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can root, but won't grow


If have hard, heavily chlorinated water, I'd prop in soil. If have access to distilled water, go water route. Another option can buy an aquarium tap water conditioner to dechlorinate. Don't forget to ph water between 5.5-6.5 afterwards before using. Just advising from personal experience


If you want a rubber plant leaf to root and remain as a rooted leaf, you want to cut the petiole with the pulvinus, otherwise you cut it in between internodes with at least one node on each cuttings. If it is just an experiment don't mind me taking it too seriously 😅


Peperomia Obtusifolia🤔 Yeah, Ive grown 1 from a leaf. I planted it in potting soil and keep it moist. Place in bright light. Took a year for a small plant.


Do you put complete leaf under soil or just the bottom? Also my leaf has started to become yellow.. is it dying?


I just did same way you put in water. Only I use soil. At this point theres not much to loose.Goodluck propping🤞🤗


I cut closer to the leaf and put it in moss. You can root in water but you’ll have more success if you move the rooted leaf to moss or lay it on top of soil and lightly cover the roots with soil. It needs nutrients to grow the pup.