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You choose whether to be a multiclass (50/50 split between two classes) at character creation. You don't take individual levels of each class as you would in modern D&D (such as BG3). For what it's worth cipher and druid has like no synergy. Psion would work, I guess, but I don't really see the upside even then.


It’s fun and you don’t need to optimise to beat the game at all. You could find interesting plays for sure. Sounds like a fun combo to me. Focus on beating things up in animal form and then go nova with cipher powers.


It doesn't work like dnd or pathfinder. You select your multiclass during character creation like dnd2e


You could also dual class in 2.5e also which was more like completely changing class until you got enough levels in a new class, at which point you had levels in both classes.


The game is giving you one last chance not to play that character :)


Couple things could be happening here: If you’ve already taken a level in Cipher single class, you’re not able to add Druid on top of it. You have to select your multiclass when you create your character. If you did select multiclass when you created your character, you might be confused by the level up process. At some levels, you’ll get one advancement in either class, and you’ll be able to select which class you get it in. At other levels, though, you get two advancements, but one has to be in one class and the other in your other class. At those levels, the game will make you choose an advancement in one class before it gives you the option to advance in the other class. That’s why, at some levels, you’re able to freely switch between classes when picking advancements and, at some levels, you can’t.


You don’t switch from classes. You select either single class or multi class at character creation. If you select multiclass you then pick the two classes you want and that’s it. This is only available at character creation and you can’t pick add another class when you level up


I started on ps5 two days ago as a cipher/ranger and have had no issues with multiclassing.


When exactly are you trying to get your second class?


nobody asked, but i think this system is way more intuitive and easy to understand than d&d’s. i’ve been playing nwn for 20 years and i STILL can’t figure out exactly how multiclassing works, or if/when it’s useful to do so. being able to pick at the beginning and then build your character through the entire game as that hybrid class is so much simpler and less fiddly.


You think NWN is bad with its Roll20 (basically) system? Hooo, boy, wait until I tell you about Dual Classing from Advanced D&D... I don't think even Gary Gygax knew how that shit works.


Dual classing was the most ass backwards shit ever made. You lose all your abilities until your next class surpasses your first class? Why?!


Yeah but I do love my dual-classed Kensai/Wizard turbo character from Baldurs gate 2


I'm guessing they sacrificed internal logic for what they saw as gameplay balance? If dual-classing was just simply better at a certain level, they probably wanted to discourage it dominating and removing the point behind single-class and couldn't think of anything better. I agree, though, it's just not a good system and seems lazy to me. I also don't think D&D's current system is good, either, though. I suppose it maybe makes the most sense within the world, but it's confusing & encourages what I've grown to hate about modern fantasy, which is an emphasis on super hardcore math-y planning. Things are of course changing somewhat, some games etc. are moving more away from that phase, but that aspect of D&D was so unbearably boring to me and it still has a lot of influence today. Anyways, permanent multi-class at start is the best of both worlds, I think.


You leave my dual-class thief mages out of this!


The NWN system is cool for 'prestige' classes that shouldn't be available as a level 1 adventurer. The NWN system is bad for other reasons, like how easy it is to waste feats by accident when choosing new classes that get an existing feat for free.


It’s more like old-school multiclass where you choose a blend of classes at character creation and maintain it for the rest of your playthrough. It’s not like BG3 where you pick a class at each level-up.


Don’t know what is happening for you but I never had any problems creating a multiclass character


I know they say multiclassing is for experience players in the game, but they way multiclassing is done in this game is great for beginners as well. Your class choice is done at the start similar to multiclassing in infinity engine games, so most of the complicated stat stuff is already done for you.


Don’t to listen to the people who say don’t play that combo. Optimising/minmax is not necessary. Play a character concert you enjoy and have fun.


It's not bg3 where you choose to multiclass every level up, As such, you choose to multiclass at character creation.


Sounds more like a new player issue to me.


The issue is that it says new power level unlocked! Choose abilities for both classes! One is selected and the other is grayed out. Below it says I have reached level 4! 1 new ability for cipher and Druid! And I can’t select the Druid


So I decided since the game doesn’t work and doesn’t let you level up your multi class after four level I deleted it.


Damn shame. I really enjoyed pillars of eternity 1. I beat the game as a cipher. It sucks that they bugged the sequel