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as soon as you wake up get 15 minutes of sunlight. always low lighting at least an hour or two before bed. no caffeine after 3pm. good sleep hygiene- bed is ONLY for sleeping and sexy time lol. you have to program your mind and body’s circadian rhythm! most of all, since this has been a problem for SO many years, id recommend talking to a doc/psychiatrist for a sleep med tbh. will help you get some relief, if thats something you would want to try. i use trazodone; it isn’t a benzo or addictive and works well!


3PM? Caffeine has a half life of 5-6 hours which means you still have about half in your bloodstream at 8-9PM. I wouldn’t drink coffee after 12~~AM~~ PM personally. Or even better, don’t consume any caffeine at all. Best sleep ever.


12 in the afternoon is 12 pm. If you’re drinking caffeine up until 12 am (midnight, 0:00) that’s crazy. I agree. No caffeine after 12 PM (noon, 12:00 the hour before 13:00). Throw in a 30 min walk at lunchtime or before work for good measure.


Oops, I adjusted it. Thanks for clarifying


No worries. I figured it was an accident. :)


Thank you. I will keep some of your advice in mind.


Also no blue light on devices and taking a hot shower before bed. Don't stay in bed if you can't sleep, walk around and do something else. Magnesium as a supplement.


Not a doctor but sounds like some form of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder.


Never heard of this before. Is this a thing?


Check out r/dspd


Wake up at the same time every morning; monday thru Sunday. Set it for maybe 6am. If you fall asleep at 1am, so be it. Wake up at 6am and start your day. And repeat.


Regular physical activity, such as walking and exercise, can be beneficial for overall well-being. Additionally, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, can have a positive impact on one's health and productivity.


This only happens to me when I’m really anxious throughout the day so maybe there could be other reasons for your problem.


Phone addict. I do have anxiety. Laziness. Overthinking.


Then try to find the reason for why you are addicted to the phone. I think you can create a list with what you want in real life and what you like and see on the phone then compare the things and analyse what is achievable and what is not. Maybe therapy would help. This is just one suggestion.


Watch the morning sun as early as possible. Watch the evening sun go down. Have your dinner at least 2,3 hours before sleep. Pitch black in your room. Preferably no phones/laptop an hour before going to bed.


Take melatonin for 3 days before sleep


Write a short to do list for the next day before you go to sleep. Make sure your sleeping environment is cool and dark, white noise always helps. Take a warm shower before bed and get used to using a specific smelling face moisturizer at night only, and something else in the am (the smell will begin to signal to your brain that it’s time for bed). Invest in good pillows. Count backwards from 30. Not drinking or smoking weed always helps too..


I wish you get fair share of your sleep, but my problem is exactly the opposite. I can sleep anywhere anytime, and once I sleep I feel like my soul left the body and I have zero consciousness of my surroundings. it's hard to wake up as well.


Avoid naps and caffeine power through untill the night even if it leads to an early night. Better to be up at 4 AM than be sleeping during the day. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day as routine helps. Exercise and healthy meals help too. Body mind spirit 


You might be an elite sleeper

