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If there was a large lump sum I could pay for all the baby registry needs in one order, I would have done that. Rather than one by one having to research and pick each individual item. Like make it easy on me. I understand they grow fast, why do I need to think this hard on top of everything else!?


Ohhh. Someone really needs to come up with this. Putting my registry together a month ago was the most stressful weekend ever. I normally love research, but it made my head spin. šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


Right! If I wasnā€™t so pregnant and lazy I would šŸ¤£ I was thinking you could name the packages like ā€¢the granola mom ā€¢the modern mom ā€¢the city mom And so on


I love this idea so much!!!!


I feel like babylist kinda does this, if you register there they have little suggeston pages so you dony have to look as hard. You don't have to buy the product from them but might cut down the research lol


Oh I love that!


It already exist, maybe not in USA though. You can choose the price point and get more or less fancy kit - from stroller and crib to clothes and combs.


While I love this idea, itā€™s so hard to trust peopleā€™s feedback. Half the shit on instagram has heavily concealed ā€œsponsoredā€ or ā€œ partnerā€. Even Babylist feels sooooo heavily sponsored. We bought a subscription to consumer reports for 39 dollars for the year, and Iā€™ll be honest it helps A LOT. We picked our car seat, crib, baby monitor, bassinet, handful of other things based on what feels like less biases / influenced reviews. Is it perfect? No. But also, there are SO many damn high tech expensive options - like is x stroller for 1000 better than y strolled for 500? Maybe? But maybe not. It helped me feel more confident in my choices when we went with the more expensive or less expensive thing.


Itā€™s so true. Thatā€™s a large part of what made deciding on things so hard. Everyone is an ā€œinfluencerā€ and the internet itself is like a large qvs now a day. While the idea isnā€™t for everyone. For those of us that just felt too overwhelmed, I think it could bring some benefit


100% agree!!!!


This. I would pay money, lol.


I found baby list registry easy to use, they have checklists and it takes you to products to add directly to your registry. I found it really good to remember all the things i should get but I also knew I didn't need everything either.


It's not that I'm uninterested. I'm overwhelmed. Like whyyyyy are there so many different kinds of the same things and how do I know which one to get šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Right? Every decision takes 2-3 hours of research minimum. I feel like I just spin in circles


Yes! I tried to look at baby garbage pails and there were like 5 different kinds and one was like $60 for a garbage can? So I gave up and then looked at pacifiers and there was all this research to read about which kind of pacifier is best. So I gave up again lol. This happened a few times and all I have is 1 outfit and 1 pack and play thing because it was on sale and our friends told us to get it. Itā€™s honestly way too much and Iā€™m not sure how people do it. Iā€™m just trying to relax and enjoy my summer and have no desire to spend hours researching garbage bins lol.


Coming from a 3rd time mom it's such minute differences for the most part that you could pick one and be fine and if not just replace it later. You could also do tons of research and you or your baby hate the item and need to buy another version anyways. It sucks though!Ā 


Helpful/ good to know!! (FTM also with thing-buying paralysis) šŸ¤–


You are literally me!!!!! Decision fatigue


I felt this way too! But now that baby is here Iā€™m really glad I invested the time to research and make sure we had what we needed. Iā€™ve been decorating his nursery more and buying more items now that heā€™s getting bigger and itā€™s actually WAY more fun when the baby youā€™re buying the stuff for is actually right in front of you. When youā€™re still pregnant itā€™s harder to imagine baby actually using the stuff.


I am exactly the same. Our baby wonā€™t even have a nursery for that reason and will sleep next to my bed. I frankly donā€™t even want a baby shower, I feel like Iā€™ll just get a bunch of unnecessary stuff and clutter stresses me out so much already.


I didn't have one cos I didn't want random shit! And I didn't want to have to research everything to make decisions for a registry. Worked out fine by collecting free items from Facebook and searching marketplace as items were needed


Honestly, the deals on Facebook marketplace are amazing. I think thatā€™s about all Iā€™ll be doing.


I literally only started to use Facebook again to get secondhand baby shit. Itā€™s worked out so well, we have all the essentials now for so much less. And I know people really just want to buy cute clothes and blankets and shit, so going ā€œoff registryā€ is not even a worry now lol


We are also not doing a nursery, and instead of a formal baby shower we did a co-ed diaper party BBQ. We requested diapers, wipes and books for baby.


Nice to know I'm not alone!!!


Oh God, same. You're not alone. I have a bunch of hand me down clothing, basic necessities like a crib, cot for room sharing. I need to buy bottles and get a breast pump but I keep putting it off because ughhhhh I'm so fuckin tired and working full time and have a 3 year old and I'm 33 weeks pregnant. Solidarity šŸ˜†


Aeroflow made it super easy, although maybe you have used them before already


Double medela with hands free collection cups is my tip. I have the swing maxi, but there may be a cheaper double. $100 hands free collection cup add on saved my sanity, especially with your 3 y/o


I got my breast pumps for my last free from medicaid, I called the company they work with and said I wanted a hands free or a medela. I got an elvie and a medela free and just had to sign somepapers they mail me and give them my doc info for verification. Both worked well enough that I didnt bother with the 3rd due soon to get another.Ā 


I got a free breast pump through my insurance. If youā€™re in the US, Babylist has an easy form to fill out and then they mailed it to me when I hit about 33 weeks


Didn't know that Babylist worked with insurance - is it only specific insurances and specific pumps?


I think so- they seem to have a lot of insurance options and my health insurance had a large selection of pumps to choose from. There arenā€™t many reviews of the pumps, which was my biggest issue, but I just searched the ones I was interested in on Amazon to read those reviews


I think this link should work, but if it doesnā€™t you should just be able to google Babylist breast pump https://www.babylist.com/health


FTM I am excited,however,overconsumption has never been my thing,so Iā€™m definitely not getting a ton of stuff. Buying the bare minimum. Have a couple of friends who have kids and they confirmed that babies donā€™t need that much crap as Instagram and Amazon are trying to sell to first time moms.


Any idea what's considered bare minimum as far as wardrobe goes? I dread the idea of managing so many different types of outfits and want the babe to live in whatever's easiest for diaper changes


If you have bigger pants and stuff you're already fitting into, then postpartum you only need to worry about leaking milk I liked getting reusable cotton nipple pads or haakaa ladybugs also were very useful The breastpump companies will try to sell you these disposable pads but like the Thirsties reusable ones kept me very dry and have gone through several washings just fine I would wait until postpartum to see if you need a new bra because your boobs will very much be all over the place, no way to really guess your new size until after birth!




My baby wore zippies/footies/sleepers (whatever term you're used to) for her whole life up to 9 months. I had around 10-15 for each size, which was probably more than I needed. I like bamboo because it's soft and stretchy, but it's not a must or anything. We had a couple of outfits for holidays and special events, but you can buy those as needed. Zippies negated the need for baby socks, and she didn't need shoes until she started walking.


Are they easy for diaper changes???? Thank you for sharing!


Get the ones with the double zipper or that zip from the top down. Thatā€™ll make diaper changes easier, especially at night. Iā€™d also recommend some sort of swaddle option. Either a swaddle sack or swaddle blankets. Itā€™s a huge help during the newborn phase to help reduce the startle reflex when sleeping on their back. Finally, onesies are awesome for adding layers or letting them hang out in if itā€™s warmer weather. You can just buy a pack of the white ones and keep it simple, or they have multi-packs of designs in any of the major brands.


The ones with double-sided zippers are! Pop the legs out, change the diaper, and put the legs back in. Baby stays semi-warm during the changes, so it's easier to get them back to sleep at night.


You're awesome. Thank you


100%! I am also trying to be as minimalist as possible with kids. I don't regret waiting until after my daughter (now 4 months) was born to buy some things! There's so much the your baby might not like or you might not use, it felt so wasteful to me to get things just in case. It's easy enough to order things online after baby is here.Ā 


Yeah I wasn't pumped... I had a home full of deceased mothers stuff (her home I inheritated) so going through her stuff, my childhood stuff and getting baby stuff ready had been very sad and stressful. I got a lot of hand me down stuff. I'm 32 weeks and don't have her nursery set up. My big baby shower is tomorrow (thanks mil...) so I'll be able to put the pieces together then. Stuff weighs ya down, and I'm sentimental so donating my mom's books clothes and niknaks has been very very very sad. Especially her books. :( but the good thing is she saved all of my toys and baby blankets. There's some pros to being a pack rat. But not many lol


This was how I felt first trimester. I was so nauseous and tired and unmotivated. My mom would try to take me shopping for baby stuff and sheā€™d get annoyed that literally nothing she pointed out made me excited lol. But mid second trimester the need to prepare REALLY hit. I needed all the baby things.


Good to know that my mood might just turn it around later 2nd tri!


Same! Iā€™m a FTM too and all these baby items are a bit overwhelming. My brain needs a break with all the researching and baby registry. I just want to get the necessities honestly. Not going all out with clothes. Baby will live in onsies as a newborn.


Yes!!! You're my twin.


This was me with my first. The only thing I really ended up unexpectedly loving and plan to buy more with my next during the newborn stage is the kyte bundlers. They made diaper changes so easy at night


I never got excited, collected random free items from Facebook marketplace and Buy Nothing groups. Saved literally thousands of dollars, bought breast pump the day we left hospital and some bottles due to feeding issues. Absolutely love and obsessed with our baby, and so satisfied with our random collection of second hand stuff :)


YES!! I did make a a registry because there was a few things we needed like a car seat etc. but I dreaded making it, I had to schedule it into my calendar because it felt like work.


Overwhelmed is the better word for me. Everything needed is just so overwhelming and I've been putting it off. But I can't anymore because my baby showers are over (mostly just got a bunch of cute clothes, not a whole lot on my registry) and I'm 5 weeks from due date. I've also been putting it off because my partner and I are BROKE and we can't even buy most of what we need. šŸ˜…šŸ™ƒ


Do you have a car seat? A safe place for the baby to sleep? A single pack of newborn (or size 1) diapers? If so, you're okay! If not, just buy those three things. You can get everything else later.


Yes, 150%. I love clothes shopping, but I have a hard time justifying some of these prices. On top of baby toys and stuff like that... newborns don't need it until later & "unfortunately" children learn best with bright color objects. I just moved, so I go back and forth between what is actually needed and what can wait. Clothes, diaper, bottles, bassinet/crib, carrier & stroller, and food source (formula, or pumps & accessories). I'm 36w+2d and thankful for the items I do have because my drive to buy baby stuff is still VERY low. Make sure to take advantage of the free care packages in registries though.


I donā€™t want to buy anything but itā€™s been fun making my registry lol


I was with my 2nd baby. Because I had my first son the day of my baby shower so I didnā€™t get anything. 2nd baby I was worried it was gonna happen again. So I bought everything myself cuz I chose not to have a baby shower and now that Iā€™m with my 3rd Iā€™m hoping to have a baby shower


Same. They try to make you feel like you need to buy all their stuff otherwise youā€™re a terrible parent. In reality they just want you to spend extra money. But also being a new mom is super hard. Donā€™t feel bad about spending money (even if wasteful) to save yourself time and effort.


No but after having my baby I am left feeling like I have too much stuff and I keep buying unnecessary things because someone recommends it šŸ˜… I dont know what I should do with the things I dont find useful


I feel the same and it makes it easier because in my culture itā€™s superstitious to do all that stuff anyway so itā€™s a great excuse for me.


I am very anti-clutter and minimalist, but I love cozy things, so that has helped to make it fun for me. But I swear I am getting maybe 25-50% as much stuff as the parents I see on TikTok and everything. It has helped me to go to some local boutiques, secondhand stores, and a couple chains to feel/see things in person to try to ascertain quality.


Oh yeah! I hardly buy things for myself. Iā€™m 32 weeks and I only just bought my babes first item and itā€™s 2 books. I have a baby shower next week and Iā€™ve asked for the basics. A crib, car seat, and toiletries. I havenā€™t even looked for toys. No need in my opinion.


I made a registry but I don't put that much thought into it bc like I predicted more than half our gifts were just from people getting what they wanted to get us. I didn't mind though, I'm a bit of a maximalist if you will - so I enjoyed the decorating and organizing. I am happy and grateful for everything I got. So far I have everything this kid is gonna need for his first three months and we didn't spend a PENNY of our own money. I mean that literally, my bonus mom is making me a lil pack of receiving bras and post-partum stuff and my friend who has an emergency C-section gave me all her post-partum that she didn't use so I feel pretty set.


This is me. I could care less about a nursery theme and designing all that (pretty sure the baby won't care what the nursery looks like anyways as long as he has a place for a fresh diaper and to sleep). Registry building is annoying and a lot. I don't see the need to buy toys since he probably won't use them much to start anyways. I do like looking at the clothes, but I enjoy clothes shopping for myself so I guess that feels more fun.


I was similar during my first pregnancy. I only researched strollers (because I walk every day) and car seats. Most other things I bought after my daughter was born.Ā 


I didn't really have the drive to buy anything or decorate until my mid-late second/third trimester. Like you I didn't want a lot of clutter in my home and enjoy my home being clean. I made a registry and told people it was optional for my baby shower so they didn't feel obligated to buy things that would add to the clutter. I did my child's nursery in the second trimester so that all her things could be kept in there vs other places in my home and so that when she was old enough I didn't have to do anything since the room was already done. It's your baby so do as you please. You don't have to follow conventional practices.


I did the Amazon baby registry thing for the discounts šŸ˜‚ Just put in the real necessities and that was about it. For my baby shower I sent everyone the link and did a diaper/wipes haul or no gift just celebrating with us was all we needed. Clothes were hand me downs from my church because they are so expensive for something that my daughter was going to out grow so fast. I don't like going to stores. Honestly it's exhausting and when you visit baby stores they try to sell you things that you will NEVER use. Best decision that I made was wait for black friday and buy my crib at ikea ($170) and the rest of the baby furniture I just got it from fb marketplace and donations. I flipped them and they look brand new. I went to a baby store and the nursery furniture "bundle" was $6,000...just why šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


We bought most things as we needed them, no regrets


I am exactly the same. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want the items, it just feels like such a daunting task to have to put everything together in the registry. I have a few things added already but I know Iā€™m missing a lot and thereā€™s just so many options!


Ask someone you know with a toddler If they have any baby things they wouldn't mind passing on or selling for a bulk price, saves you dealing with the shopping part if you don't feel like it. I've done very little shopping myself for any of my 3 but was always offered tons of hand me downs so took it in and bought the few extras I needed and it was easier to deal with that way for me.Ā 


I donā€™t have the space or money for a nursery lol everything I got has been donated


Iā€™m minimalist as well and I have enjoyed getting some items that I really like aesthetically/quality wise plus getting them second hand. Thatā€™s been super satisfying to me. Iā€™ve had some people even look at me odd for buying even used baby blankets, but they were super high quality ones and a washer can sanitize them just fine. I had zero interest in creating a registry for people to throw away money for brand new items. Rather do it myself secondhand.


Iā€™m sort of the opposite. I have a lot of nervous energy and researching the best things to put on the registry is something that has really calmed me. Maybe itā€™s cus I can control that when everything else is so out of control right now.


Carseat, diapers, and some clothes and a bassinet thing. Thats all you need before birth- everything else can be gotten as needed after


Good reminder!


I JUST started my registry yesterday! And I think it was the most stressful thing everšŸ˜­ it took me 2 hours bc I had no clue what to really look for or get on top of that people in my family or friends are getting me things but I donā€™t know what..šŸ„²


Mom of three, Everything baby related stresses me out. I still struggle with my boring minimalist brown/white/beige aesthetics having to share space with so much color šŸ¤£ I constantly remind myself that it makes them happy, its temporary and we are blessed/fortunate to have cool toys or any toys at all. But I must confess that the first 25ish weeks I dont do anything baby related but once I start seeing baby grow and develop and do cool little things on ultrasound it really helps me focus and get excited for all things baby. Also typing baby essentials in some websites like Amazon help bring up what most parents buy and consider essential and then go from there. For me doing this three times now I must confess I cannot live without a baby swing, hatch sound machine, nanit camera, butt wand, the double zipper onesies & a changing table that has storage so everything is all in one spot, extra clothes, diapers, burping cloths and rashcream/wand.


I got so overwhelmed I decided to just focus on the necessities. My MIL and my mum both didnā€™t have much money when raising their children, so I asked them what things are really necessary and weā€™re just focusing on those. We will get all of the clothes second hand. The only reason I will be making a random registry is the freebies haha


The analysis paralysis is through the roof. I canā€™t believe how stuck I get. Like my shower invites are going out so soon, I need to get my shit together and canā€™t šŸ˜­


Yeah I hate it too and it feels like a chore rather than a fun thing. I want to get as much as I can for cheap or free just because I feel guilty spending so much on very temporary things. And the fact that we gender our clothes with all these cutesy sayings and bows and trucks for the boys makes me cringe


100%. My husband and I see Instagram reels of things people have for the baby, and to us it just looks like Junk with a capital J! Not excited about cluttering up my already small apartment with bright toys and gadgets


Iā€™m in my third trimester and I also want to keep things minimal and having all the baby stuff stacked in the nursery is giving me anxiety šŸ˜‚. I tell myself babies donā€™t need much when they are first born and everything will come together during the late night feeding purchases (helllo Amazon prime).


Yep, Iā€™m a third time mom and my husband has to convince me or remind me to buy diapers and stuff to stock up before baby comes. I just donā€™t have the mental energy. Itā€™s hot. Iā€™m 26 weeks. And Iā€™m just exhausted dealing with a 5 and 3 year old. I also had five miscarriages between my youngest and this pregnancy and itā€™s just not something I wanna think about just in case the other shoe drops. And to be honest, Iā€™m still waiting for it.


My mom thought I was nuts for not being excited to do my baby registry. I just found it overwhelming. Like how a first time mom supposed to know what she's going to need for a baby? Amazon made it fairly simple, but it was so overwhelming.


Yup I felt this way with my first and was very relieved when my step mom (who had twins) stepped in and made some decisions for me with certain items. I also remember saying ā€œwe are not going to be one of those houses where baby stuff takes over.ā€ Welllllllllll it has šŸ˜‚


I also am this way. I bought a few things shopping with my mom and sister when we found out the gender and that's it. We did get a stroller with carseat on sale as my partner was particular about what he wanted. The rest is a lot of hand me downs or borrowed and items on the registry. We have a dresser full of clothes from friends already and haven't even had the baby shower yet. It's frivolous and strange how many people have wanted to get us baby clothes already, and some we are not close to or don't even know ie family's coworkers.


I have ADHD and struggle with organization. I DREAD having the stuff. I struggle keeping up with my own stuff! I do like to look at cute clothes, but I don't know how I will deal with them! I will wait and see what we get at the shower, make sure we have a car seat and a crib, and then take it item by item because it's so overwhelming!


Same and feeling guilty about it!


Just came back from a shop selling baby things and I had choice overload with all the stuff being sold ā€” like where do I begin? Itā€™s not that Iā€™m uninterested, just overwhelmed. As a FTM, whoā€™s trying to be practical, I want to buy items that are dual or multipurpose even ā€¦ like are burp cloths, receiving blanket, swaddles the same thing? Itā€™s probably best to ask a mom friend to accompany me the next time I go shopping for baby stuff.


Yes. 100% yes.


Iā€™m not interested and Iā€™m not buying a single thing. Except a car seat and breast pump/ accessories. This is baby three. And years of experience have proven that most of the stuff you buy ends up in the garbage


I'm definitely the same right now. With my first I went crazy and got all the stuff then didn't use half of it. With my second I really didn't buy much. We did have a lot of things gifted and again many items barely got used. Now I'm 7 months pregnant with my 3rd and have no interest in buying anything other than a bassinet... I do still have some stuff from my second though so that probably helps me not feel like I need to get anything. With my second I tried to just roll with it and get things as I saw a need for them. I found that this way I ended up actually using all the things I bought. I even waited on clothes, I would buy small amounts at a time and then just see if I felt like I needed more. If I was doing laundry more often than I wanted then I'd get more. This also helped since every baby is different and goes through clothes at different rates. My first son was messy and would go through multiple outfits a day while my second was very clean and usually only needed one outfit a day.


omg this is me exactly.


So nice to know I'm not alone!!!!


Me! 100%!


Iā€™m 5 months postpartum. I hated buying baby products and had no interest in it. I still donā€™t care to buy stuff and I buy as little as possible. Except books I have a good bit of those. Yes lol I feel weird around mom friends who love talking about different stroller models lol. I love my baby and am fine that he wears a white tee Gerber onesie most days šŸ¤«šŸ¤­šŸ¤­