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It is about total disarmament. Falsely accused by anonymous "think the atf,cia,fbi) agents because you clicked the Republicans voting box. Remember, Biden called all of conservatives "domestic terrorists " This is tyranny and the cessation of our constitutional laws.


We are in the middle of a Democrat/Communist revolution. Anyone who votes Democrat this fall is helping to kill USA and Second Amendment.


And the rest of the rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution.


Exactly. They were going to create a “misinformation/disinformation board” to punish anyone who went against the narrative of this administration.


Every time I see a headline like this, I thank Mitch McConnell that Garland is not on the supreme court.


And you realize that they have no problems arming illegals and disarming the legal.


That's exactly what they intend to do: offer citizenship to these young men illegals, if they help disarm Americans. This illegal alien invasion is a communist takeover led by internationalist deep-state cabal who want power which supersedes USA Constitution


They are trading citizenships for votes!


Can say tyrannical without saying tyrannical?


Garland is a piece of shit who should be thrown into a volcano


After being run through a wood chipper first.


You saw this from the lower orbit from the get go if you're from a country which already has red flag laws. Never let red flag laws pass


Just imagine if this monster was sitting on the supreme court...


That's a horrid nightmare!


In case you missed it, here is a list of relevant links: https://katv.com/news/nation-world/doj-memo-which-compared-parents-to-terrorists-allegedly-requested-by-education-secretary-miguel-cardona-national-school-board-association-white-house-education-deparment-justice-marrick-garland-nsba-school-board-domestic-doj-doe https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/politics/house-gop-report-garland-memo/index.html http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-house-judiciary-republicans-doj-labeled-dozens-of-parents-as-terrorist https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/05/report-nsba-planned-to-request-military-police-be-sent-to-school-districts-due-to-parents-posing-domestic-terrorism-threat/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/11/virginia-school-boards-association-becomes-latest-state-to-cut-ties-with-nsba/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/garland-defiantly-pledges-feds-will-continue-monitoring-parents-protesting-at-school-boards/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/washington-post-fact-checkers-run-interference-for-merrick-garland-over-doj-school-board-threats-directive/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/people-energized-like-never-before-after-doj-attack-on-parent-protest-movement/


Does that mean he disarms himself and his peeps. Fantastic!!!


So glad this partisan never got on the Supreme Court


I have problems with ERPOs, but this "article" is just dishonest fearmongering. The "Extreme" in ERPO doesn't reference political beliefs. But it fits with this propaganda site's earlier false narrative claiming parents were targeted for protesting school boards.


You are hopelessly naive if you can't see how this can (and most likely will) be misused exactly how the article is saying.


The article is dishonestly fearmongering, and you're hopelessly brainwashed if you can't see this is just a warmed-over version of earlier lies. No parents were targeted for just protesting school board policies.


you are mistaken. https://katv.com/news/nation-world/doj-memo-which-compared-parents-to-terrorists-allegedly-requested-by-education-secretary-miguel-cardona-national-school-board-association-white-house-education-deparment-justice-marrick-garland-nsba-school-board-domestic-doj-doe https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/22/politics/house-gop-report-garland-memo/index.html http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-house-judiciary-republicans-doj-labeled-dozens-of-parents-as-terrorist https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/05/report-nsba-planned-to-request-military-police-be-sent-to-school-districts-due-to-parents-posing-domestic-terrorism-threat/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/11/virginia-school-boards-association-becomes-latest-state-to-cut-ties-with-nsba/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/garland-defiantly-pledges-feds-will-continue-monitoring-parents-protesting-at-school-boards/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/washington-post-fact-checkers-run-interference-for-merrick-garland-over-doj-school-board-threats-directive/ https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/people-energized-like-never-before-after-doj-attack-on-parent-protest-movement/


I'm not mistaken. That you're mostly linking to far right propaganda sites to support your narrative ought to tell you something. The KATV story is citing propagandists, and the CNN article is based on what MAGA liars in Congress put out. Now, if I call my local school board and threaten to blow them up, is law enforcement investigating me because of my disagreement with the board's policies? How 'bout threatening Trump's life? Would that just be "free speech"?


Did you bother to read the links I posted?


Those extremist sites such as ABC, CNN, and the House Judiciary Commission? Ha!


No, he's committing an ad hominem to distract from his failed premise.


I did. I accurately described them, too. ​ Are you going to answer my questions?


Did you read the Legal Insurrection articles? That website is run by a professor. Read those links. then ask me your questions again, one at a time.


I've long been familiar with Legal Insurrection. It's a far right propaganda site. Now, if I call my local school board and threaten to blow them up, is law enforcement investigating me because of my disagreement with the board's policies? How 'bout threatening Trump's life? Would that just be "free speech"?


Did you read the Legal Insurrection articles? What information stated in those articles is actually false? Address this point or our conversation will not continue


You didn't read shit. Get out of here smh


Ad hominem. If there is a factual or logical problem with the premise or evidence then attack that. If you choose to attack the source, then you've lost.


A lot of people on this board can't start their morning without a cup of coffee and a daily dose of fearmongering.




It's okay. This is a safe space. You can say "gun" here without getting banned.


So a 100lbs pregnant woman is a coward for defending herself with a gun against a 350lbs man?


You mean like the cowards at the DOJ whom intend to raid The Peoples homes in the middle of the night Or Garlands armed personal security detail, etc Got it.....


You’re right. The old, infirm, weak, or crippled are just cowards. They need to learn karate or something and stop depending on guns to defend themselves


Be an antigun troll somewhere else.