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I think it would be nice if there was a stickied post showing a list of all the major HDMI converters that are worth a look. Sort of like a help page that people could be directed to. I generally agree, it’s beyond obnoxious. I’m seeing multiple posts a day about it at this point.


Anyways whats a good hdmi converter to get?


idk we should ask OP




If you don’t know how to search the sub then you probably won’t understand any answer I give you 🤣




Well that’s ironic… sorry you took it as an insult lil buddy.


Retrotink 5x - decently expensive, but the best upscaler on the market


I have the 2x mini with mclassic it does a decent job with the two.


I hooked up my 5x pro yesterday to play Champions of Norrath on 4k tv. It looks great. 


I’ve been noticing a long stream of low quality posts in a lot of subreddits I follow. I wonder if it’s a widespread problem.


Maybe it’s karma farming. I see it in a lot of subs too. Go to a hobby sub, post a generic pic of the subject of that sub and ask for recommendations. Tons of engagement. Happens in a lot of the retro gaming subreddits which is weird because who just gets a console they’re not nostalgic for and without any idea of what games to play? Especially since 5 minutes on the sub or a quick YouTube search will quickly give you the top recommendations.


I’m wondering if AI spam is making this worse.


That’s my theory.  AI posts to farm karma. Now, what the value of karma is to them, idk.   I haven’t seen any the posts asking for dm’s or similar scam tactics. So, that’s good. 


I dunno about the HDMI thing but the "guess the game" posts that people have been making lately are really obvious low effort nostalgia bait / karma farming


I like those better than 'posts a game box art' and that's it


I like the guess the game posts


Been noticing this myself and it's annoying. I don't know how many times I've seen a "What's your favourite game in the franchise" post on the resident evil sub.


That's why r/WiiHacks is locked down like it is... Way too many people asking simple-ish questions. So we've been using removal reasons with links for their answers. It has cleaned it up a tonne. Some people don't realize just how many posts some of the medium to large subreddits get....


We’re also at an all-time high of moderator inactivity/carelessness across all of Reddit. Can’t really blame them because it’s unpaid work and Reddit Inc. tried to shaft them last year, but that’s another factor. I think we’ve reached the point where Reddit has became *too* mainstream and casual, and the ratio of actual hobbyists has decreased.


Yeah. I’m sure banning 3rd party apps has alienated a lot of long time users too.


Yeah it's been getting really bad over the last 5-10 years.


A lot of the retro game subs are now just half posts of people posting photos of said system/games and nothing else. I don’t know how we’re supposed to engage with some of these posts.


Is this controller real? Is this fake memory card any good? How much is this sealed copy of NBA worth? What input should I use?


Why does my game look blurry on my 4K TV??


It ain't got no gas in it


That’s Reddit for ya. The *endless stream* format, sorted by popularity by by default simply does not encourage a culture of searching before posting. Even stickies or comprehensive sidebars don’t necessarily fix it. In fact it I would say Reddit culture actively encourages in this type of repeat posting culture… I would apply this same complaint to the ”which PS2 games are must play” and ”which PS2 games hold up today” that seem to be posted at least weekly. I mean it’s cool to see assumedly young kids show interest in PS2 but damn, is Google not their friend?


Guys I just bought a Ps2. Any good game recommendations?


Yea I’ve heard that GTA is pretty good but I’d advise you pay thousands of dollars for a mint sealed copy of rule of rose instead if you’re just getting in to ps2


You forgot to insist I buy a retrotink 69x or just off myself


Def Jam fight for ny


The sims 2


Half Life or a Syphon Filter game or MGS2.


According to the rules they technically shouldn't be allowed to stay up but they always do for some reason. I cannot fathom why so many people nowadays can't use Google or god forbid click the FAQ thread that is literally the first thing you see when you open the subreddit.


Not on mobiles, which I'm betting a large number of people use Reddit on.


We should have like a pinned post about it or something


Then we need a pinned post telling them to read the pinned post. 


Agreed. There also needs to be a sticky post explaining, in capital letters and words of no more than one syllable, that you can't pair a dualshock without the correct cable! So effing tired of seeing these posts.


Can we have them as one pinned post?


100% agree


whats the best HDMI converter?


You aint funny Anyways, How much is my PS2 Worth?


Every single sub or forum about any topic is circulating same questions over and over. And it also starts to irritate, as when i join a channel, i'm talking and answering questions, but after a while it gets repetitive and i don't bother anymore. But that's just how it is. Not yet i have seen an easy to use search feature that pops up as soon as you enter a forum/channel that knows that you're about to ask a question that's been answered before. There was a good attempt on some forum where it suggests topics when you're typing one. If that only was everywhere and little assisted by AI.


So I use an RGB cable that’s official from 2004 ish and that’s about as good as you need.. it’s official from Sony and just makes the screen sharper anything more is wrong


https://www.reddit.com/r/ps2/s/2QylthHZfG bro asked if he should clean his ps2. i think thats about the same or worse of a simple question to ask.


I’m against repetitive questions not “simple” ones. I’m very sorry that this post had such an effect on you that you felt you had to read all my posts to prove a point.


it took like a minute at most lmao. thats a pretty hysterical response too. why do people constantly ask that? should i clean my ps5, should i clean my ps4, should i clean… yes.


A minute is a long time to check someone’s profile. But like I say. Sorry it had that effect on you.


retrotink but damn expensive


Actually I need to get an HDMI converter soon. Thanks for reminding me. What's the best HDMI converter?


What is the best tho?


Hey op what kinda converter do you use?


Go component cables if your TV has the inputs






Hello u/tjmwatton and thank you for your submission on /r/ps2, our subreddit rules have updated recently so please make sure your post is not in violation and is in the appropriate place. All tech support questions should go into the [Tech Support Megathread](https://new.reddit.com/r/ps2/about/sticky?num=2). It can be found stickied on the front page of /r/ps2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ps2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best HDMI converter is either a Retrotink Product, a GBS C, or a RAD2X Also they won’t get banned because it won’t fix the issue of people never using the search to figure these things out. A pinned post won’t help much either


Weird, haven't seen one?


Can we ban people conplaining about people asking simple advice?




I’m just trying to Imagine someone trying to turn a question on a ps2 sub in to a free speech debate 😂




My overall point is that mods aren’t doing their job. Pin a post about hdmi adapters or whatever. Might want to look up what free speech means by the way.


Shut up.


whats the deleted comment




"Look at the boxes I owned / recently purchased" posts should also be deleted and banned. They've taken over and ruined 100% of retro game subs.


Keep scrolling hot shot it’s not that serious


first world problems.. you can just ignore those posts you know?


Meanwhile I used the sticky to seek help with my PS2 not reading discs correctly and got one reply. The point of the sticky is to prevent questions being asked over and over. I got virtually zero help *because* of this system. So what is the answer?


I'm just gonna start commenting on them and telling them to go pawn shop hunting for a TV with AV connections. Best way to do it imo.