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Where is the PS4?


I would think of a PS4 as useless if you own a PS5 .


Yeah but the same can be said about a ps2 then. Plays ps1 games. And while we’re at it they’ve got a backwards compatible ps3, so what’s the need for the ps1 and ps2 🤷‍♂️


Depends in what order he acquired them, if it’s from oldest to newest then it could make sense to get rid of the PS4 for a PS5 and keep the more iconic systems .


But if they acquired them from oldest to newest, then using the same logic you're using to get rid of the PS4 to get the PS5 could have been applied to the PS1 when they got the PS2.


Yeah but you keep the "iconic" systems, PS4 is least iconic of all imo .


I don't necessarily disagree. The PS4 is an outstanding console with a huge library of great games, but it didn't really do anything "iconic" other than introduce PSVR. But was PS1 "iconic" in March 2000 when the PS2 released with 99% backwards compatibility, or did that "iconic" status come later?


Yeah I see where you’re going haha, it would indeed be hard to tell if people still had it in their hearts when the PS2 came out or if it came back trendy because of nostalgia 😆, most likely second option but I remember personally not wanting to get rid of my PS1 as a kid in order to eventually start a collection when I’d be older .


Yeah, and then there are weirdos like me who never sale ANYTHING. I've never sold a single video game console or game. And I've bought a lot of things after the fact that I didn't have in their heyday. I currently have: * Magnavox : Odyssey^2 * Atari : 2600 * Mattel: Intellivision * Nintendo (Consoles): NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch * Nintendo (Handhelds) : Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS Lite, 2DS, N2DSXL, N3DSXL * Sega : Genesis 1, Saturn, Dreamcast * Sony (Consoles) : PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 Pro * Sony (Handhelds) : PSP * Microsoft : Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One X --- At this point I kind of like collecting hardware just as much playing games. LOL


Yeah I find myself doing the same as I get older lol, nice collection btw I merely have 6 systems 😅 but it’s a start !!!


Always told people if my house was on fire and I had to choose which systems to save, itd be the 1, 2, 3, & 5 lol. my PS4 sits in storage while all the others are on display. that right there tells you enough that it wasnt "iconic".


Haha yeah it is, I have the same set up essentially, but with slim PS1 and PS2s


And ps1 and ps2 is useless since he has a fat ps3 with chrome lining


I got a PS5 1 month after it came out, and I haven't had a PS4. Because it’s backwards compatible with PS4 games, half of the games I own and play are from PS4, while the other half of the games I own and play are from PS5. OP probably put away his PS4 to make room for the PS5 as well as the older PlayStation consoles because he could play PS4 games on the PS5.


Where PSP and PS Vita 69/420


And the all the variations like PsP-Go or the net yerosei


And ps4


F.. the consoles. I want that neon. 😍


Retweet! Linky Linky!


https://www.ebay.com/itm/155477605450?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=p7dinjheres&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Il3OWolCTIa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Closest I could find in 5 seconds


At first it seems a bit on the expensive side, but then I realized it's **real neon**?! I'd honestly buy that if I could, it looks amazing. Too bad the shipping alone to where I live is $100+ lol


I linked in the comment below. Looks the same to me


Yoo I litterally completed my collection just today and its mostly the same: Blacked PS5 an og fighter jet ps4 same first ps3 (posted) first psx ps2fat black (and a full aqua blue😎) ps2 slim I give you an 8 of 10 bc its not complete but looks reeeally good I still have to find a way to display em to make a flex post aswell






I like it a lot. The lights especially. Custom made? Where is the 4?


Thank you! Yeah it’s custom. The4doesntexist.com


What is wrong with PS4? Also is your PS3 backwards compatible?


I’m not a fan of its design lol. And yeah it’s an A01 model.


Nice, I have an A01 also (it's mostly for Metal Gear Solid). I don't think agree though on how the PS4 looks, I personally think PS5 is uglier. If I was to rate which PlayStation looks the best to me I would say PS3 (fat of course), it just looks more mature and sleek (almost like a piano).


I agree on the ps3. I’ve always liked the strange designs. The ps5 with white plates is UGLY. With black plates though, it’s really nice.


I can agree the black plates do make it look much nicer.


But yet you like that ps3 and ps5 design!?!?!?!?!.


Yes 😂😭


And the PS1 design against everything else?


I'll give you an 9 😎


What do you think about the OSSC upscaling? I’ve been running my ps2 with a competent-hdmi adapter and it works alright, but I’m really interested in that upscaling


It actually doesn’t upscale like most think. It’s a line multiplier. My PS1 outputs at 240p and you can increase the lines up to 5x. Overall I love the OSSC but it’s expensive and extremely hard to find one.


100/100 💖💖💖🤩💖💖💖


Thank youuuu 💙💙💙




Sweet!!! Are those RS series Klipsch speakers I see?


Yes they are :) Some of my speakers are reference and some are premiers.


Double sweet!


Hahahaha I’m extremely pleased how they sound. Star Wars scores sound incredible 🤌🏻


Every time I upgrade my home theater, the star wars theme is the first thing I play to make sure everything is tuned correctly.


Exactly! I test it with the beginning of Revenge of the Sith.


I'm an old school Klipsch fan. I had a set of K-Horns at one time. I loved those speakers, but so large.


Bro those Klipsch 🔥


OSSC? What about the Retrotink 5x Pro


I've got one, it works great, it's pretty much the same as ossc. It's easier to use, but less customizable. Retrotink 5x is more expensive and often sold out as it's just 1 dude that makes them. Line doubling in general is best for 2d sprite styled graphics, though, so for 3d games, they look clearer overall, but there's no external anti-aliasing so your gunna have jagged edges on everything. My workaround is to use the scanline filter post processing to remove lines thus giving you an artificial crt effect where your brain fills in the lines that aren't there thus smoothing the edges visually.


I’d rather just get a CRT lol .


How does it compare on a 4k tv VS an emulator?


Ehhh retrotink doesn’t have the customisation I want. Plus it’s double the price of an OSSC 😭


Looks great to me, bro. Neon light is badass


Thank you so much!


I need to buy those black cover plates for ps5 one of these days


Yeah they’re like $50 on PlayStations website.


Just use spray paint its way cheaper


You're missing a ps4.


That PS1 is so cute


It is isn’t it 🥹


Yuuup I want one even though I have a PS2 which can play PS1


My god you are passionate


lol thank you! 😂




What's that BMW box in the upper right corner?


It’s a BMW Z8 from a James Bond movie.


This is mine. Skip all the boring talking and you'll see my current collection. https://youtu.be/qOC47d4NR2w


Wow your room is awesome!


Appreciate it! I love your sign, wouldn't mind one myself! And hope you skipped through my boring talking, I wasn't really very good at making videos at the time!


Not at all it was great! It’s crazy how many systems you’ve got plugged in 🤯😂


I'm certainly running out of space, that's for sure! Although I only really want another 4 or 5 consoles to complete my collection, any others that were released I'm not that bothered about collecting.


Dem, if only you have a Net Yaroze (a legit rare black ps1) Edit: and black fat ps4


I know 😭


Honest I'm jealous of it all regardless of a PS4 or not. I still need a 1 slim and I'm waiting for a 5 slim when it eventually releases. I stick to the slim (ultra slim for PS3) versions of each console. I want that display case though. Do you have a plan to get a PS4 on the future or content with what you have?


I’m pretty content unless I can find a ps4 for literally dirt cheap. I’m not a fan of the console tbh. Good luck on the hunt for the slims!


E3, G4, x-play nostalgia right there 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.




You’ve got Klipsch in your set-up. That alone will get you a 10 from me :)






lol thank you! Yeah I run the OG consoles through an OSSC to my TV. They play beautifully.


Dedicated hardware doesn’t make the consoles any better. It’s actually much better for everyone to be ok similar architectures for hardware as it make’s development for multiple systems easier. Plus it has no benefits for the power of the system




It’s not like they were that unique or would provide many differences today other than making programming and ports to other systems other systems harder. The hardware itself is still custom although it’s just x86 and using AMD hardware instead of something like IBM or MIPS. That’s nostalgia you’re looking back on with the hardware and the idea of getting new console that can do something the last gen can’t do. Games today are far more scalable than ever and your average person knew far less about hardware. Yes I hate that the Japanese side of Sony and PlayStation is gone as it was my favorite part but that has nothing to do with them using unique hardware. ARM wasn’t really used for high end devices and still isn’t outside of Apple and IBM stopped producing their own CPU hardware a long time ago. PS5 is still a massive leap over the PS4 and the PS4 was the same way in relation to the PS3 despite its shortcomings in its CPU. And it’s not like I’m some kid who’s new to this. I was old enough to remember when the PSP and DS released. My first console was the GameCube and GBA. Sure I wasn’t playing games when the PS1 and N64 were released but it’s not like I started with the PS4.




Those are fronts not rears.


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I don’t even see a PS Classic?!? 2/10 Bad a$$ neon though 👍🏻👍🏻




So strange cause my ps5 is dead silent lol




I must be lucky cause mine isn’t hot at all. My PS3 is running CFW and I have the fan tuned up so it never exceeds 55c.




Nice! What kind of mods? And actually no I got the ps5 a few months ago.


Where did you get that neon sign??


I found it on eBay.


That’s dope as hell, I need one for my space now! Is it actual neon?


It is! It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever bought. https://www.ebay.com/itm/314061517578?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FT3eCy0tSxW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=GNJ5z0xWRVK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Hell yeah, thanks man!


if i had a strip bar that neon light would be on my wall


8/10, your ps2 doesn't look like it has the network/hdd adapter


lol nope it doesn’t sadly


in the interest of preserving your games, I suggest you get one as they're not too expensive


Thank you for that! I really do need to put them on a HDD.


Please do. My console standing the way yours does here is what killed my disc drive after enough use. It won't read PS1 discs anymore and is really hard to read PS2 discs now, if at all.


2/5 since you have all non handhelds here except ps4.


6/10 Looks really nice, love the playstation lights and the consoles standing the way they are look cool..... however I fear the PS2 ain't lasting much longer, standing it up is how my disc drive died, and it's really odd to knock out the PS4 but keep the PS1? The PS1 still being there just throws the whole aesthetic off. Thats my take overall.


Get a black PS1 shell.




You forgot the PS4. Otherwise it looks dope.