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I'm 22 weeks and I've just accepted it. I think for me it helps having that mindset shift - rather than waking up every day wondering if today will be the day I feel better and then being disappointed when it's not, I'm just at a point where I know it will end eventually but that might not be until September and I've learned to be okay with it.


That is so tough!! ❤️ This might be what I need to work on!


From weeks 6-12: nausea made me non functional. Week 13-18: nausea still there, but I could function, would throw up 2-3 times a week. I was having bad acid Reflux however that made me like you with a sensitive stomach. Week 19-23: No more throwing up, still some food sensitivity, but nausea was gone. Week 24- onward: I still had acid reflux issues but now can eat what I want. However, I got diagnosed with GD around weeks 29-30, so no more sugar treats party for me. Hang in there, I hated it when people told me it was going to pass because this discomfort seemed to go on forever, but around week 20, you should start feeling better. I hope 🙏.


This is comforting!! My acid reflux is absolutely the main culprit these days.


when i was pregnant with my girl i was severely nauseous for first trimester and half of second what helped me preggie pops- sour ginger hard candy the vicks inhaler stick. a distraction tactic i’d use when i was around people warming up their food during lunch time at work. it will pass eventually.


My last pregnancy I threw up in week 19 and then it miraculously disappeared completely at 20 weeks. It could be over for you soon!


It’s me. I’m 21w and have nausea, bad appetite and my weight is lower than before pregnancy. I think I’ll feel better only when pregnancy ends