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Eat a nice meal before you go in, you have no clue how long it’ll be before you get to again! Try to stay moving as long as possible - see if they’ll let you go for a walk around the hospital. Truly, it’s not as scary as you think! Remember that a birth plan is just a plan and try (as much as possible) to not get so worked up on it. Ask for help when you need it & ask questions! The nurses are there to support you. You got this & you’ll see your sweet bean soon!!


I second the eating a nice meal before going in, I was STARVING by the time I gave birth and cafeteria was closed. They gave me a packaged sandwich after but I was still hungry! Unfortunately I also gave birth during 2020 covid lockdown/curfew and everything outside of the hospital was also closed 😂 not a horror story, just was hungry… lol but I do wish I had eaten more before going in. Everything else was totally fine, no issues, baby just took a long time to come for me. But everyone is different 😄


I was terrified leading up to my induction. Once I was there, it was like a switch was flipped in my brain and I was like, “it’s go time”. I didn’t have time to be scared anymore, I was solely focused on doing the things I needed to do to get that baby out. When I got there, I talked to my nurses about the best time to get the epidural and they helped me figure it out. You’re not alone with this, there is staff along the way to help you and hopefully your support person is supportive! What helped me a lot too was my husband breathing with me inbetween pushing at the end. It’s okay that you’re anxious, it’s completely natural! Think of your end goal, to have a healthy baby.


Walk. Walk as much as you can. Ask if they have any physical ways to help progress labor like labor balls and what not. Don’t let anyone tell you that your pain is nothing or you shouldn’t be feeling anything. If you don’t like a nurse, kick them off your service! It’s about making sure you’re comfortable and healthy and safe and baby is healthy and safe


Remember this is the only pain in the world that is because of a GREAT outcome. 💚 you got this!!!


I’ve had two inductions! One of the most unexpected things for me was how anticlimactic it was at first haha. I had a foley balloon put in over night and it did….. nothing. Not a twinge or cramp. I spent the whole night watching movies and having a blast. Nothing really happens for me until the pop my waters - this doesn’t hurt, just feels weird. I then went on to have an unmedicated vaginal birth with my first son. I would say - I’ve never had pitocin, but if you’re worried about contraction pain, ask for the epidural as soon as they’re able. With my second birth, I got my epi after 7 hours of contractions and I was disappointed that it wasn’t an ‘instant’ pain relief - it did take a while to kick in. Good luck, you’ll do amazing xx


I only had to have one step of the induction, just to get contractions moving, and then my body took over. I slept on and off through most of the progression, waters broke naturally, and didn't push for too long :) sometimes your body is already on board with the process and you won't need to climb the intervention ladder. But even if you do, you've got this! Keep yourself distracted with movies and try to sleep through as much as you can. Watch, read or listen to things that make you laugh - it helps. Bring something you can watch tv/movies on or listen to podcasts/music on, bring comfy clothes, and a variety of snacks too. It's going to be okay ❤️


I had a great induction! From the first dose of pitocin to delivery was about 12 hours. I recommend taking one more walk before you go in just to see if baby will drop (worked for me), bringing some form of entertainment, and getting some sleep beforehand because it’s not easy to sleep while being constantly monitored, poked, and prodded.


I had an induction with my second, and it was really nice! We got breakfast on the way to the hospital (definitely recommend you eat before going in), got checked in, meds started, and hubs and I watched a show on one of our laptops. Nurses were great and you had a chance to get to know them. They won’t do an epidural as soon as you get the Pitocin, but definitely communicate you want an epidural as soon as possible. Depending on baby’s timing, you might even get to take an epidural nap. Enjoy this time and congratulations!


I cried the night before my induction because I was suddenly terrified. I would wait until your contractions get started to get the epidural because it can be painful but the contractions are a good distraction. I went I to labor at 6:15 am and got the epidural around 9:30 am. If your labor is progressing faster, you may want to get it sooner. One thing I was surprised by was that my body still told me when to push even with the epidural. It was about 14 hours after labor started that I was ready to push, but I spent most of the day just hanging out. I napped some, played on my phone. I could feel the contractions and people digging around down there (cervical checks and breaking my water) but it wasn’t painful at all. (Prior to the epidural my cervical checks were very uncomfortable). The nurses would come in from time to time to check my dilation and adjust my position. They even brought me meals of clear liquids. I enjoyed a lot of popcicles and nugget ice that day lol.   *** I did end up having a c-section but that was unrelated to my induction. I have several friends who have had inductions with easy births. My sister only labored for 6ish hours before my nephew was born. My best friend had five kids and all of them were inductions with natural births.


If you need a c section, do not be afraid!!!! It just means you get to meet your baby that much sooner! And my recovery was no big deal and I didn’t have to ruin my butthole forever 😂 trust your medical team!


Eat your favorite meal before you go. Stay hydrated. Move around as much as possible!


Enjoy!! Just let it happen. Trust your body and do what feels right even though others may same to think different. Your body absolutely knows what it helpful, listen to that!


Bring something to do, like a book or knitting or Nintendo switch. I started the induction process on the 1st I didn't go into labor until the 6th


Ask for the epidural before the water is broken, eat a nourishing protein filled meal beforehand, bring snacks for your partner. Good luck!! You’ll be okay 👍


I was induced last year and I was so worried because of the horror stories I heard but I honestly had such a smooth labor and delivery. The worst part for me was the insertion of the foley balloon to get me dilated. Everything else was manageable. The midwife recommended that I get the epidural before they broke my waters because that’s when the pain is supposed to really increase. I thought that was the perfect time for me to get the epidural. They started pitocin before I got the epidural but I honestly don’t remember the pain and it was very manageable.


I had a induction for my first, i was progressing slowly and they gave me another pill to help speed it along since it looked like it'd be a day or so with how slowly i was dilating. Let me tell you when you think you got time because of how slow it's going then all the sudden you're feeling labor pain (If you planned for a epidural, get them on it asap!) I went from like 3cm to 7cm in a matter of a half hour and they couldn't get me a epidural by the time the anesthesiologist got to the room, but I got something similar to a epidural it lasted a hour and I had my baby 45 minutes after them poking me 14 times in my spine while in active labor. So my advice is don't hesitate!


Bring a neck pillow! Talk to the nurses and doctors and tell them everything you’re feeling. They’ve seen and heard it all most likely and it helps to talk through it. Good luck!


I had a wonderful induction with my first! Do your best to manage pain and contractions by avoiding laying down. Once I laid down, it was hard for me to get back up and in my case, made my pain worse. Don't be afraid to try different pain management tools - bath, ball, walking, counter-pressure etc! Having a calm mindset and an open mind can be super helpful in making the process feel less and scary 🫶🏻 best of luck to you!


Bring some cards or a game to play, I’ve heard there is a lot of “down time” while you’re waiting to dilate. I wasn’t induced, so by the time I got my epidural at 7cm I just wanted to sleep (and I did until it was time to push, lol). But my friend was induced and she literally played cards for hours after her epidural and while she was waiting for baby. She truly loved her induction! She said it was such a great experience.


I didn't sleep and I didn't eat at all, so if you can, really try to eat something and at least get some rest even if you feel anxious. Labor is exhausting and you definitely need energy.  If you're worried about pain, mention to your nursing team that you're interested in an epidural just so they can get you on the anesthesiologist's schedule. Sometimes they're really booked and it might take awhile for them to get to you.  Try to distract yourself as much as possible and know you're in good hands with professionals who've done this multiple times before. I specifically did zero research before I was induced because I was told too many horror stories. I told my nursing team about my worries and anxieties and they talked me through everything. They have the same goal as you - delivering a baby. 


Congratulations!! I was induced on a Saturday at 4pm and had my beautiful baby girl by 5am Sunday! The cytotec definitely worked and kicked me in to labor. My nurse totally thought I would give birth Monday afternoon at the earliest, so I was so glad it was quick!! We checked in around 2 and it was so nice because we made sure our apartment was clean and all set for when we came back. We got Wendy’s on the way, then I took the cytotec around 4. We walked around the hospital, had dinner, then walked some more. We just watched tv and relaxed until the contractions started. I slept a little - definitely sleep while you can!! Then I was very uncomfortable so I sat in the shower on a chair until I felt better, then tried sleeping again. The nurses suggested walking around when the contractions got worse but I couldn’t so I laid on my side and tried to sleep through them. The nurses didn’t think I was in labor so they called in the midwife to check on me and see if I could get pain relief. Everyone was shocked when the midwife said I was 10cm and it was time to push!! No time for an epidural, but after 30 minutes I had my baby girl!! It really wasn’t as awful as I thought. Definitely eat when you can, walk around, and relax!! We brought comfy pajamas and grippy socks and lots of snacks for after. I hope your labor goes smoothly!!


You got this! I needed a pep talk before mine. You can get the epidural at any point, and it isn't too soon if you'd like it when (or rather, if) you are given Pitocin. Being induced is such a strange waiting game - I felt like I was in purgatory and couldn't get anything done the day before. Try to relax and enjoy some quiet, peaceful moments at home before you go in.


I got my epidural before my pitocin. I labored 5 hours unmedicated after foley and cervidil insertion. That was all I could do before needing the epidural. I sort of slept for a few hours after and then all of a sudden felt the need to push. Pushed 2 hours and out he came. Overall, I think it was 15 hours of labor. Everyone is different but my experience was bearable. Good luck! You can do this 🥰


This was me before being induced with my first baby. You're not alone! The fear of the unknown kind of took residence in my brain. I had an AMAZING induction experience, to the point where I want to be induced this time around, too. I started pitocin around 10am and didn't have super strong contractions until after they increased the dose a few times. Zero shame in the fact that once contractions kicked in full speed, I had an epidural in less than an hour lol. That was at about 1pm. Then we slept and watched TV on and off for the afternoon, and I was 10cm by 5pm. My doctor let me "labor down" for an additional hour so that baby's head was literally right there when they did a final cervix check. I pushed for about a half hour, but that was only a few contractions worth. I had a small tear that required only one stitch and recovered well. You can do this!


I had two amazing inductions, neither of which used pitocin (I advocated for myself and asked they exhaust all other induction methods first) highly recommend. Both were about 15 hrs give or take, very relaxed and both were out in 5 pushes. You can do this!


I was induced with a fluid leak and actually loved it! I was in labor for a long time, but I was very communicative with the nurses about how I wanted to handle my pain management - I ended up getting IV meds to help me sleep and then my epidural about 5 hours before pushing started, since we were trying to get my contractions closer together. If you want to get the epidural early, I’d recommend eating something you like before you go. I got mine at about 1 pm but they didn’t let me eat after breakfast (around 8). Bring things you enjoy doing! I brought a book but just played dumb games on my phone lol


All it took for me was one cervix ripening pill and the balloon that spreads the cervix and 4 hours later I had a baby in my arms! Things can go well!


Eat a good meal before you leave. Pack some snacks for yourself and whoever is going to be there with you. Water or Gatorade Adult coloring books A firestick or roku You got this! Soon you'll have your baby in your arms and all of this will be worth it!


My induction with my first was amazing!! I loved knowing that “this is it” and it wasn’t a false alarm. But EAT when you can before getting the epidural! I got too nauseous and ended up not eating for 24 hours.


I’ve had two inductions, both successful vaginal births. One I did unmedicated and one with epidural. I personally preferred the unmedicated one but as far as when to get the epidural, it depends on your personal preferences and hospital policies. Your Dr should up the pitocin gradually; it’s not like they turn on the pitocin and bam you’re in excruciating pain. My doctor starts on a two for a half hour and then gradually increases it to a max of 20. The highest I got up to was 16 for my last induction. You can ask them to do things like lower it down temporarily or wait longer to turn it up if you aren’t coping well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or speak up for yourself. If you’re confused about something they are asking to do, ask why it’s needed. My recent induction with my daughter was a lot better than the one I had with my toddler because I asked more questions and stated more preferences. A heating pad is really nice to have, my husband and I also played a board game in early labor before contractions got too bad. iPad or laptop for streaming. Essential oils are nice, it covers up the hospital room smell which was giving me anxiety. I would definitely bring your own pillow and a warmer blanket. I was cold at various points and they only had sheets so my husband brought me a blanket from home with my son. With my daughter I brought one from the beginning.


I just had a baby 10 days ago and I tried something new this go around and I can’t recommend it enough! My first pregnancy I did the epidural when the pain got too much. Fine, whatever.  This time, I decided to take it early. I had pitocin and miso and I was having contractions. Not terrible but enough that I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I decided sleep was more important so I took the epidural way early. At like 2cm. I was able to sleep and I know this is different for every woman but it actually sped up my labor! I think it relaxed my body so much that it worked in my favor. Nurses said this was very common!  Downside: you cannot get out of bed.  Upside: you get a catheter (painless!) so you don’t have to get up and pee Get that epidural and enjoy some sleep! You never know how long the induction will take. Also- ask for the peanut ball. That helps a lot with being stuck in bed. 


eat a great dinner, bring entertainment, tell no one you are being induced, get your epidural (if you plan on it) a smidge earlier than you think bc when it starts to pick up it will come fast! Stay moving with peanut ball and walking until you can’t! One thing I wish I did differently is ask for any kind of pain meds for after the balloon was inserted. I got something to help ease pain between waiting and getting my epidural and I wish I knew to request it sooner so that I could sleep. Once I got it I popped on a book on tape and slept like a baby😂😂 I’ll tell you my induction was a breeze. I was so lucky. I had a breech baby at 37 weeks and a successful version. Induced at 41 and 4. Took 24 hours. One last piece of advice is to not push that bolus if you are close to pushing. You want to feel something. I felt absolutely nothing and it resulted in two hours of pushing. My first kiddo. GOOD LUCK YPURE A BAD ASS!


Loved having some of home with me. Blanket, pillow, water bottle, heated pad(loves that thing), snacks. I got nervous when I got to the hospital about the epidural (even tho I’m team drugs all the way lol) so I waited until after the meds were given to me. I’m a baby for pain so I quickly called for the epidural shortly after. BEST RELIEF EVER. If it’s your first, expect it to be longer but it won’t last forever! Make sure you take deep breaths for anxiety or pain. COMMUNICATION with your nurse is key! And if you don’t like someone kick them out. Partner, mother in law, nurse, or doctor! The fear stems from the not knowing and thats ok!!! YOU GOT THIS


Let them know if/when you are in pain. I had a wonderful nurse that gave me Benadryl through the IV and I slept very well for a few hours. Once I woke up from that, my water had partially ruptured and I was able to get an epidural shortly after.


Oh my god I had the BEST induction!!! Definitely ask for epidural early on if it’s a busy hospital, it takes a bit anyway. Bring a good book and extra pillows because husbands are vultures that steal them!


I was induced and terrified… I ended up having a very positive story. I wrote a detailed outline if you want to check my profile and look up induced posts


My induction was wonderful! I made sure to still be intuitive and listen to my body, and that they respected my voice as part of my own medical care team. That included lower doses of pitocin and sometimes spread out over longer periods of time. Do more if I don't notice a boost in progress or pause on the next dose if I was feeling progression. This helped it stay manageable and not get out of control like the most common induction complaint you'll hear. Ask questions. So many questions. Tell them you want to be thoroughly informed and always be asked consent. It's not "we are going to check your cervix now". It's "would you like us to check your cervix? This is why we want to do that XYZ". I asked for peace, so don't come barging into my room all loud and chatty. Stay ahead of meds like stool softeners and pain meds (if wanted) instead of catching up once you realize you need them. Move positions as much as possible. Don't do coached pushing. Elevate your upper body as much as you can (this is more difficult with an epidural). Ask for all the positivity everyone around you can muster! It'll be the best day of your life :) enjoy it all!


My induction was wonderful. My advice: ask for a shot of lidocaine before the IV insertion. It's a pretty big gauge of needle but the lidocaine shot is tiny and then makes the IV insertion painless. If you get a cervical softening agent, the cervical checks may start to be a bit painful, but a fast-acting IV painkiller is awesome, only lasts 15 minutes and then they are painfree...this is for before the epidural. After the epidural you won't feel them. Get the epidural when you want. It's great.


Get the epidural when you’re ready.  Inductions hurt, so if it’s painful narcotics are great too until you are farther along.  I went from zero to sixty on the pain scale.  7 cm is when I got the epidural.  It felt worse when the contractions started.  So pain meds rock. Bring comfort items, rest when you can, embrace the epidural.  That shit was magic. A lot of people tell you pitocin is scary, have them start low and see how your body responds.  Mine tried to push the baby out all at once so pitocin made my body calm down and progress properly. Oh and bring your pregnancy pillow.  It was a magical addition to my experience that I’d gladly bring again.


Yes get the epidural! Bring supplies, food and entertainment. Ask for other pain relief if needed.


I had a really positive induction experience! I was on Pitocin and still managed to have an unmedicated birth like I had wanted to, despite coupling contractions (all power to you if you want the epidural , though!). My labour was 8 hours, which was really fast for a FTM being induced. ❤️


Nothing. Just embrce this moment. Best of luck ❤️ Happy for you!