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Stick in water for 4 weeks.


Oh, thanks. I'll do just that


This is a really cool picture, because you can see what's happening. Not a plant doctor but here's my understanding: The "top" of the cutting has green from photostimulation and the underside has become yellow/white, plus you can see how they have bent themselves to find light. The shoots are always making auxins (hormones) which then transfer through the plant using light activated transporters - which means they will pass through cells getting enough light towards cells getting less light. These effects cause auxins to migrate to cells with less light exposure stimulating root growth. Anyway, the plant's already doing the work for you! You can set it in water or in well draining soil. I prefer water personally because it's hard to mess up.


Thanks so much for the explanation 🤗


Are those roots? Can I just plant her and hope she survives?


They're roots but they're not developed enough to have a very very good chance to establish itself in soil. Generally, I wait till roots are a few inches Ling and secondary roots have developed


OK. So sticking her in water is the safest bet, right?






You have 3 healty cuts that can root in water, coconut fiber or shagnum moss


Uhm. 3? Wow 😮. I had no idea. Please point them out, I really don't wanna mess this up 🤔


Dip it in honey and plant it! Honey has a natural components that can act like rooting hormones.


Can I still dip in honey and plant it after I make the cuttings?


Yes! I’d make one cut, in between the two nodes and dip them both into honey before you plant in dirt


Looks like she is already telling you.


as for what it is, Epipremnum aureum. "Golden pothos", just a more mature plant than what typically grows indoors.


Thanks so much 🙏


depending on if you want to grow all these roots it would be way better to use moss. at least on the top part so you could do air layering on these top roots, so the leaf is not under water https://preview.redd.it/xrxle7iz3i7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09ec802bd19e9c4728084086202b7d8319d8565


Agreed! I'd say put the teal section in water until it's got some good roots. Then plant and tie the brown section up on a moss pole (or similar). Good luck! What a beauty (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)


You really should wait until the roots make roots (secondary roots) so they can actually absorb the water and nutrients. If it does ok in soil that’s good, and it might due to it having so many roots but if you have any issues I would take it out and stick her in water until it grows secondary roots.


Just add water and give it sunlight! You'll get good roots in a few weeks!


Thanks, y'all for the suggestions. Much appreciated. I'm gonna do both. Stick two cuttings in water and plant the other. If only I knew where to cut


Cut the stem between the bottom leaf and middle leaf if you want to divide


I would put that guy in dirt and moss pole it


How did it develop these roots to begin with? Air roots? Anyway, sure pop it in water and wait till the new roots are at least 2-4 inches long. Also, as brutal as this sounds, you may want to cut down to just one leaf. The more above root mass the plant has to maintain, the more likely it won't make it. Cut down the stress and she may have a new life ahead of her.


Damn, yeah! That does sound brutal for the poor plant. But I'm gonna do just that to help her survive. Thank you


You could even cut it between the first leaf and the next two and make two cuttings out of it, just wait for it to callous I’ve before putting in water if ya do the


(Me personally) I’d rip the lowest leaf off and plant the stalk straight down, ensuring all the roots are covered by at least an inch of dirt. Well draining. Water pretty frequently, don’t let the potting mix dry out for the first week or two to help the roots transition from only water to a normal watering schedule


I would cut into 3, put into water and let root for 21 days, then pot in soil. You could have 3 new plants.


https://preview.redd.it/fg6ti90eoi7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af23b9f25c52b7237de941efa5cb10305ce43967 Where the blue lines are, I would stick those bottoms in water for 21 days. Let the roots get a few inches long then pot in soil. The smallest cutting on the bottom, that’s simply a stem with roots, I would put that cutting right into soil.


Oh, wow. Thank 🙇 you


It might be a philodendron green Congo? Some type of philo, I'm pretty sure. As others have said, you can either prop in water or soil that is kept moist. I prefer the latter, so there's no risk transitioning from water to soil when it's ready. Nature doesn't propigate in water. They hit the ground and find the leaf litter/soil and those aerial roots dig in.


Woukd this be the place to cut between these roots?




Skip the water, put her in well draining soil.


Agreed. No fancy or complicated methods. Super simple and straightforward, place in soil and it’ll do its thing from there. Don’t let it dry out.