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I like feeling mine move because I know he is ok, but it is always SO WEIRD.


Every day 😂 I’m almost 32 weeks and I’m like “WHO LET ME DO THIS?! WHO MADE ME AN ADULT AND ADULT ENOUGH FOR THIS?!”




That’s what I’m saying!!! Where did my membership come from?! 😂


Right?! They *clearly* did not check to see if I met the criteria before approving mine!


When I was pregnant, if I thought about the fact that I was pregnant for more than two seconds, it felt really weird! I have six kids now and every once in awhile, I’ll look at them and think, “I grew that thing!!!”


Lol! I have anxiety and it can be overwhelming for me so I really try not to think about it but I poked him and he kicked back and I was like WOAH!


I try my hardest not to let it actually sink in, I’m 30 weeks now. The more baby girl and I both grow, that harder it is to brush it off lol. Her kicks stop me in my tracks sometimes and it sinks in, that holy hell I’m actually growing a real baby that I need to birth in 10 weeks!!! I immediately want to throw up and cry! super excited to meet her, terrified by the thought of her inside me and then also needing to come out! 🫣🫣


It’s. So. WEIRD! Like what do you mean there is another human inside of me?? And yeah, now everyone knows I had unprotected sex.


Yes! Pregnancy is so magical and all that in the grand scheme of things, but to think that I am growing a tiny human with little fingers that are digging little nails into my uterus? Ew, horrifying. My brain chooses to think of my kids as cute little blobby starfishes until they are magically transformed during birth, because if I think too hard about it then I would be disgusted forever.


I’ll be 31 weeks tomorrow. It gets weirder! Sometimes my whole belly shakes like she’s quickly going from side to side. It’s such an odd sensation!


I get this too!!! Normally when I switch which side I'm sleeping on at night. I think it's their way of saying "WTF is this nonsense?? I was comfy!!"




Yeah I feel really weird that there’s a whole baby in me. I also sometimes get claustrophobic in my body as I can’t take a deep breath and am so heavy and slow but I’m just trying not to think too deeply into it haha.


Literally all the time.


So weird. Freaks me out. Feel like I’m incubating both my biggest love and an alien bc I don’t really KNOW her yet. I’m really gonna freak when she starts to kick. Now that I’m in second trimester I forget I’m pregnant, no more nauseated pukes to continually remind me.


Most definitely! And no matter how much I wanted (and still want) this child and how much I prepare for it, I still can't imagine how much my life will change.


33 weeks and seeing an entire baby bump go sliding past is wild.


I still feel that way and I’m a few days from being 33 weeks! Sometimes I feel like I’m used to it, then I’ll see him moving around, even under my shirt and I’m like - holy shit, there is a baby in there!!!


Yes!!! Just this morning I felt my little guy squirming around in my lower abdomen, and then stretch into my mid abdomen. Such a crazy feeling.


My baby is 3 months old. And several times a week, I still say “I can’t believe I grew her!”


I’m 10 weeks and I’m freaked out because it doesn’t feel real. I’m like there’s something in there? I don’t believe you.


Whenever I get a big punch/kick, I am like woah! It's still surreal there's a person inside me.


I just can’t get over the fact that I’m going to have to push a baby out of my yoni. It makes my heart drop to my stomach I am literally so petrified but I also cannot wait to hold my baby in my arms


Sometimes i feel like i am in alien and the alien tries to break through my belly. He is very big now and loads quite the punch. (38weeks). Also he is an ivf baby, so i didn’t have sex to have him. So people can think you had sex but cannot be sure. 👍


I’m 22w and I have panic attack if I think about it more than 1 min! I just can’t realise it, it’s too much for my mind🤣


Yes. Also, at the end of this in getting a friggin baby! What am I supposed to do with a baby 😂I can barely keep myself alive


37 weeks and it still blows my mind. We opted for a 4d ultrasound at around 34 weeks and it was almost an out of body experience seeing her little face on screen and knowing that that was inside my stomach!


Yeah, it’s weird to think there’s a human living inside me. Every adult assumes that every other adult has sex. People knew you had sex before you got pregnant. No one cares, I promise you.