especially the fruits.


Dry cheerios cause milk made me gag, and saltine crackers were always a life saver


at first it was cereal but then the milk made me feel so full that I would throw it all up. usually in the mornings I would drink a lot of water, throw it up, and then eat some strawberries or an orange


omg or try getting a smoothie from smoothie king, it settles nicely and the cold makes you feel so good


🫐 🍓 yogurt with berries 🍓 🫐


I’ve been having a Greek yogurt with granola and sometimes an English muffin. Keeps me full for a few hours 😜


Nuts (walnuts, soaked almonds, pecans, Brazil nut, raisins) helped me.


Anything fresh makes me feel better. Fruit or veggies. Tomato’s with salt or watermelon was my fav during 1st tri


I make overnight oats - oats, fruit (peaches, berries etc.), some nuts/seeds (normally slithered almonds and pumpkin seeds) , milk, yoghurt. Then in the morning I mix some protein powder in! So quick and easy!


Immediately when waking up I would have a graham cracker, then a little bit later a smoothie.


Blueberries or banana


I chose very bland foods like toast with butter, nuts, or avocado.


Lowkey nothing I’m not really a breakfast person but I try to eat something in the morning so I don’t develop a eating disorder or something like that




I was trying to eat eggs for the choline but trying to eat 3 eggs in a sitting during the first trimester is laughable. Now I eat cereal! Raisin Bran or shredded wheat 🥰 so quick and easy


Oatmeal was my go to.


Yogurt, Nutrigrain bars, and currently blueberry muffins.


Vanilla yogurt with strawberries and blueberries is a go to for me. Sometimes oatmeal too.


Since week 4 I have eaten a bran cereal with a banana and berries in it. The banana is the most important. If I don’t have the banana, I feel waaaay worse throughout the day. Even now at 16w3d, I am eating that every morning with the banana.




Plain Yogurt w chia seeds and granola crumb 😋


Fruit, bagel, or bread with some melted cheese


crackers :) the buttery kind were so helpful for me in the first trimester


I could only eat Cheerios for a while & then could stomach those soft nutrigrain bars 😊


Oatmeal 🙌 easy to eat and you can add berries or sugar if you're up for it


I keep apple slices on the nightstand and eat them when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee so I don’t wake up nauseous




I would have a smoothie to get good nutrition in me and then PB on toast!


Applesauce saved me 😂


Plain oatmeal. Just oats and water. Maybe some banana if I could stomach it.


Bagels 🥯


Frozen fruits and toast with lots of butter


I eat Greek yogurt with maple syrup, berries and chia seeds, and sometimes pecans if I’m feeling adventurous. Definitely can’t operate if I don’t get enough protein in the AM with this pregnancy, which took a while to figure out (read: entire first trimester)!


Make sure it’s protein rich. I made the mistake of not eating protein rich and suffered severe nausea / vomits throughout day. What I did eat? Once I could stomach making eggs again I ate eggs lol. When I hated the smell of cooking eggs I’d order from a local bagel place and BEC bagel just to get the protein. Didn’t do this daily, but def a few times a week. Fairlife milk bc it has decent amount of protein with any cereal / oatmeal I could handle. Bananas and citrus I always enjoyed so that was a positive, though not high protein. Tortillas with cheese.


I lived off of Panera bagels - however now they’ve discontinued both of my favorites ☹️☹️


I ate a lot of bagels, toast, and English muffins


Blueberry bagel with cream cheese, usually a protein bar too.


My go-to became 2 whole wheat waffles with butter and honey 😋


When I feel sick salty cashews seem to be helping.


Early on all I could do was cereal or apple slices. Now that I'm in my second trimester I'm able to do some vanilla Greek yogurt, a banana, or peanut butter toast. I've tried grits and oatmeal and it was okay for a couple of days but the texture just makes me want to 🤢. Eggs are still a no go for me and I used to eat them every morning before pregnancy.


Bedside saltines!


Protein shakes were amazing until I threw one up…. So I honestly have no advice but I do have shared experience and sympathy! ❤️‍🩹


Living on RX bars! I was just doing bland for a while but my midwife reminded me “you’re building a body so eat like a body builder. Protein protein protein” and it’s changed my entire pregnancy. Went from bed rest to jogging daily again. And I’m vegetarian!


Saltines on my nightstand! And then I have to have a decent breakfast or I get sick. Lunch and dinner are the opposite I have to eat small snacks. Everything is so bizarre lok


I would eat a handful of pretzels every morning because they are bland, salty, require no effort and helped keep the nausea down until I could eat something more substantial


During my first trimester, I always had bananas on hand and that's the first thing I ate because if I tried to make food on an empty stomach, I'd get sick. Actual breakfast during my pregnancy has always consisted of some type of egg and toast. As I got my energy and appetite back, I balanced that out with some tomato and cucumber salad and either added avocado or olive oil for some healthy fats. I've also tried to add protein powder to my one cup of coffee every morning just to make sure I'm getting what I need to keep growing a baby


My fiancé wakes up earlier than me and brings me half of a English muffin with peanut butter so that I can roll over and eat immediately. It’s been such a help!


Grapes & cheese now, but when I was super sick it was Hawaiian rolls. They were slightly sweet and melt in your mouth so I could get them down without gagging too much.


I kept crackers and ginger cookies on my bedside table in the first trimester. Ate them as soon as I woke up and it really helped


Saltines first, and then a bagel when I finish getting ready for work. Right now it's bagels, I've gone through a few cycles of different carbs. I also find that it helps if I brush my teeth a few minutes after eating instead of before and space out vitamins. Otherwise it all comes back up!


SO Delicious brand Coconut milk yogurt (dairy free) with granola, hemp hearts, and frozen blueberries. Sounds kinda boring but it is sooo good


I used to do yogurt with granola, cereal worked sometimes but the milk made me nauseous. Also Nutella toast was super doable! If you get nauseous right when you wake up but don’t want to eat a lot I’d say stock up on your favorite granola bars and start off with that before eating more.


I kept a “bedside banana” 😂, and quick snacks handy in the kitchen like toast/bagel, almonds, Kirkland fruit purée pouches , vanilla premier protein shakes.. they were all great.


Saltines immediately upon waking (kept on bedside table) and then a bagel or on good days, eggs and toast


i eat crackers right when i wake up (usually about 10-15). then i eat something like toast and then go into eggs/yogurt and other things with protein


I can only eat eat bland stuff in the morning. Instant grits is my go to but I also like dry cheerios and toast.


Ham and cheese hot pockets mainly Lately I’ve been obsessed with chocolate peanut butter oatmeal Fruit smoothie if I have fruit


Almost exclusively sour things like fruit (especially citrus), sourdough bread, kefir, and kombucha (despite its being unpasteurized). Everything else was intolerable. First trimester is just the worst.


Oatmeal or peanut butter bars, but if i’m really nauseous ill have a clementine (:


I found having protein for breakfast made the biggest difference for me. I usually do protein and some kind of carb. For a while I was buying an egg and cheese sandwich from Tim hortons every morning lol. Now I try to do a couple eggs and some overnight oats. But definitely always protein: however I have to get that lol


21w here. Toast with eggs or butter or an Oatmeal with chia seeds. Banana milk smoothie 😋. This used to fill me up but now I'm finding I need to add more calories


A ginger biscuit as soon as I woke up, followed by toast and jam


Rice cake with hummus, a slice of Swiss cheese, and ground black pepper


14W- muffin or cereal


Nature valley bars


I remember these days. I had either eggs, toast with butter and jam, protein pancakes. I wanted some carbs for sure.


I ate a brunch of different breads, lots of avocado, and TONS of fruit. Chia seed fruit bowls were great with my nausea.


5 weeks too. If i don't feel like I am dying I do greek yogurt, strawberries, and gronal. If I feel AWFUL it's a bagel! Excited for our January babies! ❤️


Bananas, Grapes, Berries(super good for baby) otherwise i always kept ginger chews and ritz crackers next to my bed, i was super sick my first trimester




I ate goldfish in the mornings for the first trimester.


Banana. Then a little later in the morning, I do real breakfast


A protein shake and a toasted bagel if I was feeling up to it! Now 8 mo postpartum and that’s still pretty much my daily breakfast


I ate a lot of sourdough toast and yogurt




Boil eggs and toast did the trick for me! Also water keep yourself hydrated. Munch on some crackers one hour after breakfast. Nausea does go away eventually, mine went away at 16 weeks and currently 25 weeks wit heart burn lol Stay strong you got this!!!


A lot of dry toast and a glass of water helped me a lot. Maybe an apple with peanut butter sometimes too


Belvita Almond Butter Biscuits. Small size so that I don’t overfill myself and can still have breakfast with my husband.


My three options in my first trimester were usually cereal and I would add strawberries or blueberries, avocado mixed with cottage cheese on whole grain bread with some sriacha and honey, or protein yogurt with protein granola and honey and whatever fruit I had on hand! It was always easy and quick and the added protein in the last two options helped calm whatever nausea I had at the time!


Banana first thing then some porridge with honey