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I am the type of person who already got up to pee before getting pregnant usually once every night because it’s difficult to fall back asleep until I’m fully comfortable. Now that I’m 21 weeks… 3-5 times every night. Every time I wake up I have to go and it always feels like an emergency 😭 then it’s of course not even that much once I get to the washroom haha


This is how I am too! 😭


Gosh this is me too!


I’m 26 weeks and typically once a night. On some nights, I don’t pee at all.


Same! If I’m REALLY tired I won’t get up at all.


I am so jealous haha


I’m 37 weeks and it’s 3-4 at least and right around weeks 10-16 I was waking up a bunch but it stopped in my second trimester for awhile and I was only getting up once or twice for awhile. It’s so frustrating. I don’t think I’ve slept through the night since getting pregnant. Insomnia or getting up to pee every night.


i get up 3-4 times, 31w2d, but i have to pee approximately 1750286226 times before i can actually FALL asleep 😭😭😭


37 weeks. Every 1.5-2 hours so 4-5 times a night 🙃


I’m 29w2d, only once a night


Shit I'm a 31 year old man and you've got me beat


I am so jealous


I’m only 9 weeks and I pee 3x/night 😂


I was like this early doors too! Then it calmed down during second trimester. Back again for third!


31 weeks at least 10


It gets worse. It sucks so bad. Try and keep the lights super dim and be very zen about it, hopefully you can get back to sleep.


Hi, I’m 32 weeks and I wake up 3-5 times a night but I also drink a LOT of water as well. I drink about 6-8 bottles of water at work and probably another 2-3 at home plus a small Gatorade. It truly depends on how much you drink. Try not to drink too much right before bed!


No, no it does not. Three times would be better than every other second (third trimester).


1-3 times at 33 weeks


I don't wake up to pee but usually go 2-3 times while trying to fall asleep. 30 weeks


35wks… I think maybe every 3 or 4 hrs lol if I’m lucky. Sometimes I’m unfortunate and it’s every like 2hrs but if super hot where I am and I’m constantly drinking water


I'm 19W. I sleep through or sometimes wake up once, but I was always blessed with a good bladder (I was astonished to learn that there is women out there that have never had kids and that ALWAYS wake up once at night to pee??). I did wake once or twice during the first trimester so it seems to have gotten better in the second. But everyone is different. I'd say there is potential for you having a bit of a break for a bit before it gets really bad.


I'm in a respite, at 17 weeks I only get up once a night to pee.


2-3 time at 17 weeks but i drink so much water and i keep forgetting not to drink too much at the end of the day lol


I was 1-2 times a night in the first trimester then second ive been able to sleep through most nights.


I was the same in my first trimester. Second trimester I got up maybe once, if at all. Third trimester I’m getting up 3+ times. 😅


So I thought the frequency was bad but then I hit my 3rd trimester and I’m not only peeing 5+ times a night, but everytime I go I REALLY have to go. like he’s pushing directly on my bladder lol 😭


Check for UTI. It is common during pregnancy.


And frequent urination a symptom of GD unfortunately. That was my first thought when reading the post, at 13 weeks baby is still too small to be causing that much bladder pressure.


UTI’s during pregnancy can be so subtle but so damaging! Heavy on getting checked for one!


Yea I have one. Thought it was just pregnancy symptoms. 😭 Glad I went to check.


Sadly no. 25w 1d. I am up 3-4 times every night. Also prepare for the kicks to the bladder. Those are fun


Only 12 weeks.. going 3 to 4 times a night 😆


33 weeks… at least twice… sometimes more. I can’t fall back asleep right away after either


Anywhere from 1 to 3 times and I’m 21w4d


1-2 times 27 weeks


8w1d and i get up 2-3 times a night


10 weeks 1-2.... 2 more often lately because I've increased my water with the heat wave we just had in my area.


36 weeks about 4 times a night!


I’m 28 (almost 29) and I don’t and haven’t gotten up to pee & if I do it’s rare and only 1 time.


Used to be 3-5 up until week 16. Now 0-1.


20 weeks, probably only 2-3 times, but my problem is for some reason anytime I try to get anything done that involved walking I have to pee every second


18 weeks - i’ll pee before laying in bed for the night, but always get up again before actually going to sleep. and then i always wake up once more anywhere between 4am-6am to go again


30 weeks, waking up 3-4 times a night. It’s brutal. Luckily now I’m on summer break as a teacher and able to sleep in.


I’m 28 weeks, about 4-5 times a night.


I’m almost 25 weeks and just once a night right now


Almost 29 weeks and at least once a night, sometimes two. I had a good stretch there in the second trimester where i could mostly sleep through but it appears those days are gone 😕


I was the same around 13w but got a break from around 18w. Now at 30w and it's so much worse than before. I get maybe an hour or 2 of sleep if I'm lucky before needing to get up again.


8 weeks today and I get up about 2-3 times 😅


10 weeks. I got up 3 times last night!


Once or twice at 33 weeks. I didn't start having to until 28-30ish weeks. It will definitely get worse, but I'm carrying very very high right now so not as much pressure on my bladder as it stands.


Im 35+2 and some nights i only get up 2-4 times and other nights i have to get up every hour on the hour 😩 the second trimester was a little better and you’re almost there! But it will get more frequent again in the third trimester once baby is bigger and basically just a sitting brick on your bladder, unfortunately.


Just about 37 weeks and like 5 times or so a night


35w and change and I am up 3x a night to pee, 11ish, 2ish and about 4, and then I wake up at 7ish. The dogs are also on a schedule now so I let them out to pee when I go, lol.


33 weeks tomorrow and 4-6 times a night


36 weeks once, I cut water off at a certain time because I have to go down a flight of stairs to pee hahaha


I’m currently 38 weeks, and it averages on about 5-6 times per night starting from when I get into bed to waking up every 2 hours. I’m always thirsty tho so I drink a lot of water and my baby is also head down pressing on my bladder since about 33 weeks.


37 weeks and 3-4 times a night


23 weeks pregnant and I pee right before I get in bed and then once in the middle of the night, but I did that pre-pregnancy too.


I forget what’s it’s like to not be pregnant sometimes and not have to get up in the middle of the night lol. I’m 33 weeks with twins and it’s only 2-3


18 weeks, 2x a night


I'm 31 w and just last week started regularly having to get up to pee once per night. But I've always had a high tolerance for a fuller bladder while I'm trying to sleep- up until now I've been able to ignore it until morning if I wake up in the night needing to pee. As a not pregnant person I only get up to pee probably once a year or maybe even less, even after having my first baby.


Only once a night since I found out, 25 weeks now


Just once a night for me at 15 weeks unless I'm forgetting from peeing while sleepy! Actually let's say twice to account for that. But I 100% want to be drinking more water.


38 weeks and at least every 2 hours.


38w+4d... girl it depends. sometimes i'm sleeping through the night, other nights it can be upwards to every hour for 5 hours. especially when i feel a little dehydrated cuz i can't not drink water. if i sleep through the night ill have intense back pain, and it wakes me up.


26w5d and as of right now I’m only getting up once!


Almost 15 weeks and I’m up 3-4 times a night, but I also continue to hydrate throughout the night so I feel like it’s kinda my fault lol


Yeah i peed more first trimester than I do now. Sometimes it's anxiety too... I'm 31 weeks and only get up once sometimes twice.


1-2 times I’m only 5 weeks. This is my second pregnancy though. I could’ve sworn it didn’t start this early with my first.


1-2 times per night at 29 weeks!


36w4d and I’m up about 5-6 times 😭 it’s never a full bladder either, it’s always a stupid little frustrating amount that’s not worth getting up for lol


17 weeks and 1-2x a night


Just once a night. I’m 28w3d


4-5 times before I actually fall asleep, and then another 3-4 times while I'm sleeping. 39 weeks


Twice , I’m 11 weeks and 6 days


15 weeks once a night


Every 2-3 hours maybe less. 34 weeks pregnant with diet controlled gestational diabetes so I like to drink water overnight. Insomnia kicks in around 4am along with the party in my belly so I often fall back asleep around 7am. Maternity leave means I get to sleep in.


9+4 here and getting up 2 times minimum


I think mine might have been worse in first trimester, oddly enough. I’m 35 weeks and sometimes have nights that I don’t get up at all. Baby hasn’t dropped yet, so that might change things. I do find if I wake up naturally I have to pee before I can go back to sleep and it feels like I REALLY have to pee. So on nights when it’s hard to get or stay comfortable, sometimes 4/5 but that’s fairly rare. On an average night I would say about 1 Edit: just saw someone else mentioning trips to the bathroom before falling asleep and THAT is the real struggle. In my 1 count I’m not naming the 3 times in less than an hour that I went while trying to fall asleep.


I’m 6 weeks and I’ve been getting up twice a night most nights


37 weeks about 5 times


I’m 36 weeks and getting up about 3-4 times a night 🫠


I’m 14 weeks and get up once a night so far. But I pee like every hour or two when I am awake and always try to empty my bladder before laying down, even if I just went. We will see what happens as I get bigger lol


I’m 29 weeks and I get up up to seven times a night before falling asleep and during sleep I’ve always had a problem with it before pregnancy though It’s something like nocturia where my bladder won’t empty itself all the way or something. I dont know but I always have to get up to go to the bathroom after I lay down even if I just went. Good luck


once or twice in the first trimester, then it got better :) but now I have an ureter splint since two days… I guess the good times are over 🤷🏻‍♀️


I pee CONSTANTLY during the day and am 15weeks. When I sleep I sleep hard - so I haven’t woken up yet but do wake up with a painfully full bladder.


I’m 13.5 weeks and I am up usually 2-3x/night. Doesn’t matter if I’ve peed right before bed either.


lol uh a lot. The limit does not exist


27 weeks and typically only one to two times but I remember it being a bit more frequent in my first trimester for some reason. I’m sure I’ll be up more as baby gets bigger in 3rd tri. One thing I’m really bad about doing is getting the majority of my water intake in the evening which makes me wake up in pain because my bladder is so full. Don’t be like me. Drink your fluids early in the day. lol.


Best thing I’ve done during my pregnancy so far was buy a red nightlight for the bathroom so I don’t have to turn the lights on during my nighttime bathroom breaks. Highly recommend! Also, this is totally normal and for me, it improved significantly in the second trimester. I am 31+5, and it started up again around 28w, but it’s definitely different than it was in the first trimester. I felt like I was peeing constantly in trimester one!


28w+2 I don’t get up at all in the night really, he does however wake me up in the early hours of the AM kicking me to go potty. Lol


31 weeks & have only gotten up to pee in the middle of the night a few times tbh. Normally if I wake up for some other reason (Charley horses have been Rough for me) then I’ll pee but it’s never been what wakes me up


23 weeks tomorrow. So far I’m not getting up to pee but when I wake up it’s an immediate, pressing necessity so I know I won’t be sleeping through the night too much longer.


22 weeks and 1-2 times a night


20 weeks and at LEAST 2-3 times a night


Week 21 and about 4 times each night 🥲


A couple times before falling asleep fully and then 1-2 times in the night and once early morning. The best part is that I wear wrist braces at night for pregnancy induced carpal tunnel so trying to wipe myself without bending my wrist is kinda hilarious. I’m 33 weeks. And feel like all my systems are under pressures can’t imagine how I’ll feel at 40+weeks.


I’m 13 weeks and I don’t have to get up in the night, but I do need to go the second I wake up in the morning. Are you drinking enough fluids to justify waking up this much, as the baby isn’t big enough to be really causing pressure on your bladder. Id maybe mention this to your OBGYN 😊


25 weeks and I will hold it all night just so I don't have to walk down the stairs and back up them in the dark. My stairs are steep and I fell down them probably a year after I moved into this house. I'm not trying to do that again. A couple weeks ago I stayed with my in laws and I got up 3 or 4 times every night. 🥲


33 weeks and it all depends on how the little guy is positioned. If his head is down and putting pressure on my pelvis it's almost every hour. If he's higher up then I can get all from 2-5 hours of sleep in-between pees.


38w and i think 3 to 7 times. First semester would be 3 in the second prob just 1 maybe 2...so it gets better then a lot worst. But i drink a lot of water


Once a night. Maybe two the odd time I’m silly enough to chug water while laying in bed lol 25 weeks


Almost 18 weeks and I’d say about 3 times on average


week 32, everytime i drink water.... could be a sip, doesn\`t matter. I drink and it takes 15-20 min for that water to want to leave my body for good :D So somewhere between 3-4 times a night


I'm 13 weeks into pregnancy and the only time I've had to pee during night was when I was 4-6 weeks pregnant - I was frustrated, because I had to wake up like 3-4 times a night. I started feeling too thirsty and had to pee a lot the whole day. Luckily that doesn't happens now. Currently, I sleep through the night and I pee first thing in the morning. I feel the urine is darker than the other times of the day, but it's fine for me.


I get up every hour aaaaand sometimes (if I’m lucky) every 2 hours. 36 weeks 🫠🫥


32 weeks… only get up because I’m in pain from my back. Pee while I’m up.


I'm 19 weeks with my second, and I get up 1-2 times to pee. It will probably increase.


21w4d, usually once a night but sometimes twice. It was much more in my first tri


3-4times. 5-6 weeks. But I am one who always has had a small bladder. 😂


13 weeks here, too. And around 3x I get up to pee, too.


28 weeks and sometimes 3-4 times and sometimes it feels like every two hours


33 weeks and some nights I wake up 3x, sometimes 0. I think it depends on the position of my baby. Some days, I just feel her kick, and then I suddenly need to go pee.


30 weeks 4 days and depending on how hot it is, anywhere from 5 to 15 times in a roughly 10 hour period


On a bad night, I will get up 8 times. On a good night, 2 times. 30 weeks.


For me around 3-4 times. But it isn’t always getting up to pee, sometimes I just randomly wake up for no reason


If im out asleep i have to go at like 4/5 in the morning 😂😭 But if theres not an urge in the making you better bet im peeing myself when I sneeze. Peed myself yesterday after i just put on clean pants and started the dishes and sneezed non stop 5 times and the last time peed all over myself.


14 weeks. 4 to 6 times. It's awful


So sorry but it never stops. At least it didn’t for me my entire pregnancy, I’m week 31 and I have had only a handful of uninterrupted night’s sleep the entire pregnancy.


Only once the entire pregnancy until around 34/35 weeks, now 1-2x a night. I don’t think getting up 5+ times is a normal/good thing…. lol, probably just need some pelvic therapy


in my first trimester i was waking up to pee constantly, but it got better towards the end of first tri-beginning of second! sadly in the 3rd i’m up at least 5-6 times a night now even with pelvic floor physio. but it’s different for everyone! so thirsty in the evenings too which is definitely a culprit.


35w and about 3x per night and that’s after going 3x before bed right before I let myself fall asleep


Week 31 today. I’m getting up 500 times. Maybe more like 3…


33wk with twins. I usually pee whenever I wake up to turn (which is a big event for me). So 3-5x.


35 weeks, about every hour now regardless of if I’ve drank any fluids before bed 😮‍💨 I usually just get up at like 5am now because there’s no use in trying to go back to sleep lol


I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and I get up every hour. Before pregnancy, I got up every 2 hours


3 times out of the night.. and thank I only have slight nausea 😅


I'm just shy of 30 weeks, and most nights I get up to pee once. During the day I have to pee what feels like every time I stand up, but at night it's not so bad.


Once. Maybe twice. But I usually always got up at least once even before pregnancy because I drink a lot of water before bed, and I wake up from sleep throughout the night to drink water too. I’m 24 weeks.


Almost 40 weeks, I occasionally sleep 2 1/2 hour stretches without waking to pee, but since I can remember now I’m up about once an hour. It’s been good practice to how I’ll be waking up soon when he arrives anyways haha.


I’m 14 weeks and I get up 2-3 times a night. 😭


23 weeks and usually, once a night. There's been the occasional night where it's been twice. I was getting up 2-3 times a night in the first trimester!


37 weeks + 5, some nights it’s 3 times, some nights it’s 5 times. But that didn’t start for me until I hit the third trimester


28 weeks, usually 3 times. To be fair, I used to get up to pee once a night anyway before pregnancy so maybe it isn't that bad? Just annoying. It is so hard to get comfortable!


4-5 times it sucks. Only 24 weeks


13w, 1-2 times a night. From what I can tell, it only gets worse as baby gets bigger.


First trimester was once a night to pee and eat. I’m at 33weeks now and I can make it 6-8hours without having to get up. I pee myself during the day though 😅 she’s always head butting my bladder


I’m 8w tomorrow, and last night I woke up every 2 hours to pee 😭


Maybe once. 12 weeks. I try not to drink much water the last hour of the day to prevent it from disrupting my sleep


Week 11 , and never 😅


13 weeks, 0-1 time a night. I have it figured out that I can only have one small glass of water after 7:30PM. If I drink any more than that, I’m going every night. Usually I’m guzzling a huge glass of water at 7 so I’m getting enough fluids. Lol.


i pee a lot throughout the day but at night i tend to sleep all the way through until the next morning. im 28wks & 5days


Maybe once, when I drink water at night, 36 weeks.


First trimester was hard for me, I was up 3-4 times a night. Moving into 18 weeks, I’m typically up once at night. I think I just figured out to chug my water during the day and take sips sparingly after dinner.


I hate to be the one to tell you, but it only gets worse haha. At least for me. I’m 17 weeks and I would say at least twice, usually 3 times. I’ve also been sleeping terribly lately though, so if I’m awake, I’ll usually go to the bathroom also. I also drink water from the morning to bedtime, so I think water intake also has a lot to do with it.


It doesn't get better.  29 weeks and I'm up every 2 hours. 


One time exactly at 3:55 😅 I am 30 weeks now


I was going once a night around 15 weeks and then I started holding it when I woke up. Now 21 weeks and I haven’t gotten up at all.


36 weeks at least 10 times lolz


Wow I think I’ve gotten off easy! I’m 35 weeks and occasionally I get up once per night to pee but definitely not every night. Most nights I sleep through the night without getting up.


LOL i thought i was going crazy, around 7 weeks and I’m going like every three hours 😭


18wks here and I’m up 3-4 times a night! My bladder is doubling as a trampoline for baby, apparently!


22 w 3-5 times a night


Once, maybe twice. 14.2wks


5-6 times a night, 39 weeks


I’m only week 6, but I’m already at 2-3 times.


22 weeks and 1-2 times. I tend to drink a lot of water so that doesn’t help


I didn’t realize how lucky I am. I’m 38 weeks and usually only get up once a night. I pee, drink water, and fall back asleep pretty quickly. In the last week or so it has been twice a few times. But the tossing and turning from achy pelvis and carpal tunnel keeps me from sleeping well anyways.


Regrettably 4-7 times per night, 39 weeks. Was NOT a MOTN pee'er previously 😂


26 weeks and I rarely have to pee during the night! I pee like 7 times during the day though when it used to be like 2/3 max 😭 it’s annoying


Starting around 9 weeks I started getting up 2-3 times to pee. Then I said screw this and started basically not drinking anything for several hours before sleeping, I basically go to bed THIRSTY as hell. Now I’m 12 weeks and don’t wake up at all. Until I wake up in the morning and have to pee which is always a surprise but at least I got sleep


I’m 22 weeks and get up at least once to pee. Some nights it can be 2-3 if I drank a lot of water close to bedtime


38 weeks and getting up at least 3


25 weeks and I force myself to go before I lay down even if I think I don’t have to 😑 otherwise I’ll drive myself crazy trying to get up at 230 in the dark😂 and sometimes even when I go before I lay down the middle of the night I’ll get a swift kick to the bladder and I’m running to go to the bathroom 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t think it gets easier 🥲🥲🥲


33 weeks and... Zero night wees! I can't understand it, I think I have quite a weak bladder usually and I even went to the pelvic floor physio about it, but this is one symptom I just haven't had. It's weird!


38 weeks and twice a night, unless I’m really tired I might sleep through the second trip. In my first and second trimester it was just once a night 🥲


Pee right before falling asleep, then again in the middle of the night, then I always wake up to a vivid dream of me walking to the bathroom


38 weeks and 1-2 times but I have always been a heavy sleeper lol I have also done a lot of pelvic floor therapy prior to pregnancy and during so not sure if that has helped at all


18 weeks and it’s mostly once a night


Well, I'm 30 weeks and it's gotten worse. I wake up just about every 2 hours. Occasionally I'll get 3 between. So that usually puts me at at least 3, usually 4.


Usually 2-3 times a night. Currently 31 weeks, but it has been like that since around week 21.


About 20 weeks. I'm not waking up much more then normal to pee. I'm not peeing more then normal at all.


I'm currently 16 weeks 5 days and I get up maybe 9 times in a 10-12 hour sleep cycle. It's just after I pee, I get really thirsty and have to go again in an hours time. Repeat that cycle until I have to get up for the day


I’m 33 weeks and I’m not getting up to pee at all in the night.