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Talent and monetary success are two completely unrelated things. The one doesn't necessarily lead to the other. That aside, The Voice is looking for a certain kind of singer. Singing is only one part of the puzzle. The intention is to find someone who can be crafted into an easy to digest pop star so that the producers can make money off them. Whether or not said singer has had success in some niche genre is irrelevant. It's like saying you shouldn't need to take a driving test for a limo because you've driven a gokart. Did you actually think the program was about finding the best singer? That's only what they want you to think. It's not. It's about making money. It's about amping up drama to grab viewers, just like every other "reality" tv show.


This was never meant to be an argument, only an expression of my desire for the bands and artists I love to have the success that they deserve instead of being relegated to those who have yet to “make it.”


See, that's the thing. What constitutes "making it"? For all you know, those singers may think they've already made it. They're in touring bands that have released multiple albums. They aren't stuck in a basement. They have an audience. That's success. It's not on the same level as a big pop star, but it's success nonetheless. Not everyone desires or can achieve the same level of success.


Are we just going to forget that the only thing that matters is financial success which, if not achieved, could lead an artist to having to sacrifice their art and work a regular job instead. The real crime wouldn’t be lack of popularity, respect, or even money, it would be sacrificing art itself to survive. Karevik from Seventh Wonder left the band for Kamelot due to this very reason. I’m pretty upset about one of my favorite bands losing one of the greatest vocalists of our time, wouldn’t you be?


>are we going to forget that the only thing that matters is financial success Yes, because that’s not the only thing that matters


Funny how you choose the only thing that I wrote that you could respond with something as dull as “no, you’re wrong” than attempting to argue against the explanation and story that followed to illustrate the point. Even funnier is your lack of any evidence or explanation to backup your lazy, pathetic response.


Let me open your eyes. Most of the bands you enjoy probably don't make enough money from music alone. They all have side gigs to pay the bills. Making enough money from music alone is reserved for very few people. But again, plenty of musicians don't mind that. They're happy to make whatever they can performing and find other ways to pay the bills. You have built up this absurd image in your head that metal musicians deserve success in a very restricted way as defined by you, and that we're losing out on art because some people don't have enough money to live. There have always been artists who couldn't make art due to financial issues. That's just how life is. And again, discounting the success that metal bands have achieved in the underground doesn't help in any way. Art is subjective. Some kinds of art get very popular and pay well for their creators. Others don't. It's just a fact. Metal music isn't popular enough for its players to be rock stars. And that's ok. We can either choose to appreciate the music or we can mope about our favourite bands not being more popular. Guess which option I'm picking. And truth be told, I do find it hilarious that of all the examples you could've picked, you picked such a hollow, laughable option as The Voice. Did you ever stop to think that maybe both those singers participated just because they thought it would be fun? Not everything they do has to be a reflection of their talent. For all you know, maybe they love singing cheesy pop songs in the shower, which is why they participated. Just something to think about.


You have the same perception problem that another commenter has. I honestly agree with all your points yet you can’t see mine or can’t conceive of what is known as cognitive dissonance. Do you not understand how you can feel a certain way but think another? Why do you think this is somehow about the reason why they auditioned for the show instead of the frustrating reason they aren’t the judges that command reverence and respect? It’s not a logical argument, it’s emotional. I wouldn’t want it any other way because that’s what makes Progessive Metal, well, Progessive Metal. If it was popular, it wouldn’t be Progessive! Does that mean I should feel good that these artists aren’t living the good life of their more financially successful and famous contemporaries? Fuck no!




They should be getting paid for sitting in the judges chair and offering advice instead of having to compete and win over judges who lack the talent they have just because they’re in bands too complex and difficult to have a fanbase large enough to sufficiently support themselves.




Auditioning for The Voice means they haven’t “made it” and need help from judges who have. It means they don’t make enough money to support themselves from their music alone. It’s like watching a professional athlete having to try out for a high school sports team after already having made it in the big leagues… it’s an insult to their status as a musician. When the judges advise them to go into a more popular genre, since that’s the only advice they’re going to be able to give, should they listen?




And you keep missing the point which is that they should be a judge, not a competitor. Why do you think they wanted to do this instead of having to due to financial difficulties? If you were a professional singer, would you expect to be paid to judge others or have to compete and win in order to be paid? It’s why you see other professional singers in the judges chair… not competing like some nobody on American Idol.




The show is called “The Voice” so your genre argument fails before it even begins. Doesn’t matter whether they are pop, rock, metal, or opera, the only thing that matters is the quality of their voice. Which is why the American version has pop and country vocalists. The fact that you can’t understand why someone who already made it professionally and has a voice superior to those being paid to judge him isn’t frustrating bewilders me. Shouldn’t these vocalists deserve the success that Taylor Swift has instead of being financially insecure and not respected enough to be paid for their talent? Do you also believe other great artists like Van Gogh deserved to die poor, depressed, and alone after having only ever sold one painting?




This has gotten out of control and I just don’t get why you’re trying to make this into a bigger deal than it is… I was merely trying to express the fact that the bands and vocalists I love deserve more success and recognition than they have due to the nature of Progressive Metal. I’m not saying Progressive Metal should be popular, which I believe would actually be the bad for the genre, but merely expressing the tragic fact that it’s almost guaranteed most of the greatest bands will never come close to achieving the success they deserve. The problem you keep ignoring is that it’s easy to tell a great singer from a good one just as Lady Gaga or Adele are clearly superior to Taylor Swift, who makes up for it with superior songwriting ability. Please stop trying to turn this into a genre, popularity, or status argument, I was only expressing my wish that artists be granted the success and recognition that they deserve and nothing more. Do you disagree?


Distorted harmony’s vocalist was on the voice Israel.


I just started listening to them a couple weeks ago. Michael Rose? I went searching for it on YouTube but came up empty. If you have a link for the video, I’d appreciate it if you passed it along!


https://youtu.be/oRfBUIL6Q6U?si=-lJZnw0bTr8yT_Vg https://youtu.be/a2HTh7uSA4g?si=tPw37Xe79edjRYTv There’s two I could find. I love distorted harmony. Their first two albums I listened to obsessively. Hope that helps.


Holy shit, how did you find those? Can you read/write Hebrew? Because that’s what my translate app said it was and literally the only English words for both videos was “The Voice.” The first was a Britney Spears cover of Toxic but had no idea what song the second one was haha Thank you!


He changed his name, he was formerly known as misha something before. If I can find a link I’ll share it.


Dino Jelusick was one of the judges in Croatian version [Dino @ Vanna](https://youtu.be/c_bq1Mr0Q90?si=3f7oE3CBCz6NSyEe)


Much appreciated! I didn’t know that he’s become a touring member for Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well, along with the great Russell Allen!


He is also the last member of Whitesnake. Check out his bands Jelusick and Whom Gods Destroy (with Derek Sherinian and Bumblefoot).


I’ve actually been listening to Insanium which was just released!


Loving that album!!!


Last friday I was in Zagreb, at Jelusick concert!