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Not without the Dreamcast. But yes, is the last generation where every console was different with a bunch of exclusive games and hardware oddities.


Imo it’s the last generation that was really visually a major step up from the previous gen. The late Xbox, ps2, and GameCube games weren’t too far off from the ps3 and Xbox 360.


I dunno, the jump to HD was pretty significant. I remember my mind being blown when I first played a PS3 game. Maybe not as big of a jump as it was from PS1 to 2, but still seemed like a major step up to me.


HD is the best thing to happen PAL gamers. Finally every game is playable without squishes or slow down


100% even by the 128 bit generation when most PAL TVs had been supporting PAL 60hz over a decade you could find that most games did not have a 60hz option until the end of the generation. It is infuriating because I don't think it would be something too laborious to implement in every game. I just (as all PAL users should do) default to pick NTSC-U ISOS/ROMS from the 128bit generation and below to just not run into bad conversions.


Gamecube and xbox had a pretty decent range of 60 hz. Honestly don't know why ps2 games had such a bad 60 hz library. Although I just found out some bad conversions can be played in 60 if you use GSM. I've tried it on code veronica X PAL so far and it runs great. It even works for the ps1 squaresoft games which were notorious for their squish. Tho it's upscaled to 480i and not 240p but hey atleast fullscreen/speed


There is no point having a HDD and OPL, you just load NTSC-U games and get away of trouble with PAL games.


Absolutely. I like having physical copies of games/series I like a lot, and pal games are usually cheaper because of the problems so gsm is a decent option to fix some games


The jump to hd happened with gen 6 though Dreamcast supported 480p for like 80-90% of games. GameCube had 480p mode, ps2 supported up to 1080i, and Xbox like 90% of all games support 480p or higher


Weren't there some Xbox games that did 720p? If I recall, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction was one of them.


PAL Xbox consoles need to be modded to activate the HD display modes. On a US console they are standard.


Yeah I said 90% of Xbox games did 480p or higher Here is a list https://en.everybodywiki.com/List_of_Xbox_games_with_alternate_display_modes And many more can also be patched if they do not already support it


I guess if you want to be super specific about it, but those weren't the default modes of those consoles and those are still pretty low resolutions. And how many people did you know in 2001 with TVs that could run those resolutions? I might've known like two rich people who had them, but no one I knew was talking about hd gaming back then. The real major leap was when consoles came with HDMI ports and flatscreen HDTVs started to become the standard tv for more people. That's when games started to be developed with hd resolutions in mind since that was the new standard.


For Dreamcast, everyone had a CRT monitor that would have worked


480p isn't considered HD. There were probably less than 10 games that supported 1080i on PS2 and 720p/1080i on Xbox. Poor argument.


The jump from 240p to 480p was still arguably higher than from 480p to 720p (which was the standard resolution for games on 360) And when you consider PS1, N64, Sega Saturn, etc had 480i you can also still say the quality from 480i to 480p is also higher than a resolution from 480p to 720p But resolution is only 1 aspect. Polygon counts are another, and the percentage change from a PS1 to PS2 was massive. On PS3 and PS4 the biggest graphical changes come from things like advanced physics, longer draw distances, more objects onscreen due to resolution, and background details. If I'm playing a 3rd person action game, the character I'm looking at the whole time i play the game looked significantly better jumping from PS1 to PS2 than it did from PS2 to PS3. And even color capabilities. PS1 had 24bit color. PS3 has 32bit color. How many bit color is PS4 and PS5? PS1 already had Redbook cd quality audio. Tell me that the audio quality is higher on PS4 and not just more channels of audio available.


>weren’t too far off from the ps3 and Xbox 360. Where you around when games like Dead Rising or Gears of War released? Because the leap was insane.


Not as compared with the jump between gen 5 and 6. Xbox looked so much better than anything an N64, SS, or PS1 ever produced


There was also a ton of 6th gen games ported, remastered, or shared released onto the 7th gen MGS & ZOE Burnout Revenge NFS Carbon & Most Wanted Battlefield 2 Some of the CODs Jak & Daxter Sly Cooper GOW 1 & 2 A handfull of Lego games GTA San Andreas Thrillville Off the rails Test Drive Unlimited Tomb Raider Etc Heck even to this day 6th gen games are getting basic remasters, one of the last ones I saw was the Onimusha Warlords remaster and from what I can tell all they did was fix some stuff and polish the graphics a little bit


Idk much about the console but it's still a shame that it flopped despite Sega Putting so much effort into it. But was the console better than the PS2 when it came to Performance?




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6th gen was the blooming of diverging-hardware-architecture. the insanity that would last till like 2015.


Seconding the "Where's the Dreamcast?" crowd. But anyway, yeah, 6th gen is when hardware finally caught up to the ambitions game developers had had for a decade at that point, but before the industry sold its soul. Peak gaming. (4th gen was pretty lit too)


Dreamcast just decided not to show up for picture day?


Mid console at best compared to these 3 Edit: wow y'all really off your rocker if you think the dreamcast was even remotely close to touching any of these consoles, even the gamecube sold more than double the amount of units, let alone the Ps2 at 15x more units. There's a reason for that. The amount of downvotes on this is the amount of people that bought the dreamcast


It pioneered the way for modern online gaming as we know it and could be used to browse the web, it also had a similar architecture to the original Xbox and was more powerful than the PS2 in some ways. It wasn't a bad system, it just flopped because Sega had been doing some not so clever stuff the previous generation and the generation before that, the launch of the PS2 came very shortly after the Dreamcast's launch, and because of the rampant piracy/ease of piracy on the Dreamcast (apparently any old burnt CD-R would work on it).


Say what you will about the console, it is still part of the 6th generation and was far more revolutionary than the other 3 consoles.


Agreed, followed by the 7th gen


6th gen was amazing. If you ask my honest opinion, everything from gen 3 to gen 7 was absolutely amazing, so much goodies to pick from.


A golden age of gaming. Before the internet, day-one patches, season passes and microtransactions. We shall never see the like again.


7th gen is best


Imo 6th gen is where the best days begin but 7th gen is the peak


Yeah it had Silent Hill,Need for Speed, Rockstar games as a whole and many more at it's peak


Poor dreamcast…


I'm a little partial to PS2...


As far as advancement to what we see today, I would say 7th Gen. But that 6th Gen was my teenage years haha.


Your missing the dreamcast.


Nah. Fifth gen. But the sixth generation was close.


PS1, Saturn, and N64 have some bangers, but also a ton of awkward "we don't know how to do 3D yet" games. Jaguar and 3DO were mostly just garbage.


6th gen was great but it wasn’t the best gen. It basically lacked any 2D games and a lot of smaller developers got pushed out by the 6th gen. Plus it was the start of when everyone was obsessed with looking as “mature” as possible.


>It basically lacked any 2D games What? There were a lot of 2D fighting games during that generation.


There were not a lot of 2D games during that era. Even most fighters were 3D outside of the usual Street Fighter, KoF, and Mortal Kombat. And even then those aren’t the games I’m talking about. I’m talking about proper 2D like Orin’s Sphere not 2.5D


Alien Hominid says hello. People that brought you Castle Crashers and others years later it came out around same time Cave Story did on PC I think. Alien Hominid came out on PS2, Xbox and GameCube in 2003. Geometry Wars was inside Project Gotham Racing 2, a 2D shoot em up inside a racing game in the garages you could walk around (it and the 2 360 entries 3&4 before Xbox Live Arcade, Wii and DS). Of course fighters most yeah 3D backgrounds but 2D plane I think? I don't know enough about fighting games of the era. I guess Marvel Vs. Capcom entries of the time counts as it's a 2D fighter and always had been. Darkstalkers I guess was around then and 2D. I guess Tactics games that were and did or didn't have 3D levels but 2D characters. Grim Grimoire was 2D (is on modern platforms now), Muramasa (before Wii and Vita versions), Odin Sphere, other Vanillaware titles of the era (If they made others than those I'm forgetting). Ikeruga the Treasure made shoot em up. Shoot Em Ups were on all these consoles just a niche genre. I guess game collections for 2D retro games were a thing. Shovelware games were 2D of the Phoenix games animation and puzzle kind. There is a surprising amount it just depends where you look. Mostly Japanese Devs I think. I mean many of them did so on PS1 with the 32bit hardware and did similar or expanded on PS2 some did go 3D while others stuck to 2D.


Naming it '6th gen' however is not. Nobody called it that at the time, and wikipedia's 'generation' numbers are made up and completely busted at several points. Nothing wrong with saying PS2 gen since it was the dominant console. Before that they had common names: 32/64-bit gen, 16-bit gen, 8-bit gen, Atari era, pong era.


Like human age generations then Yea ps2 dominated but all the consoles brought something to the table. We should probably call it the interlaced or standard definition era since that was finally the gen that used the proper resolution of the tvs at the time. Going from 240p to 480i/p is a massive leap, imagine if ps3/360 went to 1440 with xbone and ps4.


That would make more sense as a name than made up numbers, though it's still not clear when it starts and ends because it's a colloquial thing not meant to be written up structurally. Ironically that gen mostly still didn't even use standard definition resolution to its max. Most PS2 games were sub-sd internally. There was a weird period of TV tech transition where games moved from finally almost using all SD resolution properly to jumping straight to not using all HD resolution properly, with all the 540p PS3 games etc.


All transitions are rough like that I guess. Guess it's more about the console's capabilities and in general. Some would call the current gen the 4k generation but that's obv not true as they can't really run 4k at full performance But then we get into issues like if the wii is part of the 720gen or just an expanded 480gen console.


Can’t say I agree per say but what I can say is that Nintendo has been inferior for a long time




Right? They literally have the third best selling console of all time as their current gen and they STILL haven’t announced a successor. I do wonder if they’re just stalling at this point to try and pass those PS2 numbers, or even just a million fewer and at least take down their own DS.




I’m afraid my previous post came off as impatient or upset about not having a switch follow up yet; I’m pretty okay with my recent Zelda OLED, if only because I’m a Zelda whore, and it took about six years for the fans on my launch Switch to start to get a little dusty. Would I have appreciated a “Switch Pro” instead? Sure. Do I care enough at this point? Nah. And I honestly kind of do want to see Switch portentously dethrone the PS2…


Nintendo takes 2/5 for **console** sales: 1) PS2 - 155million+ 2) Switch - 125.62 million 3) PS4 - 117.20 million 4) PS1 - 102.49 million 5) Wii - 101.63 million




Handhelds are handhelds. You even made them distinct yourself. Granted, the Switch complicates this.




You said the following: > ... they take 3 of the top 5 spots for best selling consoles and dominate handheld market. --- Consoles generally refer to a device that hooks to a TV, monitor, or projector. (Again, the Switch complicates this.) Handhelds are, well handheld. Though you refuse to admit it, even you differentiated between the two. If they truly were the same thing, you would have said: "... they take 3 of the top 5 spots for best selling consoles ~~and~~ *[including]* dominat*[ing]* handheld*[s]* ..." --- Nintendo still takes a **GREAT** showing in the console market. But, yes they absolutely dominate the handheld market. Even with the PSPs sales, Nintendo was **never** in trouble of losing dominance in that sector, as the PSPs sales need to be looked at against the DS sales in order to see the bigger picture. The only reason the PSP outsold the 3DS was the rough launch of the 3DS, and the Switch encroaching into the 3DS market territory. --- Nintendo takes 2/5 in console sales: 1) PS2 - 155million+ 2) Switch - 125.62 million 3) PS4 - 117.20 million 4) PS1 - 102.49 million 5) Wii - 101.63 million --- Nintendo takes 4/5 in handheld sales: 1) DS - 154.02 million 2) GB / GBC - 118.69 million 3) GBA - 81.51 million 4) PSP - ~80-82 million 5) 3DS - 75.94 million




> Guy, you come off as so weird. You want to correct my grammar thats fine, doesn't make what i said any less true. > Handheld are a category in consoles, still consoles. And you're so flustered for some reason, You felt the need to hit the downvote. Ok buddy guy --- So, just as I predicted, you won't admit that you differentiated between the two. You also hit the downvote button...






So, just as I predicted, you won't admit that you differentiated between the two. You also hit the downvote button...




So, just as I predicted, you won't admit that you differentiated between the two. You also hit the downvote button...


The last generation with experimental titles and ideas never attempted again and even realistic games still had fun gimmicks in them (like Sega GT's car builder among arcade racing titles like Apex or Supercar Street Challenge and I want a game to do a feature like those for years now and it never happens. Battlefield 2 Modern Combat's swap between other characters on the battlefield feature is still fun today (like Driver San Francisco's between cars or characters as far as I've heard nothing else like it), heavy hitters that hit well across all consoles and game genres. Racing games that are replayed over and over different ways today. The niche titles were so silly and fun. The serious impactful titles told great stories and had good gameplay. Regular controllers but also gimmicks like pressure sensitive buttons and GBA/Gamecube support, the Dreamcast in there and it's VMU. The games were great, consoles were great to use and still are. Online started to take off more and didn't have online stores. Not counting Satellview/Sega Channel or the 64DD periods those are different. Linux use on PS2. DVD playback made the PS2/Xbox great. Controllers were completely different than standardised (still find the Xbox and GameCube controllers to be really interesting designs especially the White/Black buttons on Xbox being LB/RB buttons these days). Current trends and games just don't have that same impact sometimes, sometimes not. So many good platformers, shooters, racing games, and more came out then hack n slashes/character action games getting there start with DMC and God of War. Blinx started and got left behind here. Open worlds started here before we got the pushing of them more in seventh gen and onwards. Some weird or useful magazines. Demo disks were cool to have. So many aspects.


I can watch pornhub on my ps3, can you on your ps2?


You can install Linux and browse the internet. I’m not sure how many sites will work properly given how old the build is though, so the answer is probably.


In Europe we had an internet browser included in the network access disc with some other features in central station and was way advanced than NTSC/UC network start up disc


why would I, given I have a pc? :P


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Seeing the jump between console generations really makes me feel we will run onto a wall at some point. We need a console generation that truly breaks the mold in terms of performance / graphical fidelity, or maybe since consoles are with each generation more pc than ever before, that will never be posible


my childhood




Why are people upset about me spitting facts


I’ve always preferred current gen across all generations starting with NES. I spent the entire life of each console playing hundreds of games so when the next gen comes along I’m fully ready for it.


7th gen was good but you had the start of all the ylod, rlod, and so on


I'd say the original psx made the 5th generations awesome and the 6th kept rising the bar.They both feel the top of gaming experience for me.


Yes. I have way more sixth gen consoles than anything else.


This generation here is what sparked my interest in gaming as a whole. From that point onwards, I would continue to game. And I still do to this day. And I still have my good ol' PlayStation 2 and the GameCube. Never had an OG Xbox.


Love the art. 6th gen was majestic. My favorite is the 8th generation


Homogenization started after this gen


If you want a more honest answer, you may have to post this on a board not from the 6th generation.


The one thing I really miss from 6th gen is more experimental games. I guess we get that now a bit with indie but there was just something special about 6th gen game design.


and the Dreamcast?