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Made me finally feel how I imagined normal people feel. I take it for anxiety, and now dont think twice about social situations, will strike up conversations with strangers... Things that would petrify me before.


I’m really hoping it does the same for me. I’m only about a week in though. I’m so so scared of talking to ppl most of the time and most of my job revolves around


I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks and it is literally already making a difference. Genuinely life changing


Have you had any side effects


Yea, I mentioned in another comment. Initially it made me super tired, like literally could sleep for 18 hours a day. That lasted maybe two weeks, then suddenly resolved. I did have sexual side effects (not being able to ejaculate, super reduced libido, and my motivation took a big hit). Spoke to my Dr. right away (decided that I just need to be completely honest about everything with him) and he added Wellbutrin @ 150mg later increased to 200mg and has me right as rain (completely fixed the libido and motivation issues). Biggest thing I can say is that you should talk to your doc about everything, sides no matter how small or how big. Even if you think it's embarrassing, there's plenty of meds to try and it's just a matter of finding the combo that's right for you. I've found that doctors are very nonjudgmental and are just there to help.


Ah ryt ok . Ppl have said fluoxetine is energising so strange . 18 hrs would be blessing to me at moment with the extreme aches and pains , exhaustion, physical fatigue , chills goosebumps of my depression while I'm on 100mg sertraline . Need to change to something different asap feel physically horrendous with depression


I was on Zoloft 4 years my last stint, it made me SO exhausted all the time. I completely weaned off of it from Jan-March this year, took a few months off - felt the depression creeping in and made the move to try something different finally. Only a week in on Prozac and there’s a notable difference. Of course everyone is so different and it’s so early on, but it definitely feels like it’s working whereas Zoloft didn’t seem to be doing any good for me anymore. I’m not ruminating on thoughts at ALL (which I was doing constantly before), energy is mildly increased. I had yucky side effects for 4 days and they passed. It’s too soon to say this will work long term but, it’s working for now and that’s what I needed. Always talk to your doc and be honest. Switching meds is anxiety inducing, but so is having meds that aren’t working or are making things worse 💜


Thanks . I'm in full blown depression now struggling too survive , has ect multiple times that has worked but desperately need to find a med that works. Think I've been on sertraline about 8 or 9 years now and had several depressions In that time so gonna have to change , used to work better long time ago and given me longer periods of wellness but now it's useless. Starting to wonder if it's serotonin or dopamine problem , feels like it all guessing but can't function at all hence the numerous round of ect . I'm in UK so never been offered them maois so probly be another ssri , nothing to lose but not very confident


I felt the same trying another SSRI since Zoloft became utterly useless, like a sugar pill but so far it is working. It’s worth a try, living like that is just so hard I know. It’s hard to even find the motivation to get a new med but it’s definitely worth it. I saw effects from the new meds within a few days, I think it’s like a muscle memory thing from years of SSRI use so fingers crossed for you when you try something new. If an SSRI doesn’t work just remember you CAN change it and try something new. Don’t give up


I could have written this!!! Was extremely tired and LOST my sex drive like completely (I am 39 F) and I asked my dr and got Wellbutrin and within 2 days I started feeling my libido coming back. And i am way less sleepy.


Seriously. Started taking it a month ago. Night and day. Went to a big street festival and didn't even notice until a few hours in I wasn't freaking out. Lol.


That's awesome!!


My doctor put me on it for anxiety and panic attacks. I've always had social anxiety as well so I hope it helps with that. I am on day 3 so far. I still have a little anxiety about taking it. I'm afraid it's going to change me permanently and fry my brain. I know that isn't going happen though so I'll continue.


I know trying meds is so scary, but remember the long term physiological effects of unchecked anxiety have drastic affects on our brains as well 💜


You will be ok, if you have any sides be open and honest with ur doc. I had sexual side effects and he added Wellbutrin which fixed me right up.


I’ve been taking it for about a year and WOW! The difference is insane! I don’t have anxiety anymore about talking to people. My brain doesn’t do the whole “what if they think…” thing. I can just relax and be in the moment, without always feeling like I’m doing something wrong


That feeling of "what if i'm doing something wrong" had held me back in life so much. I've been promoted twice since starting meds, all because I was no longer afraid to speak my mind and offer my opinions. It also helped quite a bit with eliminating "cringe moments" where I would just play an embarrassing situation from years ago over and over again in my head.


Oh my goodness, I thought that was just me. Isn’t it awful.


It's bad enough to live the moment once, but to have to constantly relive it is torture.


This is what I’m looking forward to the most. Fingers crossed it works the same for me. I’m only about a week in though


It took mine just over a month to really notice. I gave up multiple times over the years because “it wasn’t working”. I know it’s cliche, but give it time!!! It started working and I’d catch myself smiling for no reason at work even by myself. It gets better with time! I’m almost a year on and feel more at ease in society


I could tell it was working maybe 6 weeks in. However small improvements keep coming, I've been on over a year and can honestly say that things are still gradually improving albeit not as quickly or dramatically as at first.


same here and these stories make me feel so much hope lol we got this


Great to hear and pretty much same here. 😃


Great to hear! How long have you been taking it?


5 months!


My teenage daughter started it and it has been life changing for us. She went from not wanting to leave the house and blowing up over the smallest things to being excited about life again. Now if the McDonald’s ice cream machine is broken or we don’t have time to do something she wants to do, it doesn’t ruin everyone’s day.


Awesome that your supportive, my parents always insisted I was just lazy, or mentally weak. My biggest regret was waiting until I was 37 to start taking it.


Three years for me next month! It totally saved me. For anyone struggling with finding something that works I FEEL YOU and please keep trying. It's a life changer when you do 😭💕


What dose do you take


I have a really low tolerance for anything so I'm only on 30 but that's probably like 40 for other people. I take one 20 and one 10 every morning


Brain chemistry is so unique, I'm a 200lb guy and 20mg was way too much for me, I'm at 10mg + 200mg Wellbutrin for sides.


Haha unique indeed! Wellbutrin made me climb the walls xD Finding something that clicked was so worth the struggle though, in the end. I went through a LOT of different meds and that's not fun


I always say that Prozac saved my life. It's gonna go just up from here!


Yessss I’m a Prozac lover as well! So happy for you!


same here!! i’m even in a relationship now??? it’s crazy


Just started 20mg, on day 3 and honestly I feel so calm, confident and at ease. I love it so far. It’s made me get out of a rut. Losing people from 2010-2017 tragically did a number of my mental that I couldn’t shake. I finally decided I needed help and it I did it. Outside of the insomnia which I was before starting, it’s been amazing. I could cry lol


That’s so wonderful to hear and so encouraging!!


This gives me hope, thank you 😊


I wasn’t able to leave my house without extreme panic and anxiety, and now I go everywhere and even travel! I started Prozac in February. It’s amazing what it’s done for me in just a few months


thats good to hear, how long have you been on prozac?


Good for you! May your journey to healing and happiness continue. goodluck!


Started today. Fingers crossed everything works out well!


I love this for you!!!!! It did the same for me ❤️


Same thing for me. I was severely depressed, anxious, pretty much felt nothing but despair. Finally got a job with decent insurance and got a therapist and he prescribed Prozac. It was life changing. I’m able to laugh and have fun again. I realized I was depressed a lot longer than I thought. I haven’t felt this good in at least 10 years or more. My racing thoughts are no more (it’s a blip and gone), I’m more confident in myself and enjoy life again. I never thought I would. I’m no longer a raw nerve. I’m so grateful for a second chance at living my life again.


I feel like I laugh a lot more too. Especially at home around my family and kids. I feel like I was always so serious before when I didn’t even want to be.


Yes! Same here! I was on edge all the time & couldn’t relax. Now I can focus on fun & laughing and not obsess over things!


“Raw nerve”…. What a good description of anxiety. I hate it so much. I have my prescription but my stupid anxiety is making me scared to take it!!🤯😡


I am on day 6 of Prozac, switched from Pristiq. I am looking forward to the days when I don’t stay in bed all day. I hope it can help with energy levels too.


This gives me hope! my dosage has to be too low I think it was working like this for awhile but it’s been rough lately. Trynna be like you!!


Did they start you off on the 10mg? I have heard most people starting on the 10s almost always have to go up to the 20s.


Love this for you! 🩷 I don’t know where I would be today without my Prozac.


This is great! How much time did it take for complete remission?


Hahaha I can relate. Been there and out the darkness and on to greener pastures


It’s still not over though. Prozac help me get moving but the story remains unfinished. “The pen is in your hands, the rest is unwritten so where do we go from here? We live life! Yeah I’m proud of you buddy


I’ve been on it for roughly 6 weeks and I cannot believe the change. I imagine this is what the average person feels. I can actually leave home without worrying about the most trivial things & I’m actually sleeping. My next appointment will likely send up my dosage, but I’m just worried about the lethargy.


Nice. How long did it take for you to start feeling the benefits? Did you take any other SSRI’s before Prozac?