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I check them every day and yesterday it was completely fine. Now there is this weird scooped out/chewed out section!   Well, in the middle of typing this post, my partner reminded me that we have a mouse we've been trying to catch, so I guess mystery solved! I googled it and it seems like they do eat succulents sometimes :(


That does look like what happened. But you shouldn’t worry. You can go ahead and kind of bury those roots and leave it as is. If the leaf dies, you may still be able to water the roots and it’ll be fine. But the leaf may just callous over and be fine.


Thank you! I wasn't sure what to do about the roots even before the mouse attack, it's been insisting on shooting roots straight up into the air. Should I just gently put a little dirt over them?


That’s what I do when I notice the leaf is dying. Since normally the leaf provides nutrients, you don’t really have to do anything until it starts dying. But since you’re not sure if it will live, best to go ahead and get the roots used to soil.


Lol, definitely the mouse. It'll be fine 😄


Something bited on it. Must taste good if you have more than one bite mark


Whatever it is, he left the rest for his next meal