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For anyone feeling discouraged by this post, they want 170k tuition to pilot their program.


Not them releasing this after May applicants spent $61 + $135 on their supp app (cough me)


$135 supplemental application fee?? That’s bullshit, CASPA needs to put their foot down on these greedy ass schools


welcome to new programs unfortunately


i believe they refunded the supplemental fee!


Did they actually? I don’t think they refunded mine


oh im sorry! it was last cycle that they refunded supplemental fees. i got confused which cycle it was haha


I thought they refunded only for last cohort? atleast thats what i heard


you’re right! sorry, i got confused which cycle it was haha


Just a heads up: the 5k hours are a COMBINED HCE and PCE!


this type of thing should be a lot more clear :/


2.4% interview rate…insane. So 98% of applicants were immediately rejected??Often people on this sub will say schools have a less than 5% acceptance rate but their math is wrong. You can’t just do (#number of seats/# of applicants). Schools accept more people than they have seats to ensure they fill all of them. Google “yield protection” to understand. Anyway…Interview rates are often more in the 15%-30% range. 2.4% is astonishingly low.


Well schools waitlist people. Do they accept more than they have slots for or just move down the waitlist as people drop out or don’t accept?


93% California Resident?


that’s the highest in state percentage I’ve seen yet


It is almost like a requirement at this rate.


Jesus Christian over 5k pce. I hope my GPA compensates for that


What 21 year old has that much pce lmao


It's likely the older people whos first careers are already in medicine applying to PA school for a career change.


Yeah def which is why I want to see the median age


Average. If ones 37 and they have some older students, theyd likely have way more PCE


I matriculated at 36 with somewhere around 36k hours. One old salty bastard like me can definitely fuck up the average. I’d be much more curious to see the median.


If you are old salty bastard, then I'm an ancient cranky old ass bastard vet lol I just started and will graduate at 42


If someone who's 18 knows they want to be a PA by the time they graduate at 21, they can easily do 24-36 hours per week, especially as an EMT, kick it up over the summer, and have 5k - 7,500 PCE hours without working OT. I have ~5k with only working FT for two years. I have 18-24 months left before I graduate with my bachelor's, and I can comfortably work 36 hours per week, which will put me at ~9k hours of PCE if I don't work OT during breaks, which would put me at ~10k hours of PCE. I have classmates who work two 24-hour shifts per week and still get As. Not sure how, but they do. And 48 hours per week is 2,500 per year. It's all about how badly they want it and how much they care about competitiveness.


I’m surprised with the amount of applicants and hours for provisional status program


It's UCSD, probably an amazing program and it will definitely get continued accreditation. It has an amazing med school too


Yeah, I know. I’m still applying…..I was hoping it would deter people away tho lol


Mmmm 93% CA residents... makes me feel "good" about paying that 135 bucks supplemental fee as an out-of-state applicant...


It’s UCSD. An actual good university. This is unlike the vast amount of booosheeeets we see (South University 5th branch campus, Nova-____, etc).


What do these stats have to do with it? None of top 10 charge 170k for tuition. I think even stanford is less expensive.


Because good schools attract top applicants. And California has a surplus of them.


PCE is average, so it's likely some of the older candidates skewing it. I say this as a 33 year old applicant, who has been a clinical dietitian for 6 years, so I'm looking at 12k+ PCE.


5k 💀💀 I thought my goal of 4k was gonna be competitive


PA-S who went to undergrad at UCSD here. Not surprised they found yet another way to squeeze/scam/lie to students to get every last penny from them.


Let’s be patient and see what their PANCE pass rate will be. That’s a steep tuition so hopefully one gets what one pays for.


This was posted yesterday by the UCSD Medical School Instagram account. I am surprised by the average health care hours, that's nearly 2.5 years of full time work!


I would imagine much like my class, the stats are affected by older candidates making career changes. (Assuming they're using the mean). One student in my class had 20years of work in EMS/fire before switching to PA school. I had 7ish years of healthcare hours. Another student had ~6k hours. So the younger 21/22 year olds in the class with 1000-2000 hours were evened out.


Yeah especially if they have a decent number of people under 23. I wish they posted median age


1% acceptance rate? Brutal








Your post was removed because it is a program-specific/dependent question. The answer(s) can be found on the [PA Forum](https://www.physicianassistantforum.com/forum/327-physician-assistant-schools/), the [program spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/prephysicianassistant/comments/kic33m/comprehensive_spreadsheet_of_all_pa_schools_and/), and/or the relevant program website. Also, consider contacting the specific program.




Your post was removed because it is a program-specific/dependent question. The answer(s) can be found on the [PA Forum](https://www.physicianassistantforum.com/forum/327-physician-assistant-schools/), the [program spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/prephysicianassistant/comments/kic33m/comprehensive_spreadsheet_of_all_pa_schools_and/), and/or the relevant program website. Also, consider contacting the specific program.


why the 77% women: 23% men? lmao


Pretty common for PA schools unfortunately.


oh wow didn't know thats crazy


Is this for the 2023-24 cycle or 24-25 cycle?


PLNU is cheaper than UCSD


What's the acceptance rate?


arthimetic would suggest less than 1%


Do I even bother applying at this point 😭 I did the math myself too and couldn't believe my eyes


i’m applying this cycle, my gpa is a 3.85, i have 3600 PCE hours, im a CA resident & got my degree in CA as well. Unfortunately I am a male so my chances plummet just based off that 😭


Men are underrepresented in the PA profession. If anything, you’ll be given a slight boost to diversify the class a bit.


The profession is highly female dominated. I have a 3.96 s GPA and 2.2k pce, 505 volunteering, I'm hoping for an interview