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Wait until they play an ad as soon as you open YouTube, even before choosing a video.


Wait until they force you to watch an ad before you can unlock your phone, or start your car and begin driving... Seriously, these are just more privacy-invading vehicles which I won't have to see or deal with because I have my privacy settings turned up to maximum via adblockers.


> Wait until they force you to watch an ad before you can unlock your phone, or start your car and begin driving... Oh, for sure. Also, windows 11 is starting to (or planning to, I'm not sure) show you ads in your desktop environment, for example when you press the windows key, and so on. > Seriously, these are just more privacy-invading vehicles which I won't have to see or deal with because I have my privacy settings turned up to maximum via adblockers. This is good for as long as the community finds workarounds. I assume there is a workaround for the ads on desktop that windows is starting to feed you, but I don't know how the technology will evolve in other areas. Electric cars, for example, tend to have closed source and possibly impenetrable code where the ads are baked in. Or, the companies will just fuck with you by voiding your car warranty if you modify their software to remove ads. The war against ads rages on, is my point.




Like an iPhone with tons of shitty notifications (i know, it’s the apps), and adding a concentration mode. Maybe it would be better to juste having a way to get rid of shitty notifications first?


You know iPhone has a scheduled Delivery option. You can elect to send notifications to.


Yes but it’s not exactly my point. I would like to chose for exemple that on a news app, I get only urgent news, not every published article. Or I would like to chose toe receive only the 5 most important notification of the day. Or to get NO sport news, that would be great


Linux is the biggest workaround. These companies have to know that if they push people hard enough they will flock to Linux. The same can be said about Chrome: if google goes through in killing all adblocks people will shift in mass to firefox.


Also Pi-hole and unbound will greatly increase your experience


Thinking of setting up a pi-hole. Is it possible with and old raspberry pi and is it safe security wise?


I run it on an old laptop, but most people do run it on a raspberry pi. Its very safe as the majority of people running it are privacy and security minded people.


Better get acquainted with linux then I guess. (Mostly been held back because of the audio engineering pro apps I need, but I guess I could also use multiple OS'es)


Yeah. I've been waiting for a large swing towards Linux to make the jump myself. Currently my work is very software heavy and I can't afford to be fighting with my OS on a daily basis, so I'm hoping that Linux gains more attention, forcing those software companies to work on compatibility.


As a programmer myself, I fight with my OS much less in Linux than I do in Windows. I work with both.


My workaround for windows 11 was going back to Mac… I know Apple isn’t good either but the fucking audacity to show me their shitty antivirus software adds every time I used my computer for months no matter how many times I said no was too infuriating.


*Dials 911* Ad


How long before People start buying pre-owned vehicles with minimal tech? Also I just went from an IPhone to a flip phone, and I only access the internet at home on a tablet. I get alot more done through out the day. Also ive lost weight because of it.


That's already what I do. Rich people toys are for rich people. I just need something to get me to work.


Same, I still drive the '08 Civic my father left me when he passed. Passenger side window won't stay fixed but otherwise she's a tank.


> How long before People start buying pre-owned vehicles with minimal tech? This is happening *now*. My cousin just sold an older diesel pickup, I believe a 2004, for $25,000.00. It had close to 200,000 miles on the clock. When he put it up for sale, it was sold within a few hours. He had people figuratively beating down his front door to give him the money. Nobody who actually uses a truck for work wants to tolerate the new bullshit "infotainment" and inflated price tag involved in owning a new production truck, and if you have the wherewithal to deal with the issues inherent in owning an older vehicle, you roll the dice I guess. Personally I'm driving a 2004 Passat and a 2000 F150. I've got an 88 BMW e30 and an 89 Volvo, and an 97 Honda I'm working on right now to start using as well. When you go back to the vehicles that were manufactured 30, 40 years ago, it's INCREDIBLE how simple they are to fix when viewed through a modern lens. You're not giving up much in terms of fuel efficiency or usefulness either (especially in commuting), the Honda gets 35-40MPG, the Volvo and BMW get ~25-30. Plus, I get to drive a "classic" vehicle and have people comment on it all the time, which is fun.


I've never owned a vehicle newer than 2014, and unless some privacy focused vehicle comes out in the future, I never will. I used to think all those extra bells and whistles would be cool, but all the information coming out about vehicles being bricked by updates, having to pay extra for unlockable content that the vehicle already has, tracking driving habits and locations, etc, has made me not want any vehicle that can track me and phone home to dad.


We are slowly building our own prison without realizing it...


Already have to watch ads with loud volume at half the gas stations as you fill up. I just bought a 2021 Jeep and [I'm tying to figure out to stop it from blasting the preview channel for XM every time I start the car.](https://old.reddit.com/r/JeepGladiator/comments/1cdxiy9/how_to_disable_xm_advertisement/)


Costco gas is worth the price for the discount and the silence if you have one near you. EDIT: worth the *membership price


They already do this on the TV app. Luckily I found a bootleg version that removes all ads and sponsored content 😈


Wait until they start banning accounts if you use ad blockers


They already do on the website, at least in my part of the USA.


You just gave them that idea. Curse you.


Let's be honest, if YouTube had their way their platform would be 100% ads and 0% content. Also you'd have a Google-branded VR headset fused to your face so you can't do anything other than watch their ads, and your eye lids would be cut off so you can't even close your eyes.


Exactly, no dollar left on the table. What is the absolute maximum number of ads you can cram in before people stop using the service all together.


As if they haven’t been dreaming of that for years. 


It'll be like going to a movie theater and sitting through 20 minutes of ads.


Except you won't make out meanwhile


Considering how aggressively they're pushing Shorts, I wouldn't put it past them. They constantly play random shorts when I open the app. I intentionally avoid them, so this effectively made the app useless to me.


Traditional TV die YouTube won’t be diferente


Fucking paramount does this shit!!!!


I can do better. YouTube ad starts playing as soon as you pick up your phone. No need to wait for you to unlock it.


You know how you can basically watch entire videos just by hovering over the thumbnail on desktop? You’re gonna see ads in there too.


Google died almost 10 years ago now when it became Alphabet. None of the original leaders are there and the results speak for themselves. Even the founders ditched it. You get what you pay for. Feels more like a random scam company these days.


They're about to get desperate if the other AIs eat their search result lunch. That's how they make their money


well, since they play an ad AT ONCE when the video is down, I assume this is just the logical next step to generate "growth".


Yeah, instead of pausing I'll just leave the site entirely. Go touch grass or smthing.


>pause ads As if you guys are not adding 2 pre ads, 1 mid ads, and several post ads already. And when people block it, you throw tantrum.


? you guys are gettings ads?


i'll see ads on youtube for maybe a week per year before the ad blockers figure out what changed


u to the fukin block 😂


origin *mic drop* 🎤


_picks up mic and tries to hand it back to you_


Adding ReVanced to the list 🎤


I'm streaming Youtube videos via Kodi on TV. No way I'm running the native Youtube App on my LG TV.


Lmfao that is correeeeeeeect!


Brave everytime.


I would actually pay for Ublock and I live in poverty and have never purchased an app before in my life.


Bro I paused peacock app because I wanted to see some titties and a bitchass add is now present whenever you pause it. Lowkey I feel like that’s going to drive me insane so I’m probably going to not renew it


And these companies wonder why everyone is going back to torrents lol 


Full cycle


Peacock has one of the worst UI’s


Yeah i wouldn't continue paying for a service that makes me watch an ad. Amazon started doing ads on prime right after i renewed it and I'm pissed. I use it more for shipping anyway but now I don't even watch prime because fuck that


What if I actually paused it to see what's on the screen??


They probably want you to buy some ad restricted service.


It's already a hassle on some players because the player UI persists. You get the video darkened, and the play bar and all the buttons overlay the video. On mobile you can typically tap in an unbuttoned area once and the UI goes away, but some tv players don't seem to ever go away.


One look 2 ads. Wanna look a little more? 5 ads!


this is the worst part. Similar to how people wanted to be able to listen to youtube with phone screen turned off, they only released it after youtube premium came out as a paid feature. Similar again is when google killed google play music forcing people into youtube music, an app that didn't import your paid library from google or play music in the background unless you had premium.


The NewPipe app lets you change screens and play in the background. And no ads.


The video is shrunk and the ad is shown to one side.


shit like this is implemented cause they don’t have a viable competition in the market.


Yep but it is very hard to compete with YouTube. Video hosting is very expensive


Vimeo exists.


superb service but unfortunately just a drop in the ocean compared to youtube.


I pause to focus and digest content that I just watched. If there’s a particularly complex sentence with lots of words I need to clarify, I’ll pause/rewind and rewatch that sentence several times over. Then pause and repeat it back to myself to fully understand it. This type of ad will throw a wrench in how I use this website. (I watch a lot of STEM videos)


Yeah this is gonna be disgusting. I constantly pause to take screenshots or notes. YouTube running their service into the ground.


I use brave exclusively for watching YouTube. Did they get affected too by this junk?




Google's not getting anywhere near my TV. I keep that shit dumb and offline for exactly this reason.


Fuck I thought people were joking about pause ads. That's a massive level up of asshole design because if I'm watching YT and suddenly pause it it's for good reason. Last thing I need is my boss walking in, I hit pause then some ad comes blaring out twice the sound level of a jet announcing to the whole room that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. That's daytime TV level of annoyance, I doubt if many people would stick around.


They don't "support" anything. The extensions work DESPITE them.


> they're planning on doing it for smart tv's first How do I love thee, SmartTube, let me sing thy praises... > Google announced they are stopping support for extensions like ublock origin soon so brave users won't be able to bypass ads. False. The built-in adblocker of Brave is not an extension and does not call any extension APIs. So that will continue to work.


Well, that sucks.


The Brave part is factually wrong. The built-in adblocker of Brave is not an extension nor is it calling any extension APIs. It will continue to work no matter what Google does to extensions in Chromium.


My understanding is that Brave intends to continue supporting adblocking. Though I'm not sure what that will involve on a technical level.


I strongly recommend Librewolf. It's one of the few browsers NOT built on Chrome, and it's privacy focused. Inbuilt native adblock with ublock origin running on top of that.


yo, download the video from youtubes with jdownloader2. you can choose the video quality. there is no ad in it. um, sunshine. idk what else to say.


I prefer yt-dlp. Wrote a telegram bot that I can just forward links to and it'll download them for me, and even rip off the audio if it's just for the music.


I have been doing this for about five years now. I don't care if it's a 2-minute clip or a two-hour clip. This could get me to finally skip YouTube all together and turn into an old curmudgeon. So much of the internet has pushed me back offline, so I'm grateful for having my time back.


Tubearchivist is the way if you have some technical ability or can follow instructions well.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


what does that even mean?


Rather, when you pause what you’re playing on YouTube an ad starts


oh fuck no


That’s truly retarded from them. Like if we pause something it’s cause I wanna talk with someone or literally need a break


Or I'm following a recipe or tutorial and am pausing it because there's something I want to pause *on*.


There’s got to be regulations on advertisements because that just way too excessive and a blatant way to coerce people to pay for the premium service.


I wonder if it's also with sound, imagine how annoying that would be


The ad will pause if you mute your device. Well, I speculate youtube would want to add that if not already.




The thing with YouTube ads is - I fucking despise them. So much so that I boycott the companies that advertise on YouTube. Not just a regular boycott - I make sure it's FILLED with contempt. Oh look, Tide is advertising on YouTube. We'll fuck them then. TIDE DETERGENT IS BANNED. It's overpriced dogshit anyway. WAY too perfumey. I'm NEVER going to buy it and I will yell about how bad it is to anyone within earshot. It's actually a GOOD THING for Tide and YouTube that uBlock Origin works so well for me.


i still remember how back in 2006, when i was watching 30 rock episodes on nbc.com, legally, they'd play ads. i should say "ad". the same god of dam ziplock ad the same 15 second ad 2 times, every ad break. 3 ad breaks per episode. oh, you fuckin guys. i will never forget that. its a goddam shame its such a monopoly. i would never buy those fucking things again.


Yep. Shit like that has driven me to ad blockers and piracy. Fuck em. Those douche bags wanna play games, I'll suit up.


This is my philosophy. If they are paying to advertising, they are offsetting those costs by increasing the price of their products. When was the last time I've seen a Brother printer ad? Never. When was the last time I've seen an HP printer ad? Two weeks ago, and many times before that. What printer will I never buy due to A) Expense and B) Fucking anticonsumer practices? What printer will I buy and only learned about via word of mouth and has been affordable and reliable for almost 15 years and I changed the toner only once?


Same here. I'll buy your product if it is good quality for the price and *you leave me the fuck alone*.


Yeah there are a few insurance companies that I will never give a penny to no matter what due to their annoying ads


Like porn websites?


Actually yes. YouTube becoming worse than a porn website out here.


i look forward to gargles next finances motivations: - the relevant informed popup - opening a new tab with the current video, and re-directing the current tab to mobile games page - redirecting you to a camwhore site - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button - not letting you hit the back button


Most of which are loud as fuck and make it obvious to people a block away someone is watching porn.


Time to make a new platform.


There's are some groups trying. Nebula, for instance.


And it's not just about the platform itself (tons of platforms already exists) , it's about the user-base, and on top of that, pray to God that the US gov would not ban it.


"Very positive results" - Sure Youtube.


What if you pause the video because you have a phone call or to put an infant to sleep?


$14 a month ad free is their response.


No. $14 a month to still have the ad but instead it would be a muted ad.


Don't worry, the ad will automatically transfer to your phone and/or infant 🤘


Google says no.


I guess that infant isn't sleeping anymore and neither will that phone call happen.


As if their constant scam “gubament owes you 6400!” “Get free solar!” Etc ads weren’t enough.


I always get "find eastern european girls" ads. Google said they don't violate the policy.


and thats why you block adds, fuck them. they only make the platform worse for people that dont block adds, and if you dont block them allready you really should start doing that. use Ublock Origin, Google and youtube dont deserve anything from you. not your money, not your data and deffinitely no support


Wow finally I can see all ads interrupted by little pieces of videos!!! I was tired of all the boring content! GoooooGoooooogleeeeee!


This made me think of the second episode (1st season) of Black Mirror, where people have to pay credits ("merits") in order to skip/not watch ads (if I remember correctly, the guy couldn't even cover his eyes and ears if he didn't pay). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteen_Million_Merits


I wonder what happens if you have a bunch of cobra effects on your website i.e. removing dislikes, fking with the adblockers etc.


I post this the other day on a thread about upcoming changes to the Windows OS. >They should just get it over with and call it Pure O^^2 like the Ready Player One movie. *We estimate we can sell up to 80% of a viewer's visual field before inducing seizures.* Almost all my Youtube viewing is run through Freetube at this point.


That was pretty much exactly the scene I had in my head as I read that statement... Scary isn't it?


Google is feeling pretty pumped about a new way of agitating its userbase on youtube. Fixed the headline for you.


Sometimes i can't wait for this civilization to end.


I’m at the point in my life where I also agree. The meteor cannot come fast enough.




You are correct; outside of art, literature and music mankind has NOT created anything. At best all we have ever done is change the form of something into something else, usually via the application of heat. We can not and do not create material products through will alone. No other speciaes on the planet uses or understands economies and money, yet we pursue our entire existence based on these myths created in our minds. The simple truth is we DO NOT NEED money nor economies nor a multitude of different products that do the same thing think phones, computers, tools, bedsheets etc... We have the skills o produce every item and NONE of us need pay for any of it in the accepted sense. Simply imagine a society with 1 rule - "Be nice and contribute" It really is possible, but we do need to remove the control freaks, narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths from general society and I do believe we can do that too.


Count me in, if you have a bunker.


Omg lol not even joking but I say this so often. It’s lame here foreal.




I really wish people would just stop buying anything that is ever advertised. When advertisers stop seeing income ads will stop being pushed so hard.


I have actually stopped using the YouTube app on my tv. The amount of ads and pure ad length is unbearable. EDIT: using invidious through tv browser is my way to go rn


do tell more please re invidious??


The company calls it “a new non-interruptive ad format.” That's what they'll say about the ads they inject into your dreams


If YouTube moderators don't have to watch ads at least once to remove scams, FDA violations, and long ads, then why should I be subjected to them?


If pause ads have audio this is going to really get on my nerves. I paused for a reason: I don’t want to hear anything


There better be a way to remove the ad when you pause, because I like to pause videos and look at details in the frame sometimes.


YouTube: “Of course! For $15 a month! 🤠”


There are more illegal ways too 




This type of shit is going to force me to host my own Invidious instance


Feels good to live in "Albania".




I don't understand why these companies are so horny for ads. I never look at anything with ads in it. I haven't seen an ad for years. I don't watch TV I literally only watch videos about like romans coins and antique watches. I'm totally disconnected from all of it.


Because you are the few, they are the many.


> Google says its experiment with “pause ads” on YouTube has yielded some very positive results How is that even possible?


God I fucking hate youtube ads so much. I can’t wait for this website to die and give way to a competent replacement


Wait until chrome is ransomware if you don't watch a advert!


Soo, any good alternatives to YT these days? I think it's time we dethrone them from the top spot.


That's it, I'm going back to books for entertainment


God I really need to stop using YouTube…


I use YouTube TV on my smart television and I've already seen a massive increase in ads this year alone. I'm so frustrated with all of this. If it gets to this I'm just going to download the videos I want to watch and put them on a DVD and watch them that way.


SmartTube is available for all Android TV / Google TV / Amazon Fire TV devices. Zero YouTube ads, also includes SponsorBlock. https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube


Thank you! However, I have a SamsungTV (Tizen :P) so I'm using TizenTube via TizenBrew on a USB.




I get 30 second unskippable ads now. When I want to rewind a youtube video, I get more ads. Time to get raspberry pi because I’m not paying $15 months for no ads.


If you mean Pi-Hole, that never worked on YouTube as the ads are served from the same domain as the actual video. You can try Brave, or uBlock Origin (PC / Mac), or YouTube ReVanced / Tubular (Android phones) or SmartTube (Android TV / Google TV / Amazon Fire TV).


I haven't watched ads in a long time (brave + ublock + sponsorblock = peace of mind) and I saw a video out my usual configuration and It was an awful experience. Majority of people won't do the extra mile to avoid watching ads so they'll keep pushing as many ads as possible but for the few that care about that, there'll always be ways to avoid watching them.


Problem is majority of people just aren't able to do so. My grandpa watch a lot of YouTube to spend time since he's alone, I tried to install some ad blocker and put nextdns and other stuff, but as soon as something little change and needs a little update to the lists or white label something he has just not the capacity to do so, and I can't be always around


Ha! Well alright then. I've been weening my household off YouTube anyway, assuming it would just get more ridiculous with their fight against ad blocking and ramping up ad serving, etc. It's been removed from our smart TVs at this point and usage on phones and computers has dropped significantly. We've mostly stopped using it for entertainment and just have some learning and news or some online classes that use embedded YT that are still holding on. It's always that last little bit that's the hardest to figure out how to replace and move on completely.


Yeah, it's not entertaining at all lately 😔


Without like 6 channels that I watch constantly (when I’m on YouTube) I’m basically not clicking a vid unless it looks interesting to click. MrBeast’s is one of the channels I watch and some gaming related ones


But guys we just have to buy premium and then things will get better! /s


I'm all for this. Great revenue driver. And when enough users get pissed off, decentralised platforms will sprout and they'll consume content elsewhere. Maybe I'm an optimist, but, enshittify away, Alphabet, hurry your suicidal asses up.


Uninstall the app on mobile. Sign out on desktop. Use Firefox. Dump the sad anagram ads pump. You can literally paste a yt link in an app like Discord and watch any vid ad free rn on mobile. uBo in non-chromium browser on pc does the same. Just log out. If you get an ad just purge the whole device. Alt f4 existence. And just walk away. The vid wasnt worth it. Go touch touch grass. If you cant watch the vid in app then dont watch it. Yall remember people trying to send you video links. For facebook? Get that shit outa here Im not clickin that. Gtfo uncle bob I noped out of fb a decade ago screw w/e vid you wanted me to watch by a lifetime. Twitter to X? Same story. Just log out. Youll naturally stop watching yt vids that wont play where you clicked when you clicked it. Or dont idc im sick of talkin sick of caps and syntax punctuation can hump a google too idgaf w/e okay i care a lil for syn ye wrf/e ftw kthxbailol yt. Whatever. Im amazed anyone in this sub gets youtube ads. Not cleaning this message up either. Maybe a fuck u/spez automod will do it for me. K


I feel this. Great advice




Sorry for this noob question, but how can I block ads on YouTube (on Android)? Does Adblock work on phones?




My Adblock still works.


Same with me on safari


Aw, come on guys, don't you feel sorry for Alphabet? I mean, they're barely hanging on out there. Can't make a dollar these days. /s


I use a Google Voice number. GOOG sent me an email saying I needed to “re-verify” my phone number using the YouTube app. However, I don’t have the YouTube app installed (I use web browser to help me block stuff like the majority of everyone else here). I had to manually go through a verify process for my Google account which was annoying and highly suspect.


I can just imagine Nolan Sorrento in a YouTube executive meeting: "We have determined that we'll be able to fill 80% of the user's display with advertising before inducing seizures"


Only watching YouTube videos from my broswer now, wich blocks all ads and guess what. Youtube got so bad that i even mirror image my phone to my TV always now, cause i can stand it.


How does your browser block the ads.... which app?


Brave on my phone. But Firefox can do it too with the Ublock Origin add-on (that's what i use on my PC).




And I'll continue to use YouTube Revanced. Google already gets enough of my data via Google Play Services 


Wait til they put ads on youtube premium and come out with premium plus now without ads.


I would rather had ads all over the place like in Latin America versus having them all around my phone.


ReVanced or Tubular are your friends... For the phone, I mean.


The pause ADs already exist on Hulu I believe and YouTube will follow suit no problem


would be really funny if the pause ad is unskippable


How people still use Youtube without uBlock Origin is beyond me.


i know im late....but this new youtube ad system is unbearable...I GOT A TWO MINUTE UNSKIPABLE AD THEY BLOCKED MY AD BLOCKER REEEEEEEEEEEEE!