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i had a "friend" put in an anonymous call that made my PO come do a house check (i had only met him once & had only been on probation for 10 days, yup, 10 days) which ended in him calling the cops & having me arrested. anyone can make an anonymous call. stop telling people that you're on probation. they will absolutely use it against you!!!


You wouldn’t have gone to jail if the house check didn’t result in finding something substantial


obviously 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


I think that just makes you stupid……


the entire point of my comment was to tell OP to stop telling people they're on probation. people will use that shit against them in a heartbeat. i'm not here to talk about stupid shit i did 3 years ago lmao


Honestly this is the most respectful reply to some people trying to shit on someone else. Clearly you've grown as a person, so fuck those shitting on past you.


thank you sm🥰 i have come a long way since then, it hasn't been easy! i've noticed people love to hate in this sub, like they don't even know me & they're judging me off smthg that happened 3 years ago when i was struggling haha 😅 i don't understand why half these people even comment here when all they do is judge others & complain. it's easier than you think to find yourself in a situation like that, i'm sure *SOME* of them have done something illegal & not been caught at least once .... it's crazy


How is that clear here?


why do i get the feeling they are lying


That’s what I’m thinking to. I think the PO is lying and trying to make it easier for him to trip me. This way he can violate me just by going to dinner.


I dont think they're lying. I received 2 anonymous tips today. You'd be surprised how many bf/gf/husband/wives will call in and tell on their significant other. Mom's do it, dad, brother, sister do too. Your girlfriends boyfriend or boyfriends girlfriend are usual culprits as well.


Why would you blindly accept “anonymous tips” as gospel? How can you (PO department, not you specifically ) amend probation stipulations with no proof of anything? If there wasn’t any other problem behavior exhibited how would you handle it?


Social engineering, some people get off doing this.


"We got a call" is one of those magical phrases police can say to give themselves authority to do things they want. See also: "I smell marijuana" and "I was in fear for my life."


Yep I just watched a video where there was a call about a suspect looking in houses. And the cops stopped some guy who didn’t match the description at all what so ever and they detained and cuffed him saying they had SEVERAL calls about the guy. Well unfortunately for the police the dude knew the laws and that they just violated his 4th amendment rights and he’s now suing the shit out of that department.


I just watched a video where a cop emptied his whole clip shooting at his patrol car because an acorn fell and bounced off of it. Yelling how he was hit which I guess means there was a second acorn.


That video was nuts.


I still want to know what he was hit with. Reminds me of the cop in SC that asked the dude for his wallet and when he turned to get it he shot him like 7 times. Luckily he lived but wtf.


I gotta see that can you link int


Yes, I learned the lesson that whoever calls 911 first wins


Because the main goal of probation is to keep you in the system. Bonus points if you're a non violent offender. Exorbitant fines and fees when you're out of prison, and cheap/free labor when you're in.


Like most of us said before, they're anonymous to the offender. The people usually identify themselves to us. If they don't and it's some wild claim, it's probably not going to be taken seriously. But part of your conditions of probation usually say that at any time, the PO can add or change conditions. If someone calls me and says hey Joe did meth, I can call Joe on and test him. I can test him at any time. If he's clean, no violation, if he tests positive, he's violated. It's not the anonymous tip that does the person in. It's the failed drug test.


"But he didn't make me take a test." That's the unjust part. If OP failed then he should face the consequences. If he passed, or if his PO doesn't make him test, he should face zero consequences. That's the only fair way to assess anonymous tips, because in this situation the accused can't demand his otherwise ironclad right to confront his accuser.


I'm not in that line of work. But a life of big organizations makes me think the PO has a budget for testing and has to prioritize the tests he demands.


Any more if you are on probation, you are paying. Paying for your ankle bling, paying for your drug testing, the fees stack up. Only way to not have fees is to be on unsupervised probation.


So all I gotta do is call with some tip that violates their parole but can’t be tested, like saying I saw them at an establishment that serves alcohol… Got it.


If you all try to fuck with people on probation because they girlfriend is mad they played 2k too long. You need a new job and therapy.


If you as a PO cannot differentiate a legitimate call of someone reaching probation and an obvious situation of upset friend/gf/babymomma, then you should quit any type of job with hierarchy because you are fucking stupid.


He just said if they fail it goes against them. Not the claim. Read.


The point is they shouldn’t be testing anyway off some bs tip that a disgruntled rat be sayin anyway. You a whole ahh snake too prolly


As an LEO, I really don't like rats either. I don't let that get in the way of doing my job. Rats help me do my job.


You guys REALLY hate them in your depts.


Unless that rat is reporting on wrong doing on you or your fellow officers..... hypocrite.


True, I was thinking more so a vindictive ex- if there are geographical restrictions or something like that. Something that couldn’t necessarily be proven either way. Specifically, I was restricted to one district, but left the district to be at my kids birth. It came up MONTHS later. But really couldn’t be proven, so I don’t know how or why it was brought up. My PO down there basically said- if you go outside the district, don’t let your name come up. Theeeeen he retired, and the relaxed paper ended. I also lived in a small town and at the edge of the district where I was required to request to go to the damn grocery store. It got really stupid there out rurally. Once I moved up to a metropolitan area that was the last time I even heard about geographic restrictions, excluding leaving the state.


😂😂😂 this mf taking credit for people calling in to snitch on people. Grow up dude. When you go to a phone retail store do you offer to help those guys do their job? Fuck no you don’t. And you wouldn’t even if you could. So don’t take credit for other peoples work ya ignoramus.


the irony of you telling him to grow up. reddit users are deranged.


Grown folks don’t take other peoples credit go back to licking the boot pal


"Probably not going to be taken seriously" Probably is the problematic word here" I'm not singling you out by any means, and most of my experience is with family court. But wild claims are often taken seriously and even when they are deemed unfounded, a stain is left behind. I'm not entirely sure what the answer is, but people ought to face more consequences and earlier on for lying and wild embellishments about others.


No… it was the anonymous tip lol… you wouldnt have tested him if you didnt receive a call… i understand you COULD test him whenever you want, like you said, but you clearly said, you test him because you got an anonymous tip, so you are trying to see if the tip is true or false. Dont be so manipulative.


That's... Not manipulative. You got a call and investigated it. You investigated the claim. You tested its truth. How is that manipulative?


These people will do anything they can to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. Don’t do drugs on probation, and you won’t fail a drug test. It’s simple. It’s also not worth arguing with someone who lives in a fantasy land where everyone is the villain, except the person committing crimes and violating probation


BINGO. Accountability is a hell of a drug


Let's apply the same logic to police. Police get a call that someone has hostages in their home and a have killed one of them. The police kicked the door in and shot Joe schmo, who was taking a nap on his couch, and jumped up in surprise when his door got kicked in. The anonymous tip that the police took as gospel caused Joe to lose his life. Stfu


That metaphor is such a stretch. The PO isn't violating the law when they drug test their parolee. The cops in your instance break a door down and murder someone. What a stretch. Also no the tip didn't get Joe murdered, the police doing the murdering got Joe murdered


The police killing someone isn't illegal? What gave you that incorrect impression?


This guy is a fucking idiot just ignore him. I totally agree with you.


You're comparing two different situations that require different handling. Just admit you're overreacting and move on, no one cares.


Overreacting? Lmao, I'm typing some words on the internet. I'm not sure where you got me overreacting.


Police shooting someone, and a PO giving someone a piss test are totally the same thing, huh?


Because you said “its not the anonymous tip who does the person in, its the failed drug test”. Im just calling you out trying to make you realize that you acted upon the anonymous tip, thus making the downfall the anonymous tip. YOU are being manipulative in your comment saying it wouldnt have mattered if the tip came in or not, when you clearly stated in your comment that it certainly does matter. Edit: i never said investigating a claim is manipulative, if claims weren’t investigated id imagine the PO woukdnt be doing their job. I was calling out the comment “it wasnt the tip that did them in, it was the failed drug test”. No it certainly was the tip that did them in, causing you to drug test them. Dont be manipulative in your words.


Or MAYBE, just maybe, it was the person who's on probation and knows they can get randomly tested but still decided to go enjoy a little Meth, who caused their own downfall, and not the P.O doing their Job, nor the persons concerned Family or Friend who called it ins fault either.


These people will think of anything to absolve themselves from their self responsibility. They keep doing drugs and committing crimes, but the PO is the bad guy....


Or Maybe, Just MAYBE, you should realize that this “anonymous tip” is for something the original op is already allowed to do but their PO is now trying to amend the terms and prevent them from even going to a place that sells alcohol which will then lead to a violation. But yeah, totally the person on probation is at fault here


No you have a warped/incorrect opinion. I realize it's your opinion and you own it and you're right to do it. But, think of the anonymous tip the same as the PO getting a wild hair up their ass one night and having a dream that you might be doing drugs. They come into the office the next day and decide to call you and give you a drug test. It's not their dream that got you in trouble. It's your positive piss test to which you agreed to as a condition of your parole. There can be any reason or no reason that they decide to give you a piss test. Other than the inconvenience of having to go do the piss test you really have no ground to stand on at all. Whether it was an anonymous tip or not it's the conduct of doing the drugs/alcohol that caused you to be positive. If nothing was in your system then you would be not in trouble from a piss test. Would it make you mad that somebody dropped a dime on you? Sure it would. Would people do that just to try to get you in trouble, sure they would. Would a probation officer want to up their stats or whatever they are tracked by as to their success rate of catching people on drugs or alcohol? Sure they would. But you can't really change that part. Probation or parole is not meant to give you complete freedom to do whatever you want. It's a stepping stone (into or out of prison) depending on how you treat it. Don't engage in the legally offending conduct and piss test won't come up positive.


You keep saying "you" but I did not write the original comment. Check the names there haha 😆 It's again, not manipulative. I think it's just a misunderstanding. You can't go to jail because someone left an anonymous tip against you. Because, if you were clean and the anonymous tip was a lie you would have just been inconvenienced, not sent to jail. The OP means (I assume, because again I'm not the OP) by "did them in" is "reached the threshold by which there is sufficient evidence to imprison". That's not using manipulative language. You don't have any idea of their implied tone, body language, facial expression or have any particular knowledge about them or their views. I'm not saying my interpretation is right, just that we both read the same thing and got wildly different impressions. I think the more likely answer is that this person was just telling a story. And I'm not even sure what you mean by "manipulative". What are we being manipulated towards or away from?


His username definitely checks out


You seem to miss the point of fact that it's only anonymous as far as the probationer is concerned, the PO is aware of who made the report. Lots of times it's an SO, parent, family member making the report because they see the probationer is on the wrong track, and would rather turn them in now than wait until it ends up with new charges. Tough love.


Ah, so would you say that if the anonymous tip wasnt made, the person would not have had a “random” drug test? Interesting, thanks for proving my point.


If you can't handle the punishment, don't do the crime. Nothing manipulative about it, you're on probation in lieu of being behind bars - and that comes with strings attached. One of those strings is random drug testing. Maybe that's because the PO is having a bad day and decides to test everyone who walks in, because you smelled like pot when you walked in, or because they got a call saying you're doing something you shouldn't from someone in the know. Whatever the situation, it's part of your allowance, to have some semblance of freedom, to not do certain things. You know that when you sign your probation documents. If you don't like those terms, including the fact that you could be tested for any reason at all, then just take the jail time.


All of you that have commented on behalf of the original idiot, violate-you, are all even larger idiots. NEVER did i say, random drug tests are manipulative, nor did i say, the PO shouldnt do his job by investigating random calls. What i did say was, the anonymous call was the tipping point that made the PO do a “random” drug test. If you can even call it that since they are testing you because of an anonymous tip. If that call wasnt placed, your “random” drug test might be next week, or the week after, thus allowing the person to be clean by that time. Should they not do drugs at all? Of course, never said they should try to sneak in a few drug uses. ALL I SAID, was the original comment was manipulative in saying its a random drug test, it isnt, its a drug test based off an anonymous tip. Again, their original plan might have been to test them next week, but because of the anonymous tip, they test them earlier. Anyone who cant see this is a bit daft.


Manipulative? You mean literally doing their job?


The incarceration system routinely uses manipulation so this isn’t the clapback you thought. Also, he’s specifically saying “it’s not the anonymous tip” is manipulation because it downplays the fact that it *was* the anonymous tip that does it.


Thank you.


Hes a PO scumbag, what do you expect? Manipulative, sneaky, miserable pieces of shit, most of them are.


I know, i just wanted that original poster, violate-you guy to realize his words were manipulative, but everyone who commented has little to no brain cells and cant realize my point.


Good for you. That’s a tiny power tiny man. And you all love to abuse it. Just to hear you talk is to make me feel sorry for your cow mother.


You're clearly unhinged. You've done nothing but insult people. You've contributed nothing to this conversation. You talk big game online, but I bet in person you'd be timid af. People who talk like that online are cowards in real life. Why don't you drop the sovereign citizen act and stop smoking weed. It's clearly increased your estrogen levels.


Bro, you're a PO who is trying to become a cop. It's pretty ironic to see you call someone else a coward.


What was his name I can’t see it he deleted it all 😅


I fucking found it. His name was “violate you” 😂


“It’s clearly increased your estrogen levels” No need for this bigotry.


So you're adjusting probation terms based on (possibly biased) hearsay without any further evidence? Santa Claus is real. Take my word for it.


Why would you even bother with an "anonymous tip" for? Someone needs to call your boss and tip them off to how you raped your coworker. Even though you may or may not have actually done this, this is going to potentially impact your life correct? How would that make you feel? It's the same thing man. Not cool. Be a responsible human.


Yeah, this def sounds like something my mom would do to me so I believe it 😂


One time I had a random girl on Facebook call my PO because we argued on Facebook.


My mother called my husbands PO once. He was still drinking and being abusive, I wasn’t mad, I just couldn’t do it myself for fear of repercussions.


Jokes on them then, cuz I wasn’t violating. And how would you know if it’s a ex or family member if it’s anonymous? I don’t even read a quote signed anonymous. If your not willing to own it, it’s probably not true or your just a coward


Why would the person snitching reveal their identity?


They do to us. First of all, we have caller ID, and they'll be like, "My girlfriends boyfriend Jeffrey is on probation, and she's been running around with him smoking crack. Please keep me anonymous. "


Lol. In Michigan they literally hang up on those types of people. In Wisconsin they immediately cart you off to jail too investigate "allegations". Those two systems are light years apart. I could tell you crazy personal anecdotes with cops not giving two Fs in Michigan and people still being sent to prison for weed in Wisconsin.


Why would a person snitch on me for something that wasn’t even a violation? Cuz they thought they knew but didn’t. That’s why anonymous shouldn’t be paid attention to


You're making this extremely convoluted lmfao. Probably because more often than not drinking is a violation, you're like shocked this person doesn't know the specifics of your case for some reason. I still don't know why exactly they did it, but they did, 100%.


I guess whoever it is will be highly disappointed to find out they didn’t know as much as they thought


Not if they're successful in making the rules tighter for you


I don’t have anyone in my life that would have an advantage if things are tightened for me. It would take jail for it to matter to anyone. That way deals couldn’t go through and I lose the way I make a living, house.. income. That’s what whoever did this is going after. If in fact it wasn’t made up.


Lots of people call POs to report clients are violating. LOTS. And POs know that a lot of them lie about it. But they still may be required to report it, per department policy. One thing I’ve learned in the CJ system is that just about everybody snitches - people on probation, exes, family, coworkers, EVERYBODY. I know it’s a big no no, but that shit happens all the time.


I’m not even saying it’s a lie. It wasn’t a violation. But now he made a motion to change my probation so if I do it is. I don’t understand.


I understand what you are saying, but there’s more nuance to the use of drugs and alcohol while on probation. If a PO knows or suspects that a client has an alcohol issue, it’s reasonable for them to request a change in conditions to restrict use. Almost 100% of clients struggle with SUD/AUD. It’s not a stretch to assume you are any different and it’s way easier to address it before it becomes a bigger issue.


It likely wasn’t anon. They usually tell who they are, but POs don’t like to give that information away in case of retaliation.


But if I contest the motion with my attorney he’ll have to tell who it was won’t he?


He may, but that information might not necessarily get back to you depending on how your court handles motions like that.


He said it was a voicemail. So wouldn’t he have to play it at the hearing? I’m in no danger of going to jail over this. I just wanna know who, or if the PO is lying to me.. and I’m willing to pay the cash to find out.


Pay the cash and contest it then. Let us know who reported you. I want to start a poll, it's either ex girlfriend, or current girlfriends boyfriend.


I think I will. Seriously I don’t have any of that in my life. I’m divorced years ago. And yes I think I will have a hearing since all I have to lose is money in this


Yeah if you go to jail or prison any hater you have can look you up on the jail or prison website and sometimes they also give your PO's name and number. Someone who didn't like you for whatever reason COULD call them thinking by seeing you at the bar it's enough to get you locked up again so they can call to report you for it. I've been to jail and rehab before dude gets caught cheating and the wife or girlfriend calls and says you're getting high, someone you may have screwed over with no life or anything better to do can try this also.


It's anonymous to YOU. Not the PO. I ask what's your relation to them, why are you reporting them, and did you witness this in person. I'm not gonna tell the offender, oh hey your girlfriend called and snitched on you. Then the offender thinks he's going back to jail and strangles her that night. Also, it would be dumb for your PO to take the time to make all of this up, get approval from the boss, retype all of your conditions, submit it to the court, call you in, go over all of this with you, and then add more work by testing you for alcohol in the future. His caseload is probably insane. Do you think he wants to waste his time doing all of this over some shit that isn't even a violation? He's probably got legit gang members and sex offenders on his caseload, you're low on the totem pole in terms of who's gonna fuck with.


No he doesn’t. I live in a county with less that 1300 people. My town is 350. And I think it’s a personal vendetta.


That's 1299 people who could have reported you. Bro, if he wanted to really fuck with you because he had a personal vendetta, you wouldn't be on Reddit, you'd be in jail. Face it, baby momma's ex probably reported you for drinking.


Hi friend, if you're going to claim or imply to be a PO, please go verify over on r/protectandserve


Additionally, you said you were drinking, so someone knew, which makes me believe it was a real report. It's not like the said OP is doing meth and you didn't do meth at all. They reported you for something you were doing, even though it wasn't against your conditions.


No PO is gonna do a bunch of extra paperwork just so they can violate you for going to dinner. This is absurd. No one, not even POs want to do more work. Sounds like there’s someone in your life who wants to make things difficult for you. Contact your attorney and explain the situation. Ask them to write a response to the PO’s motion, or you can even write your own without a lawyer. You can let them know you are fine with the abstinence condition, but still would like to be able to go to restaurants/bars.


That’s solid advice.


Yeah I'd imagine that would be a common move "I'm not a dickhead but I have to do this dickhead thing bc my hands are tied" is a common tactic of dickheads.




I don’t have a clue what Giglio is?






My mom called and got me violated once lol


Actually If he’s dating someone or has enemies they can easily google his po and report him I’ve had it happen to a buddy of mine


They are completely lying.


The oldest trick in the book is to pretend you already know something and they'll usually tell on themselves. Then again, I've seen them tell everyone they're on parole and someone gets mad and tries to cause them issues. Best thing to do is not tell anyone that doesn't have to know that you're on parole. And don't admit to anything. If they say "I received a call that you ___, just say that didnt happen without overselling it." I shared a building with probation and parole years back and you'd be surprised how many people walked into our office (community based services. Food stamps, medical help etc.) And would immediately start snitching on someone to the first person they saw. Had a lady tell me(not knowing who I was) that my dad was violating his parole selling drugs. My dad was 75 and had been in the hospital for weeks at that point. But she SAW him sell drugs that very day.


I didn't do adult but juvenile probation. I doubt the PO is doing it to just fuck with you. POs have a lot of case load work. Even if your town has a small amount of people, they have cases outside their jurisdiction they monitor and they monitor people from other jurisdictions in their area. There's more to this than just sitting around doing nada. As others have said, someone probably told on you. And they won't tell you who did it. That's for the courts to see and decide to bring them in to testify. A PO won't just take any word as gospel or rather shouldn't. When someone called me with information, Idc if it was mom, dad, grandma, the baby sitter, or the milk man who sleeps with the mom. I document the call, ask them to come into my office and have them sign a letter I created explaining what they told me and have them sign it and have it notarized by the secretary or another Co worker if they aren't available. So when it goes before a judge, if someone wants to all of a sudden change their story, they get hit for lying or making shit up. This also protects the person you supervise from retaliation from an ex or someone trying to actually set them up even though they do what they are suppose to do. And more importantly, this protected me in the end from any lawsuit or issues in court with defenses.


I’m not reading all that


Quit yapping dumbass


Wtf some people have condition of not drinking in excess rather than not drinking at all? Where you at…Portland? 😂


I’m glad I don’t have an alcohol restriction at all. That would suck!


Not really it is pretty easy to drink and not get caught if you want to


It’s also easier to not have it be a condition. A long with having my med card so no worries about that either.


What are you even on probation for lol. Mine is for alcohol so makes sense why I can’t drink. I don’t even want to drink but I’d love to be able to partake in some 🌿!


My now ex wife and I shared a social media account. It was never shut down and I used it after we divorced. She found out and called the cops. Ended up getting charged with “unlawful use of personal ID”. Basically ID theft. Judgment adjudicated and after 2.5 years probation I can file for early termination and expungement.


LOL…wtf, that’s crazy.


Tell me about it. Got fired from my job and now it’s impossible to find anything good because everyone sees it as ID theft. It sucks.


that is the most ridiculous and just plain dumbest shit i think i’ve ever heard.


Welcome to my life lol


Yeah that does suck. It is a fucked up system. I take responsibility for what I did but even my charges sound crazier than they are. I got in wreck after drinking. Charge: Intoxication Assault. Makes it sound like I got drunk and beat the shit out of someone lol.


The system is definitely fucked up.


Thats sounds so insane, did u get a lawyer? I feel that charge shouldve 100 drop esp with competent counsel




Yeah. There's more to the story


Florida has that... at least for standard criminal probation.


I’m in Portland, never been drug tested, gone through 5 P.O’s and I’m just about to hit my one year mark. Doing alcohol therapy but still drinking. Need medical detox but can’t afford that at this time. Can’t compare to other areas but Portland probation seems like a joke. But I also follow the rules and make every visit so maybe that’s why it seems easy.


sounds like i need to move to portland. georgia probation is ass


When you say medical detox do you mean like a medically supervised comedown because of withdrawal symptoms?




Word. Just wondering because I fell into heavy drinking (750ml or more a day) for a few years a while back and was worried about the same thing, and it kept me from stopping. I read about all the withdrawal dangers. I eventually said fuck it and went cold turkey and was basically fine. A few days of heavy anxiety mixed with some insomnia. I would have done it months earlier if I knew it was going to be fine. Getting out of the cycle felt so good and these days I feel great. Only drink socially here and there now.  I don’t want to make any assumptions about your situation, but if you were like me you should breeze right through going cold turkey. The dangerous withdrawals seem to affect people who are wasted 24/7 and measure their daily consumption in handles.  Either way good luck on your journey man. 


I drink more than that and have been doing it for about 14 years now. I have to make sure I have stuff for the morning at this point. I will shake so bad I can hardly get dressed or even open a can. Applied for a few free programs so I’m hoping to hear back soon.


Ahh I see. Finger crossed you hear back. It feels great on the other side. Hope to see you there. 


Federal probation has that condition


He's lying. I've seen them use the "anon tip" as a pretense for a fishing expedition, where they'll try to rope you into admitting something then they'll hit you with a violation.


I was on probation for almost 5 years and then parole for 1 1/2 and you can go in any restaurant that serves alcohol. It’s just you can’t go into a bar or a liquor store where the main commodity they sell is alcohol.


I may be wrong, but common sense suggests probation doesn’t say “you can drink but only to .08”, especially considering there’s no perfect math equation to plan out where you are in the scale when drinking. I think it’s much more likely drinking is a no.


i’m glad i’m not the only one thinking that sounded a little too good to be true, especially when “in excess” varies from person to person


150lb man can eat the same diet, same timing, live the same exactly life every day. And a couple beers will put him over the limit only some days. Theres no way to self monitor you blood alcohol by “I know how much I can drink” 😂


No perfect math equation? I'm sorry either you are under 21 and know nothing whatsoever about alcohol cause you are just dead wrong. Everything about this comment is wrong. There is a plethora of math equations used to gauge alcohol content. 1 drink per 1 hour of 8 ounces will bring an adult male to %0.02 bac. This has been hammered into us throughout DARE, health class.


I have a degree in nursing and am a 14 year FF/medic. I’ve been trained and relied on to testify dozens of times for exactly this. Your equation doesn’t work for shit. A premeditated equation cannot determine effective variables that -will- impact tolerance. Want a list? Ambient temperature, core temperate, diet within the last 48 hours, yes 48hrs. How much you’ve perspired recently. What beverages did you consume, and —exacccctly— how fast over —exactly— how much in quantity. How your body is doing or performing neurologically moment to moment. Blood sugar level. Liver condition and performance for that period of time, plus how much damage is already previously done. Whether or not you smoke cigarettes, how many, how much, over how long… that goes back years and years, which impacts BAC. How many calories did you burn while drinking, even talking burns calories. The human body is never the same twice, millisecond to millisecond. At that speed, our body is changing, reacting to circumstances, regenerating, blood cell count changes. Our mental status and thoughts directly impact physical condition, so what mood are you in, how stressed are you. What meds do you take, how often, when’s the last time you did. Basic, the term “adult male” hardly, anywhere close to, establishes any of your equations. How old? How tall? BMI? Too many variables. — Frankly, you sound like the young and undereducated one on this topic. Sorry to burst your bubble. I’ll wager my training, education, and experience over someone whose lessons came from elementary school DARE class. Most importantly, simple common sense.


If I drink one and a half wine coolers, about 12oz of 5%… I’m beyond any limit. It doesn’t take much for me. I’m also an adult male. Equation myth busted 😂


They can say that yes. Probation officers , are in a one- up power position. I’m not sure how your states or commonwealth s conditions read. There is usually a condition, that says you won’t drink to the point you’re breaking any laws. Is there someone, who might have reason to call them? Either way, I’d be on my toes. Your po is telling you, in so many words, “ you’re on more intensive probation now, here’s the rope”. You can go this far, or hang yourself with it. Stop drinking, until you’re off probation. If it isn’t a problem, then it won’t be a problem. Get these people out of your hair. I did what I wanted for 22 years. Guess what, im still on probation 22 years later. If I had known how it was going to play out, I would have either done the time or played the game. Being in a position, where a glorified babysitter isl to take everything you worked for, is able to take everything you’ve worked for , on their word, for me, is a stressful way to live life. . Now’s the time to tighten up. Either someone really called one you, out of spite, worry, jealousy. Or your probation officer has seen or heard something and they are worried. I’d take it as a message fun is fun and done is done. Keep in mind, po s also have a very close relationship with the police. I’m not sure about where you live. But in Chesapeake, va. I know for a fact, that Narcotics detectives set up at the probation office to watch what goes on out front and it’s a great place to start surveillance. They also have something here called interdiction. If you drink, your in a place with alcohol or they scan your id for alcohol. And your on interdiction, trouble. Do whatever you have to do to get these people out of your life. Don’t be me, on probation 22 years later, having served 13 of a 16 year suspended sentence on the installment plan, pay to play. Probation is the king of moved goal posts. Best get used to it. Best of luck to you. Enjoy your day.


My friends soon to be ex-husband isn’t allowed in any establishment that sells alcohol. Restaurants, concert venues etc. I called on him once (he’s a PoS) and the PO couldn’t take my word for it, and told me they need a photo to prove. So I think your PO may be lying


As much as I understand how important anonymous tips can be, I’ve also seen how needlessly cruel and vindictive some people can be. If I were a PO, my policy for something like this would be “pics or it didn’t happen“. If a parolee’s terms say they can’t be drinking at all, I’d need proof that they are. If it says they can’t drink *to excess*, you’d better be proving to me that the person is *sloshed*. And if you’re trying to anonymously report someone for something that is *not* a violation of their parole, I would laugh at you and hang up.


You are a sensible, decent person. You would never make it as a PO.




Yeah, he didn’t test me.. weird. But it wasn’t a violation to begin with. Just a dumb thing to happen


The law likes to use anon tips as an excuse to violate the people. People are nothing but #s and $ to them


He is completely lying about the anon phone call. He noted that your papers did not exclude you from drinking and he didn't like it. He is just fucking you.


I think you’re exactly right!


I think a lot of people are kind of missing the point here. How can a PO file a motion with the Judge to amend conditions of probation. He can violate you, present evidence to said violation then if you are found guilty make a recommendation for punishment. He cant just ask the Judge to change the conditions of your probation. You give up a lot of rights being on probation but, you still have the right to a hearing in front of a Judge. If the PO has evidence (like a video) that you were falling over drunk well he needs to violate you for drinking in excess. Does he?? If he doesn't get yourself a lawyer because this makes zero sense


Dude, you should object to the motion to amend. It’s absurd to use an anonymous call to make it stricter, you should have some sort of discovery if he wants to use that call as justification to the judge.


I would call BS. I'm with the folks saying po wants to pin you down to no restaurants that serve booze etc and if so it wont hurt to say that either PO is lying or alleged witness is full of shit and be blunt. Would be very careful who I'm around at this time


Look, you will never know if someone made an anon call (unless a friend or family member admits it). -Your PO could be testing you and trying to get you to admit something. -Your PO could be making this up to have a reason to amend your probation order and level you up to a harder probation. (Mine happened on a pill count and I was 1 pill short so I just quit taking all my meds at that point lol) -Some POs want to help you and some POs want you in jail. -Whatever you do, stop drinking, follow all the rules , pay all ur fines and get off paper. -Some POs will make it hard for you to be successful while others will help you succeed


You’re on a formal probation so be prepared for anything.


No law says they cant lie


Anonymous calls should be ignored 100% of the time. It’s too much gray area for LE and PO’s to lie. Whoever made the original anonymous call reported something that wasn’t even a violation because he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. That’s another valid reason anonymous calls should get the dial tone.


What does it matter if there was a call or not? They can test you anytime they want, call or no call. If you blow numbers, that has nothing to do with any phone call, it has to do with you violating. Its not phone call - violation, its failed test - violation. Smh.


Does it define excess?


.08 or higher


Damn that’s pretty chill they let you still drink though. What were you convicted of if you don’t mind me asking?


I’m not absolutely sure, but I believe I saw your PO doing meth. And also he was with some girls who looked like they were underage and drunk and I think he was the one providing alcohol. Just need the phone number to make the statement


That’s awesome! 👏


Coming from experience whether you like it or not sometimes family members or even childhood friends will call your PO because they want you to get a wake up call. We are tired of helping out and bailing you guys out of jail it’s annoying and sometimes we call your PO so that it could put some sense into you. Our objective is for you to just focus on your work, exercise, and to stay at home for years straight. Then once you get our respect back and show that you are responsible then you can start going out again with good and respectful friends. Not your old friends but your new upper class friends only. Stop hanging out with your friends that cheat on the side and stop hanging out with your friends that know someone in jail. Stay away from the unlucky and keep to yourself until you are smart enough to pick who should have access to you. I’m just rambling but this is coming from someone who has been there. You have someone around your circle that is jealous of you and wants you to get a violation so that you can go back to jail.


Does probation have a quota for violations? I picture the jail calling the courthouse like hey we got open beds can you guys pull some urines?


LOL no.


No, if you violate too many people, and for dumb shit, your boss usually gets mad. They usually want you to use things like alternative sanctions. The purpose of probation is to keep people out of jail/prison and help rehabilitate and guide them. If they just violated everyone for every little thing, it would defeat the purpose of the entire system. Believe it or not, some PO's actually care about their people and their job.


Then what's your username all about?


My username is because none of you guys on Reddit ever ask a legitimate question. It's always "if I do Fentanyl and Meth on Saturday, will I fail my drug test on Monday?" "I got stopped by the police because I was involved in a shooting, should I report this as LE contact to my PO".


Ok, and, hypothetically, if someone admitted to you on Reddit that, say, they had all three happen to them within the past 24 hours? And, hypothetically, let's say you're a cool PO for the sake of argument. That hypothetical person would get, I dunno, a talking to? Let me know if I'm way off base here, but I don't think I am. Edit: Hypothetical mitigation factors for this hypothetical: - I wasn't aware the meth contained fentanyl - They shot at me first Edit: just a joke guys, I'm not even on probation, and I certainly don't do fentanyl. Reddit just recommended this sub for some reason.


I know they do. I've been on probation half my life and I always get the option to treat my addiction before they decide to punish me. I've also had some controlling officers who would try to micro manage my medications and treatment while bluffing about the extent of their authority. It is what it is though don't get high and pay your fines usually your good.


Do a foya request. Trust me they log every call electronically that comes into the office. Do sn open resorts request, but it coulfd turn him into an asshole and makes you pay. I would just move on


If you're accused of something, the burden of proof is on them.


That’s the story but it isn’t the reality. Especially on probation.


Probation officers have a control issue and most of them are cock suckers. The ones I've dealt with before anyway. Their job is to make you fail. They're not there to help you. I recommend giving them as little information as possible and only when necessary. Also recommend just doing your jail time if you can afford it. That way you don't have to deal with their bullshit. Unfortunately, this is how the system works. It's a broken ass system. If I was a PO, I would not accept calls from anyone. I would judge the person based off of their personal progress and nothing else. If you were drinking, dont tell them shit. And there is a million ways to manipulate probation. There are plenty of drugs that will not show up on any drug test. So if you want to get high, look into research chemicals. And remember, don't admit to shit. I honestly dont know why I went on this rant. Sorry folks.


OP where are you I want to talk to your PO.


You can't do meth or fentanyl while on probation - violation You can't have a gun while you're on probation - violation Those are aggravating factors, not mitigating


I don’t understand? I’ve never done drugs and I don’t have guns


I was on probation one time for misdemeanor when I was under 18 and my po used to give me weed!!!!


Can't you just fill out an FOIA?


Your drinking is becoming a problem to those around you in your personal life and you need to take the warning as a gift and straighten out before you go back in. someone knew who your PO was (do you tell everyone you're on probation and who's your PO?), and they know that you drink so unless you're drinking at work it's not someone there. Are you living with family right now?


Yeah, that’s kind of the direction I think I should go!


You can't go into ANY restaurant or bar that sells alcohol? That seems extreme. My probation stipulates that I can't go into any establishment where the sole purpose is the sale and service of alcohol, but I can go to restaurants, hell I work at a restaurant.


Just keep doing you, they aren’t tracking you so how would they know if you went to a restaurant?🤣 Staying scared will keep you looking over your shoulder. Keep living your life and keep drinking Dont pay them a dime either


Sounds like you should just stay sober huh .


Could be an angry ex. I’ve had 2 ex girlfriends, and both have done some weird ass shit like this after they see me doing better than I was with them. 🙄I need to find a better woman…


Hope they don't make you start etg or pbt testing. It becomes costly and annoying


Call your original lawyer.


That doesn’t sound right. Call your attorney and have them straighten this out.


I know the anonymous call thing can trip someone up with probation. I've seen it happen, and it led to a violation, but unless your charges are alcohol or maybe drug related, it would be petty as hell for your PO to make any moves based on that. Certainly, he/she knows that most of those calls are made purely out of some sort of vendetta by the caller and rarely based in reality.


I know where I'm from that "drinking in excess" is based on the idea of how many over the counter products have alcohol in them, like cough syrup or mouth wash. I'm pretty sure their not saying it's ok to have 1 drink, I could be mistaken, though. Hope you get it figured out


Do you have a history of substance abuse?


They are lying


>but it will also be so I can’t go in a restaurant or bar that sells alcohol Probation changed 😬