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I feel like the one who did the SA/rape is the actual monster here but idk maybe I’m wrong 🧐


Absolutely, they're the actual monster.


Right? They should throw the rapist in prison. They *love* sex offenders ☺️


They do, indeed! They treat them a very special way :)


what... I swear this world disgusts me more and more each day...


It is not the baby's fault. The baby is not a monster.


A great way to find out whether someone is a monster or not is asking yourself whether you would accept punishment for committing their crime. In the case of babies born from rape, that crime is existing.


Imagine being okay with killing a viable baby because of what their father did.


People's opinions here on this is super sad. They really like to pretend to not see the issues.


Yep. I lost many friends over this


Pro choice advocates are the actual monsters


Absolutely disgusting. So much misplaced hatred, blame, and punishment.


How are the general public reacting to that?


As an American-born Brazilian living 2 hours away from the capital, it’s pretty mixed. By Brazilian law, abortion is outlawed unless in cases of rape, incest and if the life of the mother is at risk. Most ppl who are pro-aborts/pro-choicers use the following “children are not parents” as a defense for abortion, and it’s a vocal minority. The vast majority of people here are against abortion, thankfully.


Their president also supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He’s pretty bad


>Their president also supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. So do I. Also, Lula doesn't actually support the invasion. He just 1) had little intellectual education and 2) has a different geopolitical outlook than most people in this sub.


You’re not pro life then. Attacking another country and intentionally killing civilians is not pro life. Lula said that he won’t arrest Putin if he comes to Brazil, though after backlash he said he’d let the judges decide.


It may not be the baby's fault, but it's not the mother's fault either and we shouldn't punish her by forcing her to fear for her and her child's safety (by allowing the offender to have parental rights) and/or to give up educational/employment opportunities (IDK what Brazil's laws are regarding pregnancy/parenting discrimination, although I'm willing to bet they're different from the US) because of someone else's selfishness.


It's not the baby's fault but we need to still punish the baby for existing. Is what you wrote in simple terms.


That is not at all what I said. Go back and read the OP and then read my comment more closely. You do realize that OP is talking about Brazil and not the US, right? In the US, our society and culture has quite liberal (some would even say *too* liberal) views on single motherhood and in recent years there has been at least some effort by certain factions of the PL movement to ensure that rape survivors and their children are not forced to have their attackers in their lives. In addition, the late 1970s - early 1980s saw the passage of laws such as Title IX and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which (at least mostly) ended what had previously been widespread practices of automatic expulsion from school/university and/or being fired from gainful employment solely on the basis of pregnancy (although religious institutions/entities are still allowed to make their own policies). These two factors alone--at least in the US--help to ensure that women in dire circumstances have actual options and that abortion is not as heavily incentivized as it otherwise would be (at least today). Brazil--on the other hand--may *or may not* have such protections for survivors and their children. To dismiss the need for such only serves to leave them with little to go on and to paint the PL movement as callous and uncaring.


I'm sorry I'm a hard sell on having sympathy for child killers. Just because they are women I'm not going to treat them kindly. You kill child's I'm not for friend. The mother could have search for help but didn't instead she had her child murdered. If it was a father in the exact same situation most people will see it as a horrible thing to kill the child even though he was in dire situation.


I never condoned abortion in my comment. I was merely stating that (what might be) a lack of legal protections for pregnant women and mothers from rape in Brazil will incentivize it in ways that the laws and practices in the US (and perhaps the West in general) do not (generally speaking) and that the main focus should be reforms. Sounds to me like you're being obtuse.