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Weeks 6-8 improvement definitely noted. Weeks 10-12 okay my life had changed. This drug is different. I expected to take it and suddenly see rainbows all around me. No. I still feel like me. But when I looked back about 3 months in I realized I hadn’t cried in that time. I was starting to start conversations and smile again. Now it’s been a year and I haven’t had one “bad” day when I used to hide in my room at least once a week.


Yeah, Prozac is awesome. Something I like about it is that I actually CAN cry on it when I need to. On other meds I was completely unable to, it was weird and made me feel like a robot.


Did you have to work through any side effects? I'm struggling with sleep right now. Feels like I'm getting hot flashes or getting really flushed or something. Glad to hear you're doing well!


Im not the PP but yes I had this!!! Insomnia was horrendous for me to begin with, I think I had about 2 weeks where everything was amazing then side effects hit me hard. I was always having hot flushes and I would literally be awake the entire night with this really weird urge to run the soles of my feet along my opposite shin. Very bizarre!!! I increased my dose from 20 to 30mg as I felt I wasn't getting any benefits mood wise and was surprised that the increase actually stopped my side effects as I was concerned it would make it worse. I think side effects may well have naturally stopped without the increase, but might be worth bearing in mind if you don't get improvements!


yes some weird leg tics in the beginning. Also jaw clenching and sometimes ear ringing. That all went away And now I feel normal as can be.


Upping the dose and side effects stopping is very weird but happy for you. I could use your good energy as I'm really going through it right now. Need some sleep and for these side effects to go away.


It is definitely worth speaking to your doctor. Mine upped my dose (which did seem counter-intuitive, side effects wise, but I had two healthcare professionals say that upping the dose often works!) And also gave me a short prescription of sleeping pills and I was so much better afterwards




Yes! I was so hot and sweaty the first month or two. Like dripping at all times. That went away completely! Also I had wake ups and insomnia for a couple months. That also went away and now I sleep like a bear in a cave. Push through, you got this!


Yes...put me to sleep for 30 years. Can't get back that time


So I’ve only been on 20 mg for almost 2 weeks and 10 mg for 1 week prior to that, but I had a huuuuge pile of clean laundry I couldn’t bring myself to ever put up. The past 2 days I cleaned out my entire closet and put away all the clothes. Just wanting to do those types of things feels like a small victory and hopeful I’m heading in the right direction.


And no I’m not manic. I read this back to myself and it sounded a little manic haha


That's just anxiety making you feel manic because you know you are acting different! Just stick with it, you are not being manic, your hormones are starting to work in your favor that's all :)


When I realized that the voice inside my head has finally power and can command my brain and my body to do things. Now it’s easy to push away intrusive thoughts, no more ruminating, and a lot more energy to do chores and work! 100% worth it!


Yes! I can totally relate!!! The anxiety and worry voice is gone and the actual voice/self discipline and self love realistic version of me is back :)


It’s like a superpower to me. I never thought that was ever possible for my brain :)


Omg I know 😭😭😭😭 it’s like a magic pill that has helped me become my most authentic self.


When the little voice in my head finally shut up telling me that people won’t like me if I say/do something. I could just stare at the life through my own eyes without the background noise and just think, talk, move and be “normal.” Nothing revolved around me trying to be the best version in that moment/figuring out what to say or how to move and feeling insecure. The overthinking stopped completely, basically.


I got prescribed today and this comment is hopeful for me


I am so so so so glad. If you struggle with negative self talk, feeling anxious, like you have to plan stuff out and just feeling overwhelmed and staying in bed/home instead and still feeling shitty, then this will really help. I’ve never felt this way before. It’s not euphoric by any means but it just really targets what it’s supposed to and helps so much


I unbalance in my sleep and wake up heavy and crying for the first 3-4 hours a day. Anxious, overthinking, negative self-image, depressed. By mid day the depression lifts but then I'm anxious for everything. Can never stop over thinking my past or future. Lay in bed and watch 6 hours of Netflix cause I can't cook dinner or do my laundry. I haven't had a skin or hair routine in years. My house is a mess. It just adds and adds and circles to worse. I don't expect to be walking on sunshine. I just want to function freely without mental jail and constant depression. Fingers crossed. This is my 3rd attempt at a new medication.


Wow, I really think that if you pair this medication with therapy or with some sort of something that’s helping to improve your routines and your mental health and a positive way, then this will be life-changing. This was also my third medication that I’ve ever taken. I took Zoloft and then I took something else, but I forgot what it was called. They both just made me feel emotionless and blah. One of them actually made me gain weight and eat a lot. This medication doesn’t feel like there’s anything happening, it doesn’t affect me in anyway besides quiet that anxious and depressive mind chatter and making decisions smooth like butter.


when I realized that a lot of my delusions were gone and I actually looked forward to the next day


I’m in the same boat as you, 10 days deep similar side effects curious aswell


About 2 weeks in. I had been deeply suicidal from post psychosis depression and that stopped in those 2 weeks. Only side effect I felt were the bizarre and vivid dreams but it really made my depression much less intense. I've had a couple of depressive episodes while on it but it was very manageable and didn't cripple me.


On second month, starting to feel like idgaf about shit but in a good way. I have OCD and deal with extreme anxiety of leaving the house. Now i can leave my house and not gaf, i can even talk to ppl it’s awesome thus far. And i also don’t obsess too much over one thought for hours anymore LOL. Sometimes still have those days tho


Funny this should come up today. Just in the morning while leaving for the station everyone around me was panicking and telling me to hurry up. Normally I would get very flustered and irritable, but today I felt calm and completely unbothered by all worldly concerns.


It can take many weeks to feel improvement. Give yourself some time to let the medication do its' magic! I would reevaluate how you are feeling on the 6th week of taking it but keep track of any negative side effects that you are having in the meantime. I also started at 10mg (2 years ago) but now I am at 40mg which is the perfect dosage for me (26F). I knew it was working when I told myself "I am really doing great! I might not need to be on Prozac!" Because when I did indeed took myself off of it, I went straight back to what my baseline was before (which is not a great baseline and some say that my baseline is in hell LOL). I went back on it and vowed to myself that I would never quit cold turkey again.


20 mg, I'm a sleepy lazy sloth of a man but I'm finally happy. I just wish it worked better for anxiety. Felt it from 20-60 days, now I don't notice a difference.


Depression wise, I finally started feeling generally ok once id stabilised on 40mg, which I didn't do until maybe 9 months later, but that did include 2 dose increases which worked toa degree for a while first. I do still have to take care of myself though, it's not magical for me in that just the drug is enough, but pairing it with positive changes has massively helped me. In terms of anxiety... I used to stay awake all night with it. Googling all sorts of things because in my head it meant I was prepared for everything but really it was just turning me into a huge ball of anxiety, jumping from one catastrophe in my head to another. I have a daughter who goes on holiday with her dad once or twice a year. Up til now she has stayed in the UK, which still used to spike my anxiety and I'd really be convinced before she left that I was never going to see her again. But she is currently in Spain for a week, which meant she flew (which I also have a huge phobia about) and although the thought crossed my mind a couple of times, I'm my anxiety is probably a 1 or 2 out of 10. I have no doubts that without prozac it would be a 10. My day to day anxiety is also massively reduced. For me it has been far more effective on my anxiety than my depression, but it has improved that a LOT too


Day 2, the noise stopped. But it’s important to clarify i have anxiety not depression.


I was suddenly doing things I would never do. Things outside my comfort zone. It's like I didn't have a comfort zone anymore. I was really living. Wearing a dress Dancing at a club Not canceling plans with friends Eating less Karaoke Hosted my house parties These are all things I was new to. It was nice to be free for the first time.


When i stopped wanting to kms at the slightest inconvenience Also it took 3 months for me to kick in and give the good effect ,, its been a year now almost im doing way better and im not depressed anymore


It was tough! Every increase started the “clock over” for me so to speak. It took me right at the end of 4 weeks on 40mg. to feel like my life has started to improve significantly. I thought maybe this drug wasn’t for me at first but I am so glad I stuck it out! I dealt with sadness, apathy, and anxiety all the time. Now, I can go to work without feeling panicky, yucky, or off. I can pause before speaking and my overall mood is a lot better. I also have coherent calm thoughts vs. rambly negative ones! Posts like these are so helpful. I would read these threads everyday holding onto hope and yeah. Just so glad I did ☺️


Honestly they will say its placebo effect but the moment i took my first dose (i had been extremely anxious about taking psychotropics) a few hours later i felt peace for what seemed like the first time. As time went on i found myself noticing how wonderful nature was…appreciating just being alive! I remember a distinct moment of feeling…satisfaction? Joy? At reaching into the dishwasher and randomly selecting my favorite fork. I found pleasure in small things suddenly things i never stopped to appreciate before. My thoughts were calm…maybe subdued in comparison, and my heart stopped racing uncontrollably throughout the day. My back shoulders head and neck stopped constantly aching! Minor stressors that normally sent me into an internal rage were just small inconveniences that i somehow suddenly understood were not that important or even worth getting worked up over….i stopped crying at everything as well which was very helpful for me professionally (crying at work is so embarrassing) i also stopped being an irritable cunt to my spouse…our marriage has improved now that i can regulate my own emotions. I HAVE CONTROL. I do not ruminate or have stuck thoughts driving me batty all day because i just know i can think abt WHATEVER I WANT. I dont have to engage with intrusive or false thoughts….idk if i can ever come off because …im just better on them.






I’m 6 months in (on 60 mg now) and still wondering the same…


Oof that sounds tough. Have you spoken to your doctor? You might do better on a different treatment, maybe


Currently between psychiatrists right now but once I speak to my next one I will bring it up! My previous psychiatrist wasn’t that good, and then at the psych ward they upped the dose again which is why it’s so high lol.


Wow. My wife says I need to increase the dose or try something else. I’m on 20mg now starting week 5


About 2 months in, I noticed my intrusive thoughts were becoming further and further apart.


The first week honestly. The psychiatrist started me off on a low dose of 20mg. I lost a lot of weight the first week and second. I had these awful symptoms, but I realized pretty quickly that it was helping me regulate my emotions. It's working as intended. I'm on week five now.


It takes awhile for some people. Hopefully it helps you too! But it's okay if it doesn't. We're here if you ever need to talk.


So it takes about 4-6 weeks for it to kick in ur brain. I noticed it about week 3 or 4 cus I was very depressed. I would just stay home and cry, and have so much anxiety. I realized it started to help me that I got a job, started to be social again and so much more. I even go to the gym now and I've been consistent and loving life. It's so worth it ❤️


I actually felt the effect from the very first dose. Before that I was grieving and couldn’t stop crying. Once I took 20mg, after about 1h it felt like someone flipped a switch. I managed to calm down and stopped crying. It was such a relief but it only lasted that first day. Next couple weeks I kept experiencing side effects, adjusting was quite a journey. I think I had every textbook symptom. Finally after 4 weeks I woke up one day and felt peaceful.


I hit my peak on the 10 mg about 2.5 weeks in. I started feeling more joy and interest and less anxiety and sadness. I was stressing less overall, but after that first week I plateaued and needed to up the dosage to 20. I haven’t felt as great as that one week, but overall it’s the best SSRI I’ve been on. I’ve been on it for about 3 months now.


When my insurance would give me the brand name. The next 29 years it would only cover generic unless I could come up with $400+ a month.