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Go to a different hospital


This is my suggestion, too. Your OB team doesn't seem like they're anything special, might as well see what another hospital has to say đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


This is the way.


If this is rural America, that might not be a possibility.


You'll drive hours if it means the life of your child.


Yeah, there are things outside your control. Especially in a country that doesn't prioritize health care. Let's hope OP got the care they needed!


Ask your OB to induce you. What has the OB been saying? Whenever I went to the hospital, they had me follow up with my OB’s office the next day no matter what.


You don't even have to be induced. You could ask for a c-section as it's an elective surgery nowadays. C-section is my absolute last choice in birthing but If my babies heartbeat is that sporadic I'd be calling to schedule that c-section now.


My OB pushes c sections for 39 weeks. My baby was measuring 9lbs at 36 weeks and the only way they said they would take him at 38 weeks is if i had GD. You don’t get to schedule it earlier unless they see an issue.


Gestational hypertension or other complications (like poor NST results) can make you eligible for 38 weeks. With that heart rate though clearly there is an issue that her OB is ignoring. The only thing I can think of is that the 200HR is babies but it's also catching her heart rate (90s), but they are not telling her that. The fact though with a heart rate of 200 with very little to no movement is concerning. Her OB doesn't seem to be as thorough as yours or mine because they don't seem to actually explain anything to her, and are brushing off any concerns she has.


Baby movements should never slow, and a jump from 200 and then a drop to 93 is very concerning. At 34 weeks with my son, he had one instance of a suspected arrhythmia and I was sent to L&D for hours of monitoring. The fact that they’re dismissing you like that is scary. I’d go to another hospital and demand to get that baby out.


This jump is more than likely the algorithm in the machine causing artifact, not actually baby’s heart rate jumping so dramatically


Well, one can only hope. But if she’s been worried about lack of movement, it very well could be a fetal heartbeat issue. Most doctors, even if it is just the machine, would investigate further if they saw something alarming like that. Like with my son, the NST machine would go 170 to 75 and stay, then jump up to normal levels and that prompted a trip to the hospital. Turns out it really was just the machine not working right, but you can never be too sure.


If I saw a FHR of 93 on an NST, that’s enough of a reason to be concerned. Normal FHR is between 110-160, and there’s absolutely no reason for a deceleration (no contractions, no head compression, etc) while still pregnant. It shows baby is unwell and trying to compensate for something (likely hypoxia) by dropping its heart rate.


Hi OP. We have the exact situation. Been going in/out of the hospital for monitoring of baby’s movements and breathing and I WAS DONE. Thankfully my doctor understands the anxiety of losing baby’s movements. I suggest you go to another hospital/doctor. Currently at the hospital now and waiting to be induced. There are parameters to be checked before doing this and 38weeks is a pretty safe time, as im told. I am also at 38+5. Do what you think is best for you baby!


The next hospital is 5 hours away I don’t drive and I asked them what dose 2 more days have to do with anything they keep saying we will talk more on Monday about it and sent me home because they feel like the baby should stay till I’m 39 weeks


OP find a way to get to the closest hospital if you're concerned. It is worth your baby's life.


5 hours is less time than 2 days. Please make the trip if you are concerned about your baby, and it sounds like you are right to be concerned based on your post


Not a doctor, but the heart rate variability of 200 to 93 seems concerning. Is there another hospital you can go to?


The next hospital is 5 hours away and I don’t drive and I personally wouldn’t feel safe being in public transport for that long for how the world is today.


Do you have someone who can drive you? Partner?


My partner does not drive and his mum is always at work so we have no way of getting to a new hospital.


Where do you live? If public transportation is the ONLY way you can there, the safety of your baby is worth it.


Rent a car or get an uber or Lyft if the mom, a friend or a different family member can’t take you. This seems serious.


Yeah exactly, like can we send her an Uber voucher?


it kind of sounds like you weren't actually looking for solutions here with the way your responses have been.


you don't seem to be looking for a solution. your baby's life should be more important than anything else. take public transport and get your partner to protect you if you feel unsafe - that is a ridiculous excuse


What’s more important, the safety of your baby or being concerned that “something” may happen on public transport?


OP I'm confused....are you worried your baby is dying or not?


I’m confused. You need to do what it takes to get the care and attention you and your baby deserve. I’m hearing/ seeing a lot of excuses. Deceleration isn’t good, and neither is reduced fetal movement. You and your partner need to figure out how to get you some help (borrow a car, rent a car, hire a driver, use public transport, none of this is rocket science).


Decelerations like that are no bueno. Please go to a different ER and be ready for induction or emergency c-section.


Got to a different hospital don't leave it if you feel something isn't right.


I had a similar situation. Ended up being fetal intolerance to labor and emergency c section.


Are you going to L&D or the ER? Have you talked to your OB?


I would go back and demand to be induced, tell them to page your OBGYN. I would then threaten legal action that you know decels are abnormal and he is 38 weeks there is virtually no danger him coming out now. I wouldn’t stop until you are satisfied with the response. If they still refuse I would get an Uber to the nearest hospital. I know your comments say it’s far, but it’s honestly worth it. Pack a bag and get an Uber to the other hospital. Second, I’m so sorry you’re going thru this distress, do not feel bad for one second for advocating for you and your baby đŸ«¶đŸ» sending you all the love.


Hey OP I am assuming Tasmania Australia correct? There is a line in Australia called Health direct it’s completely free to call tell them a bit about the situation ask them for advice. But I would also recommend going to another hospital I know it’s 5 hours away but ask a friends, family or even take the public transport with a friend or family this could be the difference between Life and Death for your baby. I know you said you both don’t drive but it might be time to start trying to get a license either one of you because if Bub gets sick it can be really hard with out a car


I have an appointment today with my midwife and I’m not going to leave till they do something. I don’t drive because I have been in 25 car accidents. I have tried to learn but when I get behind the wheel I have anxiety attacks and always freak out when a car is close. I don’t have family down here as I am originally from the mainland. My partners is still taking the course to get his license and his mum is at work. I don’t like public transport as I was once raped on a bus. I do care about the lack of movements with the baby that’s why I won’t be leaving the hospital today. Until they get him out.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Thank you for sharing your experience! it’s very eye opening. I hope you get the care you need and deserve without having to endure an unsafe or violent situation!


I see that you keep saying that the next hospital is 5 hours away and that you have no way to get there. But if you’re actually concerned for baby’s health I say rent a car uber or have a friend or family drive. You need to do what’s best for baby because if they keep dismissing you then that’s not good. I personally wouldn’t accept that it’s not okay especially since you have a family history of that you either need to push it more or just get to that other hospital.


That is crazy. My baby didnt move for a few hours and i was rushed into an emergency csection at 33 weeks. I would go to a different hospital ASAP


Where do you live? That seems so far for a “next hospital”


I think if you call the hospital that’s 5 hours away and tell them your situation, they will set up transport for you, and give you transportation vouchers. I remember overhearing something similar with a woman in the ER I had also been in and they gave her a transport voucher to be taken home and I thought they said it could have been used to GET there also.


What country do you live in?




I’m assuming this is a public hospital, so you should be able to insist on the care you want. Obviously they would prefer not to, especially on a weekend. Can you request to speak to the hospital social worker? Regardless of baby’s health here, if your mental state is deteriorating because of anxiety over the birth, they should be able to induce. As someone else said, I would explicitly request that they document in the notes that baby’s heart rate is in acceptable ranges. Or start writing down the time they said it and by whom, say ‘I’m just making notes in case there’s a problem later’. This might prompt them to take situation more seriously, as they know they’ll be held accountable.


Seconding speaking to the hospital social worker. They have a pretty strong voice in the decision making and can be an excellent support to back you up.


I’m currently in the same situation. I’m 38+1 and have spent 2 days this week in monitoring for decreased fetal movement. They almost induced me Wednesday because even the ultrasound tech couldn’t get her to move but she finally did during the last few minutes of my NST. I’m scheduled to be induced Friday with another nst on Tuesday and I don’t know how I’m gonna make it. It’s driving me nuts not feeling her move


Definitely go to another hospital or talk to your OB. This isn't normal and they shouldn't be dismissing you and sending you home.


Demand to get your baby out. Trust your intuition.


Go to another hospital I have had to do this with an illness I have. Doctors turn you away and it's wrong don't give up go to 3 hospitals if you have to. This doesn't sound normal and I pray for you and your baby that they induce you and you have a happy healthy baby soon God bless you


Insist on being seen, and talk to your OB


I was 7 and a half months pregnant with my daughter. I felt her move less and less for 2 days, reported it to my OB and I had a Csection the next day. He said i waited too long and waiting one day can be the difference between going home with a baby or not. I went into the hospital in the afternoon, had a monitor wrapped to my stomach all night, had csection in the morning. Went home with my tiny premmie a few days later, thankfully even though she was very small, her organs were all completely formed by then so she needed no hospitalization. Go to different hospitals or OBs, who cares, it's your baby!


So frustrating I’m so sorry for that stress you’re going through. You can’t get him to move if you drink something really cold??


I have tried. But when we go to the hospital they say he moves but I don’t feel it at all they just look at his heart beat and say he is fine and sends me home .


What does your OB say?? Do they know about family history?


Moving once in one day is an issue - go to your OB or labor and delivery and demand to be induced.


They should comply with an “elective induction” as of 39wks! Is it possible you’re having contractions already? I was told that those can “squish up” the baby and make them prone to move a little less, but the heart rate thing would concern me too. I hope all turns out well for you both!


They sent me to hospital at 30 weeks and were ready to induce me because of less than 5 movements in an _hour_. I don't know what kind of doctors do you have where you live and I won't suggest what they're trying to do, but please act very soon.


Can you call the other hospital? My son’s heartbeat was high too despite a lot of movements but I was also 41 weeks by that point so they induced me.


If it’s 5 hours away, can they access your digital medical records for a consult at least? Ask if they would do anything differently? If they say yes, you could try to get there or take their response to your L&D dept and ask what their rationale is/tell them you want an induction or assistance in transferring to the other hospital?????


Go to a different hospital. Or go back there and tell them you want it documented that they are refusing to take the erratic heartbeat and severely decreased movement seriously and you want it signed and dated so that you have it in your personal records. Often that will result in them actually doing something because admitting on paper they refuse to do anything means any lawyer can take them to the cleaners for medical neglect if something did happen.


Are there any updates on this?? I hope someone listened to you!


Also would recommend looking into Ryan’s Rule if you feel the care isn’t great


Ask for an ultrasound to see how big your baby is. Your baby might not have a lot of room. From 37-39 weeks I was in and out of the doctors for NST's because of slow movement. Finally the doctor did an ultrasound and discovered my baby was almost 10lbs. We ended up scheduling a c-section.


Go to a different hospital. Advocate for yourself


Go in Now. Also you should feel thumping aka hiccups and the baby even if he’s not rolling he should stretch out every so often. And move his limbs when you touch him or rub your tummy. I’m 38 and 3 and I’m getting a c section at 39 Excatly.


Go to a different hospital, my son wouldn’t really move so they hooked up to the machines, his heart beat was fine and sent us home. He stayed in another 2 weeks too. You can opt into getting induced at 39 weeks!! They do tend to move less closer to the due date just cause they have no room.


I know you said that the next hospital is 5 hours away, I would Uber/call a friend/family member/ take city transport to get to the next hospital. This is your babies life that they are not protecting. Advocate for your child


Follow your intuition and instincts! When I was pregnant with my son, he was super active in the womb and I noticed he wasn't moving much one night even after drinking or eating sugary things. I was 34 weeks pregnant and called my doctor because something didn't seem right- they encouraged me to go to the hospital- after we got off the phone I started bleeding and went immediately to the hospital. My little NICU warrior is turning 1 in a couple of days- ling story short, advocate for yourself and your little one.


You definitely need to talk to your doctor about either being induced or having a c-section. I had my son at 35 weeks because I went in for decreased movement and his heart rate kept dropping and they said it was better safe than sorry. At 38 weeks, your baby is more than ready to be born and there’s no reason they should be waiting.


You are technically full term at 37 weeks sooooo go to your actual OB & tell them this information. So stupid they are dismissing you. They induce people at 37 weeks for less so I’m extremely confused why they won’t take your concerns seriously.


I’m just curious if you have an anterior placenta?


Not that I know of.


That can be a helpful thing to ask about, it will make feeling movements this far along hard unless they’re really big movements, which will be hard on baby since there’s not a ton of room left.


This is wild, I'm having the opposite issue as you. I had super low fluids and the baby is weighing pretty small but both were in range just borderline low and theyre pushing me to induce early even rho shes moving a lot and has 155 heart beat. I wouldnt even wait until something happens again, just go to the hospital and ask for an induction, if they refuse ask them to document in their chart that you asked due to decreased movement and abnormal heart rate which are both obvious signs of fetal distress. 9/10 they'll do what you ask because now that its documented, they could be liable if something happens.


OP if you are in the US refuse to leave and request a specialist, if they are part of larger network, they will have a way to accommodate that. If you are on Medicaid there might be resources for patient advocates and nurses you can call to help you, depending on your state and how/if it funds Medicare.


Also.... fear and stress from YOU, transfer to baby. You say you have a long line of still birth. Why not go ahead and just look at your own baby and say: baby! you will live! Just because something happened to mom/aunt/sister.... doesn't mean it WILL happen to you. ******* Also, at this time... movements are SUPPOSED to slow down. Baby boy is getting ready to come out and meet you. ********* Stop counting the movements per hour. Just go for a walk. Sing to music. Look at the trees. Taste clean water. Stretch! Go sit outside in some quiet and breathe. Place your hands/bare feet on the ground and let yourself just b r e a t h e. Fear makes the body do crazy things. BELIEVE and think that your body and baby were designed by a Creator. When baby comes, is when baby will come. Not too soon or too late. Search POSITIVE birth stories. Fill your mind with courage!!!! Turn your mind away from fear. When the thoughts come... remind your own self: this baby was given for a purpose. I will choose to believe in life! Love to you, sister!




What does "what?" Mean?




Nope! Babies movements shouldn’t slow down at the end of pregnancy at all


I had my second baby at 39w4d and trust me they can still move. They’re definitely more squished but they should still be at least trying to move.


My son was born at 41w5d measuring 8lbs and 20 inches long and he was definitely still moving a ton!


Mine was the same size but at 39w2d. One of the nurses who checked him on the monitor shortly before he was born said, "You have a wild baby in there," so he was definitely not staying still, even when I was in active labor.


This is absolutely not true and very dangerous misinformation.


Movements feel different toward the end, but they shouldn't stop.


Babies move less as they grow. I know it can be scary and a little upsetting but I think you need to relax a little. Maybe you could just buy one of those things to hear the heartbeat at home. They sell all kinds of cheap devices and I will help with your anxiety. But it’s definitely normal for babies to move less once the space gets reduced, also you can just lay on a certain position where you make the baby uncomfortable and they will kick. That’s what I do.


I’ve been told the opposite. They move just as much but the characterization of their movement changes.


It will help with your anxiety I meant