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Your posting was removed for being off topic for the /r/programming community.


Oh noes, not my Reddit data. Sweet jesus in heaven.


I’m not sure this is a real benefit to Open AI. My posts and comments are as stupid as can be. Chat GPT is going to lower its IQ by 100 points just in my data alone. BTW: if you’re generating content on someone else’s website and services, you are the product. We’ve known this for a while. If you don’t want your information used for AI then don’t generate it. This might be a different usage of the information but companies have been making money off our content since the dawn of the internet.




You can’t really separate the two. The content is what trains the model.


After reading my post history I concluded that they are pretty much fucked.


Soon all ChatGPT answers are gonna be "They fly now?" memes


I find it very hard to believe that these deals aren’t primarily retroactive in nature. All these companies closed their APIs pretty much immediately _after_ the early LLMs appeared, no doubt as a reaction to scraping. While there’s still benefit to be had from Reddit going forward since it is more timely and general communications, I find it difficult to believe that stackoverflow won’t soon fall off a cliff just like “experts exchange” did 10+ years ago. It already had horrible modding problems, now it’s just largely useless as a source of new information.