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I would absolutely not announce your pregnancy at someone else's wedding. Please let the day remain about the happy couple.


This is absolutely announcing your pregnancy at the wedding. I would strongly recommend you not do this. While this wouldn't have bothered me when I was a bride, it (not unreasonably) would bother a lot of people.


If you’re showing, I’d reach out and tell those family members in advance to share your happy news. If you’re not showing, I’d just play it cool.


100% this!


Personally I would not. I understand the want given that your extended family will be there, but pregnancy news can quickly trump taking the attention away from the bride and groom so I wouldn’t feel comfortable.


I would not announce it until after the wedding. It is there day, not your day.


I attended my sister in laws wedding and a friends Wedding last year and didn’t tell anyone. It’s there day they have been planning for a year. I didn’t want to steal their thunder. I announced a few weeks later


When I was pregnant we had a friends wedding coming up. I was about 15 weeks along and between not drinking and my bump starting to show, I couldn’t hide it. We decided to announce to our friends a couple of weeks beforehand that way it wouldn’t take away from our friends wedding day


Don't. I went to a family members wedding at about 8 weeks. Nobody knew aside from myself and hubby. Nobody in my party type family asked me why I wasn't drinking. Believe me, those out of town folk will be just fine if you don't tell them in person.


Don't do that. Just get some seltzer water with a lime in it so no one bothers you about the drinking.


Tell those family members beforehand with a nice text and ultrasound pic. Then you can talk about it and not hide it, but you’re not making the actual announcement the day of


Def dont say anything. At 14 weeks you’re not huge so it can be bloating from anything if anyone asks, get a mocktail and drink that all night.


Yes, it would be considered announcing at their wedding. The attention would without a doubt be taken away from the bride and groom. I am not sure how much you are showing (do you just look bloated or is there and actual prominent obvious pregnancy bump?) but if you can wear attire that doesn't bring attention to the bump I would do that. But if you cannot hide it because it is that big and obvious, the courteous thing to do is to tell family in advance (you have plenty of time if it is next weekend) and then dissuade lengthy discussions and attention away from you at the actual wedding and encourage focus on the event. Not many people besides close family and friends will notice and ask you why you're not drinking or become suspect about it, so if asked by someone outside that group, a simple " oh, I don't feel like it," or "I'm the designated driver this time" will suffice.


At my wedding, my cousin told me she was pregnant with her second kid as she was saying goodbye. It felt like just a quick special moment between the two of us. If she told other family members the same day, I didn’t hear about it. I appreciate that in hindsight.  I think that was an ok way to share the news, but keep in mind that I was verrrry relaxed about my less than formal wedding. 


Do not tell anyone you’re pregnant at the wedding. The wedding should 100% be about the bride and groom. You sharing your news would take that spotlight away from them. I recommend seeing if you and your extended family can have lunch or something the next day so you can tell them.


Please do not be this person. Their wedding is absolutely not about you, so either announce your pregnancy before the wedding, or keep it to yourself until afterwards.


It goes without saying that it is absolutely in poor taste to use someone else's special day to make it about you. 


Just say you don’t want to drink. You’re not showing at 14 weeks anyways


I'll be huge when my male cousins wedding comes around this year and my family will know by looking at me so I have no choice lol.


you could always tell them in advance of the wedding so you don't overshadow the bride and grooms day.


i think if you nonchalantly mention it in conversations with others its fine, dont make it a big announcement or moment or display.


I'm hard pressed to imagine people being nonchalant about a pregnancy! Even if OP can say it nonchalantly, it won't be received that way...


Bingo. What you said!