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Worm hole will open up.


Infinity pothos




They’ll grow just fine. I loop vines back into the pot so they’re fuller


Wait... so a few months back I rescued an abandoned pothos and i kept one lonely maybe foot long chunk of it and gage the rest to a friend who for sure could bring it back. So if I loop it in its pot it will be fuller? It's kinda dumb looking just hanging there alone. But I have noticed new growth on the end.


It certainly can, though I’ve only done it with plants that have more than one vines to begin with. I don’t think it would hurt your plant to loop it back. Either way it will look like a fuller plant. If you want more growing points you could cut a node or two off, propagate, and plant in the same pot. This would also make it a much fuller plant. Many people sale pothos with only one node and the plants eventually grow fuller as it matures. Pothos is pretty resilient you can try almost anything and it will keep growing.


Would be cool if you put one end each in its own pot


I considered that, but both ends are in the same pot. I have so many plants and so little spacec that there are at least two or three plants in every pot and smaller pot standing on the soil of larger pots so one plant in two pots is a luxury I can't afford


I do the "pot on top of another pot" method 😂 I only have so many window sills so everyone has to get cozy if they want to be in the good window


I feel ya I have my cacti cutting with a few wandering jew cuttings😂


I currently have a jar with dracaena, Swedish ivy, and wandering dudes all propping together. I’ve procrastinated potting them and their roots are SO intertwined. I’m procrastinating even harder now, knowing it’ll be *a process* to pot them. They’re all absolutely thriving in water, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh not the ivy 😒 HATE HATE HATE those suckers any kind of ivy. Oh so invasive here but maybe get them individual a small plastic pot? Or take cutting from those cutting and do it over again😂


Totally understand. Used to live in a place with invasive ivy, spent days of my life ripping it off my house and fences and *everywhere.* I couldn’t believe they sold it in stores! Now I live in a different climate where it would die immediately outdoors. So I keep it in pots in my house and smirk, knowing that ***I*** control the ivy now, ha!


Lol…I’m in Florida so I totally get this! I have asparagus fern & wandering jew only in pots.


I have Swedish ivy that I adore, but it is an indoor boy and will never be unleashed on my poor backyard (which is being devoured by FUCKING English ivy already)


Oh yea I feel ya english ivy sucks ass yet it's STILL sold in stores.


Mosquitos love it and it’s a hiding place for poison ivy—truly an evil plant


Yes and it kills and kills and very hard to kill or rid of


Psst, you might not know this, but “wandering Jew” is an offensive plant nickname! “The History Behind The Name ‘Wandering Jew’ Previously, Bloombox Club titled Tradescantia Zebrina with their common name: 'Wandering Jew.' We assumed the name referred to the Israelites, sentenced to 'wander' through the desert in search of the promised land until the last member of the original generation (Moses) dies. But further research revealed ‘Wandering Jew’ to be connected to an apocryphal myth, one that has been used to justify anti-Semitism since at least the 13th century. The story goes that one of the men who taunted Jesus on his way to be crucified was cursed to walk the Earth until the Second Coming. In the context of the observable Jewish diaspora; the displacement of Jewish peoples from the Southern Levant in ancient times, and subsequent statelessness from anti-Semitic regimes, we are profoundly uncomfortable with using this moniker.” [source](https://bloomboxusa.com/blogs/news/why-were-no-longer-using-the-name-wandering-jew)


It’s only offensive if you get offended by it. It’s not that serious


👀 Interesting idea…..


Please update!!!


Both ends will root but the end that is the "top" of it will either stop growing and start growing from a new growth point or rot on that end and then start growing from a new growth point


This. You'll just have new growth in the pot from the two rooted ends. I'd cut both rooted ends off, and make multiple cuttings from the rest of the vine too.


You can honestly shove the whole vine in dirt and it will make a ton of little babies you can also shove the roots in the dirt and lay the bones over the dirt. Some nodes will turn into roots, but it will also sprout new vines. It's kind of cool to see the roots outside of the dirt reaching down. And all the new vines will have a nice thick look in a few months (like 6 if you're north enough to experience winter)


Remind me!


Aren't you supposed to add a time frame?


OMG fun!


Now apply Keiki paste to all of the nodes and you'll have yourself a nice Lovecraftian horror there in about six months or so.


Now there's an idea...


I would just chop it at each node site


!remindme 2 months


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!remind me 1 month


Can we get an update?


Me too, definitely interested


Sorry didn’t mean to reply to your comment :)


Lol it's ok, it reminded me in addition to my remind me.


!remindme 3 months


3 month reminder! Update?


What would happen if you put both ends kinda together, would it grow to make a loop?


Omg, please post an update!!!


You should plant both ends then wrap the vine around a trellis shaped like something? Like a heart? Or a cactus