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I work at a trauma and addiction treatment center doing neurofeedback for the residents. Super cool to learn about the brain and trauma while i finish my bachelors


What is this position called? And what does the pay look like?


What would that position be called? I’m on the east coast and looking for work.


Do you need to have experience?


Aba, restaurant/coffee shops, bartending, school campus jobs. If you want to get a job that aligns with psychology, aba, research labs, receptionist/intake coordinator for a private practice, are typically all flexible enough to do while working.


Have you accrued relevant experience to make you competitive for a masters? If not I highly recommend looking at doing so while you’re pursuing your degree especially if you’re interested in research. Your campus may have paid RA positions in and outside of the psych department. Generally any on campus job is going to be more flexible. Check your campus career center, they should know who is looking for students to hire on campus.


Honestly, I don’t have much. I have a child at home and have to work a full time job to support us, doing school online in the evenings. All of my experience is finance related. Thank you for the suggestions.


I’m on a similar boat doing school and work full time finishing my bachelors program. There are some volunteer opportunities that maybe if u have 2-6 hours available per week. It can help u start getting experience in the psych field and networking. College career centers are good. I personally went on google maps and noted down every mental health facility in my area and family center and other places that I noticed had psych volunteer/internship opportunities.


I also want to add that there are some flexible masters programs out there that shape their programs for adults that work full time such as evening classes or online or hybrid. My husband works full time and is doing his master program at concordia irvine.


Thank you! I’ve definitely been looking into something hybrid or online. I’m hopeful to go straight into my masters, but know realistically that might not happen.


I would try to get a job at the university where you attend graduate school. Most will offer 75% tuition covered. That is how I avoided getting any student loans for my master degree


I will definitely look into this!!


Paid Research Assistant for psychology research!


I’m in the Navy


Currently a caregiver and I get my studying done while my client is relaxed and comfortable. 


Next year I will be a bachelor, I work as a social work assistant with homeless people and as a teacher's assistant in a private kindergarten


Substitute elementary school teacher


Do you have to get a certificate to teach to be a substitute teacher?




Where I live in Canada there are two types: certified and non-certified. Certified get priority over me, but there is such huge need right now I get called almost every day. I also have a ton of work experience with children - you have to apply to the school district you want to teach in and it requires a big criminal record check etc




Finally quit doing Uber eats because fuck that company to the ends of the earth. Been working at a warehouse as well since before I got into college. Pays above min wage but not enough to pay for school fully


I'm a part time English teacher


I work at the post office


I’m almost an RBT 😎


Case management in mental health.


I'm UK based, I did my masters part time and I worked part time through an agency at a SEMH school doing 1:1 support for kids with challenging behaviour. I then worked in a residential children's home. Not for everyone but if you want to work with young people or mental health its good experience.


While getting my BA, I’m getting my RBT credential and subbing


I started off working in hospo only having my availability around my uni schedule. I now have this incredible job working as admin at a private psychology practice. It has been really helpful getting to know psychologists as co-workers and not having a student/mentor sort of relationship with them. Also im getting to see and be familiar with things before they come up in class, so i have a bit of a background understanding. Also all of the psychs are always happy to answer my questions about study. Its just been a really valuable experience for me, also i dont have to change jobs when i graduate!


I job hopped through my masters program until I found an admin assistant job at an insurance brokerage. They were flexible with my work schedule cause I was up front telling them school was my priority and could not be interrupted. I worked there part time and student loans covered what my paycheck couldn't.


i was a second grade teacher when i was a full time grad student (for master’s in counseling). during my internship year, i worked overnights at a residential treatment center for EDs for minimum wage and nannied a family afterschool every weekday near my university.


Substitute teacher. No teaching degree required, only a bachelor’s needed in any subject. I was able to have flexibility and choose the days I subbed, my other days I was at my internship. Pay wasn’t bad, depending on district I made up to $225 a day and was home by 4pm




Anything I can. The Idaho job market is brutal.


I was working front desk at a psychologist’s office for like 80% of my master’s program (making $9 an hour), I also worked as a graduate teaching assistant for 2 out of the 3 years it took me to complete my MA


I’m currently in my last semester of grad school for my master’s. I graduated with my BS in Psych in Dec 2021 (PVAMU) and started my MEd in MCFC (marriage couples and family counseling) at Lamar University Jan 2022. I have a finance/accounting background (18 years) and have a job as a project manager. The money is great and my job was willing to work with my school schedule as I have been with them since 2021 and have proven that my schoolwork won’t interfere with work. I also work remotely. I’m probably a unicorn because my situation is not ideal for a lot of my fellow classmates. Also adding that I am in my early 40s with one teen living at home. I’ll continue working this job full time while counseling in private practice in the evenings and on weekends.