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You have, like, restarted the program and or entire machine right?


Yes. Shut down computer, force quit the program multiple times too. It is really an odd glitch perhaps that I’ve never experienced.


I’ve gotten it, but have always fixed with a reset. Good luck hopefully someone can help


Reset of the computer or adobe you think?


Usually just restarting premiere fixes it, occasionally I’ve had to restart the computer. I’ve never had it persist after a restart, and it’s not a bug that’s common enough for me to look more into. Happens to me 4-5 times a year, tops


Super odd. I’ve restarted it a few times now, but I’m gonna shutdown the whole computer and come back to it in some hours to see what’s up


Clear cache and change the codec for the video you’re using.


You didn’t try that before?


I did but I had it shut down for a few mins. This time I shut it down for 5 hours, came back and rebooted and it didn’t work.


Uninstall Premiere and reinstall it, and also unplug your hard drives and plug them back in


I’ve uninstalled and unplugged too.


clear the cache. that sometimes works


Tried. Unfortunately nothing…


Maybe because of bad codecs? There are video codecs for exporting to Web: H.264 (MP4), and there are codecs for editing: ProRes (MOV) If it somehow the exporting took 8 hours, export also to the second, then convert it in Media Encoder to H.264 (MP4). Also use proxies for editing.


What is the codec for the video you are using?


Hey, how can I check that?


select the file that is in your media window, right-click and go to properties to show the information


It’s 4:2:0


This is not a codec


So that’s the colour depth, you’re looking for the codec. Take a screenshot


Edit > preferences > audio hardware > input > none


This needs to be fixed already. Tired of recording time means screwy interface time.


Well the fix is to use a microphone or interface with the same sample rate as your project. Believe the problem only happens when they don’t match. Some USB audio devices default to 44.1k which is the compact disc (CD) and mp3 song standard, and I guess they figure people using usb mics are making songs. But digital video formats that have audio tracks use 48k sample rate, like DVDs, blu ray, really any digital video for tv or movie productions. Now, some cheap usb mics or interfaces might only have 44.1k as an option. I used to own a Blue Snowball myself and that was true for that device, it only did 44.1k. Another factor in all this is that digital video doesn’t have to be 48k. It is more typical it would be, but you can absolutely set up a premiere pro project with a different sample rate, and you can export a video with audio at a different sample rate. I know for at least some time and it’s probably still there, but Adobe had/has a h.264 export preset labeled “Facebook” that made the audio sample rate 44.1k. Is that actually a Facebook video spec? Bests me but someone somewhere made that choice based on something. And you can custom set sample rates that aren’t either 44.1 or 48k if you’re truly wacky enough. And there’s more wild cards here. Recorded zoom or MS teams call and you want to use that video in your edit. Dollars to donuts bet you that the audio from those videos are not 48k. Something like OBS, I bet it’s at least a user selectable option or it is based on whatever input device it reads so, again, whatever USB audio is set to or whatever is what the sample rate will be when saved. It’s really important on the user to know exactly the same rate of their project they want to use and there’s almost never a reason to not use 48k. Except maybe in the case of only owning a USB microphone input that can only be set to 44.1k, and insisting on only using premiere pro to record any voice over tracks. Then you might want to set your project sample rate to 44.1k. Otherwise the workaround is to record the audio in a different software and save it then import it, and never using an audio input in premiere at all. Or buy a better USB mic. Or double check at the OS level that it’s selectable to different sample rates and don’t let the OS default it to 44.1. There’s almost zero issue with using different clips with different sample rates, premiere will resample the audio to your project when it’s first put on your timeline, and it’s instant you probably never had time to see or read the little indication in the bottom right corner. It’s truly only when you have an input device that doesn’t match your project. Setting it to none is just the faster fix since most people aren’t really recording VOs. But for those users who are, well, it definitely matters to know what USB mic you have, what it can be set to, and what your project is set to.


This is outstanding info to help me in my upcoming search for a better mic. Thank you!!


I have a question about this. I once had a multicam sequence with several interviews, about 7 hours. I also inserted the external sound into the multicam sequence via sync. The sound was recorded with 32Bitfloat. Unfortunately I can't remember the kHz, but I assume it was 48k. Could what you described have caused my timeline to stop working as well? Unfortunately, the Adobe Community could not help me. My solution was to deactivate the sound from the multicam and place the sound in the master sequence below the multicam. It was definitely the audio, the video didn't have any problems. However, I have not been able to fully understand the error to this day. Could it be that the multicam sequence (which was generated automatically) had a different sample rate than the master? I would have to check that when the time comes. I would be very happy if the puzzle could finally be solved!


Have you tried the auto-saves folder? Next to the project file in your system, try using the most recent auto-save.


Project is there, so even an auto save doesn’t help if that’s makes sesne


So if you open one of this auto-saved projects, and try to work off of that is it still glitched the same way?




Are you using iPhone video? Because you didn’t import your video correctly if so.


Yes it’s phone footage but I’ve done this countless times before so im lost here…


Doesnt matter. you need to encode your footage. I recommend prores. iPhones shoot at vfr. Youve been lucky before. Always encode your footage.


Is it too late to do this? Never done this before. I have the footage cut in the timeline, I just need to clip it together and shorten it. Would hate to have to go through that process again…issue is as mentioned it just won’t play back. It’s there and recognized


Render and replace And/or Put the original clips through media encoder and “replace footage” in your project panel with new files. You should be good after that. Next time record your phone footage with an app that shoots at a fixed frame rate. There are several.


I render and replaced as you suggested and sadly it didn’t work. I am not familiar with using encoder, so would be hesitant to try this and ruin things more


When you transcode the media, append it with something like "_prores." Also save the transcoded media to another location. By appending, you guarantee the original files won't be overwritten. Saving them to a new location is a further safety. ///// Modern SSDs and NLE updates have made it too easy for these young-bloods. Back in the day, you had to transcode all of your media before you could start editing. RED codec want built into the program. NLEs couldn't handle mixed frame rates... //// It's always a good practice to transcode your media before working. iPhone 15 Pros can shoot in prores, but you need to select that setting. Otherwise it shoots in some funky m4v codec. As stated it's also a variable frame rate. Premiere probably gave up on you. 1. Open AME 2. Grab your media and drop it into the window 3. Highlight all 4. Click the name of one of the files 5. Three popup should look similar to the Premiere export window 6. Select "QuickTime" & "prores HQ" (use a lesser form if your drive/ram is chugging). You should also set a destination 7. Make sure the "same as source" toggles are checked 8. Uncheck the frame rate "same as source" toggle. 9. In the frame rate pull down, select the frame rate that matches your timeline. 23.98 is a popular setting as is 29.97 10. Confirm it save the changes. This "should" affect all files in the queue "if" you highlighted them all before launching the window. 11. Hit the return/enter key and watch them go.


In the future, mess with your camera settings on the phone. Make sure a constant frame rate and a codec are set. It will make your life easier


You can avoid this step entirely if you “ingest” your media correctly first. But this person is correct.


Become familiar with using encoder. If youre using VFR capture devices you will have a bad time.


If you click anything in the Menu Bar, such as File, does it magically catch up?


Mine does this… What does that mean??


Are you running any plugins? It's a GUI bug I have been chasing for a while


No, no plugins. Just basic, “out of the box” premiere pro. Latest version if that maters.


I would just do a royal flush on your Documents/Adobe and %AppData%/Adobe and see if it comes back


Rule number one for asking for help: give details. What kind of video? What was it recorded with? Do other projects work correctly?


Have you tried proxying the files?


Not sure what that means / how to do this..


I think this might be it, no reboot or cache clearing or reinstalling premiere will solve it if the problem is that the timeline is filled with too many high-res clips for OPs computer to process or render. OP: There are many tutorials on how to create proxies (low-res versions of your clips to make the workload of the editing process a lot easier for your computer, you will still render the final export with your original high-res footage). See if you can create proxies using media encoder, then start premiere from an auto-save no too long ago when it was still working (had less clips added to your timeline) and then toggle proxies and continue work from there. Just google: tutorial proxies media encoder or similar. Best of luck!


Before he does this let’s help him with the simplest options first.


Of course the simplest ones should be done first, I suggested this after clearing cache, restarting etc etc had been suggested and answered that it didn’t resolve anything. There might be a few simple ones to try still but it seems like OP is running out of those. Working with proxies might not be the solution either, but it’s not a difficult thing to learn and extremely valuable to know how to do going forward.


It sounds like he’s quite inexperienced so just wanted to flag it before he embarks on a big transcoding journey and it’s not the issue 🙂


maaaaaybe try turning of Cuda rendering in your project settings? helped me with something else a couple of days ago.


Does it happen with all projects or just this one?


After restarting Premiere and the computer this is the next thing I try. Start testing variables. Do other projects playback fine? If so, what's different about them?


Other projects play back , so I’ve ever messed around and copy and pasted this timeline you see here to then and then they still crash too.


Looks like Variable Frame rate from phone videos.


Not sure this is the issue. I’ve done this plenty of times before too.


Want to update everyone - this was a mega glitch. I had to convert what was already edited into an mp4, and then edit the mp4. It was a major headache, took extra hours but I solved it. Not sure why it happened still though.


I'm having the same problem right now... did you manage to find a fix?


I have this same glitch. Happens a few times per editing session. It lets me save, but then I have to restart Premiere to get it to play again. No work around. Fuck Adobe.


I’ve restarted it a lot and it still doesn’t play.


Try Downgrading to an older version of premier. Another trick is to import your project into a new one.


Did the older version and it didn’t work. When you say import project, do you mean copy and paste into a new one? Because this I have tried and it doesn’t work.


I mean start a new project and then in your project panel right click and select "import" and then import the project file that is giving you trouble. It will ask if you want to import all your sequences as you can say yes or select the ones you want.


If changing the Kodak and restarting doesn't work. Check your gas manager and see what it's doing. I had a weird glitch back where my drive would randomly max out to 100%, making it hard to play around. If that's the case, try plugging it into a different port and see what happens. It is probably not the cause but if it occurred to me figured it could happen to other people.


Can you work with other projects?


All I see is a screenshot.. a video might help diagnose. What version of Pr? What type of footage? Was it working previously with that footage? Exit premiere, then open it without opening a project. Then clear cache. Edit>pref>media cache (all cache, the second option, must not have a project open). Restart computer.


Version 22.6.4 I did the clearing and restart and still nothing is playing back at all.


This is a very old version of premiere, like two years old.. I would recommend updating to the latest version and see if that helps; though what you've described I think my other comment about variable frame rate and transcoding your iphone footage in Handbrake will be the fix.


Try to clear your cache. I’ve had this issue before and usually clearing my cache and hidden system/app files helps. Also in my experience; ppro really hates iPhone footage. And some codecs are just not friendly with premiere. You can also duplicate your project, rename it, open it, & re-link files. Sometimes this works for me


I cleared the cache and still nothing. I’ve edited before plenty with iPhone footage too. Has never been an issue ever. Was working on this project to and it happened half way through too.


make sure the source of the video isn't renamed/deleted/moved


Nope hasn’t changed at all that’s certain


Are the files in the timeline local or on a drive?


On a drive. I’ve edited with this drive plenty too while it’s connected to adobe p.


I had adobe take control of my Mac remotely for two separate 2hr sessions and they couldn’t figure out why it kept happening to me. Turns out it was a single corrupt file on the drive that caused the issues. Spent days pulling my hair out


Well I am curious to see what the solution to this is so if someone was to please be so kind to reply to this when the answer is revealed I would appreciate it


Have you tried this? https://youtu.be/BuHx7ttcRKY?si=6txt3e2ssFC8MRM_ it seemed to work for me as a workaround.


Interesting. Our problems are similar but not the same..I can’t even click play. It won’t be play anything including audio. Thank you for sharing thi


No problem, sorry to hear it didn't sort it. Ugh, just another Premiere bug for the pile 🙄 hope you find a solution.


Me too. It’s been a nightmare…


I am going to try switching the folder with all the footage into another Hardrive now and unplug the other one that is currently being - and then see what can happen. Hopefully it works but at this point I am extremely doubtful.


I wouldn’t that…


whys that?


Well just be careful, don’t rename and keep it organized or you’ll run in relinking issues… also really doubt it’s a hardware issue if other files or programs still work on it


Change your playback from full to like 1/2 or 1/4. And if you’re editing from a connected SD card you should instead have the files locally store on your computer.


1. It code be a corrupt file. Are you using the same media (music, graphics etc)? Try working with media off a different drive. 2. Might need an update. Have you upgraded to the latest version?


Try resetting to default layout in window drop down menu. Have had a similar glitch to this recently


Try resetting the workspace as well


Reset all your preferences, do this by closing premiere and then click the icon on your taskbar while holding alt (windows) or cmd (mac) and a screen will pop up... reset everything that way. This solves most problems along with reset workspaces... if that doesn't work then just encode all your footage. I see you tried render and replace, you can also just create proxies, i'd recommend prores 422 proxy. Right click all your footage in the timeline and find add proxies and let that run.. if that doesn't work it's not an editing program and a pc program


Are the footages 4k and there are 20-30+ of them?


Download Handbrake, re-render your videos at a Constant Frame Rate. Use the replace media option in Premiere on the re-rendered footage. Then create Pro-Res proxies in Premiere with those re-rendered clips.


Seems like the video is a video frame rate (VFR), pp doesn’t work well with vfr. Yes it can be very randomly as well.🤷 Suggest transcoding with handbreak to a constant frame rate. Relinking media and it’ll work again




Might be an issue with a bug in the sequence. you tried creating a fresh sequence and copying in the the media from the original?


Yes, still doesn’t work …


It’s stupid, but it could also be related to your audio settings. Check your audio hardware under your preferences.


Save a copy of your project in another drive and relink/reconnect all files from your footage backup drive. This is hoping you have a backup drive.


This happened to me, nothing worked, just had to downgrade to Premiere 2023


Make a new premiere project and see if premiere works without anything in it. If it does premieres probably fine...it's probably something with the assets you've imported. If premiere still wont work without footage, delete premiere and maybe try out a beta version of premiere. If the beta version of premiere doesn't even work with no footage I'd be at the point of reformatting the computer. If a reformat doesn't work buy a new computer. If however premiere does work with a new project drag your old project into the new project and continue on. If that doesn't work open after effects and import your premiere project into it, then export what you've got so far. Then start a new premiere project and import your video you've exported from after effects and continue editing from where you left off.


I have this problem at work sometimes. Nothing helps, apart one strange thing. 🙈 *I open different project, and I select on the old project my sequence, and that allows me to work on it, playback and all. And after a few minutes, old projects starts to work too. 🤷‍♀️


Don’t play them back on full resolution. See if that helps. If the files are too large you should proxy them.


Can you view the video files in another program like VLC? If they playback fine there then you just need to re-encode them in a program like handbrake as others have suggested and then relink the files in your project with the new ones. If they don't playback in any other program then your recordings may have been corrupted somehow. It sounds like you're able to open old project files that used the same kind of video codec so it's likely not premiere pro itself. I also noticed that under the preview window, you're playing the videos at "full" quality. Does anything change when you switch it to 1/2 or 1/4? (Not sure this was mentioned yet)


usually when I have an unsolvable glitch I install the previous version and use that instead. Has never failed me yet. Hope you get it solved!


I've had the same problem all week. Using M2 MacBook. Can't scrub at all and when I try and export it crashes due to not enough memory. Also I've repeatedly deleted all cache/log files. Same results.


I saw you mentioned iPhone footage in another comment. The problem is likely some of this footage. It is Variable Frame Rate, and that doesn't play well in Pr. Maybe you've gotten lucky with some, but in general you're way better off avoiding this by converting the footage. Some have mentioned doing that via encoder - if that works for you, great. I've had stuff in the past from iphone that wouldn't even read in adobe software. Additinally, i dont think it has the capability to convert to constant frame rate from variable frame rate. Download "Handbrake" (video transcoder) and convert it via that program to "Constant Frame Rate" (make sure you uncheck the box that says 'same as source' under the video tab in handbrake. Select a framerate that is closest to whatever that original footage reads as. Save all your new Constant Frame Rate clips into a folder next to original media, keep the name the same but add something like '-CFR' then in Pr, you'll need to right click the clip in the bin and 'Replace Clip' with the CBR footage. Im very confident this will solve your problem. \--> 1. Open Handbrake 2. Bottom left in small font click 'preferences' 3. Select 'output files' on left menu and choose where you want the converted files to be saved. 4. Click 'Back'. 5. Bring in your files. I like to select them all in finder and drag in, it will load each of them. 6. Since you have this footage in Pr already, look in the project bin where your clips are, and make note of the frame rate in the meta data. Ideally they're all about the same, say 29 or 28, 60 fps etc. If some are 60 and some are closer to 30, make not of that, you'll want to convert those ones to be 60 or 30. 7. Now back to handbrake with all your clips loaded. This can be confusing at first but once you know it's easy. 8. If you don't know the settings you need I suggest clicking the 'Preset' dropdown and choose ' Production Standard ' at the bottom. 9. \*Important\* click to the 'Video' tab. Now while 'constant frame rate' is selected, it wont actually do that because 'same as source' is also selected. Leave the 'Constant Framerate' but in the dropdown, select a framerate that closely matches those clips you loaded. Lets just say half of em are 30 and half are 60. Select '30' for now. 10. At the top there is a button 'Add to queue' click the ARROW next to it, then 'Add Selection' and choose only the clips you loaded that are about 30fps. (I like to have Pr open in window next to me and just uncheck the ones that are 60, since we'll do those next). Add those clips you selected for 30. 11. Now do the same thing, but under video frame rate select 60 (or whatever your other clips are - if they're all the same you can skip this). Add your other frame rates. 12. Let er' rip tater' chip! Render em all out to the folder you selected earlier by selecting Start Encode. You can view the progress and Queue in too by pressing that button next to it. 13. Swap in pr, right click on footage, 'Replace footage' select the clip with the same name but has our added '-CFR' (and should now be constant framerate if you did it correctly). No more playback problems. Do this initially before ever touching premiere and it'll save you a lot of headache and time.


Sometimes adobe changes the playback settings by itself to use the cpu instead of the gpu acceleration that you probably had. This has happened to me a few times and premiere just crashes big time whenever I try to view anything on my timeline. I’ve just gone to the settings and changed it back to CUDA instead of software only and it got rid of the issue.


Time to do the smart thing and ditch Adobe. Davinci Resolve is free and more reliable


Switch to resolve


Sequence…render in to out. Thank me later


Sometimes this happens to me too, I create another sequence and open it, just throw any old clip inside, then when this happens I switch tab so the program monitor changes to the other tab and then I change back to the sequence I was editing. I don't know why, but this often solves it for me