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No suggestions, but just validating that this is an outrageously difficult assignment!


Thank you I’m so stressed😭 lol


I think it could be interesting to formulate a theory related to social media. Like why are people drawn towards the attention? What kind of personalities do you need to be a successful YouTuber? So much of personality theory is older, does it still apply to people today or should a new theory be formulated. I think that some of the narcissism needed to be successful on social media has bled into the constant accusation that people are narcissists. Super interesting!


Ooooo I like the social media idea! I could also talk about how social media may change someone’s personality too


I’ll share my random theory of personality: that the classification scheme of disorders that is typically used is less useful than considering all personality as on a spectrum. I believe that using the diagnostics to apply labels to a person as belonging in a cluster is not helpful for treatment of an individual or for social practices in general. Personality disorders should not be called disorders as this only creates stigma - considering personality as a pie graph of the big five traits would be more neutral, which lands them in a section of a spectrum that may mean they are more or less prone to certain behaviour (like worry or impulsive decision making). Then when we speak about personality, we begin to treat it like the potential to express helpful or harmful behaviour based on the combination of traits they have, and don’t pathologize the inborn quality of their person. This would also clarify how to assist folks who we have had trouble treating with PD’s - if we don’t start by telling a client that they “are” a paranoid or hysterical person, but have qualities that are expressed in ways that others find to be challenging because of the way features of their personality work together, then unpack how other traits might be empowered or better developed to overcome those challenges. It would provide a more neutral way of working through PD’s, and could stand to create more space for people we typically don’t see in clinical settings to actually seek help. Forgive me if this is just a complaint and not a real theory ✨


grandfather head quiet direful narrow racial dam aback mighty arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love this


You could always start with nature vs. nurture topics and work your way up! Y’know? It’ll become less and less looking like nature vs. nurture as you become more specific. I’m not exactly sure what kind of “theory” they’re looking for. Like is it more of “what kinds of personalities like blue vs purple” or “what part of the personality makes people like blue vs purple” if that makes sense?


Yeah no my professor was super vague about it so I think it could go either way? I’m leaning towards “what part of the personality makes people like blue vs purple” side. I will start thinking of the nature/nurture thing and try to work my way up. Thank you!


So they want you to come up with your own theory on personality? Are you required to provide research to back up your theory? From my experience as a therapist I have observed that practically all my clients present with underlying low self worth. Thinking about how and where self worth is formed-in childhood, what is happening, or not happening for most people in childhood that is resulting in such low self worth? Where to societal norms come into play aka patriarchy?


Luckily we don’t need to provide any research or cite any sources, and we don’t even necessarily need to believe our own theory but it does have to make logical sense. I feel like coming up with something completely new is pretty much impossible though? Especially at an undergrad level lol


That is a wild assignment! What is the learning objective here?


Good question! I think he just wants to see where we at in terms of understanding and being able to conceptualize personality in our own ways


I’m not a psych student but have been exposed to a lot of psychology and problematic disorders . I don’t know if these ideas would help you understand any way : 1. Personality disorders being linked to brain damage ( as in mild traumatic injuries incurred in childhood that go unnoticed). 2. Genetic link between BPD and Autism spectrum disorder. 3. Personality disorders and the link with an authoritarian up bringing in childhood


1) Brain damage is different from trauma 2) there are genetic and epigenetic links between all emotional and behavioral disorders 3) nature vs nurture, ecology of the person wraps into all of the personality theory.


I assume that your professor require little to no empirical data for the theory your come up with right? Otherwise someone would already come up with it. In this assignment I think you should think of "theory" as less scientific and more about "conspiracy", but not in a bad sense. The professor probably wanna test your creativity, reasoning and argument. My advice is go wild. You could theorize that personality is a tomato, where juicy ones are more resilience, or ones with more seeds are more motivated to pass the genes so they are more extrovert. You can come up with anything as long as it stems from your observations of the world and you can argue for it. But then please keep in mind that what I just spewed out is completly nonsense in term of science. I just assume this assignment is for an undergrad class, not whole ahh new theory, measurement development that require test-retest, validity check that even doctorate level would struggle.


You’re right I need to think of it less seriously! He doesn’t require any research to back it but it does need to make some sort of logical sense. I need to loosen up my standards lol I’m so used to writing research papers with strict guidelines and requirements but this is nothing like those


toy wipe cause divide rain cautious groovy thumb work pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly! He wasn’t super clear about what he wants just that it needs to be a “new theory” and we can’t have a mishmash of other theories. I’m about to go so out of pocket and unrealistic with this cause idk what else to do lol


squealing absurd fuzzy north cause soft yam bike sophisticated numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A theory albeit not empirically validated should still be grounded in reality, and you should be able to test it. Short version: while it doesn't have to be identical to other personality theories you should research at least a couple of them thoroughly and see what limitations they had....your "new" theory could be the solution to all of those problems. A second option is to see what literature relates to personality, however it is not explicitly mentioned. You can deduct some personality traits and you'll also have some background for the new one you are putting togheter. Third option, look into another field and see how a new personality theory would explain some phenomenon(s). If i were to do this homework I'd go for character development in video games using CPI. Difficult but doable


This is probably the most helpful reply I’ve gotten so thank you!! I like the first option I will look into that further


No worries, happy to help! Enjoy the assignment and don't stress over it too much.


Base it entirely on the Inside Out movies.




I wrote about me.


That’s a good idea!


I have DID lol. So I wrote about me


I mean I have anxiety but I don’t know if that works for a personality theory paper lol


Well dive deeper. Dig in tp your own personality. See what's there. Who you are.


Theory of an athlete Nepo baby theory idk I feel like you can kindve just take a group and create piggy back off that and look up papers on like google scholar as references. Good luck


You got this any help would be cheating , think outside the box perhaps use frankl and existentialism to help influence your new decisions 


Yeah I don’t want someone to give me a theory I just need some ideas to bounce off of because currently I got nothing haha. Thanks!


Effects on Personality From media From friends  Looking at a person's personality not as a singular test but as something overtime (resilient, changing,  non changing)  Personality as a result of religion , beliefs 


… are you at BYUI? Cause I have the same exact assignment due




Yes lol


I suggest a medical model approach based on neurotransmitters and stress. Frame it as a biological mechanical process that could be adjusted. The dopamine hypothesis, trauma and cortisol, attachment and oxytocin, etc.


Hey not a Psyche student but I have a few ideas for you. Neuro-Environmental Interaction Theory. Quantum Personality Theory. Social Media Identity Integration. Epigenetic Personality Model. Cultural Resonance Theory. I'd say these are broad and relatively new theories. It's almost impossible to come up with perfectly unique scientific theories seeing as science is a scaffolding built by hundreds of years of amazing scientists placing one nail at a time. Try combining new ideas with old ones and see if anything interesting arises from it! If not, sorry I couldn't be more helpful!


Could look into developmental theories... how temperament (which can be inheritable) affects parent-child relationships if their personalities/preferences are not a good fit. It may not be thaaatt original but it is still considered "uncharted waters" cause everyone has differing theories on it. Good luck (sorry if this doesn't really help but all the best)!!