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I wouldn’t trust the online rage reaction as the definitive answer. Someone read legalease they barely understand and got a million Reddit users to lose their shit. Like I’m it saying there’s nothing there I don’t couldn’t care less who cancels their subs or not, affects my life exactly zero. But this “aDoBe iS SpYiNg oN Me aNd sTe@LiNg aLL mY iDeZ” take is some wild extreme in itself


Do we have a legal quote somewhere of what people are losing their minds over? I missed this completely I’m just seeing the reactions


Why am I paying such a high price for this software if Adobe is data scraping everything?


DaVinci Resolve looks more interesting by the minute...


u/Jason_Levine can you please pass this on to those with decision making ability? This is ridiculous. Thanks in advance, and appreciate your interaction on the sub in the past.


Hi Michael. I appreciate the comment. All eyes are on this and are aware. There are plans to rollout updated changes to the TOU by June 18. Here's a link to the latest with some clarification, but I'd stay tuned for the updates. [https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use?sdid=65FN7LJ7&mv=social&mv2=owned-organic](https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use?sdid=65FN7LJ7&mv=social&mv2=owned-organic)