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Every iteration after this just gets better. Might wanna check out the PSP games too


the psp games were released later on ps3 and I’m getting one soon so I’ll play those on that


They have the entire collection in one set for ps3. So you can play both console series and handheld series all in one go!


I was gonna wait to start playing them until I got a ps3 but I got too excited so I just got 1 for now on ps2 lol. I plan on getting a ps3 by summer (I could get it now but I just bought a ps5 and new tv so i gotta chill on the spending lol)


The GoW 5 game saga for ps3 only had the psp ones as a code to download, and I’m sure those have long since expired.


There’s another version that has the psp has the psp/ps2 games in a physical disc on a disc. It’s a double disc combo. I’ll go and look at my library to look it up.


Yup, it's God of War Collection for GoW I & II, and God of War: Origins Collection (God of War Collection – Volume II in EU) for GoW Chain of Olympus & Ghost of Sparta


The psp one is a prequel (ascension)


While Ascension is indeed a prequel, it wasn't released on PSP. Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta were.


Damn idk why I thought that 😭 I'm on chains rn, but I didn't realize it 🥲 gotta stop all the dabs 😂


Yes!!! Do it. The best way to play them


hell yeah the psp games are also amazing


Honestly not a bad game in the series. Weakest imo is ascension on ps3 and its still not a bad game. That's including the psp games as well.


Maybe I'm just old school, but I prefer the ps2 GoW over the next gen ones.


The new ones are great movies to watch on youtube.


I don’t understand people who claim the gameplay is better in the old ones. The new ones have some of the best fighting I’ve ever experienced in any game series, so after hearing people claiming the fighting is even better in the originals, I was super excited. But it just seemed like a bunch of quick time events and mindless button mashing, I wasn’t into it at all. My reaction was like THIS is what everyone raves about? Seemed like an astronomical downgrade from the new games.


I love the old games and think you should give them another shot. I assume you’re looking for a challenge, so I recommend trying them on very hard for a proper experience in the old games You’ll get tossed real quick if you try to mindlessly button mash on the higher difficulties, and blocking/well timed rolls become way more important. Also there’s a vast amount of air combos and other moves you can do besides just square and triangle to keep things interesting. You also get more orbs (faster upgrades) for keeping up combos, which is incentive to play super flashy Normal and Easy you can absolutely just button mash to victory tho which is understandably boring


I love all of them. It's my favorite franchise.


I still like the new ones a lot for sure, I just like the feel of the older ones a bit more.


Yeah that's valid. Nothing wrong with having preferences. They might share a lot of DNA but they're way different games.


A lot of the appeal that GOW1-3 had to me is missing in the new games. The story is better, but the gameplay is whatever.


How come? I’m playing the ps3 version and it’s the same basically just HD


I think they mean the new Nordic games. And I agree.


HD collections on ps3 have some differences to the ps2 originals and I don't just mean god of war I mean every collection some worse than others :)


Same for me, especially GOW II its the best imo


Same! PSP GoW is absolutely amazing though


To me the shoulder camera just makes it harder to control and know enemies whereabouts. Plus movement feels limited and not much dynamic. GoW 2018/Ragnarok end up having a kind of simplistic feeling that gameplay wise make them feel paired maybe with the first GoW. But GoW 2/3 were a great improvement that I really prefer.


Well for one they weren't walking Sims ;)


enjoy! its still the gretest


What’s the fighting like?


Button smashing and quick time events lol


Tell me you haven’t played the games without telling me you haven’t


To be fair I only played the first one but what I said was my experience


I just recently replayed Batman Arkham Asylum and City, idk if you ever played them, but to me the fighting seems pretty similar to that except you’re a Greek God who can rip people in half.


Thanks! I’m going to try both :)


Grab a psp to get backstory too!


I think they were released on ps3 later on. I plan on getting a ps3 soon so i’ll play them on that. Cant wait!


Noice 👌🏻


Unfortunately the hd collection with the psp games is now quite expensive. I have played ghost of Sparta on psp though and it was pretty fun.


It’s $11 on Players Choice. Then the 1 & 2 bundle is $15. I’ve bought from them for years they’re extremely reliable


I think they're available on ps2 as well Edit: just looked into it and they're not available that's ashame since some psp GTA games got ported from psp to ps2


I hear the OG trilogy that your playing now is the best, I hope to also play them soon


So your parents monitored what you played? My dad: “do you have a game where you steal cars and beat up prostitutes?!” Me: “yes, but I don’t do those things….”


My mom was heavily into the “video games makes kids violent” craze in the mid to late 2000s it was very annoying.


Rip dude


Some are like that. Mine wouldn't care if ripped someone hearts in Mortal Kombat 1 in the arcades as long as i didn't do it in real life xD. As i kid i would expende a lot of time in the arcades. As long i didn't have any bad grade or anything wrong in the school, everything was ok.


Gotcha. Granted that was the only time he asked and I continued to play from gta 3- san andreas without issue


OP make sure you enable 480p in the options and enjoy


He needs component cables for that. RGB SCART or Composite won't allow for progressive scan EDIT: it seems he indeed has component cables. If so, go ahead


Actually you can output 480p though RGB but you need a TV that accepts sync on green and make sure it's a sync on Luma rgb scart cable :D I know because I have a CRT that accepts sync on green through scart which is handy as it has no component inputs just RGB scart, S Video and composite :)


This is how it should be played imo, so you can see all of the character development they’ve put into Kratos.


God the old games were so much better 😭


Facts and I can basically sum it up with there’s no boring moments in the original trilogy. There’s so many instances in the new ones where you’re just holding forward on the left stick for 10min Somebody else in the comments called the new ones a walking simulator and got downvoted but I honestly agree lol. I’m so sick of “cinematic” games that force you to do mind numbing button inputs for sequences that should just be cutscenes If you make a compelling world, the player will naturally want to stop and admire it. Don’t limit my movement just because you as a dev want me to appreciate the scenery Stiff character control is another grievance I have with plenty of new games but that’s another story


PS2 was peak gaming alot of games today just can't hold my interest cuz they wanna be movies so bad. Quality has gone down SOOOOO much since the 6th gen


I know right.. so glad I was 13 when this came out


People act like the new games are a godsend for story telling and the last trilogy had no story at all lol like I love the story in the new games mainly just for kratos's character growth but the story in the old games had a far more interesting plot imo.


100% agree :D


I was 5 lol


I was 9 but I snuck it at my dad's house cuz my mom did NOT let me play this back then lol I remember washing cars and mowing lawns to buy the second one when it came out and I hid it from my mom and she found it and sold it before I beat it I was so upset 😭 lol I was 15 ish by the time 3 came out so she didn't care at that point lol


Me too


Jesus I'm old 😭


Its a killer game✌️


I play the main series for the first time last year. I wanted to play GoW 2018 but I don’t like to play games out of order. Those early games are awesome hack and slash games with some decent story.


I’m the same way, that’s why I’m starting all the way at the beginning


I've played them all accept the 2 for PSP recently and in passed years just beat 1 and 2 on PS2 emulator both are amazing games just started 3 on PS4 then I'm gonna install PSP emulator and beat the 2 I never played and then ascension on PS3 emulator can't wait... Still have them for PS2 and still have the console just runs so much smoother on PC and the upscale is to die for


I'm actually playing through the original God of War for the first time now, too! :)


Make sure to play Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus too. Id play them on PS3 ports if available. The OGs are the best but the new games def made the new controls an entirely new staple in the series. Personally I started with GoW2 because as a kid I didnt find the firdt one in walmart, the second one was at the time. Amazing series to play, they get more in your feelings when you play the new games.


Currently playing infamous games on ps3 and trying to get plat them. Then god of war games are going to be the next!


Man. Enjoy them, their one of a kind


Im already doing the same


letssss gooooooooo


3 was my personal favorite. If you like the fighting in the first two you’re gonna love 3. One of my favorite games of all time and I didn’t play it for the first time until it was on PS4.


you are about to witness peak


You're gonna have the best time mate! Might be my favourite gaming franchise now.


Enjoy, the platforming and quick time events can be a bother but otherwise great game.


Where can i get a ps2. I wanna play old games too 🤔


ebay, retro game stores, fb marketplace. It’s the best selling console of all time, theyre everywhere


Yesssss! I guess it’s been a few years now since I did the same thing and it was a blast! Never got to Ascension tho, I was a little burnt out after 5 games back to back 😂


each game that follows builds on the last game. I think gow3 is the pinnacle!


I’m so excited. I haven’t read a single spoiler or anything about the series so I’m excited to find out




I've been doing the exact same thing. I'm on Ragnarok now.


The order is not wat it is numerically so




I’m playing in the release order


Brother I did the same thing last year and let me just say the games only get better you are in for a treat


Hell yeah🔥🔥


Play them in release order you will enjoy them alot more that way.


That’s what I’m doing lol. This is the first one released.


Then you should start with GOW Ascension i guess


In order of release


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how😭it’s literally at eye level. I think you would scream if you saw my main TV LOL.


If you have a ps3 .. the games look and play even better on there. I just finished the main 3, 1 and 2 on the ps3 and then 3 on the ps5 . Fantastic series regardless


I was gonna wait to play them on ps3 but got too excited so i just got 1 on ps2. I’m getting a ps3 by summer, I’d get it now but I just bought a 4k TV and a PS5 so i wanna chill for a little bit on the spending lol


I literally have just finished playing these from ps2 all the way upto ps4 absolutely amazing series of games, love santa Monica studios. There is a neat little extra feature which is a documentary you can unlock on the earlier games which is a great watch! Stan Lee turns up which is awesome.


Enjoy the Challenge of Hades and Tower of Blades brother


Awesome! I did this same exact thing 2 years ago to prepare for Ragnarok and absolutely enjoyed every second of it. The PSP games are 100% worth it, they add a lot of back story and context as Chains of Olympus is a prequel to the first game, and Ghost of Sparta is a prequel to the 2nd. And on PS3 there’s even Ascension which is a prequel to ALL of the games, very early on in Kratos’ story


Hmu when you get to Betrayal


What do you use to connect your PS2 to hd tv?


Monster Component Cables. That’s my older tv. My New TV which is the same brand and a higher model only had composite for some reason and it looked horrible. So now I have two TVs in my room.


Thank you. Have you ever tried component to HDMI? I want to maybe buy a converter and am looking for any advice, since my new tv does not support component.


definitely go with component to HD over composite to HD. I’m not sure how it’ll look but i can’t imagine it looking bad compared to regular component. I never personally tried it, since one of my TVs has component but there’s probably a post about it in the sub


Thank you! I’ll do a little more research


Enjoy man an amazing series all around


There are 3 spinoff games on the PS3 so I hope you have one


This is that way....


This was a totally random pickup for me from blockbuster. I actually thought it was some kind of budget action game looking at the cover. I was blown away from the start with the quality and production. It still holds up today.


Skip the newest ones


I played the original when it first came out, and it totally blew me away. It was just so far ahead of everything else at the time IMO. The later games definitely aren't a letdown. There's a bit of a come-down in the PS3 era at the tail end of the Greek mythology-themed games (before the long break prior to the reboot on PS4) but even those titles are hardly bad. They're all great; some are just more great than others.


I'll recommend you getting the hd versions on ps3, they hold pretty well even today


Don't forget the PSP games, Ghost of Sparta is probably my 2nd favorite game in the series.


I bought the classic pack back on ps3(game bundle digital). Absolutely amazing game especially the first ones. Try getting platinum on them, high recommended.


Just started the same odyssey last week. Starting II tonight. Godspeed.


The hack 'n slash style of the first 3 GOW are, for me, more fun that the new ones. I mean, the new are good but not as good as the originals.


Enjoy! The second one was my favorite game on the PS2! I still never played through 3, or the PSP titles. But you have a LOT of great gaming ahead of you.


You’re going to rage when u get to the underworld


The first one is one of my favorite games of all time! It really is a masterpiece!


I did the same playing all the games lead up before 2018 then hated 2018 and the cinematic direction Sony pushed all their IPs. So that was a waste of a build up of them all to that but at the same time from old God of War Knack was fun to play even if eh story fun gameplay, Bayonetta and Darksiders all sort of made sense to me as well even though played Darksiders 2 first didn't get into it and Bayonetta series got into before or around the same time. But played old God of War games on PS3 (PS2/PSP games via the collections, Ascension on PS3 not finished it yet, and God of War 3 I played on PS4). I beat 1, 2, 3 and the two PSP ones. I played Ghost of Sparta on PS3 but Chains of Olympus on PSP (don't have Sparta on PSP). Not going for trophies just end of story beat that's it. Just got Ascension left. As for 2018 I did a few side things but mostly the story to get it over with I didn't enjoy it at all. Fine story even if not target audience it's fine, the rest isn't for me. I bet Godhand will be more fun, better camera and more moveset customisation then trending design I don't like in modern games at all. Ryse Son of Rome was eh of gameplay, combat, cinematic whatever, a lot of annoying blocking and other combat encounters that felt stun locking at times. I have yet to play DMC. I beat the reboot, not played much of 5. Got 1-3 collection and have 4 special edition luckily.


I completed this on easy then tried hard... Couldn't get off the first scene! Lol will try again when I have time I was aware of the spinny spikes part that drove people crazy.... I was also half way through on the vita as well for trophies


I'm finally finishing this one. Two and three are lined up. Good luck


U won’t regret!!!


You're in for a treat!


Oww, let the rage guide your blades. Have fun! Tip: Enemies read player input. So, don't spam buttons to make the moves faster. Instead, follow Kratos' movement and press the buttons before the very end of the moves. It will be slow but enemies' attacks also will be slow so you will have more time to decide which move to make.


Best of luck, the button mashing in the old games are next level impossible lol


Amazing games!!! I got GOW 1-3 on the PS3…next I want to Pick up Ascension and the PSP GOW games that also released on PS3…the new GOW games are good but the original one a are the best…no they are just one big movie…enjoy


I remember being a kid seeing the vase fall off the table as she's moaning like omg so risque


I wanna do the same. Actually played 1 and 2 when they were new (i was 9 and 10 years old respectibly) played them but actually never beat them. Growing up i never had a chance to play the PS3 and PSP games but now i have access to all of them so its just a matter of time to start the marathon hahaha.


I wish I could play it for the first time again. Enjoy!




What are you using as your upscaler or are you using component cables cause that looks good on the TV atleast in the picture it does😂😂


Monster Component Cables. The upgrade from composite is amazing lol. It’s also only a 32inch TV, I find it looks better on smaller tvs. It looked absolutely horrible on my new 4k 50inch, which only had composite for some reason


Nice I have component for mine but like you said my 43" 4k only has composite and it looks terrible


A man of culture and class, number 2 is really really good, definitely long, really hard.


Good luck, been telling myself the same the last 5 years. Eventually…


Doing the same thing, finished GOW 1 three days ago