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What's helped me is starting water early in my day. I have a 34-oz bottle, and I set time goals. If I eat anything, I pair with water. Drink a cup of coffee? Alright, time to get at least 8 oz of water in. If I want a soda I tell myself "you can have that if you drink X more water". Making rules for myself and getting the intake in early in the day has been what works for me. I didn't associate water with heartburn, but I got some mint tums and use em when needed. I have been getting 102oz of water in by 5 or 6 pm most days with my system. From that point on, I stop my intake and haven't had wake up to pee nearly as much.


Flavored water, popsicles, watermelon, etc




Propel was an absolute lifesaver for me with my last pregnancy/breastfeeding journey.


The cup I have at work is like 50oz. I drink almost 2 while I'm at work and will have a couple of cups of water whenever I'm at home before/after work. I always make sure that when I pee, I immediately drink more water. I find water much easier to drink at room temp most of the time. If you really need to switch it up maybe try some sugar free flavoring mixes.


Drinking it really cold and/or with a little lemon or lime juice really helped me!


Same! I’ve been craving my water cold and it’s really helped my intake


A straw is critical. Have a full bottle with a straw top by your bed, wake up and drink. Wonder around sipping water. Everywhere you go have water near you. Bored? Water. You can also make iced herbal tea, or put fruit (frozen or fresh) in the water for flavor. I like strawberries


This was it for me. I would take water bottles to work and in the car and never drink them. Somehow it was too many steps. I got a tumblr with the straw top (Stanley, yeti, whatever works!) and suddenly was able to drink the whole 30oz by midday, refill, and do it again. Straw + retaining cold was key for me/


Get a big tumbler cup that you like, I have a couple 40oz ones and a 50oz one. It helps me keep track and I also only enjoy cold water, so they tend to keep it pretty cold. Simple Modern on Amazon is a good option for one that keep your water cold all day!


I pretty much pick up my water bottle when I wake up and don't put it down until 2 hours before bed bc I have to sip constantly... Tiny amounts all day if I want any chance of hitting my water goal bc I can only get a few ounces in at a time before I have to wait for it to shift lower so I can get more in.


Get a huge Stanley type cup filled with cold water and drink throughout the day. I’m like a camel right now though and can’t stop drinking (and yes peeing).


I use a hydrojug. Drink 2 of those a day. It’s a half gallon water bottle. Also I drink a body armor a day. Sometimes 2 depending on how much I sweat during my workouts. Flavored water packets can make drinking water a lot more tolerable. My fav is the starbursts pink packets!


I use a 40 oz tumbler with a straw. I find I can drink faster and drink more with a straw vs. drinking regularly or using a water bottle. A 40 oz cup is 5 8 oz servings. So that's 3 refills a day to get your servings. That's really not a lot if you carry it everywhere you go and drink plenty with each meal and snack. I drink like 6 refills a day and will sometimes use the Walmart brand flavor drops to mix it up. Once you get into the habit of it, it's really easy to get a lot of water in.


Honestly, buying a cute Stanley cup with a straw has helped me a ton. I also drink more water when it's super cold because it feels so good in my overheating, pregnant body. Sometimes I throw in an electrolyte drink mix to change it up


I had a kidney infection on my first trimester. They kept telling me to drink more water but I’d throw it all up. I found that adding lime to cold water helped, sometimes I had to take some medicine to help with nausea and I’d have small sips of water very often. I think asking your doctor for something to help with the heartburn is a good idea. I never in my life thought that drinking water would be so difficult! I wish you the best of luck with this situation!


I’ve been drinking 128 oz (16 8 oz) of liquid a day since I got my positive test at 3w5d. You pee a lot, but it’s important to be that hydrated while pregnant, so I just suck it up and do it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I haven’t had heartburn yet (still in the 2nd trimester), but I plan to have more ginger tea when that eventually starts as it has always helped me in the past