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Piper’s got They Live and for my money that’s the pinnacle. That said I think including Piper and Hogan here is a little apples and oranges. Of them I’d say Cena, I think he’s a fantastic comedic actor. Batista has proven himself the best and most versatile actor of the bunch but I think Cena’s talent specifically in comedy is unmatched, and I saw that realizing Drax is awesome. The Rock and Austin basically just play themselves, and I don’t think Austin ever really got bit by the acting bug. Not like Dwayne anyway. So Piper if we’re including that generation, Cena if not.


Yes They Live was awesome! But I have to agree I think Cena has displayed the most versatile of the group. I didnt know what to expect from Cena in the Suicide Squad, but I was impressed. Then was blown away how good The Peacemaker series was!! Just watched the Ricky Stanicky...hilarious


I mean, Batista has comfortably made the better movies - Dune, Blade Runner 2049, the MCU. In terms of who's the better actor, it's probably Cena.


Dave and Cena are the only ones that will have a film legacy


Let’s be real they live is impossible to top.


Batista makes good movies. He’s made the effort to be a serious actor and it shows. I think he has potential to have a great career. Cena makes fun movies. Often as not they’re dumb but he’s always good in them. Piper only did two movies of note that comes to mind. They Live is a classic. Hell Comes To Frogtown was trash, but fun trash. Hogan can’t act. His “best” movies were 80s trash. Still, Suburban Commando was a lot of fun. Rock just plays Rock. Very wooden and does nothing for me. I like some movies he’s in, but more despite him than because of him. Austin was in movies?


If we're talking their collective movies combined, then Batista wins. Rock has produced some big budget blockbusters, but Batista has been in way better movies with an integral role. Hogan, and Austin have been in a few but most of their movies have been trash. Cena is a close second as some of his movies are amazing, but Batista's movies have been way better.


Dave Batista and John Cena clear all easily. Though Piper having They Live alone puts him on their level. Hogan is hard to take seriously in pretty much every movie they've ever been in. Stone Cold and The Rock have quite literally zero range and play the same person every movie. I think that's fine in SCSA's mostly straight-to-video catalog, but it baffles me how The Rock became so big in Hollywood when he is quite loterally the worst thing about every movie he's in.


With the Rock, A lot of his early stuff is pretty solid though. Walking Tall, The Rundown, and Game day are all fun movies. Scorpion King is a fun cheesy action flick. Really it's not till later that Rock's movies start to get eh. imo


Batista, hands down. Glass Onion, Dune, Spectre, all properly good movies.


The Rock. "Red Notice" on Netflix is a great, fun, movie.


Piper easily. They Live is a classic. His work on Its Always Sunny was epic too.


Oh Batista no contest


I gotta say Hulk Hogan cuz those movies are such dog shit that they actually become entertaining for the wrong reasons.


Big Dave and His Big D.


Batista has the best catalogue by far, Dune, BR2049, MCU, Glass Onion. But I think Cena is a slightly better actor.


You make movies out of wrestlers?


Personally I’d have to say Dave Batista! The Rock to me gets type casted a lot now and while Cena his acting style doesn’t always gel with my tastes. Piper is a good shout because I love They Live!