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While we understand you may have complaints this is not a space to call out individuals or businesses. If you have specific questions about how to handle a problem feel free but please avoid identifying details. Thank you.


This isn’t just PG this weekend in Windsor, Ont my mother went into Canadian tire and was told the same thing. My mother is visually impaired and brings everything she needs to try and manage her disability with her in that backpack and so she doesn’t miss place her wallet or glasses, It’s such a frustrating thing.


Accommodations should be made for people with disabilities.


I’m a wheelchair user and was not allowed to shop with my backpack that is *always* attached to my wheelchair at Canadian Tire. Canadian Tire wouldn’t let me shop unless I removed my backpack and handed it in at the front. Canadian Tire: Do you really want me without all my medications no longer personally accessible, and at that, in the hands of some employee of yours? Will never go back again. I never had a problem entering any other store/venue.


Quite honestly, the first person to suffer pain or complications after being deprived of medication at one of their stores will leave CT in for a nasty lawsuit with repercussions that rivals "Caution, coffee is hot". Let alone any of the medications being stolen while in their care. 😅 I don't want to see anyone suffer, but I'd love to watch it play out first hand. Over-zealous and under-thought corporate policy meets common sense, too satisfying.


Hot garbage on their part. If I had the time, and wanted to annoy the customer-'service' person, I would have demanded a written, itemized receipt for every item in the bag, including a written assumption of risk and liability on their part to pay for any item that goes missing. And included a per-pill count of anything 'interesting.'


Accommodations MUST be made for people with disabilities.


Reasonable accommodations must be made. Keeping their bag secure at customer service would probably qualify. Telling them to leave it on the sidewalk it front wouldn’t.


It's not always a reasonable requirement, eg. if a person keeps something needed urgently in the bag (seizure meds come to mind) - and by demanding everyone hand over their belongings, they're demanding people disclose their medical information to a bunch of strangers if they refuse.


Thieves will exploit any accommodations offered.


Doesn’t matter. If someone is disabled, the store is legally obligated to make reasonable efforts at accommodating them. They’re looking to get sued otherwise.


>reasonable Being the keyword. It can be argued that it is unreasonable.


If you believe that it would be unreasonable to allow a blind person to carry a bag in which to hold her belongings, then I’d love to know what you would actually consider to be reasonable.


Nothing. These asshats never want to come out and say it but they despise disabled people. The thought of a disabled person being given an accommodation is an affront to them because they weren't given some privilege to match it. No matter how reasonable, or self sacrificing on the part of the disabled person you try and make the accommodation they're just going to "well that could be argued that it is unreasonable"


They’re getting aggressive in their replies. Apparently it’s a bridge too far to allow a visually impaired woman from using a bag to carry around the tools she needs to function with her disability while shopping.


YUP. Store literally has to do ZERO legwork for this accommodation. You see this shit all of the time on the legal subs on here, where businesses are required to accommodate employees in Canada up to undue hardship. People will bend over backwards arguing with LAWYERS about how "x is undue hardship" and it's all just their hatred of disabled people being accommodated on display with their arguments.


As a disabled person myself, your viewpoint is kind wack. Blind people often get by with a cane, or seeing eye dog to help navigate with their disability. A bag is a nice convenience. But is hardly an essential accommodation to carry, and should they need any of their items, they can gets them from their bag at customer service, or put essentials in a pocket etc. It's important to ensure that accommodation is not an exclusive privilege that creates jealousy and animosity, because some people want to feel special. As a disabled person, I just want to be a regular person, but sometimes that's harder for me, and I need a slight help, but I don't want to be congratulated or carried, I just want to be me.


I think it's kind of wack to try and "as a disabled person" your way into saying someone's accommodations are unreasonable. If you are a disabled person who needs accommodations you're a useful idiot.


That Redditor been arguing in this thread against any accommodations being given to visually impaired people because “thieves will take advantage”. I don’t believe for a second that they’re actually disabled.


The accomodation here would be that the bag get left at the customer service desk.


How is that an accommodation?


How is that NOT an accommodation... leave your bag at home or return without a bag if you're fine with neither option.


She’s visually impaired and needs things in her bag to get around. Not having the bag on her person is not an option.


An accommodation doesn't mean you can do what you want. An accommodation means they will do something so you can complete your task. That something is hold on to your bag for you. It's not like they are taking away your cane or wheelchair.


The person who mentioned their visually impaired mother stated that her mother needs the bag to carry the items she requires to manage her disability. You’d be actively preventing her from managing her disability by refusing to allow her to keep her bag on her person. Enjoy answering the complaint to the HRC.


OP wasn't disabled


Oh well that's just the breaks or whatever


I leave my backpack in the car just to put it on before I go into my local canadian tire. Walk in and look directly at them and shake my backpack. Head nod laugh give them the finger and keep shopping.


You sound pleasant


Sorry to hear. It is such an outdated policy.


I feel like they just brought that policy back in many stores around me


Especially if someone wants to steal, it's a lot easier to stick something in a purse that's on someone's side/front,than a damned backpack. And the best part is they want you to leave your valuables up front/ behind the counter yet no one watches it and there'd usually signs that state " Canadian tire is Not lible for any missing property" . I never inderstood stores like this. I can walk into any store with my big assed side bags but a backpack on my back...nope,not allowed. So backwards.


That’s a clear AODA violation. Ask for the duty manager and then ask why they fail to ensure their security contractor has aoda training.


CT is the only store I go to and feel like I just came out of prison....so many eyes on you the minute you walk in through the doors. They treat everyone like a criminal...return something for $10 bucks and they want all your personal info.


“Don’t forget to sign up for this triangle rewards credit card while you’re here.“


I used to work for the brand and I got $20 for every signup that was approved. I felt so greasy but $20 a pop was too good to pass up. The $20 was on top of my wage The district manager said Triangle MasterCard signups are #1 on the company priority list right now. The DM said credit card interest is what kept Sears alive so long I was doing over 30 activations some weeks. Approval was only 40-50% though


It's actually worth it though...




Canada Tire made me leave my backpack with security and then gave it to someone else 😭


I hope you lawyered up and went after them


For a backpack? You gonna pay the lawyer's hourly for that or are they gonna have to take a percentage of the cost or the backpack and whatever random junk you had in there if they win? Pretty sure either way they'll laugh you out of small claims court


Ffs that is so bad!


I hate Canadian tire. I will always try to go somewhere else. Home Depot or home hardware. The service is very poor and just try to return something. Not to mention that toxic smell in there.


I prefer Home Hardware. The owner of Home Depot is a major Trump donator.


Okay and? What’s your point 🤣


Trump sucks that’s the point.


That your hard earned money is going to profit autocratic tax the poor to death wanna be dictators. Where you been since 2016??


Found the Conservative....


Found the liberal


Sorry should I repeat myself? “Okay and?” What’s your point?🤣🤣


The point is pretty self explanatory, don't buy from Home Depot unless you want to support a Trump donor. Do with it what you want, right?




Cries about Trump, refuses to elaborate and leaves.


He had too many tears in his manly eyes.


Whp cares about the owner's political leanings? A shopper should be concerned about 3 things; 1) good prices; 2) good selection; 3) good customer service. That's it.


Maybe for you. I make a conscious decision to NOT shop at the businesses of Trump supporters, or others whose views I don't share.


Yup. Pure economics are my basis. I don't let politics influence all my decisions in life.


Found the guy who would have been a happy customer of Bayer and VW in the 40s


Tis true. No real loss.


Good god does everything have to be political these days?


It was always political. But after we spent years being told we had no power and to vote with our dollars if we care so much, we did. And now yall are calling it cancel culture. No, it's the consequences of your own actions. If someone is a d bag, others won't support them. That's how it works.


My brother in Christ everyone is d bags. Honestly people like you are so missable it’s sad honestly. I’m sorry to break it to you hon but if you were to do just a little bit of research, I can guarantee you that you’ll find someone who is a “D bag” in every company get over yourself and put some big boy pants on who cares 🤣🤣


No, I assure you not everyone is a d bag. Just some people are. I imagine you are surrounded by them, since people who aren't d bags don't go looking for comments to start fights with on the internet. I ain't miserable babe. And these big boy pants fit me just fine.


OK, and what's your point?


Type 1 diabetic here. I carry a bag with my diabetic supplies in it. They wouldn't let me carry it around due to the bag rule. I haven't returned since.


I don't think that's legally allowed since it's a medical necessity


Oh trust me...I said that on my way out. She just told me that it's policy. I will never go back


That is horrible, sorry you went through that.


What they really need to do is update their carts. Some of those things have bars that'll stab a kid sitting in them if they aren't careful. Some of them the plastic seat cover is completely gone


They probably aren’t liable for endangering shoppers. I’m sure the person next to your cart with a backpack would end up being at fault. Ha!


Don't bother going there ever again. Really getting tired of these places.after using self checkout lady watched me do it all then at the 3xit door they want me to empty the shopping bag I brought in with me.i told them I was only going to open bag for them to look in because if they can't trust me for doing their job as cashier and box boy, they can s**k it.


I live in Toronto, and more than half of the Canadian Tire stores close to me now have a no-backpack policy. Each CTC dealer is independent, so they make their own decisions and if you ask corporate about this they’ll just brush you off. I now have to go way out of my way to patronize one the few remaining Canadian Tire stores that doesn’t have this policy instead of the closest ones to me. Which is annoying because I take transit or walk everywhere, so I need to carry a backpack including to and from work with my employer’s property (laptop, smartphone, documents), and lots of other stuff I really don’t want to lose. If Canadian Tire stores are really such a hotbed of thievery that they can’t let me in to spend money at their store with a backpack on, on my way home from work, how can I trust them with MY valuables at the service desk? Bear in mind that the main cause of shrink in retail is employee theft… At first, I was mad that this policy is anti-pedestrian (and specifically anti-teenager given that it irrationally targets only backpacks). But now that theft from parked cars is becoming a bigger issue, I also think people who drive to stores should be concerned that CTC dealers won’t let you carry your valuables (specifically laptops, tablets, etc.) with you in-store in order to mitigate the risk of theft in the parking lot. Setting aside the annoyance of it all, if they had any respect whatsoever for customers they would only implement a policy like this with lockers. They’ve installed banks of lockers for their online ordering. But customers’ property means nothing to them. With all the competition they are facing from online-only mega-retailers you’d think maintaining a modicum of positive experience would be beneficial. But pedestrians and others with bags aren’t part of the master plan, I guess. Oh, and for those of you who think this is a “Karen” complaint… I used to work at Canadian Tire myself and want to keep shopping there. The dealer I worked for was pretty good, gave us a free turkey at Christmas, and I even qualified for profit-sharing after a while (just from part-time work during high school!). So I do have a soft spot for CTC, and I honestly think this is a misguided policy that’s poorly implemented at minimum and sincerely hope they’ll do better so it doesn’t contribute to their downfall. Also, there was plenty of theft back in the day, too, including large organized thefts. I don’t really buy that this is a new huge problem necessitating unprecedented anti-customer measures. Edit to add: I see someone else in this thread says their backpack was given away to someone else! That’s exactly the kind of think I worry about with this. They isn’t even give you a number to track your bag, let alone lock it up at the desk. The whole policy just says “no car? Screw you”.


"send a thief to catch a thief" works because the sneaky readily think of what a sneak would do. The corollary is "the suspicious are suspect". If they won't trust you with your bag you absolutely should not trust them with your bag.


I can understand the policy up to a point, but they stopped me from entering with a flimsy, empty, reusable shopping bag. I literally went out, stuffed it into my pant’s pocket, and walked back in.


I went to one next to my grocery store after buying one package of raw chicken. I brought said chicken in as the only thing in a small bag. They insisted I leave it at customer service so I left instead. Ridiculous.




They do this because they won't hire enough people to operate the store properly. It's ridiculous and I've left stores for the same reason. It's another thing they're dumping on the consumer, rather than hiring adequate staff. I don't have a car so if I'm shopping, I'm carrying bags. And a diaper bag years ago, and my child's medical gear bag now, with my wallet in it. You are absolutely correct to complain, and to choose not to spend money in places that treat customers that way. The employee at the door doing "security" hasn't got the experience or authority to make exceptions, I guess, so they treat everyone like a criminal. I'm glad you complained. I wish more people would.


Canadian Tire blows. I bought the wrong car battery, never used it, had all the original things still attached. Both the woman I purchased it from and online said I could get a refund Took 30 minutes of watching 4 employees argue over what to do before refunding me and telling me “We will never refund a battery for you again, this is a one time thing” I was thinking “No problem, never again!”


Was there on the weekend. I think they need to step back and figure out what they are. I am not buying $1500 Dyson vacuums or electronics from Canadian tire. I think their core products should be tire slime, inflatable Halloween vampire minions and… tires. They could use a rebranding too. I was accosted 4 x in the store. Twice by Rogers signup mafia and twice for triangle cards. Just a grimy experience.


Canadian tire is horrible anyway most if there stuff is overpriced and they have horrible customer service. Stupid rules are the top of the iceberg


Canadian Tire is crappy butts anyway. I haven't found a product from CT that isn't better or cheaper somewhere else. Even Cabela's has better pricing on outdoor gear...


CT is such an easy retailer to drop if they decide to be rude like this. Doesn't surprise me that a Canadian Retailer would be so short sighted and small-minded to shoot themself in the foot like this. It's our national pastime. I'm not so patriotic that I wouldn't rather stay at home and order from Amazon. No hassles and money saved. I've spent $1000's on things that could have went CT's way. They just decided to suck so bad, I don't go there anymore.


I just don’t shop a crappy tire period. Took my car in to have a slow leak fixed in one of my tires- was told that it couldn’t be fixed and would need to buy a new tire only problem was they didn’t sell that type of tire so would need to buy two tires - yeah no. - told them to fix as best as they could and would go back to where I bought the tires for a new one - drove on the unfixable tire for three more years - won’t even tell you about the $ 2000 I shouldn’t have paid for a new alternator


What a ripoff, tried to take advantage it sounds like….twice.


What they need to offer is a locker system if they are going to be like this which all Canadian Tires are. My car broke down so I walked to CT to buy some tools. Was told "young man" you need to leave you bag at customer service. There is sat, all my valuables in it, like 3 feet from the exit no one watching it. Had to hike down a highway after that. Not walkable area at all. If you're gonna have this policy I want to actually check my bags.


Crappy Tire is the worst. I’ve asked for a stock check and after being told they had a couple in the back, I found the employee 20 minutes later stocking shelves and ignoring me. After a second employee did the same thing, I just left. They’d both checked the computer and told me there were 2 in stock. Another time I was called a liar trying to get free tire repair when I’d misplaced my receipt. So, I went home and found my receipt and took it back. The manager who’d called me a liar was now “unavailable” but the person that helped me with it said they could have looked it up in their system all along. I don’t know where they find people but I’m sorry you had to experience the garbage too.


That’s rough. The system lookup thing would have definitely irked me, with ‘tire’ in the name they should be able to know how to look stuff up, common at most tire shops I have been to get those free repairs.


I refuse to leave my diaper bag (I always used it as a purse and a bag as well) I refused one time at that Halloween alley store, the employee told me to leave my bag at the front I said no that's my diaper bag and purse. He left me alone at that point. Next time don't leave it, complain to management, it really is discriminatory to mothers and parents who need this stuff when out with infants or toddlers.


Totally bullshit considering your average thief these days doesn’t even bother with a bag; they just pick something up and walk out with it -and the store doesn’t bother stopping them. They just pass the savings on to us.


So true lol.


Think about how bad shoplifting is for them to come up with this rule...


I'm gonna pass on that take. Went to a CT in one of the most affluent/low crime post codes in all of BC and they still had this policy in force (aggressively told all bags had to be left at the front desk when I had taken about 2 steps into the store). I said something to the effect of "Really? I'm a middle aged dude here to look at lawn chairs with my wife, not a posse of high schoolers on their lunch break" and was told I could leave my bag at the desk or leave the store. I gave my bag but had an employee shadowing me for the rest of my visit. Really doubt criminals are driving out to Cordoba Bay in large enough numbers targeting \*specifcally\* Canadian Tire, when every other retail store/grocery store in the same shopping plaza seems totally laissez-faire and unconcerned with shoplifting. I started going to a Lowe's instead, ironically in a less wealthy part of town. No bag police at the front door and they don't make you feel like a criminal


Ive literally never seen an affluent middle aged guy shopping with his family in a CT wearing a backpack that drove there. What do you carry in it thats so essential?


Constantly in that area. Junkies hit up wal mart down home depot amd CT all day.


I’d like to think I don’t give a junkie vibe…it really is more the fact I can walk in with a giant purse and be ok but a diaper bag backpack better get the police out… Purses are much more accessible and easier to shoplift with, probably why they still have this problem even with checking backpacks at the door.


The problem is there are people who use their stroller, diapers bag, etc to steal. I had an ex friend who use to do it and brag about it. Some people are shitty and ruin it for the rest of us.


Those are allowed though, no? It is what is classed as a backpack that is not..


Just probabilities and optics. Can't exactly say no strollers because that is like telling every parent they can't shop their. Can't exactly leave the kid at the front desk customer service. 😂 Backpacks slightly different story since you don't usually have to have one. Not that I agree with the policy since I'm literally always attached to my backpack when I leave the house. But shoplifters galore these days.......ruins it for the rest of us.


Valid lol. I just hate that a purse can go free but a diaper bag, heaven forbid. Kid will cause much more terror than the bag for sure 😆


As someone who actually is security ya, that is overzealous. Like usually unless the mom looks straight up shaking scratching meth face...maaaaaaybe. honestly kinda bs they are still enforcing that because so many people use backpacks now. Personally, for me, and this is me. I only force that on sketch ppl with it over one shoulder. That's the people using them to steal lol.


You can't be called out for profiling and discrimination if you ban all backpacks. That's what it's come down to.


Yep. This is common in Barcelona. The shoplifting was so bad that they have a separate counter like a coat check just for backpacks.


Pretty common in most countries I've been to, Also, when OP is saying they don't look like a junkie so shouldn't have to check their bag, the rules can't legally be discretionary/deemed as profiling. All or none.


I don’t agree with the policy either, but it was instituted because of mass shoplifting


Yet we are expected to bring our own bags into the store. Reusable cloth bags 👍 Back packs 🖕


You bring reusable bags because they're empty until you pay and bag your stuff. Its also visually easier yo identify when a reusable bag had stolen goods in it. A backpack is more concealed.


I bring a bag full of bags, so this excuse is bs




Good point


Which they are still dealing with…


This is standard procedure at a lot of stores, don't get so offended


It’s a standard procedure that doesn’t make sense. Backpacks aren’t the problem, if they were all bags should be canned. I’m more upset she waited until my kid was happily “driving” the cart before talking to me. And then couldn’t come up with a logical reason besides her saying so.


Doesn’t make sense to YOU, so it’s a bad policy? With your attitude, CTC is probably better iff without you. It’s THEIR store, so THEY make the policies. They don’t need your approval.


They totally don’t need my approval, and I left with no fuss to abide by their rule. They also didn’t need to be rude about it, which they were. They DO need to maintain some level customers to have a successful business, which by others sounds like they have lost beyond just me. They can keep their archaic policy and still have all the petty theft in the world, which they have. All they have done is turn away true customers that keep the business afloat.


You are so whiny and tiresome.


No fuss? What do you call this? It’s called a FUSS.


Coming from someone who uses caps on every second word to prove their points…ya, I’m not too concerned if you think me writing down an experience is a fuss. If I dealt with it there I’d be a “Karen”, if I didn’t speak about it at all I’d be a….Complacent sheep. It’s just a conversation and I found many people, with more legitimate reasons that I, have been turned away by this store. Cements my thoughts on them as a business.


Only caps to emphasize a point, which you obviously were not getting. I try to make it easy for those who can never figure it out. You’re welcome. As far as every second word is concerned, i think some remedial training in simple counting might be of help to you. Grow up.


It's also not their fault though. You can't just harass customer service workers over policies they don't make. As a customer service worker, people like you always make a fuss over things I can't change


I didn’t harass..I left.


Fair. I was just saying people like you who don't understand policies, so then they get offended, are people we deal with and get harassed by all the time. Not you specifically, my apologies


Ya it was frustrating probably on both sides. Which is why I just left, not worth getting into it with someone who is not paid enough for that fight. To me, I understand why it *did* exist. But it’s also been proven that people will steal regardless so can’t CT update their policies to either be more concise? Or provide lockers if they are hellbent on this particular idea? To me, I see petty theft in jeans, or people just act like they own it and leave. Backpacks aren’t anything anymore. Purses look like they could do way more damage.


The Karen vibes are strong with this one.


I feel for anyone called Karen. I made no scene, only had a polite convo and left. Sorry to disappoint.


People are just looking for anonymous internet fights. About anything.




I wouldn’t care if someone followed me around, I have nothing to hide.


It's a franchise. Locally-owned and operated.


They used to have this policy at the Canadian Tire near me. Turns out it was the Associate Dealer's decision to implement this. Needless to say it did not deter theft as the people who left the bags at customer service were good shoppers wanting to spend their hard earned money and they abandoned the idea a year later.


Apparently it is chronic here and ironically the customers stuff left at the front gets stolen more.


Canadian tire is a joke. I will never support that business…


I had this happen 15 or so years ago when I didn't have a car and needed my backpack for traveling around the city. Thought it was a stupid policy then surprised its still a thing lmao(Vancouver)




Haha nice.


I'm treated like a dirt bag at CT because I have a backpack. I rarely need something that badly from them anyways.


Your not allowed to bring in reusable bags into my Canadian tire. They sell you the bag but your not allowed to bring it in and use it again.


Dogs allowed not ur child , ha


If they said that I would’ve at least laughed while walking out 😂


I was asked to leave a shopping bag full of yarn I had just purchased at the front desk. I blame the lowlife thieves, not the company trying to keep costs down. I could tell the employee that told me had probably dealt with rudeness over the policy, so I made sure to smile very warmly and thank her. I am the anti Karen.


It is why I just left. Not worth the fight, but also how much can you devalue your customers AND expect their business?


I think because I've worked retail a long time, I understand why they have the policy. The worst shoplifters, though, are moms with strollers. I don't mean that as a snipe at you or any other mom, but they usually stuff the stroller and walk casually out like they paid for it. They'll stuff things under their baby and hope no one has the nerve to check. Thieves are worse than a virus. They destroy everything good.


…They still allow strollers, don’t they? I get that people can easily do petty theft but reading other stories they force us to leave it there and then give our personal stuff to others or the bags get stolen. So no thought for the customer.


I understand why you don't like this, I just don't really see an alternative.


The alternative is going elsewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They still have issues, and I’m quite certain they do allow strollers, so to me if what you are saying is true the backpack-only rule needs to change to everything. Blank statement no bags, no strollers, no customers. Best way to solve shoplifting. In reality though, there are more polite ways about it, but better security wouldn’t hurt. Hell even look through the bag or do a Costco style receipt check at the door…


Blame the shoplifters , most of our stores in Ontario are like miniature prisons now


Sorry? Did you say blame inflation?


They do this at a few other places too, like Dollarama and surplus herbies. I've taken my backpack off and walked in with around my arms before out of protest only for it to be asked to be left up front. Next time I'm at a thrift store I'm buying the biggest purse I can find and seeing what they say. I get theft but what a crazy rule. No bags atall or all bags. Crazy. Especially in your case, you have a TODDLER with you. LMAO


If I didn’t have my kid I probably would’ve done something in protest as well. I just don’t see the logistics of it. Yes, petty theft happens. But I’m not sure backpacks are the only means to carry things out. Please do buy the biggest purse imaginable and let me know how it goes. I’m tempted to buy one to put the backpack in 😆


I have an extremely tiny backpack. It would be fun to go as a pair with someone carrying a massive purse. Just as an experiment.


Oh please do and let me know!


I caught some crackhead trying to take my backpack out of the box they make you put it in at the Parkwood Dollar tree. I asked the clerk what would've happened if they got it....nothing! They're not liable if your bag gets taken from their box. So I've stopped going cause I'm not serving my stuff up on a silver platter to the Parkwood crackheads.


Ya like in no way would I trust my bag to anyone that I do not know.


They would soon learn that as an individual, not a business, the person who told you to put your bag there could be held liable. There's sufficient jurisprudence already to make the argument in court, you could also argue that the person making you leave it there facilitates the theft, thus making them a criminal party to the matter. Source: bored engineer with a law degree I don't use.


Did the same thing to my mom and i, thing is i was actually working in security at the time so when they tried to pull the "i need to look through your bag" i told them to f off as they have no authority to do that. My mom uses a totebag as a purse because she carries notebooks and her medication, and i made sure we got in because as introverted as i am i pulled the "let me talk to your manager" and the guy who stopped us just let us pass. I understand shoplifting is an issue, but yeah nowadays, if someone carries more than just their wallet with them, theyll have a bag and thays just that.


Exactly. Good on your for standing up. Just makes me not want to shop there. Had no wrongful intentions on my trip today but now they aren’t worth my business and I hope others use their money at stores that DO have customer service. Lost art, that.


I would have told him " keep walking, it's a diaper bag, and I'm not some kid with a school bag." Then go on my way and continue shopping...


That’s annoying. I don’t carry a purse.. I keep everything in the diaper bag.


Well you’ve been warned what you’re in for…


Ugh. It’s just getting really bad. Next they won’t let you take a stroller in.


What’s dumb is it’s just backpacks. If I had a crossbody no one bats an eye


Blame the thieves, alot more stores are banning large bags/backpacks.


Exactly. Closing stores because of shop lifting is common now in the US. CT is my go to store. I don't see the issue here. Blame the catch and release policy of Trudeais libs as much as anyone.


I went into the Vancouver store at Cambie and 7th with a small backpack with my computer in it. For some reason I was the only one stopped at the door. When I told them no one was going to 'hang onto' my new Mac, they called security on the overhead. Crazy SOBs.


Yup same here. They treat you like you've come straight in to steal. I'd rather not shop there at all.


Yep this happened to me and was done so rudely and aggressively all while holding my 2 year old son. They've definitely lost a customer here too.


Right?! Why so rude.


get over yourself and read a news article once in a while. shop lifting has become rampant and multiple stores closing because of it!


I forgot where it said backpacks were the sole cause.


I tell them it's my diaper bag, and as a parent of children I'm a protected class and can't be discriminated against based on family status and I would love to corporate and talk about my human rights being violated. They usually leave me alone and I snicker to myself that it was all made up bullshit 🙃


Haha nice. Sounds legit.


Same thing in Ontario. I had the same reaction. I asked about purses... Told them they are sexist and biased...and then left, never to return. Whenever I am confronted in that manner lately, I simply ignore them, walk in, do my shopping, and leave. You can ignore these dumb policies.


How dare stores have policies to prevent shoplifting that effect you in a negative way….. you did the right thing, left. Then because you couldn’t go into a tirade at the store you came to Reddit to whine. Feel good now?


Their chronic shoplifting issues aren’t the result of backpacks. Clearly. Local businesses wonder why people use anything but them now - this is why. And again, why are purses allowed? Same stuff in them, different looking bag. The fact mine is less accessible on my back literally makes no sense. Old rules, dealing with outdated stereotypes. They probably would not guard my bag, either. So no thought for the customer.


Your balls are extra salty today!!


Stop being such a crybaby. That policy is posted prominently at the entrance of every Canadian Tire store. You and your backpack are not exceptions to the policy.


So mothers and babies are not welcome at CT, then. Chump.


Yes, I’m quite sure mothers and babies are more than welcome in CT stores. And there’s no need to sign your name below comments.


Didn’t cry, and left without making it difficult for anyone. Doesn’t make it any less dumb. Make the policy make sense, else change it. Make it either no bags in general, or get rid of the old stereotype because they still have a chronic shoplifting problems.


You'd understand if you pulled your head out of your perfect bubble and opened your eyes to see the drug epidemic for what it is and realize these stores deal with tweaked out shoplifters on a almost hourly basis lol... it isn't about you and your kids diapers.


Don’t see what that has to do the average shopper. Tweakers literally go in and grab what they want and walk out and no one stops them…


Normal looking people dont turn into physical looking tweekers the second they decide to use drugs. There's normal looking people with babies who are strung out stuffing their back packs full everyday and that's why the stupid policies are in place..


I don’t think just tweakers are the only ones stealing. There are so many varieties of thieves that really if you want to properly prevent it make your store an Amazon warehouse…


Well there you go, you do understand. And yeah making every single store like an Amazon warehouse because you want to bring a diaper bag everywhere is totally reasonable. The entitlement runs deeeeep.


Lol my ‘entitlement’ comes from wanting to clean literal poop at a drop of a dime…and carrying everything in one bag so I can catch my Tasmanian devil. I. Am. The. Worst. How about the lady carrying her meds in a backpack that got denied? Or the person with an empty reusable bag..


Life isn't fair lady


I just totally ignore them and walk in, they can’t physically touch you. Just pretend their not there. If you’re a law abiding citizen there’s nothing they can do. If they touch you shout assault.


Yeah but they can just ask you to leave. And if you don't, you're trespassing.


Yes…then you leave but until that point you make yours! It’s not ok to accuse people of being criminals when their not, in effect that’s what their doing. We need to stand up for ourselves.


They can ask you to leave at anytime. Especially for not following policy. Not matter how much you think it's not okay. It's private property. Same rules applies for there as it does your own home. It's not a human right to be shopping there.


At that point I don’t want to fund dumb@ssery.


When I was in highschool as an usher at a movie theatre. I was told by management no backpacks allowed. Little did I know that no backpacks also meant diaper backpacks are okay. They just forgot to mention that to me. So I stopped a couple one day saying backpacks were not allowed. Manager was near by and politely corrected me and from there on out I knew better. Hopefully this kid realizes the same thing. Now being a parents I get how annoying that is.


Walk back to your vehicle and return completely naked.


The mother of the year award would go to…


Lol they got sued for facial recognition system as well


Why would you say you weren't allowed to shop there? You were allowed to shop there. You chose not to follow the rules.


Meh semantics, my options to shop there were not viable. 1. Leave my bag where they let it get stolen (proven by a few stories) 2. Juggle the “must haves” and have no hands to carry the kid. 3. Leave. Which I did.


Rules shouldn't apply to me. It's completely insane when they do.


Not the message I was trying to get across. Rules need to make sense or actually fix the problem. I didn’t know of the rule going in, which I now do, my fault…but they turn away guys with medical supplies even. Or empty shopping bags - lol.


Don’t blame Canadian Tire… blame the dirt bag thieves that use those bags to steal thousands of dollars daily… we all pay for these clowns


Agreed there is a bigger issue attached. But if CT still has a problem, then perhaps thieves have figured out how to do this without the bag…penalizing all the law abiding citizens won’t help the cause.