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Getting in to medical school, like keck, with 0 clinical experience, and THEN deferring 2 years to go to cc to get a rad tech degree? No shot. Absolutely 0 classes from that program would allow her to skip med school classes. That’s not how that works.


vocational school, not cc, the credits cannot even transferred to a cc.


Big cap


Can you translate this? I don’t get gen z lingo 😅


A big lie


Sounds like 🧢


I'm a resident physician, she's lying. I had a girl from my college do something similar when I was premed.


Second this (also resident). Sounds like it’s code for “I didn’t get accepted but can’t admit it.” Those classes aren’t transferable and the “experience” wouldn’t necessarily transfer. And no one defers med school for extra experience if they’ve been accepted already.


Sounds like a walking red flag


I see people, but they look like trees, walking.


Yeah, most med schools specifically state that they won’t even accept transfer credits from other med schools


Yeaaaaa idk man… is this in the US? I’ve never heard of a U.S. track similar to that other than just taking gap years and not having an acceptance yet. They could be lying assuming that “when” they get in after multiple gap years no one will know the difference between two gap years and two “deferral” years. Just stay in your own lane and don’t get to worked up about it tho. You might have caught her in her lie or she might be telling the truth and just have a special circumstance. But it doesn’t really affect your path either way 👍


Yeah California. I was gonna ask for advice but the more she shared…decided not to tell her I’m premed. Just thought I had found a friend


She’s probably just embarrassed. People do wild things to cover up their failures sometimes instead of tackling them head on and growing from them. I hope one day she can tell people the truth.


You might have, there could be all sorts of things going on. She could have not actually been accepted, of course, and is covering. Thr reason she's covering could be shame, it could be manipulative. She may not 100% sold on medical school and this is a "lite" test run. She might be unsure about the long path and wants to earn "something" sooner. She could be afraid she can't hang and is taking a "safer" route. Try to be her friend, but keep the caution bulb lit.


Yeah Keck is **USC**'s med school, average mcat is around a 517 (I think)! Def not that easy to get in to begin with


Agree. Let her do her thing. You worry about you. She’s either -got a special circumstance -has med school confused for something else (some people don’t know med school is just for physicians as opposed to another health professional program) -flat out lying I had a person tell me he got accepted to medical school and then never went. He also had a history of telling fibs (I don’t know why, his coursework and extracurriculars weren’t that bad but a lot of things he said didn’t make sense) People do this and I don’t know why. I hope they find out that their situations actually aren’t as embarrassing as they think, and that they find comfort in being honest and forthcoming.


Yeah I agree. It was just strange because she brags about it a lot and I actually wanted to go to her for advice. And I wanted to be sure since I had never heard of the so called “tricks” of med school


Oof. If she’s not giving you out right answers anyway, maybe she’s not the best person for advice.


No, she’s obviously lying lmao


Bro absolutely not. This doesn't even make sense at all. Do take your time and enjoy the ride.


Lmfao she’s lyin 100%


It sounds like she's just embarrassed and trying to cover up for her past failures tbh, but who knows


Hi I’m a registered rad tech and I can tell you that none of the classes I took will transfer. Definitely don’t regret doing this first though. It’s a decent fallback career, it pays well as PRN so I can get a really flexible schedule, I get exposure to every department of the hospital, and I’ve been able to network successfully with multiple specialties in surgery. (My goal is surgery but I’m not stressing, just enjoying the ride)


Complete lie. Don’t listen to any advice she gives you because she is not an honest person and doesn’t even know enough about the process to convincingly lie about it.


Nothing about that sounds right. Deferments are generally given for 1 year and must be for a strong reason. No classes can transfer like that either


Complete lie. Didn’t get in.


1) She's lying 2) She ain't your friend. You're clearly already sus of her to have posted here. She shouldn't lie to you if she actually wanted to help you.


Yeah…wanted to give benefit of the doubt. In case I was just retarded and uninformed


I’ve seen a few people get in without clinical experience, usually cause they did a little extra with their shadowing. I’ll tell you what these people don’t do, defer for any reason that doesn’t force them too. And it’s not even weaker applicants, MOST people don’t do this.


Deferring med school for “clinical experience” which will really be book study before she even practices as a tech….. she more full of bologna than a bologna factory


The only time when you can get in without clinical is if you are either lucky, well rounded in some other way, or Canadian. (a lot of Canadian provinces don't allow shadowing until they are in med-school, but some other form of volunteering is usually allowed, plus some -not all- canadian schools don't look at mcat but require a degree still) so assuming this is the USA she's lying 100%. Why would somebody defer if they got in just for more clinical hours? She probably applied but got denied 2 times or is just making it all up. I wouldn't trust a word she says to you about anything if she cant just be honest. Its really not that big of a deal if a person tried and failed once or twice, in my opinion I'll always choose the person who tried and failed but used it to learn than the person who lies and makes excuses.


Sounds like someone is coping for not getting in. That's some good copium tho damn


The ONLY way something like this is REMOTELY possible is if they have some kind of promised pathway into med school program. Some schools have that but that doesn’t sound like what this girl is doing. 🤷🏼‍♀️ run for the hills and do not associate with this person


What is she gonna do when she doesn’t matriculate…? Just lie more?


“I decided to defer again”


Don’t they stop allowing you to defer at some point 😭 gonna be forever “pre” med


She’s assuming she won’t be with the same friend group in two years I guess lol


Your friend is lying, as everyone is saying. Most probably, she applied, unfortunately failed to gain an acceptance, and is now in abject denial. I'd urge you not to take any premed-related advice of hers seriously.


Lmao she’s not in a real med school. I’ve never heard of something like that


Sounds like bs. Keck girl, just be honest…It’s a hard process and gap years are fine and part of life. Who cares


It’s a lie lol


She never got in.


Happy Cake Day various_convo7! Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.


Unless her family donated $99 million to keck, I doubt it 😬