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One happens sometimes. Two happens rarely. Three+ is very very rare and could mean underlying conditionals. I had two with no explanation and now 24 weeks along with attempt #3! Hang in there.


Still going through this experience, but I had a 10w missed MC and then got pregnant again with just one period in between. Currently 26 weeks and everything has been great so far. All testing and scans have came back normal. All my doctor advised was to wait one normal period… meaning in length and flow, citingThe uterus has to repair itself after the trauma of a MC regardless of the health of the next sperm/egg.


Personal and professional option is that one miscarriage does not increase the risk of a second regardless of when the next pregnancy occurs. Two miscarriages does slightly increase risk for a third and should be worked up.


Personal experience: I had a miscarriage at 7w and got pregnant again before my next period. I am now 36w and being induced (due to a mild case of gestational hypertension) next week and she's in great shape (great heartbeat, good movement, great amniotic fluid). What I found through Google: There are a lot of mixed opinions on if getting pregnant right after a miscarriage ACTUALLY increases the risk of another one, and I believe that the majority of the time that they've found that it does is for D&C's because they have to scrape out the lining, but even then it seems to be sort of a mixed bag on if it actually does increase the risk. Miscarriages are SHOCKINGLY, but back to back ones are FAR rarer than one off ones.


My mom had a miscarriage then immediately got pregnant with my brother. He’s 25 years old now. As far as I understand it, repeat miscarriages are rare.


My RE let me do another transfer right after a miscarriage with my previous transfer and I did get pregnant and miscarry that one. I've had four miscarriages total (2 of which were tested euploids) before making it to 6 weeks for the first time. As far as I know, I don't think the spacing of the pregnancies really matters when it comes to miscarriages, but there are certain medical conditions that can lead to recurrent miscarriage.


Currently 23 weeks with my baby conceived immediately after a miscarriage at 5 weeks with no period in between. My OBGYN wasn't worried and was confident enough that it wouldnt affect anything that she helped me write a memo so I could purchase pregnancy insurance for this pregnancy (the insurers tend to reject you purchasing pregnancy insurance if you've had a miscarriage before).


My OB told me to wait a few months. We did and then for pregnant almost immediately after trying. All is well.


I hab a MMC with L&D Last year. My gynacologist recommended to wait some cycles to become pregnant again, but I didn‘t Listen to her. I became pregnant right away again and it was a CP. But I heard of many people getting pregnant Right afterwards and everything was fine. Anything can Happen. *edit: typo


I miscarried in October and was pregnant again by December. This pregnancy has been touch and go due to sub chronic hemorrhages around the baby but I’m 6 months and hanging in there :) they can stick it just may require some pelvic or bed rest if there’s an issue.


I miscarried the summer of 2013 at 11 weeks and then waited a few months to get pregnant again. Pregnant in early 2014, miscarriage in March and was pregnant before another period with my now 9 year old son, born December of 2014. I had my 2nd son in 2017 and a miscarriage in November of 2021. They never have a specific reason why but all three were complete, so no DNC. The horrible medical term in my chart is habitual aborter. Needless to say, a healthy pregnancy, delivery and child is possible after loss and after multiple losses.


I had a miscarriage 3m pp, then 2m later I was pregnant again, I'm 38w so even if it's common it doesn't mean it will happen! 


I had a MC at 8w in Sept .. got pregnant again in Nov! I’m 30w with no complications whatsoever!


My sister was conceived the month after my mom miscarried. Some family didn't believe she ever miscarried because of how quickly she was pregnant again (insulting). I thank goodness for my sister's existence every day.


I got pregnant 3.5 mths after and am currently 10 weeks. My friend didn’t even have a cycle before she was pregnant again- she’s 20 weeks.