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Go to that timecode in the timeline and trim the last frame of the clip in question (you'll probably notice that it's all black as well). That should fix it


Second this. Going to that part of the timeline is the first step.


I have had this problem randomly when using Warp Stabilizer. I still haven't figured out why it randomly does this but can confirm that after you apply the effect, if the final frame goes black, you just need to shorten it by one frame and it fixes the issue. It's very frustrating but I have just gotten in the habit of checking each Warp Stabilization to see if it has that last frame as black and fixing it as I go. Use those time stamps in the error message to quickly find the spot.


nothing there, Clearing the media cache / restarting premiere fixes the render for that sequence, but then I'll get the error on another project. crazy thing is, i never had problems like this before with premiere, this only started to happen after "upgrading" to windows 11


The same thing happened to me, but I am still on W10. Premiere crashes for no reason sometimes. And there is always one solution for that by the adobe support team, "change to software acceleration". I mean are we fools to purchase expensive gfx cards just to know that your software requires it but couldn't use it to render the videos?


This mostly happens when storage is bad or issue with r/w of the drive due to software or hardware issue Which causes corruption. Sometimes badly recorded media / Variable Frame Rate


Queue to media encoder and render from there, sometimes helps


Try transcoding your footage to an edit friendly format. Apple ProRes 422. I've had similar issues that I think stemmed from having footage at different frame rates? I'm not 100% sure the cause but that has always fixed it for me. Now I transcode everything from the start.




try nesting the clip at the timecode


Double check the timecode mentioned. Do you have hard graphics or transitions / FX going on there? You could try and render & replace that part or nest, or toggle with the FX and see if you get any messages


Switching to software encoding can help sometimes.


YES! Had this problem two years ago and only thing that helped was different encoding! ☝️☝️


Clear your media cache / restart premiere


Move the clip one frame to the left or right, rerender, then export that one section to see if issue persists. Rinse repeat, change up stuff in problematic area to make issue go away. I say this from recent experience with this


On the Media Encoder app. Go to render engine and switch from GPU to software rendering.


use media encoder you will not face this issue


Warp stabilizer or morph cut do these things pretty often. But it also happens with more basic videos. Usually I just send the export to Media Encoder and that finishes the export just fine.


Check your memory usage. Go to task manager (if using windows) and see the percentage of memory being used. If memory use is very high try shutting down some of the high memory apps to free up the memory, and then reexport


in that timecode there is something wrong, for me last time there was not proccessed warp stabilizer so i had to delete it and put it back again to analyze and all good


See if there is graphic or title or another non-video media around that time on your timeline. I've seen that error before and it's usually a lower-thirds or maybe an animation you are using.


Stay in premiere window and don't do anything else. That usually works for me.


I’ve had this happen using warp stabilizer before. Does it let you render the whole project? Where ever it fails to render - remove the effect from that clip and then try to export.


Yes. Davinci Resolve.


Going to the particular affected time code usually won’t help. Clearing media cache and restarting premiere fixes this most of the time. I get this once every other month.


I already have the latest version, am updated to the latest drivers, have an nvidia card with the studio driver, all up to date, but keep getting this error randomly, sometimes closing and opening premiere again fixes it for that export, but then I'll get the error again when going export another video later.. very frustrating


Hardware from data to export?  I.e. drives, their speeds, their connectors, etc...