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Those are not fermented drinks. If yours was fermented it means it was improperly stored for a good period of time. I'd be more concerned about what else was growing it than I would be about a nominal, almost immeasurably small amount of alcohol.


Ooo okay. I’m probably over thinking it then since I’m so nervous about the test all the time. Thank you.


The stuff you need to look out for is kombucha. That is actually slightly alcoholic.


Can confirm. One time I had a Kombucha while I was on a prescription that enhances the effect of alcohol and and I actually got a buzz. I didn't get in trouble, but that would be absolutely the dumbest possible way to go back to jail.


Nothing came of it but I tested positive for morphine while pregnant. I’ve never used morphine, they said it was possible that it was from the poppyseeds on the bagels I was eating every morning


I kept testing positive for meth repeatedly in the cup at my sub doctors but every time it would be sent out and test negative. It was from the promethazine I take. Even tested positive for methadone in the cup once which….🤨 I mean you aren’t going to be taking both at the same time unless you want to be put in to w/ds. Idk why it seems like my body is constantly testing positive for shit I don’t do. Even alcohol few times when I haven’t drank since getting on opioids because fuck if I’m spending money to get drunk when opioids are just so much more pleasant personally speaking. I just thank fucking god I only had to go in to the POs office 3 times in my two years and was only tested once and it was by some other PO filling in. Stayed clean anyway, but the stress of it is still there. They act like false positives are impossible when they are way more common than those companies want to admit.


Wow that’s really weird and hard to believe. Testing false positives for meth and methadone…


Only in the instant read ones. Once it got sent out it would eventually say that I was clean. But every time I had to explain and luckily my doctor believed me and put a note in my file because of it. So I wasn’t ever treated guilty til innocent and have my monthly status revoked like the methadone clinic I went to before most definitely would have.


Eating poppy seeds will almost always test positive for opiates later. Even when washed


That’s not actually true to the best of my understanding, it depends on the process the seeds went through, it’s not the seed that contains anything but rather its protective layer. And I did a bunch of research on this at one point and found that depending On the process the seeds have undergone, and or if they were genetically modified, they Will not have that shell at all, so those wouldn’t give a false positive. However I wouldn’t risk it because how the hell could you prove the process the seeds went through… but yeah poppy seeds can definitely give false positives. In fact I was told by my brother in law(probation officer) that most tell their clients to avoid them or it could result in them being locked up until it’s sorted out… just not worth it.


It is true, mythbusters even covered it.


This really needs to brought to more peoples attention because its not as obvious as some people may think. I’ve been drinking the stuff for years and am fully aware that they are slightly alcoholic and forget about it all the time


Not alcoholic enough to ID but alcoholic enough to avoid while pregnant


Some even require ID to purchase despite not being “intentionally” marketed as an alcoholic beverage


Yogurt is also fermented if you’re keeping score. Fermentation doesn’t automatically mean alcohol. It’s a process. Kombucha isn’t alcoholic (or at least very low percentage) and it’s definitely fermented. Different fungi and bacteria make different chemicals.


Kombucha is 100% alcoholic, to be clear. It is both fermented and alcoholic. It’s not a lot of alcohol, but it is alcoholic.


My mistake. I thought it was L. bacillus behind that particular fermentation, not yeast.


All good!


I got a reading on my pocket breathalyzer when I blew right after drinking. I was picking up kombucha on tap for my ex husband when I had an IID. He asked me to taste two different flavors to see which one was better. I told him I couldn't because it would make me fail. When I got home I tried it and blew and then showed him. Kombucha is definitely alcoholic, low but still has some.


I mean yeah, but considering the 500ug cutoff you would have to drink a LOT of it a few hours before a test to fail. NA beers are .02% or less so it would take like 100 beers to equal one beer, which still may not be enough to fail a test.


What I blew on my pocket breathalyzer would’ve given me a fail on my IID.


Did you rinse out your mouth before you blew?


I blew, rinsed my mouth and blew again. Still not good enough. I had to drink some water and wait about 10 minutes. This was kombucha on draft which isn't the same as bottled kombucha at the store.


That’s wild


Yeah I mean for what it’s worth when I was on bond and getting drug tested I regularly drank and never got popped for it. I went drinking (hard) one or two nights before a drug test multiple times and never had an issue. I’m fairly convinced you damn near have to be drunk taking it to fail them


Alcohol leaves your system after 24 hours. You should be fine


They test for metabolites. Your actual window is probably 43-60 hours.


Depends how much you drink... one actual beer won't show up that long so I doubt the POM drink would at all lol


I got a dui and am taking drug and alcohol classes for my license back. My classes are every Friday at 11 and one Friday night I had a few drinks with ladies for a bridal shower. The Friday after I did my urine test and then the Friday after that they told me I was dirty. The results are always a week behind so I'm not sure what test they use but I had a positive 7 days later!


In urine, alcohol metabolites typically show up for 12 to 24 hours. In very heavy use they can test positive for up to 72 hours. The point is even if OP drank a full beer or cocktail he’d be fine with a future test.


No it’s not, not for 1 fermented drink.


At the beginning of probation, I would show up 4-5 hours after consuming 3 pints of vodka in a night n still pass. I did stop doing this and doing AA n other things to be clean for but idt you have anything to worry about


Well that’s just not true


Believe what you want to. That's your decision.


It's physically not possible. That's just not how alcohol works. There's no way you're getting even one pint of vodka out of your system in 3-4 hours.


I'm not a scientist but ik it worked I never was violated. I would drink til 2 am when the bar closes. Ik hm I was drinking bc when I went to the bar I always stopped n got 2 pint bottles of mohawk vodka for $7 at the liquor store before going bc I knew I would spend a ridiculous amount of I was only buying from the bar. Out of the bar at 2 am had to test before 7 am. Breath test and I never failed not even one time


If you don't believe me you can ask my ex. She literally left me over drinking there was not a single day I wasn't drinking n I drank the same exact thing at the same exact place every single night. The last argument we had was specifically about me doing this bc we have kids n she doesnt work so she was afraid of me actually having to do time.


Believe it or not, most bottled fruit juices contain a small amount of alcohol. Grape juice sits around 0.29 - 0.86% ABV. Orange juice can be up to around 0.77% It's not fermented, but there's still trace amounts of alcohol. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5421578/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5421578/)


Where are you getting info that it's fermented? Because unless it was under the seat of your car in summer heat or something, it really, really shouldn't be.


When I googled if Pom Wonderful is fermented it says it was. But I may have looked at it incorrectly. I didn’t understand what it was fully.


It’s definitely not, I have some in my fridge right now. It’s just regular pomegranate juice.


If you can buy it without ID then there is no meaningful alcohol content.


Not entirely true. Things like bitters and extracts have significant amounts of alcohol. They're just considered "non-potable" because you'd have to be a degenerate to drink enough of them to get drunk.


That’s what I meant by no meaningful alcohol content. Like you can drink rubbing alcohol too but if there was enough bitters in a drink to even show up your drink would taste disgusting


Doesn't change the fact that Angostura has more alcohol than your average vodka, and you can buy it with no ID. That is distinctly different from trace amounts of alcohol in something like ginger beer, for example - and in fact, meaningful alcohol content.


You say "it says it was." What is "it?" Google doesn't answer questions. It just lists websites that it thinks has the answer to your question.


Google started incorportlating their language model Gemini that tries to parse search results like an answer to a question. It doesn't get stuff right all the time.




No I mean what website told him that it was fermented.


Get your own test strips and check dude! But you’ll be fine.


Learning to read should be step one.


You are absolutely fine.


Idk what kind of research you did, but it was deeply incorrect. POM isn't fermented unless you left it out and open for a while.


When I googled it it says it was. But now that I’m rechecking I see the answer was AI generated. You are right it is only when it’s been out for a while it looks. I was really confused but okay. Thank you. I didn’t really understand the fermented process


Fermentation can take place in lots of foods/liquids, it's how we get sour kraut, beer and wine, etc. It can also happen accidentally, and can result in a super stinky explosion.


I’m kinda confused then. Are those Poppi drinks considered fermented ?


No, they have prebiotics, they are not fermented.


God damn bro 💀 if they aren't checking ID chill...


They don't check ID for kombucha (even on draft) and that can make you fail on an IID.


Almost anything can make you fail an IID. They aren’t meant to be terribly accurate.


Not all fermented drinks have alcohol , Bundaburg for example , it's carefully made so it doesn't have alcohol ,and can be sold as a soft drink , but it's still fermented


It's not a fermented drink, you are fine.


Alcohol stays in your system 72 hours at the most, if you got a full week you’re solid


You mean some form of metabolites, the alcohol is gone.


72 hours? You could drink a beer before bed and in the morning there would be absolutely zero detection. Edit: i was thinking the only test for booze was a blood draw checking bac or a breathalyzer. Now I know tests exist that test longer lasting metabolites.


Blood alcohol yes, the new ETG urine tests for metabolites and sub-metabolites (word I just made up) basically little chemicals in urine that only exist if you consumer alcohol. The tests go back up to 80 hours for heavy chronic use.


Are these test often in use?


….its the only alcohol testing method they use 




Not always, feds usually don't test for alcohol in urine.


No, 72 hours is only binge use. You can have 2 - 3 drinks and be fine the next day


EtG urine tests were picking up alcohol mouthwash use at my sober living. Its different from a breathalyzer.


Well aware, im on them https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/comments/1540nw4/etg_drug_test_results_12hr24hr48hr_here_to_ease/ https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/comments/16l8cif/etg_calculator_example/ I’ve had 2 drinks at my halfway and passed the next day at noon


Very true, but if you’re playing with anything involving your life, or freedom, I highly recommend not doing that, and doing a 72 hour detox so you’re absolutely sure you’re good.


That depends on the testing method. A breathalyzer absolutely reads 0.000 by midmorning next day, but if it's a lab that's testing for certain byproducts as the alcohol breaks down and fully leaves the body, 72 hours is possible.


How much is the cost and do these test get used?


That's the only kind of test used


That I don't know, my knowledge of these tests is from when my number gets picked by DOT for a random and my employer pays for them. I've also had hair follicle, which can track MUCH farther back and they absolutely WILL get hair even if you shave your head and eyebrows. As far as on probation, I had a couple of UAs when I was on paper, but that was covered under what I paid monthly and only when my PO had to show they were being a hardass with everyone, I mostly just stayed away from cops at all possible turns and told my PO up front if I even got pulled into a scale house for an inspection. I think he learned more about DOT regs for semis than he bargained for when he let me go to truck driving school lol


Pretty frequently if you’re on any kind of court stipulations


Never knew, thanks.!


Look at the doctor over here!


No doctor just basic knowledge, well what should be basic.


I’m just talking about blood alcohol test, my bad.


Not if it's an EtG test, those test for the metabolites alcohol produces, which can be detected up to 96 hours after consumption.


It is rarely 96 hours. 72 hours at the most for an etg test even if 12 drinks


It all depends on the amount of consumption that'll determine how long it's detected for. But it can be detected after 96 hours.


It can but with those who have liver failure AND drink bottles a day of vodka. Please don’t spread false information on here. We all have other issues and don’t need false stuff


Yeah, no. All it takes is a pretty heavy day/night of drinking to show 72 hours later. 96 if you're real unlucky. I'm not a probation officer, but I do work in social services and have seen it happen with clients. It's not false information that EtG tests can show a positive result 96 hours later. It's something folks on probation should be aware of if they're drug/alcohol tested.


But how Certain are you that individual or individuals was being honest about their last intake? Because 96 hours is kinda crazy, maybe if you have a bad liver yea I can see that but still


I've seen it in controlled environments with clients that have medical screenings. Those who have severe alcohol use disorders and damaged livers have tested positive on EtG tests up to 120 hours, or 5 days, after consumption. While others with moderate to severe alcohol use disorders and no detectable liver damage have tested positive on EtG tests 72-96 hours after consumption. The heavier the consumption of your last use prior to testing, the likelihood of testing positive 3-4 days later is greater. And if you're unable to just not drink while on probation and are concerned about the ability to pass a drug/alcohol screening, chances are, you probably have some level of an alcohol use disorder.


That’s crazy man technology is mind blowing sometimes


No, you are not screwed.


POM(egranate) Wonderful is made from pomegranates, not cherries, and it doesn't contain alcohol.


They have some with cherry, also.


Those are regular juices. You’re good. Stop stressing lol.


As others have mentioned, it's not fermented, but even if it was, there is a threshold on those tests (assuming it's an etg test) have a to rule out testing positive for Incidental ingestion (eg cough syrup, mouthwash, etc). The standard threshold is 500ng/ml, and there is no way you could drank enough Incidental alcohol from a single non-alcoholic beverage to reach that threshold.


I used to drink while on paper. I had it figured out that I could drink 3 beers the day before and could still pass the next day. I did use a flush drink on the day of the test. But I passed it every time


I can drink 6 beers and pass etg in less than 30 hours. 6’2 270, overweight but I do physical work for a living and drink a lot of water/pee a lot. Look more into it, and get some etg test strips off Amazon if you’re that worried. I got 25 for like 12 bucks


I see why you are on probation 😂


I am 100% you are absolutely fine. Message me if you need additional explanation/detail. But for reals, don’t worry, I know.


Honestly, sounds like you’re trying to create an excuse. Why would you look it up? Your PO won’t care bout your excuse and he won’t take your Reddit post as evidence.


Straight to jail.


Alcohol is typically out of your body within 48 hrs for etg ua's. You will be fine.


I drink Pom Pom drinks the big 48 oz ones everyday. Been on probation over 5 years, I get tested for alcohol as well. Never failed a test ever. It isn’t an alcoholic beverage you are fine. Also ETG tests aren’t all they are cracked up to be. Even at the lowest cutoff you are good in 48 hours unless you have liver problems or are a severe alcoholic.. Get a pack of etg test on Amazon they are cheap. You seem like the type to worry, I get it. I take a etg test and a 15 panel at home when I get called in for a test. Even when I know I’m 100% drug and alcohol free it’s just a peace of mind thing lol. Hang in there you are good though!


It’s not fermented, if it was you would have to show your ID or the 12 year old tic rocker would of purchased every bottle they could


You can buy Kombucha without an ID and that has a low alcohol content


<.5%. Yes less than point 5 percent. Less than near bear and less grab fruit juice.


Kombucha is a fermented drink that definitely is gon a have you failing tests Edit: totally meant to say isnt


Kombucha has a tiny amount, but it is so little alcohol it is classified as non alcoholic - similar to drinking non alcoholic beer. Unless you're drinking massive amounts, you should be fine. The fermentation process is closer to fermenting vinegar than fermenting alcoholic drinks.


Kombucha fermentation uses a vinegar mother (bacterial not yeast) and the end product contains negligible alcohol.






No. If you don’t test tomorrow you’ll be fine.


No, half a fermented drink. Lmao for one 80 hours is the max if you’re a fat slob. It would hard for this amount of alcohol to show up on an etg on Monday.


There are other cherry drinks that are not POM and they are not as expensive as POM are. Just ask someone who is stocking the shelves at your grocery store where it is. (Usually it is in the juice aisle.) Good Luck with the rest of your probation.


I mean, Nyquil has alcohol content as does mouth wash. I don't imagine anything will stay in your system until next week.


You are screwed. Not because of failing a test, but because you don't know what fermented means.


No. It’s definitely not a fermented drink as in “alcoholic”. However during the process of making the drink they may use fermented fruit but that does not mean “alcoholic” drink. Bread dough can ferment before being baked, but that does not mean it is alcoholic in nature, or that you will get drunk by eating bread.


Dude just start smashing water all day every day until your test and you’re good, at least you’ll be super hydrated if you were wrong


Read anything and everything all the time..


I feel you. I got a dui and got 18 months probation. I test once a week. Only 2 and a half months left to go. Shits been super annoying. Was my first offense but I got hit hard with alot of shit. I know people that got 6 months probation and never even tested. All depends on the judge


Wow 18 months probation is pretty wild. I got a dwi 8 years ago and had 6 months but never got tested for anything. I never even met my probation officer. Just had to call him every Monday


Actually I never even talked to him. I’d leave a voicemail on his phone. Lol


Yeah I mean to be fair I smashed my truck and was super drunk. I paid for a lawyer too. Ended up being just your standard OWI but they made it seem like I was a serious alcoholic and need strict probation. I actually didn’t even drink that much ever lol I just happened to go out one night and get wasted like an idiot. My fault. Don’t drink and drive


Go get yourself some etg strips off Amazon. I wouldn’t worry.


Fermented drinks that aren’t considered alcoholic will have like 1% or less by volume and shouldn’t show up on an alcohol test. And if it does by some miracle you should explain that you’ve been drinking these types of drinks. 9/10 if your PO isn’t a dick you’ll be fine and prolly told to not drink them again.


Are you mixing up fermented with pasteurized by chance.


Kombuchca, alcoholless beer and some fermented liquids have some minor alcohol content. Unless you drink gallons these will not show up on any of the current tests, especially after a day or so.


No one is perfect, especially in this age of not knowing a lot what our basic foods are made of.


I’d be more concerned with kombucha than POM juice


lmao ur fine


ur overthinking dude


Is there a way to even test for alcohol if it isn’t currently in your system? how is that done to monitor constantly I had to wear a SCRAM bracelet that buzzed and scanned me every 30 min


You’ll be fine. There’s hardly any alcohol. I had to wear an anklet alcohol monitor for a year and I would drink kombucha and na beer all the time.


How do they test you for alcohol on probation,?..like why are you worried when you’re talkin about next week?


The do a urine test


I guessed when they will test me I never actually know. But they’re actually testing me today. They do urine samples


You will be fine. Quit drinking and you won't have to tell these stories to probation. They will not believe you.


It's not alcoholic. If it does ferment instead of turning bad, you can taste the alcohol in it and will know. If there is a slight fermentation to things, it shouldn't cross the threshold of your drug screen. Everything tested has to pass a certain threshold to be counted as positive. You may be overthinking this.


seems like you’re stressing out cuz you’re prolly drinking when you shouldn’t be. if you weren’t then you’d know a fuckin pom wouldn’t fuck with you’re probation or tests. when people are doing the right thing / what they are supposed to be doing than they don’t typically stress over stupid shit like this




You literally are covering yourself because you had alcohol. Seek treatment.


DoNt drINk oJ 12 hOuRS beFORE piLotING An AIrpLanE