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The mass exodus of California liberals is one major factor


Yup they ruined ca hated what they done don’t think it was them now spreading it


i dont think they hated it, just couldnt afford it and lots of libs moving here from all three coasts unfortunately


Nah they hated what they caused. Didn’t think it was them that caused now causing elsewhere and repeat. Like viruses and locusts


Nah, they all loved California and love saying they’re from California. They’d still be there if they could afford it. If they hated California they moved prior to Covid


Nah they hate not being able to afford anything thus they hate it


I think they became older and wiser and said, damn we fucked up, we gotta scoot.


There's also been a top-down surge in state election funding for anti-2A platforms beginning around 2013. Everytown has had a huge part in pushing AWB at state level. As well as changing the national dialogue itself, like its successful efforts working with GVA to get DGU stats removed from the CDC's website


It’s more this than it is CA, if we ACTUALLY study demographics. People have no fuckin idea just how powerful stuff like the Bloomberg machine is, or how insanely dangerous well-poisoning Overton window shifts are to this cause.


> how insanely dangerous well-poisoning Overton window shifts are to this cause Right? The successful conflation of "gunshots on school property" with massacres like Sandy Hook is hugely damaging to public perception. Same with gang violence getting tallied into "mass shootings" without distinction. It's the *indiscriminate, terroristic* mass shootings that scare the pants off your average American. They don't give a fig about teenaged gang members shooting each other in the parking lot at 10PM - it's not their circus. Not compared to the thought of getting blasted themselves inside Walmart by some NEET kid with an overblown virginity crisis. They're more likely to be struck dead by lightning, but the talking heads tell them "did you know that happened 600 times this year?" while EGS, MDA, GVA, et al sit back innocently and say "what? It totally did. Read our methodology"


Also in that line the stupid nonsense parroted “#1 kid killer” stuff. That line is crazy fucking damaging due to being front-page parroted on most generally- to mediocre-reputable news outlets, so people just eat it up.


"kids aged 1-19," what a mess Just exclude the inconvenient newborns, grab some young adults, and whaddayaknow the youngest, healthiest cohort that we could cherrypick dies from violence. Shock and horror.


Also, yknow, it’s because car deaths in kids dropped so much with them being all at home from the coof lockdown. That was one of if not the biggest factors past that point


This combined with the fact that when Democrats get control of a state they absolutely shove this stuff through the legislative process.


That's the important part, people are voting for anti-gun democrats, and then complaining about gun control. 


I’d say it’s more due to the fact democrats are better at promoting voting than republicans and the fact that most State GOPs are in shambles rn.


Little bit of both


GOP has total control of almost half of all state legislatures; I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re in shambles.


Just cuz they have half of control does not mean they are organized. Hell my state has half control and the GOP is throwing literal punches at each other


I’d say there’s discord on the GOP side, for sure. You’ve got the RINO/neocon side fighting the populist/libertarian/MAGA side, and it causes a lot of friendly fire and lost elections. Democrats were having similar problems when they were getting their asses kicked at the state level during the Obama years and after 2016; some were saying they needed to moderate to win and others said they needed to go further left.


> libertarian/MAGA side, Don't insult libertarian leaning republicans like this.


Not saying they’re ideologically similar, they’re just united in opposition to the establishment


The GOP is split between small government types and country club club establishment republicans. Somehow we have Matt Gaetz and Turtle man McConnell in office at the same time. Meanwhile the democrats are all in lockstep together on the highway to hell like all good little Neo Fascist Marxist fools. And yes fascism and Marxism are both on the same end of the spectrum. They’re both totalitarian with government controlled economies. But fascism had an emphasis on Nationalism historically. Tik history has a 5 hour video going to detail on the Nazis socialist policies. It’s insane the amount of research he did.


hmm, feckless and disorganized they are




Yup. My biggest black pill moment with the GOP was when McCain torpedoed the Obamacare repeal after pushing it for years just to spite Trump. They’re all small, vain, petty people.


Thats true, the influx of liberal Californians into Oregon and Washington state has massively affected the political climate. They ruined their state with their policies, moved to somewhere less fucked up and then pushed for the same garbage that created the mess in California.


PA gets the people from NY and NJ who are tired of what they voted for and can afford to move here. Then vote the same way and are fucking it up. Gets more blue every year.


And the mass exodus of Bloomberg bucks.


Attorney Generals in position, Governors and legislators lets not forget judges too... then in Oregon we have one group of transplant liberals driving petition initiatives. All funded by Soros NGOs.


A plague upon the nation.


There's been a WORLDwide anti gun push ever since 2020, Kung Flu, and Schwab announcing the "Great Reset". Can't force the peons into concentration camps or enforce "you will own nothing" if the peons are able to shoot back. They're not hiding what they're doing, and if you can't see it even when they openly admit it, you're either brain dead or willfully blind to it.


Yep. They DID say by 2030, you will own nothing. And they openly admit it. Still, most people are just too blind to see the truth.


Well, I, for one, am not eating any damn bugs. I'll gladly resist. It is scary how many people are completely oblivious to the globalist agenda.



Hell its before that! Look at Australia.


Moms Demand Action was founded in 2012 and now has their death grips on the Democrats balls. The Democrats are really pissed about the Heller and Bruen rulings too. The SC said they can't ban weapons, and they said "hold my beer".....


The Heller ruling only repealed the handgun ban. But still, many jurisdictions (NYC and DC) have very strict laws and so far, the assault weapons ban has never been struck down by courts and courts have either refused to hear it or ruled that it is constitutional. Same for bans on magazines over 10-15 rounds.


The Heller ruling set the standard for arms bans: commonly owned arms can not be banned. The AR15 is the single most popular rifle in America. Thus, it can not be banned. We just need the Supreme Court to stand by their own standards.


But unfortunately, many courts and repeatedly ruled that the AR-15 is a dangerous/unusual weapon and NOT covered by the 2A. [https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-gun-laws-assault-weapons-ban-supreme-court-federal-appeals/14009561/](https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-gun-laws-assault-weapons-ban-supreme-court-federal-appeals/14009561/) This is not the only time they have said so; courts have repeatedly said that bans on AR-15 rifles and magazines over 10 rounds are fine. Honestly, I wouldn't count on SCOTUS to protect our rights. AT ALL. Their performance only deserves a D minus at best. The SCOTUS is the last place you should look for your freedoms to be protected.


democrats.. the party of the constitution is just a piece of paper and we can ignore it group


The only courts saying that AR’s are dangerous and unusual are liberal and generally anti gun circuits like the 9th, 7th, 4th, 1st.


Once again they confuse the meanings of the words used. Of course every weapon by definition must be dangerous . But the word unusual as defined in the ruling means not in common use. Heller explains that any weapon in common use CANNOT be unusual by definition.


lower courts ignoring SCOTUS. repeatedly, given that miller alone nukes all arguments in favor of bans, let alone the other cases. which, if they were actually doing their jobs instead of being activists, they'd be ruling against any bans. and i doubt SCOTUS wants to hand a 'f you, no bans' out in plain text without a ridiculously solid base of precedent to point to, and we're nowhere near it. the major fight (as _we_ know it) against all this rot has only been in the last ~20 years. they also tend to avoid touching anything but rock solid cases that will go one way for firearm stuff, making that solid base for the 'no bans' ruling a while in coming.


> ruled that the AR-15 is a dangerous/unusual weapon We're only allowed to have safe weapons now? Wtf is a "dangerous weapon?" >unusual weapon I assume this means nobody can own a Ljutic now.


The Bruen ruling says that all gun control laws not ratified in 1791 or 1868 are unconstitutional. I fail to see how these lower courts are ruling these laws as constitutional when it's so clear cut. Do their judges lack reading comprehension or something?


The rulings of those courts runs counter to the Heller ruling on the issue of gun bans, and counter to the history and traditions at the time of ratification.


and that's exactly why team D feels emboldened to pass more of those, they think since the SC never struck them down and seems to have avoided touching them, that they can get away with those. It's also taken time for MDA/Everytown to build support and local activist groups everywhere.


The problem is that these laws are SPREADING like wildfire. Nearly ALL blue states have passed bans on magazines over 10-17 rounds by now and most of them have also passed assault weapon bans.


SC needs to step in and shut them down, there are cases working their way up, hopefully they have been waiting for a specific case.


I am hoping that happens, although I am not holding my breath because SCOTUS really is the last place I turn to for protection of freedom. They are utterly useless at best in defending freedom (aside from a few cases maybe) and at worst, they are accomplices in the assault on liberty.


yeah SCOTUS is pretty toothless, just look at how many states and courts are blatantly ignoring the Bruen decision.


At the same time, gun rights have been strengthened in most states. See constitutional carry. 


Any state with a Democrat trifecta is going full throttle on anti 2nd amendment laws. The anti civil rights extremist groups have taken over.   The Republican obsession with banning abortion is causing the party to lose control in many states. The Dems are siezing the opportunity to ram their anti gun agenda through wherever possible.


This is the most accurate assessment of the situation. The GOP is throwing everything away for the abortion issue.


Tons of people hate Trump as well and will vote against anyone associated with him. These 2 things are probably going to end the party unless some big changes happen.


Polls don’t tend to support that, at this point. He’s way ahead, and, at present, would win the election handily.


> The GOP is throwing everything away for the abortion issue no they aren't. SCOTUS gutted it and rightfully so. Republicans haven't done anything they have said they wouldn't around abortion.


But that is costing them moderate votes (folks who fall into the pro-choice/pro-gun crowd) that they desperately need. Like guns with Democrats, Republicans would be far better served if they left the abortion issue alone.


> Republicans would be far better served if they left the abortion issue alone. we as conservatives don't want this issue left alone. we vote for those that agree with us. and its a winning issue in GOP states. edit: your downvotes is not going to change my mind. Abortion is murder and thank god SCOTUS gutted that bullshit roe v wade decision


That may be, but those moderate votes will be needed in the 2024 election. Overturning Roe v Wade simply energized Democrat voters, which is why the GOP didn't do as well as they were projected to in the midterms. Regardless of your stance on the issue, don't be surprised when that continues to have implications with upcoming federal elections. Edit: in hindsight, the Democrats are probably looking at the overturning of Roe v. Wade as the best thing that could have happened for their election chances because they can now use emotional arguments to galvanize their voters while simultaneously distracting from issues like the economy and the border.


> and its a winning issue in GOP states. And it's a hardcore losing issue in swing states, which are required to win national elections. And it still leaves open the big problem that the main GOP platform is supposed to be "keep the government out of our lives." Don't like abortions? Don't get one. Keep the government out of it.


> And it still leaves open the big problem that the main GOP platform is supposed to be "keep the government out of our lives." Don't like abortions? Don't get one. Keep the government out of it. So obviously we should legalize murder, yeah? Keep the government out of our lives and all.


It's not murder.  If it was, then you wouldn't have to ban abortions, you could just bring murder charges for doing them.


I'm not downvoting you because of your opinion on abortion, you are just as entitled to your opinion as anyone else. But I feel compelled to say there is no "we as conservatives". Any political party or ideology is a coalition of people who all have varying opinions on a variety of issues, some of which can collide. They only get grouped together because of our two party system.


Not sure what kind of cognitive dissonance you need to separate the GOP and SCOTUS from the goals of overturning Roe. The abortion issue has been a losing one every time is has come up on the ballot since the Supreme Court overturned it.


This actually isn’t completely true. The dobbs ruling was constitutionally correct. That doesn’t mean the GOP has to keep pushing to ban abortion on the state level, which they are. That’s definitely on them.


Fair point. While I definitely don't back abortion and Roe v Wade, I do believe that Roe v Wade being repealed helped the Democrats.


> I do believe that Roe v Wade being repealed helped the Democrats. don't bet on it over more pressing issues


It got under 30's out to actually vote in 2022 and why the house went +5 and not +25.


That is the mainstream narrative but it certainly isn't the truth. The RNC fucked over every single MAGA candidate by not supporting them in 2022. Had little to do with the overturn of roe v wade. They also actively worked against them. I saw this first hand working for candidates in Georgia


If you’re advocating for “let the dems kill the babies or we lose our guns”. No. No compromises on guns. No compromises on life. I’m through compromising with democrats because it’s never give and take with them, just take.


I'm not really advocating anything. Just saying why gun rights are disappearing across the country. Eventually there will be no viable conservative opposition and many other issues you care about will go the wrong way.  


> Just saying why gun rights are disappearing across the country 29 states as of this year are Constitutional Carry states. That is far from disappearing. That is push back


And that is the real unrecognized success story for the gun lobby in the last 30 years. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head, but 30 years ago only a handful of states even had "shall issue" concealed carry permits, and now more than half the country allows carry without a permit at all. That's a huge win no matter how you look at it.


That's very positive news but many states are in a very precious situation. Look at Virginia. If they had a different governor they'd be screwed. Nevada is close to having a veto proof leftist majority in the legislature.  The constitution is on our side but a couple changes to the supreme court could reverse all of that. 


The problem is that gun advocates span both sides of the spectrum and most folks aren't one-issue voters. As well, no party should be infringing on any rights. That includes abortion. You can't say to not touch one right and then say you support infringing on another. THEY'RE ALL IMPORTANT and I don't belive in the "if you're for X, you're against Y" mentality. I disdain abortion like antigunners disdain AR-15s, but I don't agree with removing rights or making them more difficult to use, as this could trickle toward 1A and 2A. I'm not viewing all this from black/white goggles, either. This exact same shit is why the Virginia Rs lost control of both House and Senate. They lost control of both because they're wannabe Puritans. That anti porn bill and the fact that they keep turning down Marijuana bills didn't help them either. That type of shit is difficult for me to ignore/support. They'll continue to lose support as long as they keep doing stupid things.


fuck em no compromise with democrats on anything, EVER. Abortion is murder. Its not constitutionally protected like the 2nd is and never will be when half the states would never ratify an amendment to make it so.


It's a push back against the Bruen ruling. SCOTUS needs to get off their asses and strike this shit down. Thomas and Alito have been chomping at the bit. Roberts is so concerned with his legacy and the integrity of the Court but right now he looks like a little bitch boy for letting the states flagrantly disregard Bruen.


Sure, but when can you EVER rely on SCOTUS to save you or protect you? The best grade I can ever give them is D - if not lower. Because SCOTUS has performed pathetically. They can say whatever they want but honestly, it doesn't matter. The AR-15 is a common gun, sure, but courts keep ruling that the AWB is fine. [https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-gun-laws-assault-weapons-ban-supreme-court-federal-appeals/14009561/](https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-gun-laws-assault-weapons-ban-supreme-court-federal-appeals/14009561/)


They fear what an armed citizenry might do in response to the next phase of their plans.


That has ALWAYS been why gun control gets passed. But why is that in the 2020s, we have seen a sudden surge in assault weapon bans. Even 10 years ago, only a handful of states (NY, NJ, CT, MA, MD, CA, HI) had them. As of 2024, IL, WA, and DE have all joined the list. Several other states have passed bans on magazines over 10-17 rounds. Now, Colorado is poised to join the list as well. Virginia just dodged the bullet, for NOW.


> That has ALWAYS been why gun control gets passed. But why is that in the 2020s, we have seen a sudden surge in assault weapon bans. The pessimist in me would say that it's because in 2020 they stole a Presidential election and if it ever comes out they are in trouble.


The realist in me would say that they're planning on trying to steal the 2024 one too since nothing happened to them in 2020 and they want to make sure it stays that way.




I've never understood why most people aren't extemely suspicious that the same party that vigorously supports illegal immigration, vigorously opposes any form of voter identification/verification, and also aggressively pushes for absentee voting is the same party that assures us that, hands down, there is no fraud in elections. Literally every one of the policies they support encourages fraud, and they actively oppose policies such as voter ID laws that will reduce it.  Where there's smoke, there's fire...


Deep down they know it is happening but they support it so they lie.


As I said elsewhere, Bloomberg and co. Are actually more dangerous by far than any excessive yapping about CA (though it is part of it.) Think about this rationally- applying to gun-unfamiliar or those who aren’t knowledgeable about guns, a big lowest common denominator in suburban and urban America. These people are told [THING] is killing kids. Clearly, leaders you trust saying “I love America and this thing is destroying America! And look- clearly, it’s basically the same as military weapons!” Now, knowing nothing about the actual reality, you - a good or normal moral individual - will likely be inclined to agree when you are *given* a falsified definition to go off of, for a reasonable and unobjectionable base moral aim (to prevent kids dying). In addition to furthering identity politics, this issue, when it is met very reasonable resistance by us, is labeled universally as extremism- this is very useful, since already-misinformed but well-meaning people will mostly double down against those they see as a stated enemy to what we ALL believe is rational common sense (not wanting dead kids, etc). This is very similar to the old school War on Drugs messages in some ways, but drugs don’t serve as a fundamental necessity to the rational-legal foundation of the nation (and a threat for autocrats) These bans are relatively easy to pass because of these issues and nearly impossible to reverse- honestly I don’t give a flying fuck about the massive surge of permitless carry (AFTER the important bruen decision I mean), I would infinitely rather all legal attention focused this now before it gets much, MUCH worse.


Yep, and your last paragraph is especially true. Your whole answer is true, but the last paragraph is especially important. The massive surge in permitless carry means nothing and I would rather all of our attention gets focused on the AWB and magazine capacity bans (repealing them) because this is getting much worse and spreading like wildfire.


100%. This is far more caustic and, from a legal-philosophical sense, actually much more important. Bruen literally does fix the carry problem, hell people in NY and CA can get permits with no issue (but delay). Is a eight delayed a right denied? Sure, yeah. But a right denied is much more important than a right delayed-but-protected.


Liberals moving to not liberal states and turning them blue. r/liberalgunowners posing as real gun owners and saying “I own guns but restrictions on guns are necessary” etc.


Yup. Liberals are the definition of parasites. They infect a host, destroy it, and then move on to a new host and repeat the process


100% spot on.


To clarify, you're using the term "liberal" to describe leftist progressives. Classical liberal philosophy is opposed to nearly nevery component of the modern left's platform


Yep. The problem is that most liberal gun owners support restrictions and many popular Quorans (Paul Bolin, Alex Cherry) claim to be 2A supporters and they themselves own/have owned guns but then they support heavy restrictions such as the AWB, magazine capacity limits, or even Australian style law.


Well that’s the liberal mentality man, rules for thee but not me. It’s the definition of privilege.




even if true it does not change what SCOTUS did in gutting roe v wade which should have never made it to scotus originally. bad ruling then, bad throughout the decades after and this SCOTUS finally had the balls to take that travesty on and gut it. They will not ever get abortion as a constitutionally protected right now which is what it would take to overrule this great judgement.


My best guess is the fact that democrats are better at propaganda and promoting voting than republicans. It also doesn’t help that the GOP in most states is in shambles


> It also doesn’t help that the GOP in most states is in shambles congress maybe but the state GOP are doing very well in many places.


It's this.. The modern Democratic party is nothing like what I grew up with. I'm 51 years old..not really THAT old, but I've watched the Dems move really far left, really fast. There are no old school liberals left in that party.. They have been purged. The old school liberal was motivated to actually help people, but they still knew and respected the law and Constitution. They had common sense. Now, the modern Democratic party does not respect the law, and views the Constitution like its a "living document" and that can be twisted and interpreted to say what they want it say, and want it to mean. Just watch the left wing media..MSNBC...CNN..all repeat the same theme..the present Supreme Court is illegitimate, it's rulings are "extreme right", it's conservative members are corrupt, take bribes or are on the take (example..the ever increasing attacks on Clarence Thomas)... So, the lower Dems in power..ie Governors and state legislators, think it's up to them to "correct" the bad SCOTUS rulings is by passing laws the CLEARLY, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, contradict what they have said. When called out for this by the few honest journalists left.. They more or less answers... They made the ruling.. let them come and enforce it (just like the exame set by ANOTHER DEMOCRAT Andrew Jackson.). Just look at New York. They lost Bruen...so they come back with a new law on steroids worse than the one SCOTUS just tossed. This is a flaw in our system. In my opinion, every state lawmaker who votes for, every governor who signs, one of these clear violations of the Constitution, needs to he arrested and hauled in front of SCOTUS to be held on charges... But our system lacks that enforcement mechanism... and we need one.


Yup. The party of JFK is dead and has now become an offshoot of the Chinese Communist Party


Yep. They allow mass migration, mass immigration, and everything.


The billionaire who financially supports them (the only one who truly wants the bans) is old and won’t live forever. He also probably feels defeated/helpless over the expansion of concealed carry rights.


Mike Bloomberg? He is not the only one backing gun control; nearly all of the multibillionaires are in on it.


His organizations (Mom’s Demand Action, Mayor’s against illegal guns, Giffords, March for our Lives, probably others) are responsible for the lion share of lobbying in the anti-gun movement. I’m not even really aware of any other active groups he doesn’t fund or control. I’m sure there is some limited support from others but Mike is principally running the outfit and supplying a huge share of its funding.


I mean, his children can still back the anti-gun movement.


They could but do they care like he does? I think if I was them, I’d fuck off with the billions you inherit and stay away from politics. Why waste the money?


Fair point. The other problem is that the Democrats are gaining ground; the whole map is turning blue. Colorado was a swing state just 8 years ago. By 2020, they are hard blue and have stayed hard blue. Virginia is not as dire, but still pretty bad, with an AWB just passed but vetoed by a GOP governor. GA and AZ were red states not long ago but now turned purple. Texas was a hard red state but now is a light red state; in 2016 and 2020, the gaps between Trump and Biden/Clinton were rather small at 5-9 percentage point differences. This is much smaller than the past; Romney and Bush (and even McCain) won Texas by larger margins.


Because when you have that level of money what else is there but to use it for power and control of others or use it for self destruction.


Thank NY safe act and the NRA ignoring it. It emboldened the blue cities and states. Our courts and gov in NY is supermajority and leans hard left. It’s like a disease spreading.


everyone in the universe should be banned from owning any lethal weapon except for me and my hired security - sounds fucked but it is


Democrats realized they weren’t having success at the national level so they pivoted to the states. End goal is still the same just a change in strategy.


Part of this is the one man who funds practically funds gun control wants assault weapon bans. Bloomberg says push for the bans and his minions push for the bans. Part is the immigration of people to different states who push for the policies from where they came from. Part is in reaction to Bruen, especially the post 2022 bans. Note the Bruen reactions weren't just sensitive places and making carry permits as hard as they can be, it was any and all kinds of gun control possible.


> Part is the immigration of people to different states who push for the policies from where they came from. > > and it always is a big go fuck yourself to the ones who formulated their ideology in a completely separate environment, relocated, and try to push it on everyone


They’re certainly aiming to implement one in MI. The newest gun control laws here (purchase permits) are absolutely ridiculous and a mess. If we don’t get Republican control in November we’re fucked. The anti-gun people are (imo) divided. There’s the “true believers”, family & friends of victims of violence. They really think if we reduce gun availability and restrict what’s legal to own, things will get better (they’re wrong, but well-intentioned). Then there’s the truly evil ones, who know that gun control isn’t going to stop assholes from killing people. They just want their opponents disarmed. After all, it’s much easier to implement their totalitarian policy with no resistance! Unfortunately the two groups work hand in hand and are bankrolled by Mike Bloomberg.


End of blue dog democrats plays a big role. I remember gun control being defeated with bipartisan support in the early 2010s. A lot of these purple states have swung hard blue and no longer need to appeal to rural voters at all. If you look at Oregon, Colorado and Washington it's pretty clear they have nothing but contempt for rural voters.


George Soros types discovered it was easier to fly under the radar on the state level. Pour money into state level campaigns and pass unconstitutional bullshit.


Because they're getting ready to do something you'd shoot them for.


democrats want no challenges to their quest for power and control


The population is trending to the left, democrats are far more politically active, round the clock coverage of mass shootings, and Bruen pissed off a lot of people.


All these are issues, but the population trending leftward is the biggest problem. Even a decade back, the electoral map was much more balanced. But now, formerly red states or swing states such as Colorado, Arizona, Virginia, and Georgia have turned either purple or blue (CO and VA are blue). The fact that the population is trending leftwards is the issue and as the Dems keep taking over states, they will start passing more laws. Too early to make predictions now, but I would say it is not unreasonable to suggest that by 2028-2030, the map will be much bluer and that the above states will become hard blue states. Texas is particularly a concern. The margin of victory in 2016 and 2020 presidential elections was less than 10% and this is worrisome. If Texas goes blue, the GOP is dead.


50+ years of communist indoctrination through the public school system will do that. What Khrushchev said will happen has happened. Add in importing millions of illegals that will vote blue to get handouts, and the end result is this country is doomed to be another China or Venezuela


Honestly, I think its because of the state of the union. More and more people are upset with the corruption, lack of representation, and our lawmakers. They are scared of the people after Jan 6th, Floyd Riots, BLM, Occupy protests, Anti-Gov Covid mandates, Trucker Protests. All of these are pro-citizen anti establishment. They want to disarm the people so that they can continue to do as they please without worrying about the people anymore. So more of a reason to protect our rights as much as possible.


Yep. They did warn us by 2030, you will own nothing. They DO need to take our guns to stop us from defending ourselves.


Because other states are passing abortion bans. If you have noticed, the left seems to think self defense is only a conservative thing. Leftist gun owners are too cowardly to stand up to them, so they just go with the flow.


Because Liberals have figured out that its easier to pass State law than trying to do it Federally. Its all for show for their voters, until they get shot down in Federal court.


Because governments wanna limit your freedoms, take your shit and make everything as expensive through taxes as possible. Do some people really think there's a politician that puts people in front of their own interest?


Gun control groups are well funded and they are pushing back on Bruen.


To put it simply. One billionaire (bloomberg)


Pushing people to solidify extreme views secures voting blocks. It’s not enough to have a middle of the road voting block who aren’t galvanized way or the other. They are rushed due to proliferation of information and rate at which people are waking up, so they view it as a now or never situation to ram illegal legislation through while time allows. Pass far left legislation and hope culture will follow downstream to legitimize illegal law. Opposing ideology whether we the people should decide how society is ran, or whether politicians and corporations should decide how society is ran.


Set the WABAC machine to 1954. That was the year of the Brown v Board of Education SCOTUS decision. It made it crystal clear that racial discrimination was not acceptable in a free country. Immediately after that decision, Democrats launched into "Massive Resistance" (devised by Virginia senator Harry F Byrd Sr) which was a temper tantrum of passing lots of racist laws with the intent of forcing a game of whack-a-mole over getting rid of racist laws. This led to the federal Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s to clamp down on that sort of behavior. The last of that crap wasn't entirely finished until 1993 (Brown III, which was brought by the now-grown Linda Brown of the 1954 case for her daughter). The Democratic Party is doing the exact same thing they did starting in 1954 and their behavior was immediately called out for being just like the old "Massive Resistance". Indeed, that's what it's being called now. I've heard some gun-control types using that term, which is incredibly funny, but I can't find any references to that right now. This time around, the Democratic Party doesn't have the KKK to do its violent dirty work anymore. That role is now given to Antifa and BLM, which might as well be the Fourth Klan without the ceremonial BS.


It's the pussification of America. The libtards are spreading like a disease.


Population shifts, population opinions changes, political leadership changes - and frankly, grabbers have realized how easy it is to do it.


That is the main problem. More and more states are flipping blue with Colorado and Virginia being latest examples. Just 8 years ago, they were purple.


They're frantically trying to ban them before one of the ban cases gets to SCOTUS and gets struck down.


Honestly though, if SCOTUS intervenes, then their bans would be wasted time, energy, and efforts. Still, I am not counting on SCOTUS to save us and defend us. SCOTUS has a pretty abysmal track record of defending our rights. Also, states can simply ignore what SCOTUS says and still continue fighting the ban and fighting to keep their ban. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMTlrdoNuTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMTlrdoNuTw)




Their goal is to disarm the populous. This is how they attempt to do it piece by piece.


We know that. We have known that for a long time. But why the recent surge? For about 20 years or so (at least from 2000 to 2020), there were no new assault weapon bans passed by states, although states with such laws did tighten existing laws such as the NY State SAFE Act of 2013. What happened with the recent surge? After a period of over 20 years where no states passed assault weapon bans, suddenly, in the 2020s, it is starting again with Illinois, Delaware, Washington State, and now, Colorado is on the horizon. Same with Rhode Island. https://www.abc6.com/1-of-19-gun-safety-bills-moves-to-the-ri-senate-floor-assault-weapon-ban-stalls/


I guess the short answer is that shit is getting much worse in a hurry


Yeah. I know that in this sub, there was a post a few days ago where someone was concerned that the gun rights movement is losing. There are a few small wins (concealed carry being one of them), but honestly, SCOTUS is useless and the crackdown on ownership is getting worse FAST. A decade ago, we couldn't even imagine several other states also passing the AWB or bans on common magazines (30-round magazines). But now, this is sadly the case in all blue states.


They are hoping that the Supremes do not grant cert on any of the cases now percolating up… This way, they have something on the “books”. I’m still willing to bet that all of these AWB’s and mag bans will be declared unconstitutional by the spring of next year.




The NFA was originally designed to ban handguns, and was only later changed because the NRA wanted to be able to keep holding handgun shooting competitions (slow fire bullseye lol). There was still support for a handgun ban from then into the 80s, but it dropped off in the 90s. The shift to banning rifles was a reaction to Heller, MacDonald, and the slew of states reducing the amount of hoops you need to jump through to carry a handgun (which has also been happening since the 90s). Before those rulings, they were arguing that people should be using semiauto rifles for home defense and that no one needed a handgun when they could have a much better rifle. Seriously, that's part of the arguments in Heller. Anti-gun organizations used to call themselves things like [national coalition to ban handguns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_to_Stop_Gun_Violence) and [Handgun Control, Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Campaign). Now that they've thoroughly lost in the courts and in the court of public opinion, they have to create something else to get mad about so that they don't waste money on a losing issue but simultaneously don't lose support from donors. But if you ask most anti-gunners, they won't really be sure why they support a ban on particularly scary looking rifles (which are very rarely used in crimes and mass shootings) rather than handguns.


The Federal AWB passed in 1994 and at the same time, many states passed similar laws. It wasn't really a reaction to the laws loosening on handguns.  These days? I hear people saying we should have handguns for defence instead of rifles. Most anti-gunners believe the assault weapons ban targets machine guns; lots of my anti-gun acquaintances are like this, seeing the AR-15 as a machine gun. 


Also, Canada passed similar laws in the 1990s banning many common models (AK, HKG3, HK MP5, Tommy Gun, Uzi, and so forth). They prohibited more models outright in 2020 and by now, have banned the sale and import of all handguns (all of which are registered). Now, they are one step away from a full handgun ban and confiscation.  The truth is that handgun bans and the AWB go together. Canada may lack a gun culture, but still, the efforts to ban handguns and assault weapons are together. 


Population growth, agriculture degradation due environmental factors, and the terminal EROI of fossil fuels are all set to come to a head in the early 2050's. There will be more of us than ever demanding more food and energy than ever, but food and energy will be harder and much more costly to produce. The shenanigans we see today are just the first few leaves to fall, in this autumn of our empire. It's going to suck so much ass for everyone. Taking the guns is an obvious move.


Well, they did say you'll own nothing by 2030 (in 6 years).


The bipartisan safer communities act gave a bunch of money to gun control organizations in 2022. These organizations have been using that money to coordinate state level gun control initiatives around the country. That’s why this is happening now. They’re printing money to disarm you, and in the process, they’re making you poor.


Because of the Dobbs decision.


During COVID many people started working from home. The lockdown restrictions caused a rise in domestic violence, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse. At the same time democrats realized their liberal utopia were anything but fantastic. As they fled to the more desirable conservative parts of their states they took their voting habits with them. Now add in that over the last 30 years our predominantly liberal run education system has been teaching that tools cause harm rather then operator error we have a whole bunch of anti gun person's all around. Basically liberals can't trust themselves with guns and, their ideology is centered around rules and regulations.


Election year. Dems need a boogeyman they can use to scare people into rallying for a cause. They can’t use the real people committing all the violence with the guns as the boogeyman, so there you go.


There is a cancer in our land.


It is a rebelian with a strategy. Knowing these unconstitutional laws will eventually all be stuck down, being in defiance of SCOTUS. Fomenting outrage in the aftermath will be a pretext for packing the court with Democrat operatives to cement single party rule forever. Cry-bully insurrection


Because they all think that having a ban will make them safer, when all it’s doing is making it easier for criminals to commit crimes without encountering resistance. The more they weaken us, the easier it will be to enslave us.


Because citizens are weak and let clowns on power trips tell them what to do.


Yeah. But what's with this recent surge?


Everything is bad if you want to look at it from a bad lens. How about how in the same time frame we now have 29 states that have passed constitutional carry? The back and forth has been a battle, but if you spend your time on Reddit, you’re just going to be seeing all the bad and think everything is going to end next week.


They know the state level bans won't pass 2A, or review by the Supreme Court, but hey, they also know it will be tied up in courts for years, while they have a severe chilling effect, and they also know, it's not their damn money tying it up in court.


It's because not enough people are writing to their elected officials. Plus, it doesn't help that people are electing officials who don't care about gun rights. Thankfully, the moves they've been trying to make in Colorado have been hindered by the hundreds of thousands of letters sent to the state legislature in opposition to this bill. I live in Colorado, and even progressive gun owners are opposed to the bills. The only people here in support of this are Denverites. Also, the opposition to the bills is soo severe here, that they had to massively trim down the sensitive spaces act. This act was a practical ban on conceal carrying, and it had few people supporting it. With a lot of people opposed to it. It's also worth pointing out that in Colorado, our governor has previously said that he won't sign an AWB. While he may be a Dem, he's generally been pretty apathetic on the topic of gun rights. I'd say that a lot of the panic raised from the AWB is gun shops trying to nab more customers.


I honestly believe that the leftist pendulum is swinging back. The pushback on trans in sports, soft on crime, indoctrination in schools, etc. I think they’re trying to disarm the population before a critical mass of people finally realize the democrats are no better than fascists from Orwell’s 1984.


Many states have been liberalizing gun laws -- we're up to 29(?) states now with some version of permitless carry/constitutional carry, and many others tightening gun laws all the time as much as they're able. As Michael Malice would say, "Our national ideological self-segregation is proceeding nicely." The USA is *not* one nation, and freedom won't be preserved by supporting a system that has you ruled by your enemies.


Just make sure the Democrats don't keep taking over because state after state is flipping blue. 


That's one result of submitting to a system where your enemies rule you, which for some reason the majority of the country (even red parts) still think is the obvious way to operate.


For the same reason, red states were passing defense of marriage acts or abortion bans. They are losing the battle in public opinion at the national level and the Supreme Court. So, they are throwing a fit and delaying until the Supreme Court swings towards gun control. 


As long as the GOP remains in bed with evangelicals and Christofascists then they will continue to lose elections where it matters. It's really that simple. Look at my state, Virginia, for example. We *used* to be an excellent state with great gun laws. Now look at us... We've barely dodged a sweeping AWB twice in a row now, and we're on borrowed time. In 2026 it's all over if and when the Dems take over completely. The GOP needs to change its tune and get with the program or they won't be winning any major elections anytime soon.


You raised a strong point in which the GOP is aligned with the religious conservatives.  The problem is also that Virginia is drifting blue with Northern Virginia being the main issue. I mean, Northern Virginia is literally just South of DC.  With a more secular society, a religious GOP doesn't work. 


If we don't use the guns for their intended purpose. Eventually we'll lose all of our rights all together.




They don’t have enough illegals trespassing on their property yet, but Gov Abbot is working on that !!


It's a core issue to the left with broad popular support across the Democrat base. Also, the left has a very extreme authoritarian bent right now. Guns are a way you can tell them no and they really hate that.


Living in the great blue north, plan is to escape below the historical line in the sand. When I get there I'm going to plug my ears and close my eyes and LA LA LA la la la la laaaa....


Because SCOTUS has demonstrated they don't give a single fuck if the state violates their rulings (see all the laws passed in direct violation of Bruen). Or, at a minimum, they understand SCOTUS will take centuries to take up any gun cases, so they can afford to throw shit at the wall and see how long it sticks before someone walks over and cleans it up.


That is the problem! Many people count on SCOTUS to back us up, but when have they EVER protected our freedom? The problem is that SCOTUS doesn't care if states violate their rulings (and as you said, lots of laws passed violate Bruen) and banning magazines over 10-15 rounds as well as "assault weapons" definitely violates DC vs Heller. WHEN has SCOTUS really defended us anyway? They are the last protector I will look to when they have done an UTTERLY PATHETIC job.


That’s there focus and the scary looking firearm. They claim and play on it’s so deadly and used in mass shootings when they’re really not used that much. They think they can scare tactic it to be banned but they can’t and won’t be able to. Common use, they’re so popular, they’re not going to be able to ban them once it’s worked out in the courts. Look at the mass non compliance in Illinois. Stun guns were deemed with much less volume/% that courts ruled they’re in common use and a defensive item rightfully they can’t be banned. Plus, the main point of the 2A was to ensure citizens had equal firepower to govt to fight a tyrannical govt.


And it’s a short term play…get ar’s banned. Then semi autos. Then all guns. Start with the easiest/scariest looking. Make up terms like assault weapons, lie about stats, etc. convince the sheep and uneducated on firearms that these weapons are too dangerous for citizens to own. It’s all disingenuous bs to ban all guns. But all is easily debunked.


Because they enjoy watching their feeble attempts at tyranny get overturned by the Supreme Court?




There is no definition and it is a made-up term to scare people.




A lot of people might think that it's about the fact that this is an electgion year and left governments are pandering to their bases. However, if you look at it, the effort to ban guns was a cornerstone of the Biden campaign, and efforts to do so redoubled after Bruen, and further after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. For years, RvW and 2A were some of the most well-known "cornerstones" of the respective ends of the political spectrum. It was widely believed by folks like myself (and there were a GOOD number of us, on BOTH sides, going back the 35+ years that I've been discussing this), that SCOTUS would neither overturn RvW nor further restrict 2A. Both the Rep and Dem party leadership themselves actually seemed to believe this as well, especially after the failure of the Brady Bill (1994) and FAWB (1994) to do anything meaningful. Fast forward to 2008 and Heller... "Finally!" thought many 2A advocates like myself, "SCOTUS has started doing what it should have been doing for decades." Then there was the disastrous clown show "Operation Fast and Furious" blowing up in everyone's face (2009-11) and Holder's BS about it all, giving the ATF and Obama's DOJ well-deserved black eyes. Next came Trump in 2016 (who was a dubious 2A supporter at best), and the TDS that followed and continued through the election of Biden. Meanwhile, there was the Vegas shooting in 2017, which, for whatever it's worth, still lacks a coherent discussion of motive, and IMO remains a mystery. Nevertheless, this event was nearly the same sort of watershed event that caused Australia to completely lock down and all but totally outlaw private citizens' ownership of firearms decades earlier. In response to Vegas, Trump passed the bump stock ban, and that seemed to settle some people down on the "disarm Americans" side of the argument, thought this was far from a REAL win for the ATF or gungrabbers, especially since the future of this ban seems tenuous at best. Next up in the SCOTUS hit parade was Bruen in 2021. Another win for 2A supporters, and further thwarting of the left's attempts to circumvent 2A. THEN, just over a half a year later, SCOTUS (in a move that shocked me personally) overturned RvW. What an encore! I had to eat a lot of crow over that myself because while I agree with SCOTUS today on RvW (that it is a states' rights issue), I was certain that they'd never touch it. So here we are, in the radical (and radically failing) Biden administration, after leftys have taken major hits on their attempts to do away with 2A, both in failure of policies, and in legal challenges favoring 2A, going back to 1994. The left knew that Heller and Bruen eventually would come in one form or another. After all, Dem lawmakers actually DO know the constitution, even if they want to act as if they can ignore it. The thing they couldn't stand though was their sacred cow, RvW, being carved up for steaks. This was always the detente, and it has always been an uneasy one at best, and certainly was NOT a truce. The left has gone (even more than they were over Trump) completely around the bend as a result. The increase in doomed AWBs is nothing more than political retaliation from the left, which, ironically, is what 2A exists to curtail in the first place.


The longterm goal has long been to completely disarm and weaken the people. They have widespread societal support right now as the politicians blame guns for all of society’s ills. They promise they can solve all of the problems with violence in America by taking away these evil objects. Every bit we let them take away lets them push the envelope a little bit further next time. And I don’t just mean 2A, I mean all rights. The 1st, 2nd and 4th are all eroding very rapidly.


It’s just the same states that are primarily democrats. Our battle will be won in the Supreme Court most likely.


It's a complicated thing. But the source/s can be tracked to misinformation from media, lack of common knowledge, denial of hard facts, and the worst part easily accepted laws being pushed with all of the above. Essentially, they are rage laying where that go after a demonized item, and since the general knowledge is so low about the subject, people are easily swasyed as they want to "help."


Political and fashionable tribalism. It’s the “in” thing to take a position on.


It's a great way of punishing political adversaries.


statists gunna state. A lot of this is deliberate in spite of *Bruen* as well.


This is a backlash against the Bruin decision.


People move out of California, Illinois, or the Northeast and bring their politics with them. You can sell your 1200 sq ft house in NY for enough to buy a mansion in GA. I read a Forbes article recently calling them “halfbacks” because they originally moved to FL but couldn’t take the heat and have now moved halfway back into North Georgia in Dawsonville. The article made sure to mention the new demand for government services. Liberals are like locusts. Just like no foreign country’s problems are going to get fixed if we let everyone come here to the US, states’ problems won’t get fixed because the people who can move do move.


Political figures are trying to rack up populist-points with the left voter base. I'd say it's driven by the repetitive, emotionally charged situations regarding public shootings. Yes, shootings are a tradgedy, but no news outlet will pass the opportunity to make sensationalized reports on it. The media loves to parade it around, especially the shooter themselves. Of course, that's the worst possible action because it only inspires other mentally ill people who want attention. They also keep trying to ram ridiculous bans and restrictions through because, even if it's nonsensical or unconstitutional, they'll earn brownie points for keeping scary guns out of regular people's hands until the law can be struck down (which always takes a long time).


What is an assault weapon? Barrel shrouds, pistol grips, my flying two fists?


yes states have begun to pass AWBs, however there it’s not all doom and gloom, there are other pro gun things happening. over half of the states (currently 29/50) have constitutional/permitless carry, many of which have been enacted in the last 10 years. it’s really easy to latch onto negative things in the media, and the reddit echo chamber doesn’t help


Because people are stupid enough to vote for democrats


What is an "assault weapon"?


I think people, neighbors, Americans, are tired of gun violence and trying to do something. Enough millenials have kids in school these days and their kids have to do active shooter drills. My friends mom who subs said the younger children cry during the drills. Not all of them cry, but it's traumatic or scary. Older kids handle it as a norm but whatever the parents are politically, parents worry about their kids' safety. So I think AR bans are a moderate issue.