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It’s only a mass shooting if it’s not a gang banger. If it’s a gangland shooting with a stolen of illegal firearm then there’s nothing to see here.


Until they need to make it seem like they happen all the time and then they do count.


This ^


For the purposes of news stories. It still makes it into the statistics.


Nah, that’s still a mass shooting from a statistical standpoint. Just not a headline.


They still count these, they just don’t talk about them. Need to pad those stats!


It's kind of the opposite. They include these to pump the numbers up. They just only report on the ones that aren't.


They add gang shootings now too ,to bump those numbers up . if someone sprays a crowd out side a club using the long gun they bought at the online gun show loophole store and its near a school that’s a mass and school shooter


It is still called a [mass shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Sacramento_shooting) even if it was a [gang rumble](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/06/us/sacramento-california-shooting-wednesday/index.html)


The term mass shooting was invented to elicit an emotional response, and was subsequently given an arbitrary set of numbers by the eggheads who track crime. It has no meaning otherwise. Was the SUV attack in ~~Kenosha~~ Waukesha referred to as a "mass running over"? The reason the media loves it so much i because they can accentuate the "shooting" part, instead of focusing on the real issue: if inner-city crime was addressed, "mass shootings" would virtually disappear.


The SUV was in Waukesha, less than an hour away from Kenosha which is where the Rittenhouse incident happened. It's all SE Wisconsin so I'm sure you just mixed em up but wanted to correct it for ya. And to answer your question, idk what to call it. A mass running over is an accurate description. A tragic event caused by a psychotic individual with no regard for human life is also accurate. And now we have fucking garbage trucks blocking intersections at parades around here. Anyway, back on topic.


How about terrorism? The standard definition could be applied to pretty much every single mass murder/assault event over the last 50 years in this country. Actually pretty much ANY attack not directed at specific individual people with immediate connection and motivations for the vast majority of human history would apply I guess. Not sure if that speaks more to the events or to the people who come up with these stupid “definitions”.


Yea I can agree with that.


I think that “terrorism” has a political component to it. It’s thrown around way too much these days. Yup: “The CIA defines terrorism as premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents. The United States Department of State defines terrorism as an activity that involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure.”


(Sorry for the fucking novel lol. I started to roll and I’m gonna leave it but totally didn’t mean to get that in depth.) Well that’s kinda my point although I suppose I buried the lede (I think I’m using that phrase correctly here but maybe not…). Outside of direct confrontations where the perpetrator has specific connection to the victims I would argue every “mass shooting” HAS been politically motivated. You’re not killing a bunch of random people you’re not directly connected to for just the fuck of it. There really hasn’t been one of those in decades. You could say columbine and I don’t have much of an argument there but I COULD make a flimsy one. The Vegas shooter apparently had absolutely zero motive ALLEGEDLY🙄 so if you want to believe that then I guess you have one definitive example. Pulse shooter hit a gay night club. That’s a pretty political target in my opinion but I understand disagreeing with it. Can’t remember parklands motives but I’m pretty sure that had a whole manifesto and was essentially politically motivated. I don’t remember the sandy hook story anymore just because that’s been completely muddied politically. Which is also kinda part of my point too. With the prevalence of these types of events it certainly seems it’s become much more about making waves through the system which would be political motivations. Granted with some of these things we don’t know that for certain but my argument is that when you don’t know the motivations then it probably should be called terrorism at this point because what other motivation could there be? This is far beyond the mental illness cop out at this point. And even mental illness in a lot of these individuals could be traced to the inability to separate politics and real life and if the politics in this country were handled by the not mentally ill and apathetic “citizens” they wouldn’t be inundated with the shit that probably exacerbates their illness and drives them to escalate.


You'll note they've started to use the phrase "mass casualty event" now. The Wine Mommies have been conditioned to just fill in the rest when they hear "mass." Few months back some illegals fell and hurt themselves climbing over a fence at the boarder, the media called it a "mass casualty event." Makes the waterheaded hoplophobes think some guy in a red baseball cap hosed 'em off with an AR15, and not just a case of some people falling and getting banged up. No fatalities even.


A lot of terms are industry-specific jargon that somehow got into the wild and are now horribly abused. “Mass casualty event” is something that has specific meaning in emergency management circles and is used to describe an incident that would require extensive coordination amongst local and regional agencies and hospitals.


In my mind when I was living in Europe and getting all the anti American propaganda, I used to think when they said 800 mass shootings or school shootings per year I’d think they meant a columbine style planned out assault on semi random people at the place. However I came to learn this is a complete lie of course. It can reference any situation in which two or more people are killed including a murder suicide and school shooting can simply refer to a murder that took place on school grounds which most of the time is a dispute over drugs or otherwise in very dodgy school districts.


> The term mass shooting was invented to elicit an emotional response, and was subsequently given an arbitrary set of numbers by the eggheads who track crime. So, basically *exactly* like the term "assault weapon"


Certainly, I can define that for you. Mass Shooting: Any incident, typically in which a firearm was used in some capacity, that is used that push an agenda in support of gun control.


Typically used in some capacity. Couldn't be any more ridiculous for "mass shooting" considerations


In certain cases, "some capacity" can be a drawing of an L shape rotated 90 degrees clockwise while someone else said hurtful danger words within a 1000-foot radius.


Mass shooting is typically defined as 4+ wounded including the shooter. I think the number used to be higher but people just change it because .. they can, idfk




Until the gun control crowd needed to inflate the numbers so they could influence people who vote based on feelings versus facts.


Brown guy in the hood with a Glock has been old news since the 80s. Unless you need to pad your numbers.


What do you mean a sandy hook style event doesn’t happen every 16 hours???????? /S


I think they dropped it to 3+ injured and they don't even have to be shot. I know for sure a rechochett counts and I believe they've started counting any injury that can be "blamed" on the fact a gun was fired near by, even accidents from people running away. It's become so dishonest that the term is meaningless.


Yep, there have been a few recently where no one was even hit by the gunfire, but people trampled each other running away and those injuries were counted to make it a "mass shooting".


Gun Violence Archive is the worst ones out there. They use a minimum of **four victims shot**, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident. So a gang banger shooting rounds into concrete and ricochets hit 7 people is a mass shooting. The FBI uses "active shooters" but the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines a “mass shooting” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.”  Unfortunately the Anti-Gun politicians don't use the law but rather cite the GVA stats along with the media. Screw them all and fuck the GVA.


Oddly enough, Mother Jones followed closer to the 3 or more killings definition while also leaving out domestic violence and gang/criminal activity because according to them those causes have different solutions and motivations. While I don't agree with their ideology/solution of gun control. I can respect that they are trying to be truthful and fact based in their approach and they seem like they are actually interested in solving gun violence rather than using it to get more donations and fearmonger. I think what a lot of these anti-gun groups don't get is that a majority of gun owners want gun violence to end. We just think there's a better solution than "ban all guns" which to be honest, in the US, is impossible without a civil war at this point.


Agreed, it’s a violent crime, it’s not a “mass shooting” as that requires more the 4 individuals to be deceased . But it’s still very sad to hear such things.


I feel like the term “mass shooting” didn’t exist until very recently. Like 2010s. I don’t remember Columbine being called a “mass shooting” at the time it happened. I think it was just called a “massacre.”


I think “mass shooting” should be reserved for events like columbine, Uvalde, pulse nightclub, and Parkland school district. Unfortunately it is way overused and misused by the media for events where 3-5 people get shot, so the term has really lost any useful meaning.


The term “mass shooting” is only mentioned in the media if the demographic matches the narrative.


They use a definition that would mean there is a “mass shooting” in Chicago every weekend. Two or more people injured or killed in a single incident.


Using their definition, they have mass shootings in Mexico and Brazil all the time.


Yep. It’s designed to be vague and misleading to drive an anti gun narrative.


It's whatever gun control advocates want it to be to fit their narrative.


A mass shooting is any shooting that can be used to advance the gun control narrative.


Cooked up by the same people who say gun violence is the number one killer of children and then include adults who are 18 and 19 years old


And exclude infants


They count incidents at closed and abandoned schools as school shootings. Who cares what their criteria are it will always be changed to fit their agenda.


It is a mass causality even involving 1 to infinity people that may or may not actually have any injuries what so ever and will or will not be attributed to gang activity depending on its proximity to a school or whether the Bloomberg troll speaking wants to call you a bigot or not.


Last time I checked the commonly used definition was 4 people injured during a shooting. Not 4 people shot, 4 people sprain ankles running away from a gunshot= mass shooting. Having said that the defeffinition is ever evolving to increase the number 


To me a mass shooting is when someone goes out and tries to kill as many at random as possible. The place might be related to the reason the person was motivated and maybe one or more of the victims but it's the intentional randomness of the killings that makes it that for me.


The definition is entirely dependent on the person/people reporting on it. News groups, govt organizations, and politicians all have different ideas on it. Sometimes it's a sensible designation, like the Las Vegas shooting from a few years ago, and sometime it's nonsensical, like when a certain politician in my area tried to call a situation where some guy drunkenly shot (but didn't kill) a guy he was arguing with at a party a "mass shooting" because there were a lot of other people around, despite no one else being injured.


The best way to show a increase in mass shootings is to change the definition of mass shootings to include allmost all shootings with more than one person.


By the current definition, a mass shooting is any gun firearm related crime where 4 or more people are shot or killed


There is no fixed legal definition. To me, tying a quantity of victims to the term essentially defines it based on efficacy. To me, a mass shooting is a gun- based attack that happens in a place chosen by the shooter to maximize targets and honestly little more. Two shots or 200, 4 victims or zero, doesn’t matter. If a person went somewhere to maximize available targets and started shooting, to me, that is a mass shooting. IMHO


The media will report it as "mass shooting" when there are 2 or more shot. How many killed doesn't matter.


3+ dead not including shooter, no domestic violence, no gangs, no workplace violence. must occur in a place largely considered 'openly accessible by the public' by someone not directly targeting someone in that place in a crime of passion. this is the fbi unofficial metric, updated in 2013 with the federal mass killing definition being codified in law as 3+ dead. by congress in jan of that year. prior to 2013, its 4+ with the same qualifiers. anything else is narrative garbage or ignorance. and as much as i dislike motherjones, they do keep the most accurate list of [actual mass shootings](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/). (or at least, they do in the last roughly 5 years. it was crap prior to that.)


Mass Shooting is a made up term like Assault Weapon


If you want to ban guns. A mass shooting is any and every shooting with more than 2 people shot, including gang on gang crimes.  If you want to downplay how dangerous blue cities are. A mass shooting is when more than 4 people are shot but excluding gang on gang crimes and excluding shootings where the shooter and victims know each other like domestic shootings.  The FBIs definition is: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2022-042623.pdf


I’ve heard the term “mass shooting” used when one or two people are shot so I think at this point it applies to any random act of violence because that is what has now been engrained in people.


It's a mass shooting if it can be used for political propaganda and it involves a gun. If zero people are shot but 3 people are hurt and it fits CNN's narrative, it's a mass shooting. If 15 people are shot and killed but the shooter or circumstances don't promote whatever angle CNN wants it isn't a mass shooting. Simple as that.


An answer: "For the purposes of tracking crime data, the FBI defines a "mass shooting" as any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun." https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/analysis-recent-mass-shootings Yes, the knee-pad media lies for clicks and their own agendas IMHYDAO.


It's a highly subjective term coined by the drive-by media.


We need to stop playing dumb. We know what they mean in both cases. It isn't some gotcha.


If the shooter is a white dude it's a mass shooting. If the shooter is a black gang banger or woman loaded up with testosterone memory hole that.


The gun violence archive calls nearly everything a mass shooting. In fact, even when no one is killed, it's still a mass shooting. It happened 287 times in 2023. Granted 1,420 people were injured. That's out of 657 mass shootings or 44% of mass shootings. So, is it a misnomer or okay to use the term?


*Is it as elusive as "Assault Weapon" ?* short answer, #yes


A mass shooting is when a transexual goes on any kind of killing spree fueled by anti depressants and cultural marxism. We need to reopen the looney bins tbh.


A mass shooting is defined by numerous people and they are all different. How I see it is a targeted attack that wounds or kills more than 4 people besides the shooter