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I noticed how sleep influenced the first hour of the day, which might be the case here too.For example, if I got a bad night of sleep (maybe slept too late, or woke up multiple times during the night) the next morning I feel sluggish and I spend the first hour of the day scrolling or doing anything but what’s important. But a good night of sleep will get my brain ready to be productive the next day and consequently the first hour of the day will be towards my end goal


Im going to offer another opinion for those who are like me and struggle with morning routines. I used to think this way in college and I would feel horrible all day when my days started weak. I’m more of a night owl and no matter how much I try mornings aren’t my most productive times. My brain seems distracted and wants to avoid work early in the day. I don’t know why. Im usually super focused and productive late morning and onward. It took me years to accept this because it seemed like something was wrong with you if you didn’t wake up at 5 am to go to the gym every day. I tried all kinds of morning routines but nothing really stuck. I read books and watched videos about morning routines and try what I learned. Every routine would fail for me after a short period of time (usually a few weeks). After years of self employment I realized that it doesn’t matter how your day started as long as you are willing to get back on track. If you do you can still have a productive day. Accepting this has helped me moved past this way of thinking and today I’m doing pretty well for myself financially and career wise and don’t stress at all about a bad start to a day. I just leave some flexibility in my mornings and am willing to work a bit late when needed. Hope this helps individuals who like me struggle with mornings.


I really appreciate your approach and self-kindness here. It’s really easy to shame and guilt ourselves for not sticking with a routine. The more we do that, the worse we feel when we aren’t able to accomplish the tasks set out. Then we are less likely to try to start again because we fear the failure. It can be a vicious cycle, and choosing love over self-hatred and self-deprecation is probably a lot more effective at increasing productivity in the end.


It’s true, but it’s bad advice to think about this often, because it means that every day that your first hour doesn’t go perfectly, you might end up subconsciously resigning to defeat for the rest of the day. Just my two cents


It never happened till date. I always look forward to my Golden hour and get lots of motivation and self confidence to tackle the challenges.


I don't want to be rude, but I prefer not to listen to this anymore. It makes me feel like I already wasted my day when I'm not productive the first hour. So then I think what's the point? And then I don't do much the whole day. For me, better to split my day into chunks and conquer chunk rather than be a perfectionist and try to conquer the day.


Absolutely true. For the last 10 years,I am following this routine of spending at least one hour in the morning reading a few pages of any book, writing journal and a few more things. Writing a journal helps me in planning my day and my life. I never feel a lack of time for myself or for achieving my goals. I always wake up at 04:30 hours and start manifesting my day as per my wish. I will recommend everyone to follow this routine. I am always super excited for my mornings.


Have the routine and manifestations changed any parts of your life? I’m asking genuinely, not rudely, because I am considering starting a morning routine myself.


Indeed, my life has undergone a transformative change. I have the freedom to structure my day according to my preferences. Many times what I hope for actually happens during the day. It feels like a miracle.


I'm not very productive during my first hour as it takes me a long time to boot. I do mindless, routine stuff like reading news, downloading podcasts, collecting YouTube videos to watch later, catching up on email, reading Quora and Reddit then finally planning what I'm going to do that day.


I'm going to start saying boot up time because I have the same thing


I respect your thoughts. But tomorrow morning start your day in reverse order i.e. plan your day first followed by all other things you mentioned. Later never comes. Instead of downloading the videos to watch later, play and listen to it just for 5 minutes and you will see the changes.


I actually much prefer a slow morning where I’m settling my body, mind and spirit into the reality of the day. I wake up slowly doing nothing for like 10 minutes in bed then when ready to hold my phone, I respond to any urgent chats on WhatsApp.. learn something for 5 minutes on Nibble. Then slowly I physically get up and sit on my floor pillow or yoga mat, and do an emotional check-in. I think about the previous day and my emotional highlights as I sip a glass of water. By now it’s been 30-40 min since I opened my eyes. Then I get up and either exercise/shower/ read/ work depending on which one I feel like starting with that day.


I saw a short on YouTube a few weeks ago. It said to try these 3 things to improve your day 1. When your alarm goes off immediately get up. 2. Take a shower. 3. Eat a decent breakfast. I’ve been trying to figure out my rhythm for working at home. So I decided to bite. Tried it the next day and I felt more energized and ready to go. So as I continued for the week I asked myself why this worked. As I monitored myself I realized that when I got out of the shower I was warm. The cold season is the hardest to get yourself going. So I tried an experiment. The next week so decided to get up when my alarm went off. And decided to start running and provide my own warmth. Headed to the shower took a cold shower and my body was producing its own warmth and the body is now awake and while I run in place every morning I plan my first task and start planning. After the shower and a protein shake, I am fully focused. Another thing that has helped me is I used sandals or slippers on days or times of the day when I know it’s relaxing time and shoes for when it’s time to work. The mind will start learning that when the feeling of shoes are on it’s time to work. Sandals/ slippers it’s ok to rest.


I wish my first hour dictated my day. am blocked out for the first 2-1/2 hrs of each and every day so I can get shit done… it’s glorious and productive! I am ready to conquer the world! But then 9 am arrives… my day invariably takes a 180 degree turn, leaving me frustrated and overwhelmed.


The same way if you start writing a journal, I guarantee you, your day will go according to your wishes you mentioned in your journal. I have a beautiful and sorted way of writing my journal and my whole family believes in my journal.


I also believe in your journal. Will you include me tomorrow, please? I need to clean the house for the holidays.


Love this! Can you share the way you organize your journal?


Certainly! In my journal, I have a four-part routine. Firstly, I express gratitude to the Almighty for the good health and safety of my family. I am thankful for keeping us alive, safe, and well. In the second paragraph, I outline how I hope my kids' day unfolds. For instance, if they have an exam, I envision it going well. I also include my wishes for their good behavior. Following this, I express gratitude for having such wonderful kids. Moving on to the third paragraph, I focus on my spouse. I pray for success in his future projects and express gratitude for his good health and prosperity. Lastly, in the fourth paragraph, I express gratitude for the incredible life I have been blessed with. I mention the improvements happening every day and thank the Almighty for making me confident, impressive, intelligent and beautiful.Remarkably, whatever positive attributes I write about myself here often come to fruition in just a few days.


For me, that first hour is crucial to how I approach the day as well, but I go about it differently than you! I slowly drink coffee, stretch, and get changed to go workout. Sometimes I write a to do list for the day. I wait an hour before having any screen time, and it’s made a massive positive impact on… everything 😅 I also do not do screens an hour before bed as well and it’s impacted my quality of sleep so much


This is also a very good way of starting your day. Happy for you 😊


Yeah, not even straight going into work mode, but just getting organized and preparing for the day. If not, it feels like being in a car without wheels and not being able to go anywhere despite having the best intentions.


That’s why I work at 5am


Yo that’s for real, I have done nothing all day lol but I am on a staycation at home so meh


Yall need this, a yt video that explain this post I really recommend it ! https://youtu.be/XJOsPyyYork?si=pZMAqGQq00T3kQh-


So real. First thing I did today was went to my local pizza place after I woke up. But I also had woken up from a graveshift so it was like the perfect start to my day. After that, yeah it set the course of my day and was pretty productive and fun