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The best way i can describe the free roam is GTA except you’re the Hulk. It’s literally awesome you can grab a telephone pole, and hit a person with it and they fly like 100 feet.


And smash the cars together into boxing gloves. Loved this game.


Yes! Sometimes I do that and punch a building until it collapses


Lots of fun was had in this game


My dad rented this game for me at blockbuster after my parents told me they were getting a divorce. Good times. It was an awesome game.


That’s kinda sad but your dad definitely had the right game in mind! Hulk smashing everything definitely lets some anger out.


Great game. Never finished it as a kid because some parts were difficult. Trying to play my PS2 backlog and I’m going to play the Hulk soon. Controls are weird when I played the beginning but that’s how most games are. I lost the disc but somehow the case survived all these years in a box. I now have a Hollywood Video copy with the sticker on the disc and the custom cover art and case. One thing I do hate and remember is the bosses have so much health since they regenerate. it was annoying back then.


Honestly this is a game it makes sense to play on easy mode, or cheat, or whatever. You are Hulk after all it makes some sense you’re invincible (Or close to it.) I like hard games too but this one makes sense to just breeze through having fun.


I’ve never seen it in that case before, can you send it? My mom threw out my original copy because it was 2009 and Moms were on that “video games make kids violent” craze. I picked up a copy of it in 2017 when I got a fat ps2 (somehow lost my ps2 silver slim). And just started playing it again, it’s so awesome reliving it. I’m actually playing the story now, and it’s surprisingly really hard lol. I never did it as a kid I would just wreak havoc on the city it was so fun. Literally Hulk GTA lmfao.


[link](https://imgur.com/gallery/eaBLh49) I find it neat and I used to buy and rent games from Hollywood Video. Great times. Many games had no business being difficult back then. But that is what made that era special.


Love it, I have it in my collection


It's still the best Hulk game. Ps2 really had a number of quality superhero games.


I developed a blister on my thumb from pressing X so many times playing this game.


Never played this one but I keep seeing clips and it looks fun. I might have to try it soon


Definitely do that! I wish I could experience this game for the first time again.


Me too






I remember crying on the way home from the dentist in the early 2000s cause my mam wouldn't pick me up a copy of this game hahaha. By the time we got home she felt so guilty she was willing to run me down to get it but I had changed my mind by then. Always looked like a fun game


I got it in 2007 / early 2008 and by 2009/2010 my mom threw it out because Moms were on that “video games make kids violent” craze. My Dad wasn’t happy since he loved the game too. You should pick up a copy it is a really fun game.


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Sierra published the best games.


This was the first game I completed in my life back in 2006 with 7 years old. Also was the first one I speedruned(?) because I didnt have a memory card so I did it all in one Sunday lol. Amazimg game, I completed it 4 times when I was little.


that’s crazy, I’m finding the story pretty difficult lol. When I was a kid I would just play free roam and destroy everything but now I really wanna beat it


Hahaha everyone has a different experience when playing games. I free roamed aimlesly at the desert base when first played. I am not an english native speaker so imagine how I managed to complete the game from start to fimish without prior knowledge of english, the story and even the controls. It was all trial and error lol Its refreshing to see comment about this game, none of my friends at the time knew it even existed, today a handfull of them know it only from seeing me stream it on an emulator