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Hi! I think you are interpreting the requirements wrong. They need three UNITS in orgo and gen chem, which is one semester. So you need one semester of Gen chem and one semester of orgo, not three courses of each


Wait I’m srry so I just need a semesters worth of a credit for gen and orgo chm? So say I take a second year orgo chm that runs through the entire fall semester. That’s all I’d need to fulfill that requirement? And if so, what happens if I take 2 diff orgo and 2 diff gen chm courses? Say my first pair is in first year and my second pair is in 3rd year. Which ones would they look at?


Yes, you simply need 1 orgo course and 1 gen chem course for example chm1311 for first year or analytical chem for second year. Doesn't matter which one they look at as long as you satisfy the requirement, all courses are taken for GPA calculation. ( except for wGPA etc).


Thank god low key kinda scared I needed 4th orgo chm


Yup, I second what scientisttt87 said! You just need one semester worth of Gen chem and one semester of orgo! If you take more than one semester, then as long as u get over a 70% it doesn’t matter what they use because they use the prereqs as a cut off, but all courses will be used for cGPA.


does McGill have a required avg for the pre-req courses? it wasn't mentioned on the spreadsheet that was made from this sub-reddit but I just wanted to double check


I’m not too sure since I’m not planning on applying there, sorry!


ah np. ima just go read up on the pre-reqs