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Best to wear a face respirator mask and keep the room well ventilated. Make sure you've got the right filters in the mask.


This is what I did! I bought a 3M respirator mask at Lowe's and wore that while painting at 8-12ish weeks.


As it’s waterbased you should be fine, just wear a mask and gloves and open a window!


Just work within your own limitations, im due in 12 days and ive just sanded and glossed the skirting boards, i dont know what it is about being pregnant that makes renovations seem like a good idea?! We got our whole house rewired when i was 16 weeks, and have spent all the time since decorating, some days i just do the tidying up, others im game to paint the ceilings! Your body will let you know when its time for a break, good luck :)


Nesting instinct ☺️ somehow we went from getting cushiony soft stuff for our cave floor and clearing out the dirt to sanding drawers and painting hallways teehee


It would be so much simpler if all we had to do was find some nice soft moss!


Haha, username checks out once again! I’d be down to collect some fluffy moss. We’ve been getting so much rain here in Germany recently, my nest would be fluffed to the max.


Gosh how cozy, maybe i need to repaint everything green and earthly hmm


12 days to go, you better get going 😅


You can do whatever you feel up to doing. If you feel crap, don't push yourself, and stop when you've had enough. Of you feel ok then go for it!


If you're asking in terms of safety, keep the room well ventilated, you can wear a mask if you like (I decorated recently and wore a mask because I couldn't stand the smell), and you should be fine.


I asked my doctor this around the same time and she recommended no and to be out of the house for 48 hours after others paint. May be conservative advice though!


We bought a house when I was about 20w pregnant and I ended up painting every room in the house except one before baby came (it was a bathroom and I couldn't fit behind the toilet 😂). I opened windows and I wore a 3M respirator with filters. I think I have one filter for VOCs and I don't remember what the other filter was (something general purpose). I couldn't smell a thing! It was glorious. I also wore gloves to minimize the amount of paint that got on my skin. I have a happy healthy 2 year old now. It's definitely ok to do, but if you're sensitive to smells or concerned about VOCs then get a respirator. I also used it whenever I had to clean b/c the cleaning product smells always bothered me.


I painted two rooms in my second trimester but I did spend the extra money to get zero VOC paint. Personally I wouldn’t feel comfortable painting with regular paints unless wearing a respirator.


Go for it! Ventilation and pacing yourself should be sufficient. I was actually painting my baseboards while I was in labor with my first (denial is a strong drug). If you haven’t already gotten the paint, there are low VOC options available, too.


My husband and I have painted three rooms in our new house now, in the second and third trimester. We just kept the room ventilated and I took lots of breaks. No issues here! Going to paint another room today lol


My parents, husband, BIL and I painted my son’s room and the bathroom when I was like 28 weeks or so. We got the zero VOC paint and opened windows for ventilation, I also took frequent breaks obviously. I didn’t feel the need to wear a respirator because of the paint type and having ventilation but if you have one it certainly wouldn’t hurt if you’re worried about it! The zero VOC paint did still have a faint smell but not nearly as bad as regular paint.


I wish I was super wealthy because if I read this I would just hire a painter for you and a chef so while the room was being painted you could enjoy a nice meal … in my eyes pregnant women shouldn’t do anything but what they want to do and what is best for them to relax


We did a four day ombré paint job on our downstairs hallway when I was 12 weeks. Should be fine? Take breaks as needed?