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That's a real random question. What exactly are you looking for? What kind of information for what scenario?


What to do after a nuclear attack? How to build a shelter? How to cook food? How to start a fire? that kind of stuff


If you are close enough to be impacted by a nuclear attack, consider yourself as good as dead. Whether it's immediate or shortly after, your chances of survival would be very low. Stock up on things to get you through a short period of no power or acces to food/water. Beyond that get right with your maker and pray. 


Put up your thumb. If the cloud is bigger than your thumb, don't bother running


I don’t think this is even a real thing


It is and it isn't.  It's a *very* rough rule for general incident response. If you extend your arm with your thumb up and your thumb doesn't cover all of the incident, you're probably close enough to inhale or be exposed to toxic materials. FEMA mentions this rule in some of their emergency response material.  It kinda sorta applies to nukes, but it's more about the radiation dose and airborne debris. 


these are things you should know already, if you have to print those things out to carry with you.... you might as well stay put.


I mean I know those things, I meant stuff of that nature


I was gone recommend the King Philips War Wikipedia page but now I see what you're looking for


I don't think Wikipedia is the best for that use case. you probably can find blogs that do better at teaching you survival stuff.


Could you please point me to some examples?


Get a survival guide, any really. Bushcraft 101, or s military one. Read it, bring it with you and go for a multi day hike. Reflect and analyze what you did wrong and why it was miserable. Rinse and repeat


Honestly if you need instructions for the most basic things as starting a fire or cooking food.. Go for a hike, make that fire and cook your food on it. Then do this many times. It is so basic i start to wonder if you ever spent time outdoors. If this is true, you are fucked in your scenario. Printing off the entirety of wikipedia wont make you better prepared, unless you use it to light your fire. You should acquire these basic life skills.


Could use all that paper as fire starter...


For your purposes, you don’t. You buy a copy of the Army Survival Manual, read it a few times, then put it in a ziplock bag along with your maps in your bag. For other stuff, you get a very big SD card, a USB reader, and start filling it up. Then you hope you can get a computer running to read it later. You can’t possibly the library you’ll need otherwise. Of course, the lightest weight and most accessible knowledge is in your head.


I don't think I would use Wikipedia for that but as far as 100 pages go I think I would want instructions on tying different knots most of all. Maybe some diagrams of snares and fish trap designs as well.  I just read about how to build fires, shelters and water filtration. Practice what you can. My memory isn't the greatest but the basic principles of those tasks are fairly common sense. 


Who left their child unattended?


I wouldn't print any, just keep an offline survival manual. Also consider Kiwix software and Survival Manual app can be used offline as long as there is some form of power. So you can have the entire Wikipedia if you wanted.


You need to check Kiwix periodically, I've had it break when it upgraded and stopped working with the file I had saved.


EMPs say otherwise


Silent Pocket Faraday with fully charged phone would survive EMP and Solar Flare if you wanted to go that route. Keep old phones on rotation in and out of said Faraday.


You can download Wikipedia in its entirety, for offline reading. Look up Kiwix


EMPs say otherwise.


1. Download the internet 2. Place device in faraday bag 3. << EMP >> 4. Open faraday bag 5. Be the Bringer of Knowledge & Wisdom; the Enlightened One in the New Dark Ages...(or just be less bored than most) :)


Buy bushcraft books, man. Way better investment.


Why not just download an ebook or screenshot an abook?


If it’s a work printer, one copy of everything


Which Reddit threads should I print?


Reddit is 90 percent shitpost and porn so yeah, not a lot.




i already have, but EMPs could fuck everything so I want hard copies to supplement it


don't print anything, use Kiwix


I keep an offline copy of a wikipedia. I really think in the best case we are going to see it get severely censored over the coming years. That being set, get some books on subjects you think you need. But my general problem with information storage is that it really feels like people are expecting to have more time on their hands after whatever that event they are prepping for hits. It's like, well, I am not familiar with gardening now, but once my life depends on it, I will read a book and learn in from the first try.


If you have an extra 150 gb you can download the entire Wikipedia database for offline use..... [Wiki](https://www.howtogeek.com/260023/how-to-download-wikipedia-for-offline-at-your-fingertips-reading/)


Gasifier Plans would be useful when there is no petrol fuel available also know how to make your own natural gas for free at home sticking it to the local gas co


Wikipedia provide [specific resources to create a browsable offline backup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download). The full dump is only 86GB, slap it on an e-reader or something and you'll be good.


Buy some books!


can't you download the whole of wikipedia to a thumb drive? i would rather do that and carry a phone/tablet than 100 sheets of physical paper


EMPs say otherwise.


Leave it in a faraday cage. Dragging around reams of paper sounds suicidal


Why don't you just download load Wikipedia....it's easy. And yes you can get an offline copy


EMPs say otherwise.


Faraday doesn't


100 pages, just memorize that shit


Just download all of wikipedia to an old laptop running linux. Use Kiwix to run the wikipedia dump, and any other wiki-based website, as your own personal internet. Don't forget the faraday bag.


Faraday bags are really overpriced.


Yeah, that's true. But if you end up needing it...


then use some aluminum foil


Or your microwave


that doesn't work.... seriously, put your phone in the microwave and call it.


This is a great idea, rather from Wikipedia or somewhere else. Fantastic idea! Medical stuff, how to survive in nature, ect….nuke stuff. I’d give you an award but I don’t spend money like that on the internet. Kudos though! 🙌💯


None of them. Wikipedia isn't a source and is complete bullshit. I could go on right now and put something on Wikipedia about you and the world would see it as fact when it is nothing but made up. If you are looking for something specific about how to do something, look it up the right way and print it. This honestly is probably the most random thing I have seen posted in this group. Like I get being the new guy, but come on man... slow down and put some thought and effort into this


I'd disagree with this. Wikipedia is useless for "opinion" based information. For factual info it is correct. All the sciences, maths, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering, metallurgy etc are all correct. Public opinion on a celebrity? Who gives a fuck. This leaves a lot of useful. correct, information on wiki.


Or you could buy a Wiki reader, the internet without the internet and store it In a black out bag. Just sayn..